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Board of Regents Meeting Highlights
The Board of Regents held a hybrid meeting March 23 and 24. The officers met in person at the Rockville office while the Regents participated through Zoom. Much was accomplished, including a small awards ceremony for two 2022 awardees who were unable to attend the meeting in Houston.
Changes to the Annual Meeting Schedule
Modifications made to help with Fellows’ travel schedules.
Although the events may be familiar, the Board of Regents has adopted a slightly modified schedule for our time together in Orlando. Based on feedback from our Fellows, the CE courses typically held first thing Wednesday morning have been moved to Wednesday afternoon to allow for Wednesday morning travel. We’re hoping that by shifting our events a little later more Fellows can take advantage of all that is offered during the annual meeting.

Dr. Lamb celebrates Dr. Rouse's award.
Candidates Approved
The Board affirmed the approved nominees from the Credentials Committee. The ACD will be joined by over 300 Fellows at our meeting in Orlando. Thank you to our nominators for recognizing the best in your like-minded colleagues.

Kathleen O’Loughlin

Sonya Smith
In 2022, Awardees Kathleen O’Loughlin and Sonya Smith were unable to accept their awards in person at the Annual Meeting. After the conclusion of the spring meeting of the Board, Drs. O’Loughlin and Smith accepted their awards at the ACD National Office. The video of the award presentation is on the College’s YouTube Channel @AmericanCollegeofDentists
Awardees Approved
The Awards Committee recommended for approval a robust slate of awardees for 2023. All were approved. Notable is the revival of the Distinguished Leadership Award, which was bestowed on Paula K. Friedman (New England/Florida). To learn more about the ACD Awards Program please visit our website at acd.org
Board and Governance Training
Maryland Nonprofits, a partner of the National Council of Nonprofits and
home to the Center for Excellence, provided the first of two 90-minute sessions to our Board. The presentation helped to focus on the upcoming strategic planning process and the search for a new executive director.

Internal Controls and Best Practices
The Board continues to monitor and review the financial best practices that were updated and formalized last summer. Additionally, the Board reviewed the audit timeline, budget, and the schedule for monthly and quarterly financial reporting.
Executive Director Search Committee
The Executive Director Search Committee, led by Vice President Robert Faiella, is refining the profile and job description for a new ED. The strategic planning process will help clarify what the College needs from its ED. The Committee intends to issue an RFP to reputable search firms this spring.
Election Results
The 2024 Board of Regents nomination process took place in March and April. The Fellowship has until July 8, 2023, to petition the slate of nominees. Petitions signed by at least 25 Fellows in good standing challenging the nominations may be submitted to the National Office. Once received, the petition will be registered with the auditor of the College, and a ballot will be sent to each Fellow. For Regents, the ballot will be sent to each Fellow in the affected Regency. If no petitions are received, the nominees will be considered elected.
The next election will be held in March, 2024, and will be for the following positions:
Regent, Regency 2
Regent, Regency 5
Vice President
2024 Nominees

Robert Faiella will become President-elect, after serving as Vice President.

Terry Norris will become Vice President.

Brenda Thomson will become Regent for Regency 4.

Robin Henderson will become Regent for Regency 8.
Continuing on the Board in 2024

Dr. Robert Lamb will move to the Immediate Past President seat and serve as the President of the ACD Foundation

Dr. Teresa Dolan will move from the President-elect to the President position.

Dr. Carole Hanes will serve a second year as Treasurer.

ACD Foundation Board of Directors Meeting
Current projects of the ACD Foundation were reviewed. These projects include: Update of the Ethics Handbook—the College ships as many as 9,000 ethics handbooks to dental schools and study clubs each year, and it is also one of our most downloaded electronic publications. The Handbook is being updated by a committee led by Toni Roucka and is expected to be reviewed over the summer and approved by the Board at the Fall meeting.
Planning for the next Ethics Summit is underway. The topic is Interprofessionalism, and the Summit is tentatively scheduled for August of 2024.
Additional Support for SPEA—the Foundation will provide an additional $13,000 for SPEA members to travel to the annual session. The funds will work the same way as the Outstanding Student Leader Award, with Sections working with their local SPEA Chapters and Regents to identify student members of SPEA who are enthusiastic about becoming more involved. Sections will be asked to match the grant from the ACDF. The fund will serve as seed money for this program, with a contribution line item added to the Fellowship statements giving Fellows an annual opportunity to support the program.