Panhellenic Sorority Recruitment Guide 2015

Page 1

University of Missouri - St. Louis

Guide to

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Dear potential ne

Table of Contents Introduction


Know The Lingo: Greek Terminology 101


Why Join a Panhellenic Sorority?


University of Missouri-St. Louis Panhellenic Traditions


Formal Recruitment Information


Panhellenic Sorority Chapters


y Panhellenic sororit e considering the ar is u yo on at iti th ad tr ed fe cit Li I am so ex & Sorority SL! The Fraternity hip, and dership, scholars community at UM lea p, hi ds en fri of t en itm a lifetime comm service. e that make up thre rorities at UMSL so d s an rn es ve iti go rn at te th We have 14 fra ty Council (IFC) s: the Interfraterni uncil (MGC) governing council the Multi-Greek Co ; es iti rn te fra ed as n fraternities the three campus-b lly African-America ica or st hi e th ts d the Panhellenic which represen de in St. Louis; an wi ycit e ar at and potentially th and sororities ies you will meet rit ro so e th s de inclu cils oversee the Association, which d. All of these coun rio pe t ll as en tm ui cr re tive chapters as we join through this ses for the respec es oc pr . ke ta SL in d UM recruitment an & Sorority Life at cate for Fraternity support and advo & Sorority Life of the Fraternity rs lla pi n ai m e re There are th in common: all chapters have community which sure all of its unity strives to en m m co r Ou e: nc gularly achieves a Scholastic Excelle classroom and re e th in l sfu es cc su members are age. e all-campus aver GPA higher than th e chapters have nthropy: All of th ila Ph al & ice rv Se ives benefiting loc Community ilanthropy initiat ph rs d be an em m ice y rv rit se ro n so their ow ternity and fra ly, al nu An 0. . ts 00 5, and national effor hours and over $2 ned 4,000 service contribute a combi fraternity or ing a member of a Be : od ho er st Si & rs that share the Brotherhood longing with othe be of e ns se a s er ovides a space of sorority off ng commitment pr elo lif is Th . es lu va same ce, and unity. respect, acceptan at UMSL, just for your time t no is y rit ro so or urself or your Joining a fraternity hing bigger than yo et m so to rnal t en itm to start your frate but rather a comm you have decided is at th th ut ed ho cit ug ex ro so of luck th chapter. I am I wish you the best . to d SL ar UM rw at fo k us loo th journey wi urce for you. I n an ally and reso onally. process and remai sionally, and pers es of emically, pr ad ac ow gr u yo g seein , Go Tritons! Welcome to UMSL

Colleen Pace

Life and & Sorority r Fraternity Coordinato anizations rg O t en d Stu dent Life Office of Stu t. Louis Missouri- S of ty Universi



Hello, and welcome to formal recruitment for UMSL’s Panhellenic Sororities! My name is Jade Kiser and I am the president of the Collegiate Panhellenic Association here at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. My role is to oversee everything that sorority life entails: recruitment, public relations, new member education, programming, and risk management (just to name a few). Our executive board is composed of six sorority women who are responsible for each of these individual areas. I’m lucky to work with such a great team! When I started the recruitment process as a potential new member in fall 2012, I was a bundle of nerves but so excited to start one of the most unique and rewarding experiences of my college career. I wanted to become engaged in philanthropy, connect with a tradition, and truly become a sister within one of these respected organizations. As I went through new member education, I began to realize that these reasons were just the surface of what Panhellenic life is all about—a ritual that encompasses values embraced by our founders, a deep appreciation for fellow organizations, and the empowerment of us women to truly find our voice. As I enter my last year here in UMSL Fraternity & Sorority Life, I’ve begun to reflect on and understand everything that this community has given to me. My time as an undergraduate sorority woman has not defined me, but it has shaped my outlook and attitude as I enter the next chapter of my life. It is my greatest wish to pass on this legacy to you, the potential new members for formal recruitment Fall 2015. Best of luck,

Jade Kiser President, Collegiate Panhellenic Association


Dear Future Panhellenic Women, My name is Beth Schaffter and I am the Vice President of Recruitment here at UMSL. I want to start by personally welcoming you to the Panhellenic Recruitment process. My role in Sorority Recruitment is to make sure that everything works like a well-oiled machine and help you and the other women that are going through this process find the home that is right for you. The executive board, your recruitment coaches, and I are all here to help you through this process in any way that we can. Please ask us any questions that you have, or let us know any of your concerns. It is what we are here for! When I first came to UMSL, I never saw myself joining a sorority. It was never something that crossed my mind. Sure, I saw sororities on TV and in movies all throughout my life, but as you will find out while going through this process, those forms of media do not do the women of these organizations and the organizations themselves, justice. They strongly degrade what the actual experience behind being in a sorority is. These are the women that you will be friends with for life and you can make connections with so many people along the way. Being a part of one of these organizations means that you are wanting to better the world in which you live, whether that is by being kind to those that are your sisters, donating your time and money to the philanthropies that we participate in, helping build the Fraternity and Sorority Life community here at UMSL, or even just bettering yourself. As I reflect on my time in my sorority, I would not give it up for the world, and I am so glad to be able to take off my letters for this week to help you find, what I hope is, your new home. Best Wishes,

Beth Schaffter Panhellenic Vice President of Recruitment


Know the Lingo - Greek Terminology 101 Active: A member who has been initiated into lifelong fraternity or sorority membership and is active at the collegiate level. Alumna/ Alumnus: An initiated sorority member who is no longer in college.

New Member: A woman or man who has accepted a bid to join a sorority or fraternity but has not been initiated. Order of Omega: National Greek leadership honorary organization. Panhellenic Council: The governing body for the social sororities.

Bid: Formal invitation to join a sorority or fraternity. During Formal Recruitment, no bid (verbal or written) will be extended except through Panhellenic. A bid issued in any other manner is not binding and is in violation of Panhellenic rules.

Philanthropy: A charitable/fundraising sponsored event.

Chapter: A collegiate/local branch of a national fraternal organization.

Prophyte: Veteran member of an NPHC organization.

Formal Recruitment: The period of time set aside by IFC and PHA for meeting potential new members Fraternity: Originating from the Greek word “phratar,” meaning member of a group, this is the term most commonly used to refer to Greek-letter societies for men. Some sororities are actually women’s fraternities. Initiation: Formal ceremony that brings a new member into full membership Intake: The process by which NPHC or MGC organizations recruit new members. Interfraternity Council (IFC): A collegiate representative governing body of greek social fraternities. Legacy: A potential member whose immediate family member or grandparent is in a fraternity or sorority.

Potential New Member (PNM): Any man or woman interested in becoming a member of a social Greek-letter organization who is eligible to join according to specific council requirements. Recruitment Coach: An initiated member of a sorority who completely disaffiliates from her chapter in order to guide potential new members through the recruitment process Ritual: The traditional beliefs, ceremonies, and oaths of a fraternity or sorority. Sister/Brother: A term used by members of a sorority or fraternity when referring to other members. Single Intentional Preference: An occurrence when a potential member only lists one NPC sorority on her preference card when she has several options. *This is NOT recommended or condoned by Panhellenic or any of the member chapters* Sorority: A Greek-letter sisterhood committed to high standards of service and friendship; also called a women’s fraternity.

Line: A group of new members in a specific NPHC chapter that were initiated during the same semester; also referred to as “Ship” National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC): A governing body composed of nine national, historically African American sororities and fraternities. NPC (National Panhellenic Conference): The coordinating body for all college Panhellenic Councils in the United States and Canada that governs the 26 member inter/national sororities. Neophyte (Neo): New member of an NPHC organization; also referred to as “Neo”



Why Join a y? t i r o r o S c i n e ll e h n Pa All three of these sororities offer to you the options to serve your community, philanthropy opportunities, social events, leadership opportunities, and friends for life. Joining a sorority gives you the chance to share your college experience with others and enhance your college career beyond anything you could have imagined. Panhellenic sororities encourage women to be the best version of themselves through sisterhood and shared values. Through membership, women maintain a high level of accomplishment and involvement on campus, promote superior scholarship, and hold themselves to high social and moral standards. Joining a sorority is a great way to find a smaller support network within the large UMSL community. Many members will tell you that they have found their best and deepest relationships through their sorority. Whether you need a study buddy, a shoulder to lean on, or just someone to have fun with, you will be able to find that through your sisterhood. After your time at UMSL, you’ll not only remember the classes and the social activities, but also the relationships and friendships that you formed in your chapter and in the larger Fraternity & Sorority Life community.

Community service and philanthropy play a huge role within Panhellenic sororities. Each chapter and national organization has their own charitable organization to which they continually donate and serve. Any given semester the chapters are raising funds to donate, holding awareness campaigns, or actively serving the organization at an event in the St. Louis area. In addition to their organizational service and philanthropy initiatives, sorority members often support the efforts of other Fraternity & Sorority Life organizations by attending events and assisting with publicity. During Greek Week, all of the sororities also participate in service and philanthropy that benefits the surrounding UMSL community. No matter your reason for joining a Panhellenic sorority, you will get out what you put in and your experience will be one you will never forget. You will meet others who will enrich your time at UMSL, find ways to elevate yourself and build your resume for life after college, and continually give back to the community that made the experience possible for you. 

There are numerous leadership opportunities available when you join a sorority. Within each chapter there are multiple ways to get involved and hold a position. You can also hold a position outside your chapter within the larger Fraternity & Sorority Life community. Whether it is serving on Panhellenic as a delegate or Executive Board member, representing your chapter at Greek Week Steering Meetings, or joining Order of Omega, the opportunities are endless. In addition to opportunities within the community, you’ll also be more connected to organizations and leadership positions outside of Fraternity & Sorority Life. Sorority women often participate in the University Program Board, Student Government Association, become an Orientation Leader or WOW Crew Leader, or hold on-campus jobs to help cover tuition and dues.



c i n e l l e h n Pa ions Tradit Greek Week

Greek Week is an annual series of events for the UMSL fraternities and sororities to showcase their pride and unity. Throughout the week the chapters compete in sporting events, trivia, window painting, community service, and philanthropy to see who will be crowned Greek Week Champion. This year the chapter collected over 2,000 pieces of food and 943 shoes to be donated to local charities and churches.

Stand Up Stand Out

Big Man on Campus

Stand up! Stand out! is a program to reinvigorate self confidence and empower women in sororities and all over campus! It is designed to be a fun, interactive, and educational presentation for women on campus. The specific topic of the program varies each year but is usually centered around: body image and eating disorders; romantic and sexual relationships; effects of alcohol and drug abuse; coping with stress and pressure; hazing and risk management; stereotypes and media portrayals of women.

Each year Panhellenic hosts Big Man On Campus during Homecoming Week, which takes place in the Spring semester. Any student group or organization can nominate a male to participate in the week-long competition comprised of Bucket Wars, Penny Wars, and ending with a Beauty Pageant. Through this event, Panhellenic has created a relationship with Girls Inc., a local nonprofit that empowers young girls to stay in school and be successful through college. All proceeds from Big Man On Campus go directly to Girls Inc.



Recruitment Schedule

There are three different rounds to Sorority Recruitment: • Open House Round (September 9th, 10th, and 11th): During these events you will have the opportunity to learn more about each chapter. Each event is dedicated to one of the pillars of Sorority Life: Academics & Campus Involvement, Philanthropy & Service, and Sisterhood. You must visit each chapter two times between Wednesday night and Friday morning. We realize you may have other commitments, just make sure that you visit each chapter twice. If you have any scheduling concerns, just email or talk to your Recruitment Coach and she will help you.

Wednesday, September 9th: 5pm-9pm Thursday, September 10: 5pm-9pm Friday, September 11th: 10am-1pm

Formal Recruitment nI formation

To register for recruitment, visit umsl.mycampusdirector. com. The registration fee is $30 until September 3rd, after September 3rd the registration fee will go up to $35. This fee will cover your t-shirt for the open-house round as well as snacks and refreshments during recruitment. You can pay online when you register or at any Panhellenic event prior to recruitment.


• Invitation Round (September 11th): Invitation Round is a chance to get to know the sororities on a more personal level. It is slightly more formal than the previous visits and gives you an opportunity to get to know the women on a deeper level. Each event is scheduled and only open to those who receive invitations. Attendance at all Invitation events to which you are invited is mandatory to be eligible for membership. We will attempt to work around class schedules and campus conflicts but work is not an excuse. If you have any questions, contact the College Panhellenic Council at After attending the events you are invited to, you will choose which two sororities you would like to visit for the Preference event held on Friday. Friday, September 11th: 5:30pm (ending times vary based on invitations)

• Preference Round (September 12th): This round is more formal and

structured than the previous nights. This is the last chance you have to talk with the chapters, so be sure to address any questions you may still have. Each event is scheduled and only open to those who receive invitations. Attendance at all Preference Night events to which you are invited is mandatory to be eligible for membership. We will attempt to work around class schedules and campus conflicts but work is not an excuse. If you have any questions, contact the College Panhellenic Council at After attending the events you were invited to, you will fill out a Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement within one half hour and once it is submitted no changes can be made.

Saturday, September 12th: 4:30pm (ending times vary based on invitations)

• Bid Day!:Today is the day that bids are handed out! You will also find out

to which chapters your recruitment coachs and Panhellenic Executives belong. Chapters will have shirts to hand out to new members so wear something you can easily slip a t-shirt over. Be prepared to spend the afternoon bonding with your new sisters! Sometimes chapters stay at their houses or on campus, other times they travel to a local park or museum to celebrate their newest sisters and the return of their members from Panhellenic and Recruitment Coaches! Either way, Bid Day is a fun celebration and marks the first day of your membership as a sorority woman!

Sunday, September 13 @ 11:30am


Formal Recruitment Information

What to Wear

Open House Round: September 9, 10, & 11

During the open house round, potential new members should dress casually in jeans or shorts and the Recruitment T-shirt. Most potential new members wear sandals or flats, although any type of footwear is acceptable. You will receive your shirt when you arrive for the orientation, right before each Open House round on the 9th-11th. Panhellenic will do their best to ensure all potential new members get the size that they ordered or a close alternative.

Invitation Round: September 11

The invitation round is dressier than the Open House round- skirts, dresses, and dress shoes or nice sandals are recommended. Sundress, nice capris or skirt and a nice top are also acceptable. Some potential new members wear heels, but be conscious that you will be walking up and down many stairs throughout the day. Many potential new members bring an extra pair of shoes to walk around in between events.

Preference: September 12

Preference is a special night during recruitment. The chapters will be including potential new members in part of their ritual. As such, formal wear such as a black cocktail dress or skirt and blouse with nice jewelry are recommended.

Bid Day: September 13

Bid Day is the day bids are handed out! Chapters will have shirts to hand out to new members so wear something you can easily slip a t-shirt over. Be prepared to spend the afternoon bonding with your new sisters! Sometimes chapters stay at their houses or on campus, other times they travel to a local park or museum to celebrate their newest sisters.


Dress Code

If you aren’t sure what to wear or whether or not an outfit is appropriate, contact your Recruitment Coach for her opinion. They are here to help you with anything you need!

Mandatory Attendance

Potential New Members must visit each chapter twice by the end of all recruitment activities on Friday morning in order to be eligible for Invitation and Preference rounds. Once you have participated in a chapter’s activities for the day, you will receive a stamp on your recruitment passport to verify your attendance. As a reminder, to be eligible to participate in the Invitation and Preference round activities, you must visit each chapter at least twice by the end of the two events on Friday. Panhellenic has a mandatory attendance policy. When a potential new member is invited back to a chapter event, she is required to attend. The recruitment process does not allow for potential new members to skip chapter events that they do not wish to attend. Recruitment events take a backseat to class, athletic practice, etc. Just make sure you meet the two-visit minimum to each chapter by Friday. If you have a conflict or will not be able to attend the events, make sure you let your Recruitment Coach know as soon as possible. We will attempt to work around class schedules and campus conflicts but work is not an excuse. Panhellenic encourages chapters to invite back potential new members who miss events due to conflicts, but an invitation back to chapters you have missed events with is not guaranteed. If you have any questions, contact the College Panhellenic Council at

Signing and Accepting a Bid

After the Preference Round, potential new members will be asked to fill out the preference card by hand and on the computer. By signing the preference card, the potential new member is making a binding agreement that she will accept a bid from those sororities that she lists in order of preference on her card. Should a woman receive a bid from a sorority and decide not to join the sorority, she will not be able to join another NPC sorority for one calendar year.

Potential New Member Rights

• All potential new members have the following rights: • Be recognized as the unique individual she was born to be; • Have a full understanding of the recruitment rules and regulations; • Utilize Recruitment Coaches as a guide and to objectively answer questions; • Be treated with respect by all members and parts of the recruitment process; • Be in a recruitment atmosphere of equality


Recruitment Behavior Expectations

Regulations surrounding the interactions among potential new members and sisters


• You must attend all scheduled recruitment parties and events • All sororities deserve and require equal respect from potential new members. In addition, all sorority members must respect you by not bad mouthing other sororities or making you feel inferior. If there is a time when you feel a sister has been disrespectful toward you, please let your Recruitment Coach know as soon as possible. • You may not make negative remarks regarding any sorority to any sorority member or other potential new member. Only with your Recruitment Coach should you express any personal opinions. As you go through the recruitment process, it is essential to keep an open mind and arrive at a decision that represents your true self and not the opinions of others. • Sorority members may not ask you about other recruitment events you’ve attended, whether you are a legacy, or about other potential new members you may know in recruitment. Be aware that these questions are inappropriate and do not require your response. If any inappropriate questions are directed towards you, tell your recruitment coach immediately following the party. • You may not accept ANY type of gifts, favors, letters, meals, or paraphernalia before or during the recruitment process. If anything is offered to you, please let your Recruitment Coach know immediately. • You may not discuss rumors, social gatherings, hazing, stereotypes, etc. with any other potential new members or sorority members. Make your Recruitment Coach aware immediately if any sorority member discusses these issues with you. If you are curious about any of these issues and have questions, please direct them to your Recruitment Coach. • You may not ask sorority members about social functions, social calendars, or fraternities. • Any contact with sorority members pertaining to the recruitment process is strictly prohibited. This includes Facebook, Twitter, e-mail, text messaging, etc. If you have any questions about sorority recruitment, ask your Recruitment Coach. • Upon completing a recruitment event, do not discuss your personal opinions with other potential new members. You may use this booklet to write down notes after each round to record your opinions. You may also have private conversations with your Recruitment Coach but you should not be having open discussions with other potential new members. • YOU MAY NOT ATTEND SOCIAL EVENTS WITH SORORITY MEMBERS. This includes athletic events, off-campus events, parties, meals, etc. • As potential sorority women, you are expected to have similar rules regarding social events the weeks leading up to recruitment and during the recruitment process. In this case, you are not allowed to attend any UMSL related fraternity parties from August 15-September 13, 2015 • Attempting to find out the affiliations of the Recruitment Coaches, overall recruitment team, and the Panhellenic Council is strictly prohibited. • You must exude proper behavior during recruitment events (no swearing, smoking, gum chewing, etc.).

Hints for a Successful Sorority Recruitment

Because sorority recruitment is such a formal and intricate process, be sure to budget your time wisely. It is essential to get plenty of sleep and not to lose sight of your academic goals. Throughout the recruitment process you’ll be meeting lots of women who will become lifelong friends. In order for you to get the best experience meeting the many women in the recruitment process, you must keep an open mind and rely upon your own opinions, not those of the people around you. By doing so, you will find yourself in the sorority that you were meant to be in all along. Use your Recruitment Coach. Recruitment Coaches are active sorority women, they have all been through the process before and have chosen to disassociate from their chapters before and during recruitment. This ensures potential new members have an unbiased coach with whom they can discuss things openly and honestly. Be yourself. Don’t try to be someone else during recruitment just because you may think you’re supposed to act a certain way. It’s important to remember who you are as an individual. Each chapter has its own personality and is full of women with whom you may click. You’re going to be in the sorority for life and chapters want to recruit the true you, not someone you may pretend to be during recruitment. Stay open minded. You may not always get your top choices on your schedules at the beginning of each round, but don’t feel defeated by this! Many times women who go through recruitment realize how much their opinion of each chapter changes throughout the course of recruitment. It is difficult to get an all-encompassing feel for the chapter during the first few rounds of because they are short and you may only talk to one or two women. That’s why it’s important to listen to your own opinions and not let other’s viewpoints influence your decisions about which parties to go to in the following rounds. Budget your time. Because recruitment can be so fun and all-consuming, it is important to budget your time. It can be easy to let academics, proper sleep, and nutrition fall by the wayside. In order to have the best possible recruitment, remember to save time for homework, meals, and sleep. Attempt to meet many members of each chapter. Each chapter is full of a variety of women, some of whom you may get along with better than others. It’s important to meet more than just a handful of women in order to get a better grasp of what the sorority is like as a whole. Ask about finances and housing. The financial obligations of joining a sorority vary for each chapter, and you have the right to know about each chapter’s individual obligations. Your Recruitment Coach may be another good resource. In addition, housing is a great topic to discuss with sorority members. Living in a sorority house is an exciting advantage of being in a sorority, but each chapter has a different way of determining who lives in the house.


Spend time with your recruitment group. You’ll be able to meet so many sorority women and potential new members during formal recruitment. It is a great opportunity to find friends that you may keep throughout your years at the UMSL, and some of the members of your recruitment group might also become your sisters. Those who don’t may also be in other chapters, and you’ll be able to see them at the various Fraternity & Sorority Life events throughout the year. It’s nice to have friends in other chapters as you may spend a lot of time with the fraternity and sorority community as a whole. Trust the process. It’s normal to feel stressed and overwhelmed during recruitment, but stay with it and focus on having fun! You will end up in the chapter that you were meant to be in and you’ll meet hundreds of great people in the process.

Hazing Policy

Hazing, defined by the Fraternity Executive Association and accepted by the University of Missouri St. Louis, is any intentional action taken or situation created, whether on or off University or chapter premises, that produces mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule. This includes but is not limited to: paddling in any form, creation of excessive fatigue, physical or psychological shocks, wearing apparel in public, stunts and buffoonery, morally degrading or humiliating games and activities, involuntary labor, or any activity not consistent with the University Of Missouri Board Of Curators Standard Of Student Conduct.

The University of Missouri-St. Louis does not condone nor tolerate hazing of any type by any organization, or by an individual against another individual. The University and the Office of Student Life will investigate any incident in which a charge of hazing has been made. University recognition may be temporarily withdrawn pending hearings and due process procedures. Should it be determined that a student organization or any of its members is guilty of hazing as previously defined, university sanctions may include but are not limited to: 1. Automatic and indefinite suspension of campus recognition with an accompanying loss of all campus privileges, (i.e. use of facilities, student services, etc.) 2. Disciplinary action against those members involved in the incident(s) including suspension or expulsion from the University.

Alcohol and Recruitment 18

• Alcohol use is strictly prohibited at any and all fraternity or sorority recruitment activity. • Each fraternity and sorority at UMSL abides by Missouri State Law and forbids all alcohol use by members under the age of 21 years at any and all chapter functions. • Any student or chapter found in violation of this policy will be dismissed from the recruitment process and face additional repercussions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I have to register for sorority recruitment? A: Yes, you must register either at Meet the Greeks or online at umsl. in order for information about you to be collected. This registration also allows you to be assigned to a recruitment group and a schedule for recruitment. The recruitment process is explained in detail throughout this booklet and can be explained further by your recruitment coach. Q: Do sorority women have friends in other sororities and outside the Greek community? A: Yes. Sorority women are involved in activities throughout campus and are a part of many different social circles, not just their individual chapters. Many Greek women are very close to women in other chapters and with women they were friends with before recruitment. Joining Greek Life is an opportunity to make more friends, not to lose ones that you previously had. Q: How do I know who my recruitment coach is, and where do I meet her? A: Registered potential new members will meet their assigned recruitment coaches at orientation (September 9). From there, your recruitment coach will tell you how to get in contact with her and where to meet with your group before each round of recruitment begins. It is the responsibility of the recruitment coach to make sure that each potential new member in your group is aware of when and where to be each day Q: Outside recruitment, can I talk to sorority women? A: To ensure a fair and pressure-free process, there is a period of limited contact between sorority women and potential new members when they are not at recruitment events. From the day potential new members arrive on campus until the end of recruitment, preplanned contact is prohibited between potential new members and sorority women. This includes calls, e-mails, texts, letters, face-to face communication, Facebook, Twitter, etc. This is an extremely important rule. If a sorority member contacts you, she is putting her entire chapter at risk for judicial sanctions and is undermining the spirit of our Panhellenic community. You have the right to a confidential and fair recruitment process. If you have any questions about how to interact with sorority women in any range of situations from the time you arrive on campus through formal recruitment, talk to your recruitment coach. Q: What do I wear? A: Check out pictures included in this booklet with the schedule on 9 & 10. Q: What happens at a recruitment event? A: A recruitment event is a time set aside for potential new members to learn more about individual chapters and for chapter members to learn more about potential new members. Q: What about rumors? A: It is possible you may hear rumors about chapters and chapter members. Speaking unfavorably of a chapter, chapter member, or another potential new member could result in influencing someone’s recruitment experience and possibly hurting someone’s feelings. If you encounter any negative comments or


behavior from chapter members or other potential new members, do not hesitate to report it to a Recruitment coach, Panhellenic Executive, or Greek Life Advisor. Q: I have a schedule conflict during recruitment week. Can I still participate? A: Our recruitment process is designed to work around your schedule. Potential new members have the opportunity to attend recruitment events on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday morning. Women must attend two recruitment events of each chapter by Friday afternoon. Q: What about invitation night & preference night? Do I have to attend those events the entire time? A: If you are invited to an invitation night and/or preference night event by a chapter, you must attend their event for the entire time to be eligible for membership in any chapter. Panhellenic will work with any woman who has a campus-related conflict such as class or athletic practice. We do not make special accommodations for work conflicts. Please plan on attending for the duration of the events on both Friday night and Saturday. Q: How much time is needed to be involved in a sorority? A: You will determine your level of involvement in the chapter after initiation, although the more effort you put into it, the more reward you ultimately will get out of it. During your new member period, there will be weekly meetings, social gatherings, and community service projects. Q: I’m not sure I am financially able to pay for sorority membership. A: Should I still go through recruitment? Many chapters offer payment plans and scholarships. It is true that sorority membership does cost money, but the chapters are willing to work with you on ways for you to make those payments to suit your needs.



a t l e D i X a Alph



The Pen is M ightier than the Sword • • • • • • •



Double Blue & Gold

(Dark & light blue)

Nickname: Alpha Xi, AXi, AXiD Philanthropy: Autism Speaks UMSL Founding Day: January 27, 1968 National Founding Day: April 17, 1893 Colors: Double Blue (Dark & light blue) & Gold Motto: The Pen is Mightier than the Sword New Member GPA requirement: 2.75(high school) or 2.5(college) 23

Delta Zeta



Enric hing • • • • • • •



Rose & Green

Nickname: DeeZee, Delta Zee Philanthropy: Speech and Hearing UMSL Founding Day: March 2, 1968 National Founding Day: October 24, 1902 Colors: Rose and Green Motto: Enriching New Member GPA Requirement: 2.7


a h p l A u a T Zeta

Notes Motto:

Seek the Noblest • • • • • • •



Turquoise Blue & Steel Gray

Nickname: Zeta Philanthropy: Breast Cancer Awareness & Education UMSL Founding Day: August 27, 1977 National Founding Day: October 15, 1898 Colors: Turquoise Blue & Steel Gray Motto: Seek the Noblest New Member GPA requirement: 2.5

27 314-516-5291 28

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