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Feminist Theory Essay
Feminist Theory Introduction
Feminist Theory is an aspect of considering feminism as having been based on socio–phenomenon issues rather than biological or scientific. It appreciates gender inequality, analyzes the societal roles played by feminists in a bid to promote the interests, issues and rights of women in the society. It is also based on the assumption that women play subsidiary roles in the society. The whole idea offeminism has however experienced hurdles in the form of stereotyping by the wider society. This paper tries to examine some of the effects of stereotypes that feminism goes through, what other philosophers say and the way forward towards ending stereotyping.
To begin with, according to many philosophers, it would...show more content...
To this extent it is clear that the philosophy was intentionally aimed to alienate women (Deleuze & Guattari, 1994). This portrays that such philosophers are not informed by reason or any rationality but by their lifestyles that is brought about by their culture. Men, being the majority of philosophers selectively chose topics that ignore the welfare and plight of women but those that are related to their lifestyles. All these philosophies only encourage stereotyping on not only feminists but also women at large. In fact partly due to the actions of some of these male philosophers, the society has adopted some universal stereotypes on feminism. The kinds of these stereotyping include assumptions that sometimes border on myths that feminists are all the same, hate men, unattractive and angry. Feminists have also been regarded as lesbians, bra burners and sex haters. They also hate staying at home. These stereotyping have got implications that might work to erode the gains of the affirmative actions that are slowly seeing the light of the day in recent times. It conversely also has some positive effects on the victims. Some of the effects of this stereotyping include low performance by the victims of the negative stereotyping. From the moment when the stereotyping happened to a woman to through her times at work and at home, her work performance would likely be affected. Even at school, women who are stereotyped are likely to
Tyson explains the basic concepts of feminist theory, and the ways in which readers can use the theory as a lens to examine the social pressures and gender roles within a literary work. To examine through a feminist lens, theorists need to first look at the different characters' genders to determine whether their roles and responsibilities "conform to traditional (patriarchal) gender roles" (Tyson 84). "According to [patriarchal] gender roles, men are naturally rational, strong, protective, and decisive," but "women [are] naturally emotional..., weak, nurturing, and submissive" (87). Moreover, "anyone who violates traditional gender roles is [looked upon as] unnatural, unhealthy, or...immoral" (86). Therefore, due to the "oppression of women" in
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Feminist Movement
In the aftermath of World War II, the lives of the women have changed dramatically. Women spoke their minds out and wanted to be heard. World War II brought them a new outlook on how they should live their lives. It encouraged women organize social movements such as boycotts and public marches pushing for their human rights and protect them against discrimination. Alongside, they formed their own organization representing them against the federal government like the NOW or National Organization for Women. Through the years, women have been struggling to fight for equal rights and unfortunately still exist even at the present in some areas. Yes, women's status was not like what they used to back then, where their...show more content...
In the early 90's, studies have shown that teen pregnancies occur on a regularly basis and has been severely increasing (Newsweek: Birth rates in U.S, 1991–96). As a result, this brings out a wrong impression of women to society.
Throughout the history, women were being discriminated against by ignoring or not paying much attention to them when it comes to dealing with political issues. One in particular, was the controversial issue regarding women's right to vote. By the end of the 1880's feminist movements did not meet their expectations due to lack of support from women themselves. " If by the end of the 1880's the suffragists had reached something of a stalemate, by the end of 1890's and early 1900's the movement had entered a completely new phase. This was largely the result of new factors in the situation: the growth of support for women's suffrage amongst women themselves, and the increasing importance of the labour movement in British politics" (Banks, p.121). For these women, voting was becoming more like a powerful tool to be recognized in the society and understand the importance of voting and to also participate actively in the campaign. Women suffragists finally reached their goal, in which women at the present are getting more involved in politics by running for office and being leaders of the society. One good example is present senator Hillary Clinton. This former first lady is one of the top senators in the United States today. She fought Get
Feminism is the belief that women should have economic political and social equality with men. This term also refers to a political movement that works to gain equality within a male and female relationship. In a male and female relationship both the roles of the male and female should be equal. Equal in many ways ten one: they should trust each other, share responsibilities, listen to one another, respect each other, and of course love one another equally.
This type of relationship is not found now a days because of the many traditions which imply that women are inferior to men. They also imply that women shouldstay home all day watching soap operas, taking care of the children, and making the food for their tired husbands...show more content...
"Nagging wives" have always been a problem with husbands. The thought of marriage frightens many people because of the "nagging wife" this has been passed on from generation to generation. The many stories told by the very own family members of the husband and the wife arguing all day long. Marriage, today, is not considered in many times a happy thing, some people think that there is nothing to look forward, in most cases because men think that women will change on them and start "nagging" at everything.
Many times in life men do not think that women can do the same things that they can; whether it's picking up boxes or being president. There will always be that "macho man" thought of the man being stronger than the woman. In many jobs women might do the exact same thing that men do except men are getting paid more than women even if it is an insignificant amount, it happens in many places and even though many people disapprove of it there are still jobs like that out there. And there are still employers who think that a woman should not be in the work force if so home. Many feminist have been working to solve this problem and there are still people who are working to solve and change many more of these problems, and even though in some places it doesn't seem like it, feminism and feminists
I chose this topic mainly because of interest. When thinking about the idea of feminism aside from all stereotypes one would think the struggle for women's rights. The idea sounds unified in saying and one would assume most women were involved. For a long time the women's movement applied to just white upper class females. I found a source on extremist women, which focused on the powerful ideas of white supremacy. This article was geared toward white women, and the goal trying to be achieved was equal status as men in the work place, and no rights for minorities. Not surprisingly many of these participants were in the Ku Klux Klan. What is funny to me is that while these women are making this "powerful" ...show more content... This exemplifies that these types of improvements can been just as much as fighting for a corporate position in some societies. Now I am no way saying that black women just want small simple rights, many want the same achievement as most women, power, however in this situation its little steps that make this process worthwhile. Another source I found was called, Bridging the Local and the Global:Feminism in Brazil and the International Human Rights Agenda. It focused on the issues surrounding Brazilian women and their struggle to bond together. This reference is important when opening up and expanding the issues of feminism to a global focus. In order for things to happen one needs to start within their community however understanding another cultures is just as important.
I respect this project because it educates me and allows me to give information too others. I give a lot of credit to these women especially those in minority groups. Life for them is a struggle and many of them have double and triple jeopordies. Being able to have a positive outlook is important when one needs to achieve hard earned success. The admiration I have learned from these women and these articles gives me such an incentive to want to do more than take a class as well as learn how to never give up. I have been introduced to many talented women authors and their different points of view regarding feminism
Butz, Rob. "Get Educated." (Fall 2000): n. pag. Online. Pan
1.I consider myself a feminist because I believe in empowering all women. According to the lecture on the importance of language, a feminist is a person, regardless of gender, who believes in the equality and importance of all women in society. I am a feminist because I continue to educate myself to become more self–aware of the danger of sexism and inequality that threatens women's rights.
2.Sexism is wrong because it discriminates against people because of their gender. Women are the main group who suffers against sexism. It is safe to say that all women have confronted sexism. According to the article "Individual and Situational Factors Related to Young Women's Likelihood of Confronting Sexism in Their Everyday Lives", sexism is harmful to women because they experience a higher rate in stress, anxiety, and depression. In addition, exposure to gender discrimination leads to a lower rate of achievement among various areas. Overall sexism prevents women from achieving to their fullest potential. Despite how damaging sexism is to society, it remains to exist. According to the article, "Why It's So Hard for Men to See Misogyny", the reason why most men are unable to clearly see sexism is because they are not paying attention, are purposely ignoring it, or are simply careful in hiding their sexist thoughts and actions. I believe sexism has not been abolished because many people, particularly men, are not able to recognize the signs. People tolerate or ignore sexist language
Jane Austen's writings are stories like ones that have happened in her life. In Ms. Austen's words she once stated, "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife," (Bruno Introduction). She even traveled when writing, she would visit family and friends when writing so she could grasp the lives over others not in her surroundings. Austen was one of the most remarkable women of England. Jane Austenwas a woman that endeared heartbreak, problems, and discrimination which has helped shape her books and writings in a feminist path. In the time period of the 18th century there was a lot of problems going on. When Austen was born in 1775 a war broke out between British and the American colonist of the thirteen colonies due to the want of independence from the colonist. In 1778 parliament passed the Catholic Relief Act, this act removed all restrictions towards Catholics in Britain. During 1783 British loyalist started realizing that colonists were winning the war and evacuated the colonies. On February 1, 1793 Britain goes to war with France. Upon the day of January 1, 1801 Great Britain, England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland official joined together because of the Act of Union. Many children of the 1800's in the United Kingdom were working in factories and cotton mills more than twelve hours a day with little pay. In 1803 the first act to regulate the hours and pay for kids was passed as Get