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Outstanding Student Leader Awards
Section Newsletter Award
Effective communication is a prerequisite for a healthy Section. The Section Newsletter Award is presented to an ACD Section in recognition of outstanding achievement in the publication of a Section newsletter. The award is based on overall quality, design, content, and technical excellence of the newsletter. This year we recognize two winners of this prestigious award.
The first Section Newsletter Award for 2021 is presented to: Florida Section Editors, Betty Hughes and Elizabeth Gesenhues.
The second Section Newsletter Award for 2021 is presented to: New England Section Editor, Stephen Rubin. We salute your achievement and acknowledge that communication is an essential task, which is increasingly apparent in the COVID era.
Model Section Designation
The purpose of the program is to encourage Section improvement by recognizing Sections that meet standards of performance in four areas: Membership, Section Projects, ACD Foundation Support, and Commitment and Communication.