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ACD 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting and Convocation
The ACD will welcome our Fellows to two exciting days of continuing education, opportunities to reconnect, and our annual induction of Candidates.
WHEN: Wednesday / Thursday October 13–14
WHERE SmileCon ™ Virtual
REGISTRATION beginning June 23 @ smilecon.org
Wednesday, October 13
8:00 – 11:00 AM Facilitating Discussion of Ethics Dilemmas Presented by the American Society of Dental Ethics
1:00 – 4:00 PM Effective Communication in the 21st Century Presented by the American Association of Dental Editors and Journalists
5:00 PM ACD History Happy Hour
Thursday, October 14
10:00 AM – 7:00 PM 2021 ACD Foundation Virtual Silent Auction
8:30 – 9:30 AM New Fellow Orientation and Annual Business Meeting of the ACD
9:45 – 10:15 AM President-elect’s address
10:30 AM – 12:30 PM Keynote Presentation and Fellows Forum
2:00 – 4:00 PM Convocation of Fellows
Registration ends September 1!
All times are Eastern and subject to change as we continue to work with the ADA to bring our Fellows the highest quality experience. Please check acd.org/annual-meetings for more detailed event descriptions and the latest information.
ACD 2021 and ADA SmileCon--TOGETHER, VIRTUALLY! Although the ACD will not be on location with the ADA, we are partnering to ensure the best of both worlds for ACD 2021 and SmileCon attendees. Whether in your living room or the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Vegas, logging into ACD events is easy with the SmileCon Virtual platform.
Wednesday, October 13
Special Topics in Ethics Course: Facilitating Discussion of Ethics Dilemmas
8:00 – 11:00 AM
Drs. Odette Aguirre, Lawrence Garetto, Kathryn Ragalis, and Pamela Zarkowski
American Society for Dental Ethics
The purpose of the course is to develop or enhance the expertise of dental professionals to provide effective leadership in the discussion of ethics dilemmas. While ethics discussions certainly take place in classrooms with students, ethics dilemmas occur every day in dental practices, and discussions about them promote a healthy professional environment. Attendees will develop skills applicable in both academic and clinical practice settings. This course is a great opportunity for those who wish to increase their knowledge and understanding of ethics and their skill in facilitating discussions in small groups.
Special Topics in Dental Journalism Course: Effective Communication in the 21st Century
1:00 – 4:00 PM
American Association of Dental Editors and Journalists
Polish your editorial and literary skills and learn to better communicate professionally and personally with this course facilitated by the writers and editors of the AADEJ.
History Happy Hour
5:00 – 6:00 PM
Theresa S. Gonzales, DMD, MS, MSS, FACD
Join us as we raise a glass to dental history in the Prohibition Bar.
History Happy Hour begins with The History of the College, a visit to the Copley Plaza Hotel in Boston, Massachusetts, where the American College of Dentists was founded in 1920 during the annual meeting of the National Dental Association. Our tour will take us through the events of 1920 that led to the creation of the oldest and the most prestigious organization of its type.
The second portion of the lecture will be held at the Ether Dome. The Ether Dome was a working operating theater at the Massachusetts General Hospital between 1821 and 1868. Dentist William T.G. Morton administered ether to a patient who had a tumor of the jaw. When Abbott slipped into unconsciousness, surgeon John Collins Warren, MD, bent over his patient and began removing the tumor. The event ushered in the era of pain-free surgery, and the hospital’s amphitheater would be known forever as the Ether Dome.
A brief discussion of Horace Wells’ contributions to anesthesia will follow. In 1845, Dr. Morton helped Wells arrange a demonstration of his nitrous oxide discovery for a class at Harvard Medical School. It appeared to be a failed attempt. Wells eventually closed his dental practice and took his own life, never knowing he would shortly be recognized as the discoverer of anesthesia.
Thursday, October 14
New Fellow Orientation and Annual Business Meeting of the American College of Dentists
8:30 – 9:30 AM
This informational meeting provides insightful background information about the College and an inside look on the state of the ACD and ACD Foundation.
Keynote Presentation and Fellows Forum: Profiles in Leadership—A Look at Leadership in Times of Uncertainty
10:30 AM – 12:30 PM
N. Karl Haden, Ph.D, Lawrence P. Garetto, Ph.D and Theresa S. Gonzales, DMD, MS, MSS
Dr. N. Karl Haden will deliver this timely keynote presentation on leadership in times of uncertainty. Trust is the currency for values-based leaders. Every leader needs to gain or regain and maintain trust. To build trust, leaders must honestly acknowledge their strengths and their weaknesses and be willing to develop the areas for self-improvement.
Dr. Larry Garetto and Dr. Theresa Gonzales will facilitate the Fellows Forum featuring a discussion of values-based leadership to compliment Dr. Haden’s keynote presentation.
Annual Convocation of Fellows
2:00 – 4:00 PM Recorded at the F. Scott Fitzgerald Theatre, Rockville, Maryland
Please join the Board of Regents as the College welcomes the Fellowship Candidates of 2021. Carlos S. Smith, DDS, MDiv will give the Convocation Address. Presided over by President Leo E. Rouse, DDS, the Convocation of Fellows first took place 100 years ago and has been interrupted only in times of national crisis. The Convocation is a time for renewed commitment to our shared mission—to advance excellence, ethics, professionalism, and leadership in dentistry.
Thursday and Friday, October 14 and 15
Student Professionalism and Ethics Association Annual Session
SPEA members will gather for thought-provoking, insightful presentations and discussions by leaders in dentistry. All are welcome to attend.
Friday, October 15
Regency Break-out Sessions
Time Varies by Regency
A video call for each Regency will provide an opportunity for Fellows to connect with their Regent and other Sections in their area to discuss current ACD events and regional concerns. A Zoom invitation will be sent to all Fellows by Regency in early October.