Colleen Toombs Advertising Portfolio
Celebrating Failure
I have failed many times. I have worked hard to do something, and had it not work out at all in the end. The difference between the majority of people that have moments of failure and me is that I always get back up and try again. I am not scared of failure. I fail hard often but don’t let it get me down. It began in my early ages of elementary school when I ran in the election for student council a total of six times and never once won. I had friends being reelected year after year but never once did I win. I was the poster child for “If you don’t succeed try, try again”. Rather then crying and closeting myself from my peers for weeks after losing yet another election, my family would get excited and take me out to what we began to routinely call “Failure Dinners”. We would celebrate the determination it took to put myself out there and challenge the after affects of losing with a fun time that had no room for tears. It has continued on with the most recent dinner being the celebration of my youngest brother failing his drivers test. I have grown up not afraid of the word failure. Rather then running from any signs of a challenge, I take them on headfirst and work as hard as I can and am not afraid of the end result. This mentality has not only helped me become the strong person I believe I am, but also led me to my passion for advertising. Working with groups in this industry I have learned the importance of a positive environment that also, like the Toombs family tradition, accepts failing ideas. Rather then harp on the ones that don’t work out we, as advertisers, are trained to transform failing ideas into successful ones. There is no time to hide from your co-workers when your idea is shot down, but instead you work together to make it better. It is this mentality that makes successful campaigns, agencies and individuals, and is the reason I am so passionate about being apart of this industry.
Advertising Work
“Nothing is original, Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable; originality is non-existent. And don’t bother concealing your thievry-- celebrate it if you feel like it. In any case, always remember what Jean-Luc Godard said: “It’s not where you take things from -- it’s where you take them to.” -Jum Jarmusch
AAF Student Competition The Century Council
Client: The Century Council- AAF National Student Competition Upstream Advertising March 2008- Present Account Executive: In charge of managing twenty people in the planning and execution of advertising campaign to help avoid dangerous over consumption of alcohol by college students. Being among the target of this campaign, college students ages 1824, our team began with a ton of self-examination on why we as college students drink and why the attempts to stop binge drinking have not worked with us in the past. In the process I have gained a lot of insight on how we, as the millennial generation, respond to media as well as the value of creating a message and tactics that fit seamlessly into the already existing college lifestyle.
Coconut Bliss
Client: Luna & Larry’s Coconut Bliss Campaigns Capstone Class- Nella Advertising October-January 2008 Account Manager: Manage team of four to create campaign for the client as they expand from small local product to a nationally recognized brand. Working on this campaign I gained a lot of insight on the importance of a strong understanding and relationship with your client. After talking with Larry about his history, values and what made this product what it is today; we were able to create a campaign that highlighted their unique story in a way that would help them expand nationally based on the same values that made them a solid local product.
Allen Hall Advertising
Allen Hall Advertising October-June 2008 Finance Director: Created basic financial forms for student run agency and worked closely with account managers and Journalism School financial directors to figure out budget and manage spending for numerous accounts. I helped budget for Project Re, a new sustainability account on campus, and the New Venture Championship competition account. I helped account managers come up with cost effective ways to execute different tactics while learning how to create easy to read budgets, client contracts, and reimbursement forms.
Client: New Venture Championship January-March 2007 Account Planner: Created brand awareness and helped with marketing strategy for new online social networking website. is a company started by business students at the University of Oregon. Helping them prepare for the sites launch, we learned a lot about social networking and how we could best pull golfers that would not necessarily be interested going online to talk about golf in. We helped the company establish a more focused target and made promotional products to create awareness of the brand in its early stages.
Creative Briefs
- Dove - Microsoft Tablet PC - The Fashion Channel - Vans
Dove: Evolution of a Brand Creative Brief
Objective: The main objective is to not only continue, but also step up Dove’s “Campaign for Real Beauty” with a more proactive approach on tackling the issues that women face regarding body image. Target: Our target will be women ages 15-35. We feel that this age group covers those that are most affected by the skewed view of what “real beauty” is as it is portrayed in the media and in our culture. We believe that by taking action on this issue as a company, this age group will be most inclined to reciprocate and appreciate the message being portrayed. Current Perception: The majority of our audience believes that Dove has created an interesting concept but not seen much more then simply ads and a good tagline. There is also a small portion of our audience that is angered by the mixed values that Unilever is portraying as a corporation with Axe, another company of theirs. The Axe campaigns encourage men to attract women that appear to be the opposite of the idea of “real beauty”.
Single Most Important Thought: To strengthen “The Campaign For Real Beauty” by making the consumer feel as though they are a part of the revolution to help change the perception of what real beauty is. Reason Why: -By going out into the community Dove/Unilever will be able to show people that real beauty is actually a value of theirs and that they are going to help build a campaign that will make others feel more beautiful -Women in this target will want to be apart of anything that makes them feel better about their appearance. -Actions speak louder then words: Dove has the opportunity to show they really care about this. The After Thought: We want the consumer to feel as though they have been apart of a revolution to change the perception of real beauty. They should walk away from the message thinking higher of themselves, less judgmental of others, and wanting to spread the word themselves. We want them to not be fazed by irrational looks/body figures and believe that they are beautiful because they are real. “I feel good about myself for once. What a great idea of Dove”
Microsoft Tablet PC Creative Brief
Objective: The main objective is to create awareness to the target of the many new attributes that Microsoft has to offer on its new Tablet PC. Target: After examining the potential target audiences we have decided to target the early adopters/techies. We believe that by advertising it as the “high end laptop� it will be most attractive to those that are looking to be the first with the next piece of innovative technology. Current Perception: Consumers currently believe that the product’s programs will be faulty or too complex to use as past similar products have proven to be true.
Single Most Important Thought: Those that are investing in new technology will feel that the Tablet PC is a innovative, “must have�, user-friendly piece of technological equipment. Reason Why: -Updated technology will create convenience to consumer in many ways that were previously not available. -Simplifies the more complex stationary computer idea to a simple handy house/office tool. The After Thought: After seeing the Tablet PC we want the consumer to be aware of the convenience and increased accessibility that is available by purchasing it. We want the consumer to feel as though by owning the Tablet PC their sometimes arduous or obnoxious daily tasks will be simplified due to the many easy to use, never before programs. By creating the Tablet PC consumers will feel that they have the most technologically advanced laptop that has many innovative programs that will empower them in the world of technology.
The Fashion Channel Creative Brief
Objective: The main objective is to identify with the target and generate a more consistent interest and brand loyalty to The Fashion Channel rather then upcoming competitive threats. Target: After examining the “clusters� group with similar interests that watch the Fashion Channel, we have decided that the group of 18-34 year old women is our target. The decision was made because of the fact that each of the clusters had women from this demographic apart of it, which allows for wide variance of programming that would still hold on to those that are not in the target that enjoy specific programs. This target, we believe, has the most potential to increase, while we will still be maintaining the interest and loyalty from previous non-targeted viewers. Current Perception: The majority of our audience enjoys learning about fashion but does not have a specific loyalty to where the information they are getting is coming from. Our target considers The Fashion Channel as another stop on their search for something to watch but does not prioritize it.
Single Most Important Thought: The target will look to The Fashion Channel for all of their fashion knowledge and entertainment. Reason Why: -Many different programs that will pinpoint specifics on fashion. If one program makes someone feel more fashion savvy then why would they not watch the following program? -Women of this demographic are trying to always look their best and impress and The Fashion Channel will help them do this. The After Thought: After watching The Fashion Channel we want the consumer to make fashion purchasing decisions differently with the programs in mind, and to continue to watch more programs on the channel with the thought that if one made them feel/look better then they will have confidence in the network that the next show will do the same. After Thought Dialogue: “Jen from The Fashion Channel said tat boots make my legs seem more slimming. I have to have these.” “I don’t like my skin. It keeps breaking out. I wonder what the Fashion Channel says about skin care. I should see if there is an upcoming program.”
Creative Brief
Objective: The objective is to expand the Vans brand without compromising any of the authenticity or stem to far from the target that they were created and became popular for, which are those that participate in extreme sports. Target: After reviewing all of the information, we believe that Vans should target those that are among the extreme sport population, which is primarily a younger audience. By sticking to the people that have been loyal to the lifestyle Vans was created for, we will see the most positive growth for the company. It is important that Vans does not expand far from this target and their interests so that they do not get tagged as a brand that has “sold out” or one that “forgot its roots”, since Vans and their consumers value the heritage of the company so much. Current Perception: Vans consumers view Vans as a brand that has been the greatest but has tried to hard to get their products to everyone. Consumers love the quality and style but some feel as though they have tried to hard to expand into areas that are not tradional to Vans.
Single Most Important Thought: To remember the target audience and expand in ways that will benefit and excited them. Reason Why: -By expanding to those that value the heritage and sports that the brand supports it will excite consumers to be more loyal to the brand. -Being seemingly exclusive to your target will generate more brand loyalty and interest by those that are looking to find an exclusive brand that works for their lifestyle. The After Thought: -Vans should want the consumer to love the brand so much that when they see an event of something that is put on by Vans it will generate interest not only because it is a cool event but because Vans is putting it on. -We want the consumer to know them as the company that supports their extreme sports and never sold out to please everyone.
Contact Information: Colleen P. Toombs Email: Address: 3180 West View Ct. Lake Oswego, Or. 97034 Phone: 503-317-8817
RELEVANT EXPERIENCE: Alpha Phi Sorority; Eugene, Oregon January-December 2008 President: Directed a group of 110 women in an organization that is based on the values of scholarship, leadership, philanthropy, and lifetime friendships. Lake Oswego Public Swimming Pool; Lake Oswego, Oregon December 2006, 2007 Lifeguard: Supervised a daily senior swim, children’s swimming lessons, high school swim meets. Greentree Inc.; Lake Oswego, Oregon May 2004-September 2006 Lifeguard: Supervised daily swimming and taught lessons. Event Planner: Planned and executed first annual end of the year party that brought all the families together for a potluck and pool activities. EDUCATION: The University of Oregon; Eugene, Oregon September2005-Present Bachelor of Science, Degree in Journalism: Advertising expected in June 2009. Pacific Challenge Study Abroad; New Zealand and Australia January 2007-March 2007: Traveled five weeks in New Zealand studying the Maori culture and Australia for three weeks focusing on outdoor exploration and building leadership skills. HONORS University Of Oregon: Deans Scholarship 2005-2009 PERSONAL: Software Proficiency: Excel, PowerPoint, In Design, Photoshop Language Proficiency: Spanish
JOB OBJECTIVE: To gain professional experience in advertising and learn more about how agencies work. ADVERTISING ACCOUNT EXPERIENCE: Upstream Advertising; Eugene, Oregon March 2008-Present Account Executive: In charge of managing twenty people in the planning and execution of advertising campaign for Century Council to help avoid dangerous over consumption of alcohol by college age students. Campaigns Capstone; Eugene, Oregon October-January 2008 Account Manager: Manage team of four to create campaign for Coconut Bliss as they expand from small local product to a nationally recognized brand. Allen Hall Advertising; Eugene, Oregon October-June 2008 Finance Director: Created basic financial forms and worked closely with account managers to figure out budget and manage spending for numerous accounts. New Venture Championship; Eugene, Oregon January-March 2007 Account Planner: Created brand awareness and help with marketing strategy for new online social networking website, Golfingmyway. com. A company started by business students at the University of Oregon. Clear Channel Communications; Eugene, Oregon March-September 2006 Marketing Intern: Assisted with local radio station promotions. Performed ad sales calls, set up events, and re-organized and filed client’s information.