1 minute read


Who Will You Push?

So, how does the story of Justin and Patrick and my story relate to our candidates for Fellowship? You have been recognized for your accomplishments in dentistry, academics, military, civic or church organizations. You are the top 3-4% in dentistry. This afternoon, you will become Fellows of the American College of Dentists. You will be welcomed by many Fellows into the College at your Convocation.

You have been nominated by and seconded by Fellows of the College, but their names have been stripped from your nomination. You have earned Fellowship solely by your merits. I congratulate you in this recognition. Fellowship is a significant honor. You have displayed excellence, ethics, leadership and professionalism. Now, you have a large group of Fellows welcoming you into the College, just as Justin and Patrick had a large group waiting for them to complete the Camino.

Recognition does not come without responsibility. We expect you to find other dentists who you can mentor, encourage or push. You have colleagues, who are active in dentistry or other leadership roles, who have not been recognized as a Fellow of the American College. Nominate these dentists. Your nominator will help guide you in the nomination process. Your Section chair, your Regent or any officer, including me, or the Executive Office can aid you in your nominations.

I want to thank those who have contributed to your success, your family, your mentors and your teachers. All who made you who you are. All who pushed you! As I have talked this morning about those who pushed me, I hope you have thought about those who pushed you. If they are here, tell them thanks. If you are able to write them a letter over the next few days, do it. Now, who will you push!

Who will you push! Thank you!

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