College & Cook Magazine, Issue 1

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e g e l l o C

&COok magazine

five minute mug cakes TOP CHEF’s

Spike Mendelsohn

Valentine’s day features dorm room date night kissing with a food allergy

eat. drink. be merry.

orange ricotta fritters

table CONTENTS of



tunes to cook by

Hear from our Managing Editor Christina, who shares C&C’s fave cooking playlist...check it out @!


Premiere 2012 |


an organic farm comes to campus

Yale University’s Sustainable Food Project shakes things up.

Top chef’s SPIKE talkscheap eats Helpful tips on following your dreams & celebrating food. Spike Mendelsohn opens up & talks burgers & shakes.



share our Strength

Hear from an inspirational organization on a mission: they’re fighting to end childhood hunger altogether.


Dorm Room Date Night

Whether you’ve got a full kitchen or just a microwave, this three course meal is sure to impress this Valentines Day!

Meet the Mug cake Girls

Make a five minute mug cake! Delicious & easy to prepare, you probably have these ingredients laying around your dorm room.




wait, there’s more

8 Movie


“Food Inc.” delivers a snapshot of America’s food system.

22Explaining the


Brazillian orange juice, food recalls & budget cuts.

26 dorm fires

a personal tale

Even the best of college cooks find their kitchens in flames

40 how i learned

to cook

Anyone can learn to cook, no matter the circumstances.

42Living with


Fast facts & managing Celiac Disease in college.

46 kiss me if

you can

One study’s results: Is it safe to kiss with a food allergy?



Want to start a co-op on campus? Yoni Landau can help.

72 the slow food Movement

The University of Wisconsin takes local to a new level.


78 late night

52the kitchen

82 the campus

50 eating

Philadelphia’s Cafe Estelle goes local & celebrates organic.


Le Cordon Bleu student challenges you with 3 recipes!

58 DIY coffee bar

Lovely Undergrad

Make a coffe shopworthy DIY coffee bar for 10 bucks!


70 CoFED makes

Premiere 2012 |


When hunger calls... one cafeteria’s early morning fried eats.


Food tales from campuses across the country.

84 Heavenly

hot chocolate

17&Baking shares her decadent best hot cocoa recipe.

Interested in advertising with us?

We’d love to WORK WITH you! Just shoot us an email. we promise to get back to you asap. go ahead...

With love, e g e l l Co



welcome to our mag I was that kid, the one with the “weird” lunches. Delicious lunches, mind you - scungilli salads, thermoses of linguine & clam sauce, & on the best of days, aged gouda on French bread - but not nearly as acceptable as say, a good ‘ole PB&J (though I’ll own up to enjoying the occasional “uncrustable”). After many a meal, something hit me: meals don’t make themselves - people are behind each savory sauce, each slow-cooked roast. I’ll forever remember the forest green handle of the first frying pan I used - clad in bright orange pajamas, the 7-year-old version of me tried her hand at fried eggs, half a dozen versions of them. Bursting with the fridge’s odds-and-ends, let’s just say there was room for improvement. A week shy of a baker’s dozen years later, I’m still cooking away. Figuring out how to bring food to people, essentially bringing people is my truest of passions. Maybe it’s the Italian & French in me. Or the food fanatics who raised me. Perhaps I just have some demanding taste buds. Regardless, for years now, College & Cook has been brewing in the back of my mind. It took some time (& the help from a wonderful student staff!) to bring it to life, & today I am so proud of what we’ve accomplished. Please enjoy this 86 page labor of love. Snuggle up, connect to your school’s wireless, & flip through our magazine. Whether you’re just starting to cook, have a passion for all things edible, or simply like a good meal, we promise we’ve got something for you. Our ultimate goal? Unite the food interested community under one roof or at least within one publication. It’s 2012, & food is foraging its way into academia. From student bloggers to campus-run organic farms, the food movement is sweeping the nation in more ways than one. We’re swept up ourselves, & can’t wait to share some of our finds. I hope you love C&C as much as we do. If you’d like to get involved, shoot us an email at We’d love to hear from you! Happy reading,

Audrey Scagnelli


Premiere 2012 |

Is C&C on your campus yet? university of arkansas emerson college florida gulf coast university George Washington University Georgetown University Iowa State University johns hopkins university le cordon bleu UC, berkeley UC, Los Angeles University of Pennsylvania University of Texas at Austin University of wisconsin-Madison washington university in st. louis yale college

Want to join our team? Email us:

the team

Audrey Scagnelli Christina oriel ben besse edwin wee crystal williams Jeffrey Morris jacqui corba

editor-in-chief Managing editor Business manager website developer recipe developer staff writer staff writer

our contributors



een t f i F oolsnting h c S & Cou


Movie Reviews

“Fast Food Nation” & “Food, Inc.” shed light on America’s fractured food system words by Heather Regen

“The way we eat has changed more in the last 50 years than in the previous 10,000.” The opening lines of “Food, Inc.” set the stage for a film that delivers a striking snapshot of America’s food system. But even though the documentary takes its viewers through cornfields, chicken farms, & the corridors of Congress, the 94 minute movie provides just that: a snapshot. The strength of “Food, Inc.” lies in its ability to capture seemingly every aspect of the food & agricultural system that powers the U.S. The past decade has seen an explosion of documentaries, films, books, & journalism delving into different facets of the industry, but “Food, Inc.” proves the most comprehensive—& the most easily digest-

ible—of them all. In 2002, almost a hundred years after Upton Sinclair wrote “The Jungle,” Eric Schlosser jolted readers (& eaters) awake with “Fast Food Nation.” Schlosser’s novel opened the floodgates for the decade’s deluge of food journalism, but still remains by far the best piece on the topic. Yet with 63 pages of miniscule notes shielding the work from fast food companies ready to yell “slander!,” it takes a while to get through. After first reading “Fast Food Nation” in seventh grade, I lent the book out to anyone who’d take it, spreading the food movement’s bible. Though the Catholic side of my family taught me to eat fish on Fridays, & the Jewish side kept me from mixing meat with milk, I’ve become an Evangelical when it comes to food. Schlosser’s work gripped others as well, & soon movie offers came flooding in. The author, however, was wary. When asked if “Fast Food Nation” would become a film, he told Robert Boynton, “I’d rather have it never made than run the risk of their watering it down & turning it into something icky.” Despite Schlosser’s reluctance, a drama called “Fast Food Nation” made it out in 2006. Packed with an oddly-matched

out ite! k bs ec ch ir we the


cast—Greg Kinner of “Little Miss Sunshine” plays a marketing executive & Avril Lavigne is an animal rights activist—the film struck a different chord than the book it took its name from. The movie “Fast Food Nation” danced along the lines of narrative & exposé, never quite getting the formula right. The fictional “Mickey’s” was a clear standin for McDonald’s, & although the story of immigrant meatpackers proved heart wrenching, the book gave real names & faces to the industry’s victims while the screen showed just characters. “Food, Inc.” managed to circumvent those issues by taking the form of a documentary. Director Robert Kenner tactfully weaves graphics between interviews & undercover footage, painting a coherent picture of the staggering reach of the American food system. Looking at immi-

gration, corporate law, the environment, & health, the film proves that to eat is always a political act. “Food, Inc.” even gets into the philosophical conundrums of modern agriculture. “There are no seasons in the American supermarket. Now there are tomatoes all year round, grown halfway around the world, picked when it was green, & ripened with ethylene gas. Although it looks like a tomato, it’s kind of a notional tomato. It’s the idea of a tomato,” remarks Michael Pollan. If you don’t have time to make it through the full course of food journalism & film—Schlosser’s “Fast Food Nation,” Pollan’s “The Omnivore’s Dilemma,” Bourette’s “Meat, A Love Story,” to name a few—then “Food, Inc.” offers up a perfect, though terrifying, view into the cogs of the American food machine.


Our Cooking Mix


hand-picked tunes to cook by words by Christina Oriel

Whether it’s just you or a whole group of friends, cooking is just more fun with music filling the kitchen air! We C&Cers created the perfect adventuring-in-the-kitchen mix...whether you’re frosting a cake or stuck doing the dishes, we promise these tunes will brighten your day. Check it out on 8tracks, & stay tuned for our dorm room dinner party compilation!



M “Daylight,” by Matt & Kim Takethe to The opening hook has been used in TV shows & commerusic! M cials, but it never gets old. “Daylight” is upbeat & lively you may even start bopping around & singing along as you gather your ingredients together! “Pots & Pans,” BY The kills The edgy rhythm & soulful vocals during these four minutes remind us of culminating moments in the kitchen, from the slow burning stove flame to the oven heating. “I Feel It All,” by Feist Chimes, faint tambourine shaking, & sporadic piano keys are a recipe for a track you can tap your feet to while you turn on the burner. “Feel It All Around,” by Washed Out If you’re the type of person who cooks to bid stress away, this is a fitting tune. Its simplicity is soothing, almost edging on hypnotic that you wonder what makes the song so great. “Trust Your Stomach,” by Marching Band The title reveals a truth all foodies can agree with. “Sugar Sugar,” by The Archies Because a meal is not complete without dessert, you will definitely be in the mood to whip up something sweet by the end of the song.


Premiere 2012 |

top tips on tipping: q

words by Edwin Wee

A premiere RESTAURANT 545 Main ST, NW. Anytown, USA 11111

With drink & eaing establishments, you only have to tip where there's bar or table service.

chk chk #3427 #3427 Guest Guest 1 1 Jan Jan 2012 2012

DIne IN 1 Pasta 1 caesar salad 1 Lg diet coke Subtotal Tax Total due

20.99 2.10 23.09


With pre-paid deal vouchers (like Living Social), be sure to tip the original amount, not the voucher amount.

12.50 6.00 Remember 2.49 the tip is


that only applied to the subtotal, before tax is applied.


Yes, that includes that cozy coffeeshop with the friendly waiter - even if the tip is only a dollar.

As college students, tipping mentality can be two-fold: Burdenous on a cash-strapped college budget yet empathetic towards our peers in the service industry. Use this guide to know how & when to follow proper tipping etiquette.



4.16 TIp: _______________ 4.16 _______________ 27.25 TOTAL: _______________ TOTAL: 27.25 _______________ collegeandcook x______________________________

General tipping percentages fall between 15-20%%% & the most common tip is 18%%

x collegeandcook

Keep in mind _______________________________ that the tip is ___ seen as a ********************************** reflection of THANK YOU for ** dining with us! the server's THANK PLEASE YOU KEEP for THIS dining RECEIPT! with us! performance - an extra WePLEASE appreciate KEEP THIS your RECEIPT! business & dollar could We would appreciate love your feedback. business and make their ********************************** would love your feedback. day!


********************************** **


Food is more than

SIMPLE SUSTENANCE Yale University’s Sustainable Food Project shakes things up Words By Zan Romanoff Adapted from


Premiere 2012 |


The Project: The Yale Sustainable Food Project began in 2000, when a group of undergraduates taking an environmental science class started to wonder why they learned about the dangers of pesticides in lecture & yet ate meals covered with the stuff in Yale’s Dining Halls. They drew up a proposal: what if Yale had an on-campus farm, a place where students could learn first-hand about food & how it was grown, exploring the theory & practice of small-scale sustainable agriculture? They submitted their plan as their final project for the class, & then to the administration as an actual proposal: what was an academic exercise had become a personal project.


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What these students were just realizing was something that Berkeley chef & leader of the organic foods movement Alice Waters had known for years: food is more than simple sustenance. It is personal & cultural, affecting the globe’s resources both natural & economic. Alice’s daughter started as a Yale freshman right around when those students were drawing up their proposal & forming a group called Food From the Earth; it was a conversation between Alice & Yale President Richard Levin that helped expand the students’ idea for an on-campus farm into a full-blown revolution in the school’s food culture. The Yale Sustainable Food Project formed to address food in every aspect of campus

life, working to change the way Yale bought produce & prepared hall meals as well as helping students understand why food’s provenance & preparation mattered to them. We took over one of Yale’s 12 residential college dining halls, coincidentally named Berkeley, & changed its sourcing, re-wrote its menus and re-trained its chefs. In 2003, we broke ground on the farm the students had envisioned.

relationship with Yale Dining in order to focus on educational programming; we now work on teaching students why food matters so that they can be informed consumers & vocal advocates after they leave the university.

The Farm:

Our farm is a one-acre market garden located about a 15 minute walk from the center of campus, where we grow everything from tomatoes & peppers to artiThe Berkeley Test Kitchen was such a hit chokes & figs, with chickens & bees living that in 2007, Yale chose not to renew its on-site as well. Produce from the Farm contract with Aramark, a massive institu- is sold at a weekly farmers’ market or to tional provider, instead hiring an in-house restaurants in New Haven; some of it is Director of Dining with a background donated to hunger relief partners in the in sustainability. When Rafi Taherian community, & of course we cook some was hired, the YSFP ended our formal and share it with our volunteers weekly.



Agriculture is just as worthy of study as great books & big questions, & farming requires as much knowledge & forethought as banking or consulting.


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The Farm is run almost entirely on volunteer labor; paid student interns learn from our full-time Farm Manager, Daniel Macphee, & run open work hours three days a week from September through May, during which anyone & everyone are welcome to stop by & help out. For the summers we hire six full-time Farm interns, who get an in-depth look at small scale sustainable farming practices. Our Seed to Salad program brings local elementary school students to the Farm, where they grow their own salad greens & learn about plants’ life cycles. The space is open to the public from dawn until dusk, & we encourage visitors to walk around & see what’s growing—so long as they don’t step on or pick from any of our plants! A crucial piece of our mission is to present sustainable living as passionate engagement. Therefore, we thank volunteers at the end of every Friday workday with pizza cooked in our wood-fired oven; we make the dough ourselves & top it with Farm-fresh ingredients, allowing volunteers to taste the literal fruits of their labors.

Chewing the Fat:

Our Chewing the Fat speaker series brings authors, activists, farmers, & filmmakers to campus to talk about their work in sustainable food & agriculture. Past events have ranged from workshops on canning & preserving to lectures on ethical entrepreneurship or sustainable seafood to visits from luminaries like Michael Pollan, Carlo Petrini, Eliot Coleman & yes, our old friend Alice Waters. We try to highlight the diversity of work going on around sustainable agriculture, inspiring students to consider creative careers in the food world—or at least to understand the wealth of issues in the modern food system, so that they can think critically about what they consume after graduation. In the coming years we hope to see food, how it is grown, marketed, bought, prepared & eaten, taken seriously as a source of academic inquiry, cementing the notion that agriculture is just as worthy of study as great books & big questions, & that farming requires as much knowledge & forethought as banking or consulting.



Premiere 2012 |


SPIKE MENDELSOHN talks cheap eats +following dreams

We heard from Chef Spike, a Top Chef star & Washington D.C. restaurant owner of the First Family frequented burger joint, Good Stuff Eatery, & pizza place, All We Can Eat. by Audrey Scagnelli

q: You were 19 when you told your family you wanted to become a chef. What advice do you have for budding chefs today?

Cook everywhere & anywhere. Try to travel- There is no better

a: way to learn about food & another culture than by cooking your

way around a foreign country.

College students are pretty budget conscious these days. Do you have any tips on eating out while sticking to a tight budget?


a: q:

Little Italy, Chinatown—Ethnic neighborhoods have great, authentic food at unbeatable prices.

You & your family opened a burger place & a pizza place – that’s quintessential college food. Why burgers?

In a time when people are spending less on dining out, we wanted to provide people with an affordable, hip place to grab fresh, a: innovative American favorites everywhere & anywhere. We took burgers, which we all love, but gave it a chefy twist. q: What is the best meal you’ve ever eaten for under eight bucks? a: Pho. You attended the Culinary Institute of America. Describe your experiences q: there. What were your peers like?

It was inspiring to spend time in a community where all of these a: young minds are so enthusiastic about food. The students are all creative & ambitious, it gave me a lot of drive. My favorite dish to prepare was coq au vin. q: What’s your favorite Good Stuff burger? Milkshake?

That answer is always changing, but lately I’ve been eating the Cola: letti’s Smokehouse & our pumpkin patch shake. I’m always a fan of our seasonal shakes.



yourself & m as often as you can.� -Chef Spike


Premiere 2012 |

ake somet hing new



overnment Agenices & the food we eat

words by Christina Oriel

Within the past few years, the term “food recall” has made headlines nationwide on numerous occasions, be it for salmonella contamination in peanut butter or E. coli infected spinach. & don’t forget listeria disease found in Colorado cantaloupes just a few months back. The rise of illnesses related to tainted food supplies is undoubtedly worrisome, as some staples in the American diet have been contaminated. “I aimed at the public’s heart & by accident I hit it in the stomach,” wrote Upton Sinclair in “The Jungle.” A hundred years later, Sinclair’s seminal work continues to resonate with the U.S. food industry. Granted that the conditions today are not as alarming as Sinclair’s findings, what we can still learn from “The Jungle” is that food sanitation is not an issue to overlook. One of the outcomes of the novel was the Pure Food & Drug Act of 1906, which required federal inspections of meat products & prohibited the sale of contaminated food & medicine. Under the Act, the Bureau of Chemistry was formed to regulate food society, then was reorganized as the Food, Drug & Insecticide Administration (FDIA). In 1930 the FDIA was renamed the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the regulatory agency we know of today. The FDA is responsible for ensuring the safety & proper labeling of food, human & veterinary drugs, medical devices, & cosmetics. Due to government budget cuts, the FDA is seriously underfunded & understaffed, at the cost of making American lives vulnerable to unsanitary products. One of the inadequacies includes the lack of consistent food inspections -- some facilities only receiving FDA visits about once every decade. With more food being imported into the United States, thorough inspections are needed more than ever. To read about recently recalled FDA-regulated products, visit


Premiere 2012 |

USDA Closing some of its doors We know we need to cut some government programs - with a debt level literally increasing by over $1 trillion each year, it is clear some things have to go. But is food safety the place to cut costs? In mid-January, the U.S. Agriculture Department announced it was closing 259 of its offices nationwide, shaving off about $150 million a year from the agency’s $145 billion annual budget (if our math is right, that’s only one-tenth of one percent of their budget). This will affect jobs in nearly every state in the Union, 46 to be exact. The USDA oversees everything from farmer assistance programs to food safety policy to food stamp programs. click to check out the USDA’s press release

Three quarters of the juice consumed in the U.S. are from oranges that are

Orange Juice

is it safe to drink?

With the peak of flu season just around the corner, we tend to stock up on Vitamin C, by grabbing some Airborne or a big jug of OJ. Recent concerns of pesticide contamination have hiked both orange juice prices & fear of illness from the zingy immunity boosting beverage. As early as mid-December 2011, Coca-Cola Co. reported traces of carbendazmin in orange juice samples from Brazil. Brazil, the world’s leading exporter of oranges, sprays the fungicide on its orange trees to prevent mold growth. Low levels of the chemical can be found in items such as grains, nuts, & apples, however, its use was banned from U.S. citrus juices in 2009. “Three quarters of the juice consumed in the U.S. are from oranges that are grown in the U.S.,” Michael Taylor, a Deputy Commissioner for Foods at the FDA stated. “The implicated orange juice from Brazil accounts only for a much smaller proportion.” Although the fungicide levels in tested orange juice do not pose any immediate safety concerns, the FDA will continue examining imported samples. For now, it means you can still enjoy a glass of orange juice.


The fight to end childhood hunger

Altogether by Crystal Williams


hare Our Strength is a national nonprofit organization on a mission: it wants to end childhood hunger by 2015. Not just a little help here & a little help there Share Our Strength wants to end childhood hunger altogether. The organization was created in 1984 by Bill & Debbie Shore, who had a great passion for caring for & feeding those in need. They transformed their passion into a progressive campaign that is today known as “No Kid Hungry.” The organization ensures “children in need are enrolled in effective federal nutrition programs; invests in community organizations that fight hunger; teaches at-risk families how to cook healthy, affordable meals; & builds public-private partnerships to end childhood hunger at the state & city level.(2)” With a mega-team of philanthropists & advocates on board, Share Our Strength facilitates a multitude of programs all over the


Premiere 2012 |

county, & is specifically invested in leaving “No Kid Hungry.” You may recognize some of their programs, such as: Taste of the Nation, A Tasteful Pursuit, Dine Out For No Kid Hungry, & the Great American Bake Sale. The uniqueness of the Share Our Strength foundation is in its name, strength. Share Our Strength encourages & helps everyone from restaurant professionals to students to politicians to use their communal strength to work towards ending hunger. It is something Share Our Strength calls “a strategy that works.” Time has proven their strategy to be exceedingly successful. In the 28 years since its founding, Share Our Strength has raised upwards of $315 million, & has funded over 1,000 groups focused on ending childhood hunger.(3)

Supporting products:


can u o y How : Log on to p hel & take the “No Kid Hungry” pledge against childhood hunger!

Share Our Strength is marketed with: American Express, ConAgra Foods Foundation, Domino Sugar & C&H Sugar, Food Network, Hickory Farms, Walmart & Weight Watchers. Some of their partners include: Williams Sonoma, Arbys, Hickory Farms, & Hillshire Farms. Log onto www.nokidhungry. com/partners to check out more! If you see the logo on an item, a percent of the item’s purchase will go towards ending childhood hunger.

If you’ve been to a Share Our Strength event you have seen the steadfast devotion of those within the organization, each of whom is working tireleslly to end hunger. But seeing the eyes of a thankful child receiving lunch on an otherwise empty day is a true testament to Share Our Strength’s work. Together our country can end childhood hunger, but Share Our Strength holds no illusions. Share Our Strength’s direct & decisive means have already possitively impacted local community’s nationwide, but its goal of forever ending childhood hunger has a long way to go. 1. Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, “Household Food Security in the United States, 2009.” 2. Source:, June 2011. 3. Source:, June 2011.



prevent a dorm

Sometimes even the best of college cooks can find their kitchens in flames. If things go awry in your kitchen, would you know what to do? I didn’t. Story & Photos by Audrey Scagnelli


Premiere 2012 |

We made eye contact & wordlessly came up with a plan. I ended up with a fire extinguisher in my hand


t was one of those this-only-happens-inthe-movies kind of moments. During a photoshoot for C&C Mag, a few food-obsessed photographers let food styling get the best of them, forgetting all about the olive oil drizzled croutons “toasting” in the oven. All of a sudden, amidst prop assembling, the smoke was smelled. Running to the kitchen of a C&C on-campus apartment, we found our once-croutons engulfed in flames. Yes, this was a C&C photoshoot. Yes, we get the irony. Mouth gaping, I watched as my friend grabbed his green checkered oven mitt & cracked open the oven. Flames roared at us I’m not exaggerating here, the scene would’ve made even Jackie Chan proud. There was a moment of silence. We made eye contact, & wordlessly came up with a plan. I ended up with a fire extinguisher in my hand - & had no clue how to use it. As my friend pried open his little oven once again, I tried to spray out the fire. Nothing happened. Skimming the extinguisher’s directions, I frantically pulled something, & tah-dah, greenish foam spewed & spewed from the bright red canister. As the flames died down, the entire

building sounded in that familiar, irksome eek of an alarm. I should note, it was finals week...our fellow residents were less than thrilled. Flames safely out, we grabbed our coats & made a run for it. After two fire trucks, an ax, & an army of firemen entered the building, we were turning red, standing amongst disgruntled dorm residents on a 40 degree day. Embarrassing, eh? When it was all over, we sheepishly walked back to the room, weary of what was waiting for us. Soot covered everything. Even the bedspreads! Even the doorknobs! The University sent over a kind woman who helped us deal with the damage, & for the next hour we scrubbed, wiped & mopped that soot away. Don’t fret, C&C readers, we didn’t forget the task at hand - we had a photoshoot to finish! Assembling napoleons, the star of the day’s shoot, we decided to gift the sugary sweets to the firemen who’d come to our rescue (conveniently we have a firehouse in the middle of our campus).


“ Making our last sheepish walk of the day, we knocked on the bulky back door of Engine Company 23, dessert in hand. Making our apologies, we were lucky to snap a photo or two from one of our knights in shining armor, napoleons in-hand! This fire debacle inspired me to do a bit of research on fires in dorms across the country. Turns out resident hall fires are on the rise - according to the National Fire Protection Association, between 2005 & 2009, U.S. fire departments responded to an an average of 3,840 fires in dormitories, fraternities & sororities. That number has been climbing since 1980, when there was a reported 3,200 dorm fires. These fires caused an annual average of 3 deaths, 38 injuries, & over $20 million in property damage. Beware, college cooks - cooking equipment was involved in 81 percent of these fires. The U.S. Fire Administration believes these numbers could decrease if more schools turned to dormitory sprinkler systems, stating in its “Guide for Campus Housing Administrators” that “Ultimately, student-housing administrators need to seriously consider the installation of automatic sprinkler systems in the residential facilities they manage. “


Premiere 2012 |

If I learned anything from this fire fiasco, it is the importance of knowing how to use a fire extinguisher. Take a look at the directions on your dorm’s extinguisher - it could be a big help one day. & yes, I know it is incredibly annoying to evacuate your room for what is often a false alarm, but really & truly, you never know when a serious fire could be occurring. Is it really a risk worth taking?

helpful tips Keep fire-resistant potholders & oven mitts on hand when cooking Do not pour water on a grease fire: Water can make a grease fire spread Curtains, towels & potholders should be away from hot surfaces. Place a pan lid over flames to smother a grease fire, & leave until the pan cools. Keep a fire extinguisher handy, & make sure it’s in working condition.

p Firemen are famous for being good cooks - in fact, many firehouses host fundraising cookoffs nation-wide!

Washington D.C. Fireman holds pick ax & Strawberry Napoleons.


p A

ull the safety pin from handle

im the extinguisher nozzle at the base of the fire, not at the flames


queeze the handle slowly


weep side to side. keep a safe distance from the fire


dorm Night room date

Whether you ’ve got a full kitchen or just a microwave, this three course meal is sure to impress this Valentine’s Day. words by Benjamin Besse


Nothing says “thoughtful” quite like a homemade meal. We at C&C decided to get creative in the kitchen, & turned an elegant threecourse meal into an entirely dorm room (& microwave) friendly feast for two! Learning trial by error, our “Date Night Guru,” Ben, tried cooking with everything from Clothing Irons to Coffee Pots to develop these three lovely courses. We’ve included the full-kitchen friendly recipes as well, for you lucky kitchenowners to use! & with Valentine’s Day just around the corner, this could be just the right menu for your most romantic holiday of the year! Happy dating & happy eating! Premiere 2012 |


dromantic the menu first course second course

recipes Le Microwave


you’ll need:

third course



Premiere 2012 |

1 large yellow onion, halved & thinly sliced Olive Oil ½ teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon black pepper 1 tablespoon granulated sugar 3 tablespoons brandy or white wine, optional 2 cups beef broth 2 slices white bread Nonstick cooking spray 2 slices Swiss cheese

1. In a microwave-safe bowl, combine onions, salt, pepper, & enough olive oil to coat, about 2 tblspns. 2. Cover with plastic wrap & pierce small holes in the plastic to allow steam to vent. 3. Microwave on HIGH for 6 minutes, stirring half through. 4. Add sugar & microwave uncovered, on HIGH for 3-4 minutes, until onions are golden brown. 5. Add brandy or wine & beef broth to the onion mixture & microwave, covered & vented, for 5 minutes. 7. Divide the soup between two bowls & top with croutons & cheese. 8. Microwave until cheese is melted, about 1 minute. *See next page for crouton recipe.

Le Stovetop


you’ll need:

1 large yellow onion, halved and thinly sliced 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 tablespoon unsalted butter ¼ cup brandy 2½ cups beef broth, preferably homemade 1 bay leaf ½ teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon fresh ground black pepper 4 ½”-thick slices baguette ¾ cup grated Gruyère cheese

Se e “iro our cru ned t tut ori on” the al o n n pa ext ge!


1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. In a large pot over mediumheat, melt butter in 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Once hot, add onions & cook for 15-20 minutes, or until the onions are golden brown. 2. Remove pot from heat & add brandy. Return to medium-high heat & cook 1-2 minutes. 3. Add beef broth, bay leaf, salt, & pepper. Bring soup to a boil & then reduce to a simmer for 20 minutes. Discard bay leaf. 4. Divide soup into 2 small bowls & top each with baguette slices & half of the cheese. Place bowls on a sheet tray & broil until the cheese is light brown & bubbling, approximately 2-3 minutes. Remove from oven & serve immediately.


Broil: 1. To cook by direct heat,. 2. To scorch; make very hot.


Le Stovetop



you’ll need:

Wo r gr ks e wit at wa h lnu too ts !

2 4 oz. salmon fillets Le Stovetop 1 lemon, juiced 1/2 cup pistachio nuts 3 tbsp spicy mustard 2 tsp. dried parsley ACTIVE: 10 MIN; TOTAL: 15 MIN 1/4 cup bread crumbs 2 SERVINGS (try panko!) you’ll need: 2 tbsp vegetable oil 1 lb asparagus, ends trimmed Salt & pepper 1½ tbsp olive oil 1. Combine lemon juice, mus½ tsp salt tard & parsley. Sprinkle fillets ½ tsp black pepper with salt & pepper & coat with 1 tsp Herbs de Provence mustard mixture. 2. Crush 1. Preheat oven to 400°F. Arpistachios in a large plastic bag. range asparagus in a single layer On a plate, mix nuts with bread on a sheet tray. Toss with olive crumbs & vegetable oil. Coat oil, salt, pepper, & Herbs de salmon with nut mixture. 3. Provence. 2. Bake for 15-20 Heat olive oil in a medium pan. minutes until just tender, Place salmon in pan, skin side depending on thickness of the up. Cook each side for 4 minasparagus. utes, until browned.

Le Microwave


you’ll need:

2 4 oz. salmon fillets 1 tbsp. seafood seasoning 1 lemon, juiced 1 tbsp. parsley, chopped 4 tbsp. water Salt & pepper Individually place salmon pieces on a large square of wax paper. Add lemon juice, chopped parsley, salt & pepper. Pour water on top of salmon & wrap wax paper loosely around the fish (think lousy gift wrapping). Place on microwave safe dish & microwave for 4 minutes. The fish should be pink & flaky when cooked.

Le Microwave


you’ll need:

Le Stovetop


you’ll need:

1 tbsp olive oil 1 tbsp unsalted butter ½ yellow onion, finely chopped ¾ cup Arborio rice ½ cup white wine 3 cups vegetable stock, hot Frozen peas (or other frozen veggies) ¼ cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese Salt & pepper, to taste 1. Heat olive oil & butter in a large sauté pan over mediumhigh heat. Add onion & cook for 5-6 minutes, until translucent. 2. Stir in Arborio rice & allow to cook in oil for 3-4 minutes. The rice will take on a somewhat milky complexion. Add white wine & cook for 1-2 minutes. 3. Lower heat to medium-low &, one ladle-full at a time, add hot vegetable stock & cook until liquid is almost completely absorbed. Continue this until the rice is just cooked, about 25 minutes. 4. Add peas (or other vegetables) & cheese. Serve immediately.

1 lb asparagus, ends trimmed Le Microwave 1½ tbsp butter ½ tsp salt ACTIVE: 3 MIN; TOTAL: 5 MIN ½ tsp black pepper 2 SERVINGS ½ lemon, juiced you’ll need: 3 tbsp water 1 bag microwave-ready wild 1. Cut asparagus stalks in half. rice Place in microwave-safe bowl 2 tbsp chopped cilantro with salt, pepper, water & but½ tbsp butter ter. 2. Microwave for 3 minutes. Stir. Microwave for 2 minutes. 1. Microwave rice according to Drain. Add lemon juice & enjoy. package directions. 2. Place in bowl & add cilantro & butter. To keep your asparagus Enjoy. bright in color, run cold water over stalks before cooking!


No croutons? No worries.






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a. sidn e 4.

dice into pieces

q 7.




1. Preheat your clothing iron to its highest setting. 2. Place bread on foil. 3. Spray lightly with non-stick cooking spray. 4.. Fold ends of foil over bread, covering completely & keeping ends open for steam to escape. 5. Place iron on foil & toast 3-4 minutes each side, checking every 2 minutes, until light brown & crispy. 6. Cut into small square pieces.


gosh darn




divulge Le Oven


you’ll need:

1 sheet frozen puff pastry, thawed in fridge 3 tbsp granulated sugar 2 egg yolks 1¼ cups heavy cream ½ cup white chocolate chips 1 cup strawberries, hulled & sliced

8. Add white chocolate & stir until melted. Cool in the fridge for at least two hours. 10.To finish the mousse, whip one cup of heavy cream until stiff peaks form. Save ½ cup of whipped cream in a separate bowl. Fold chilled chocolate mixture into the remaining cream, being sure not to deflate the whipped cream. Return to the fridge to set. 11. To assemble, see steps 3-6 for the STRAWBERRY DOUGHNUT NAPOLEON.

Le Countertop

1. Gently fold white chocolate pudding (boxed or pre-made) into one cup of whipped cream, making sure to not deflate whipped cream. 2. Cut doughnuts across into 3 equal slices, slicing through the girth. 4. To make napoleons, place a bottom slice of each doughnut on two plates. 5. Spread a small amount of the pudding “mousse” on top of each doughnut slice, about 2-3 tablespoons. Arrange 3-4 slices of strawberry on top of mousse & top with a dollop of whipped cream, about 1-2 tablespoons. 6. Place the middle slice of each doughnut on top of the whipped cream & repeat the mousse, strawberry, & whipped cream layers. 7. Top with the top slice of each doughnut.

1. Preheat oven to 400°F. 2. Unfold puff pastry & cut four round disks of pastry (try using a wine glass!). 3. Place on lined ACTIVE: 10 MIN; TOTAL: 15 MIN pan & sprinkle with one tbsp 2 SERVINGS sugar. 4. Bake for 15 minutes, you’ll need: until puffed & golden. Let cool. ½ cup white chocolate pud5. With a mixer, beat egg yolks ding & 2 tbsp sugar until pale yellow, 1½ cups canned whipped about 3 minutes. 6. Meanwhile, cream heat ½ cup of heavy cream in a 2 powdered doughnuts small saucepan until hot, but not 1 cup strawberries, hulled & boiling. Slowly whisk half of the sliced hot cream into the egg mixture. 1. Gently fold white chocolate 7. Add egg & cream mixture pudding (boxed or pre-made) into to remaining heavy cream in one cup of whipped cream, maksaucepan over low heat. Stir for ing sure to not deflate whipped 5 minutes, or until mixture coats cream. 2. Cut doughnuts across back of spoon. Do not boil. into


Premiere 2012 |

meet Ben

When I’m not in class or at work, you’ll find me cooking away, testing new recipes in my snug dorm kitchen. Coming from a home without a microwave (Gasp!), I was so enthused to create this three-course meal for College & Cook’s first issue. Developing both the classic & dorm-friendly preparations for the menu was a fun & challenging culinary frontier for me, and I think it was a success! My tip to you: As college cooks, we have limited pantries, so use these recipes as a guide, not a rule. Your cafeteria only serves raspberries in the fruit salad? No problem! A raspberry napoleon would surely be just as delicious as a strawberry one. Happy Valentine’s, & happy eating! *Ben is a sophomore studying Finance at the George Washington University in Washington, D.C.

p 39






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penn appétit



Premiere 2012 |







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When I was sixteen, a cosmic shift occurred in my household. My mother sat me down and told me that for the foreseeable future I’d be taking on a new responsibility:

the planning & preparation of dinner.

I come from a long line of bad cooks. My grandmother served the same bland pot roast every Sunday for nearly 30 years, & that’s to say nothing of her infamous peanut butter & liverwurst sandwiches. My dad’s been known to slap a cold hunk of packaged American cheese between two pieces of white bread, spread ketchup all over it & call it lunch. Even holiday dinners with my large Irish-Catholic family center around cold turkey, lumpy mashed potatoes & forlorn-looking vegetables straight from the frozen foods aisle. This is not to say that I resent my relatives for the lack of notable homemade food in my life. My parents both work full time, so it’s really a kind of mini-miracle that there was always any meal on our table at 6 o’clock. Still, I’ve often wished for a culinary heritage to call my own. Others have memories of afternoons learning to season & measure at grandma’s knee, or of that beloved recipe with the power to conjure comfort in one bite. I’ve got corned beef, boiled cabbage & no instruction whatsoever. So hearing my mom’s declaration was a little like standing on a precipice, an unknown world of ingredients & labels and confusing utensils looming before me. I’d done some cooking before, but my repertoire was mostly limited to cookies, mix-made brownies & pasta. So now, where to begin? I started with lists. There were recipe lists (one for each week), shopping lists, allergy & preference lists. Better Homes & Gardens became my bible. It was a good beginner’s cookbook, listing step-by-step instructions with photographs, easy directions & helpful charts & tips. The first few days were difficult, especially since I found dealing with raw meat a less than enticing

prospect. I burned, I over-salted & I otherwise ruined more than one meal. There were the stuffed shells that emerged from the oven stiff & crunchy. The seafood pasta recipe that tasted like day-old clams. The time I left chicken defrosting unattended on the counter & my cat clawed through the plastic wrap, eating half of it before she was caught. What I discovered, though, is that cooking was nowhere near as difficult as I’d imagined. Soon I felt comfortable enough to diverge from a recipe’s hard & fast commands. & all of a sudden, making dinner became a creative endeavor. With my responsibilities came newfound power & independence. Since I did all the grocery shopping, I controlled not only the dinner menu, but also all snack & breakfast cereal selections. We ate more fresh vegetables & homemade soup. One of my favorite recipes was for a Thai chicken stir-fry—relatively simple to put together, it was delicious &, best of all, filled the kitchen with the smell of ginger. I loved making chicken with apples & carrots tucked around it, drizzled with curry-mustard sauce & chopped onion. Then there were the things I came back to again & again, because they were tasty & easy: roasted potatoes with olive oil & paprika; light, eggy popovers; pasta with asparagus & cream sauce. I firmly believe that anyone can learn to cook, no matter the circumstances. All you need is a cookbook, attention to detail, & a willingness to persevere in the face of failure. With a little time & effort (family culinary curses notwithstanding), you can cook your way to confidence.

ing I’d done some cook before, but my stly reper toire was mo ixlimited to cookies, md made brownies an pasta. So now, where to begin? { }


Surviving College with

Food Allergies

words by Jacqui Corba & Katie Ross


n estimated 12 million Americans have food allergies of varying degrees, & these numbers are rising. Just eight foods account for over 90 percent of all food-allergic reactions in the U.S. - milk, eggs, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, soy, fish, & shellfish. Peanut allergy diagnosis are on the rise - in fact, according to the Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network, the allergy literally doubled in just a five year period (1997-2002). We spoke with Dr. Scott Sicherer of The Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City to learn about food allergies affecting college students today.

{Allergytoolkit} 42

Premiere 2012 |

My battle with As a typical college student, my relationship with food was always a bit complicated (Dessert? No dessert? Junk food or a salad?). But this relationship became far more complicated at the end of my sophomore year, when I found out I had celiac disease. Having to go gluten-free was the biggest lifestyle change I’ve had to make in my entire life - no wheat ever again! After a lifetime spent eating what I wanted, how was I going to remove such a staple part of my diet? Bagels, pizza, pasta, beer (legally of course), & all of my favorite cereals had to be cut from my life, & be substituted with dry, tasteless replacements. However, after mourning the loss of my unhealthy college dining staples, I committed fully to living gluten-free - I became a more positive person, & a healthy eater. When I returned to school in the fall, I met with my university’s dining services to discuss my on-campus options, & I taught myself how to cook delicious & easy gluten-free meals. Using my new positive persona (sans the gluten, of course), I’ve been able to give new meaning to the term “celiac disease,” both for myself & for people I come across. Many people hide their allergies & sensitivities, but I’ve learned to embrace mine. If you take the initiative to turn something that is inherently negative into something positive, there is a good chance that you will be happy no matter what your restrictions are. And you know what? I’m pretty happy eating the best.

CELIAC & living glutenfree



common misconceptions

Scott Q&A Dr.Sicherer with

words by Jacqui Corba

What is a Food Allergy? A food allergic reaction happens when the body’s immune system (provided to help fight infection) is attaching harmless proteins in food & that result in food allergic symptoms. What is the difference between a “Food Allergy” and “Food Intolerance”? Many people confuse a “food allergy” with a “food intolerance”. A food intolerance does not affect the immune system, it may cause great discomfort but is not life-threatening. Food sensitivities include lactose intolerance, where the body cannot digest the sugar lactose in milk. A third category is Celiac disease, thought as separate from food allergies & intolerance. Celiac disease involves an immune system response (like an allergy), but the problem lies in the gluten contained in grains like barley, rye & wheat. What are you researching now? We are now researching a Chinese herbal remedy, & we are hoping it will be helpful treatment for food allergies. Also, we are doing several studies on oral immuno-therapy. This means we expose the allergic patient to small amounts of the allergen & gradually increase exposure. We are also looking at the ability to use combination therapy such as injections of anti-IGE & oral immunotherapy together.

{Allergytoolkit} 44

Premiere 2012 |

q Facts}

{Fast T


FAAN College Network The Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network created a network dedicated entirely to college students with food allergies. Their website offers information on resources at college campuses nationwide, listing contact information & availability of allergyfree foods. The Network’s Student Ambassadors & College Representatives help prospective students understand what it’s like to manage a food allergy in college. If you’d like to apply to be a Student Ambassador, check out for more information.





Kiss Me

if you can words by Jacqui Corba photos by Audrey Scagnelli

Dinner was good, the conversation had flowed. But he made one big mistake:


Premiere 2012 |

the models: Bari & Christopher


hen the time came for that anticipated goodnight kiss, she stopped him abruptly: “Wait a minute!! Have you eaten anything with nuts in the last 4 hours?” Did you know that kissing someone with a food allergy after eating something they are allergic to could make them sick? To avoid an awkward first date, (and a really awkward trip to the emergency room) consider these facts & advice. The Study According to Dr. Scott Sicherer of The Mount Sinai Hospital, various studies have found 10 to 15 percent of people with food allergies can have a negative reaction thanks to some intimate kissing with someone who consumed a food they are allergic to. The study Dr. Sicherer conducted specifically looked at peanut butter, figuring out exactly how long the nutty spread lingers in a person’s mouth. His study did not factor the consumption of chewing nuts, nor did it examine any other common food allergies. The experiment tested

Tips for a healthy First Date

Have an allergy?

Communicate! Don’t be embarrassed to tell your date about your allergies & what he or she can do to take extra precautions. Plan ahead! Organize dinners with your special someone so that you eat together & you know you’re both eating safe foods.

Dating someone w/ an allergy?

Be forward! Don’t make your date feel awkward, & ask questions if you’re confused. Be honest! It’s always better to ask your partner about a food you are unsure is safe than to potentially put him or her at risk! Be prepared! Keep gum or a toothbrush handy!



outh saliva after an entire peanut butter sandwich was eaten. The results were interesting - researchers were not able to detect the allergen four hours after the sandwich was consumed. The study found methods such as rinsing the mouth, chewing gum, & brushing teeth helped get rid of the allergen more quickly, but these efforts were as not effective as postponing a make out session until four hours after dinner.


Premiere 2012 |

Still, if you want to play it safe, (& if you don’t have much patience!) on the day of your date, try to avoid consuming peanuts altogether - that is, of course, if you’re dating someone with a peanut allergy. Dr. Sicherer said, “Food particles can be tricky. We recommend to avoid eating foods so they don’t have to worry about it.” Stay peanut-free for the night- don’t let dinner get the best of you.


“DON’T Let Dinner get the best of

About the author: Jacqueline Corba is a senior at The George Washington University studying Journalism & Mass Communication. She was diagnosed with severe peanut, tree-nut, & sesame allergies when she was five years old. Have more questions? Contact her @

Try to avoid


altogether if you’re dating someone with a


Taking local to a new level





stu d

penn appĂŠtit


Philadelphia’s CafÊ Estelle provides its customers with yet another reason to love the sustainability movement by combining local & organic ingredients with in-house craftsmanship & a do-ityourself flair



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BY EESHA SARDESAI PHOTOS BY MIKE CHIEN student-run food magazine at Penn

The menu this weekend at Café Estelle very well might feature a Lancaster County romaine salad: dilly beans & pungent gorgonzola flouncing the best of Pennsylvania Dutch produce. There’s also the spinach salad, with supple roasted pears, bacon vinaigrette & greens sourced from that same county. The egg that drips over brioche & gruyere in the Croque Madame was laid on an organic farm within a few hours’ drive of the restaurant. & that coffee? Fair-trade, organic & locally roasted. Chef Marshall Green’s bright café, tucked in a corner of Philadelphia’s artsy Northern Liberties neighborhood, might not appear unusual by this account. A slew of locavore outposts have sprouted up in the past few years as interest in local, sustainable eating proliferates. Café Estelle, with its promise of creamy, shirred eggs & delicate, apple-stuffed pancakes, sounds like a particularly good one. But a second look at the café’s offerings reveals a deeper commitment to homegrown cuisine, one that redefines the very term “local eating.” The spinach in that salad might come from Lancaster County, but the marbled hunks of bacon that dress it? All cured, smoked & dried in Green’s backroom kitchen. The pillowy walnut sticky bun—a cream-swaddled must for weekend brunch-goers—is also made in house, as is the brioche, the flatbreads, the ciabatta & whole wheat sandwich breads, & the pile of chubby brown muffins splayed on the counter. Oranges bounce around in a plastic contraption set atop the bar, squeezing out fresh juice; club soda is carbonated nearby, ready for mixing with any of sixteen flavored syrups. Ice cream, mayonnaise, mozzarella, smoked & brined turkey—all are prepared in Chef Green’s kitchen. At Café Estelle, local often means, well, right here. “We make hand-crafted food,” Green says simply. “It’s all hand-crafted food; it’s all cared-for food. We try to find the best ingredients that we can & prepare them, not always in the simplest way, but in a way to reflect their high quality.” A big practical advantage of crafting so much on site is the influence it allows Green to have over what he serves. “If you buy, say, a turkey breast, you can’t always control how salty it is. You buy it, & that’s what you get. Here, if we don’t like the way that something’s coming out, we can taste it; we can adapt it to different applications.” “Food’s sort of alive,” he adds. “& you have to make

it the best that you can on any specific day.” It’s clear that Green’s excited by this constant variability. The chef ’s voice is reverent as he speaks, as though he can see before him the endless possibilities for homemade specials on his menu. Not as if the current menu at Café Estelle doesn’t boast plenty already. Green & his team serve up a sizable selection of breakfast & lunch fare, along with a lineup of rotating specials—seven to thirteen, depending on the day of the week. The velvety stuffed French toast is a perennial standout on the specials board—eggdipped brioche loaded with everything from goldensweet pineapple to crisp, spicy ginger snaps to decadent cheesecake that’s also impossibly light. It’s unpretentious food, like “My favorite compliment that home but better, & perfectly meshed I get from people is when with the chef ’s hands-on philosophy. someone says, ‘it reminds That’s because for Green, the me of my grandma.’ That’s extra step of actually brining a turkey or baking ciabatta—rather the sort of transcendent than just sourcing them from the experience you can have with neighborhood butcher & baker—is food.” Chef Marshall Green emblematic of a certain degree of care for both the food and the customer. This is evident, for one, in the obvious safety precautions that go with any food service venture. “You’re entrusting the staff with preparing for you safe, wholesome, quality food— not poisoning you,” Green explains. However, there are also less tangible notions of how a chef connects with the diner & how he can further his part in the customer’s food experience. Green’s hope is that when someone takes a bite of the housecured tuna melt sandwich or his famous French toast, they will taste the care that went into its preparation; that it might remind them of a meal made with similar affection, or that it creates a special experience for itself. “My favorite compliment that I get from people is when they tell me that a food reminds them of a time or a person,” Green remarks. “When someone says, ‘it reminds me of my grandma,’ or ‘that reminded me of this time that I was up in this little diner in New England,’ or just this specific food memory—I think that’s the sort of transcendent experience you can have with food, any time. It doesn’t have to be in a five-star restaurant; it can be anywhere. But food has the ability, no matter where it’s served, to transcend a body. & that is what keeps me coming back to it.”


we challenge



Premiere 2012 |

To give these three recipes a shot. Think you’re up for it? game on.

Culinary school student Crystal Williams came up with three delicious recipes for college cooks at any level. Whether you’re mastering the can opener (p. 52), the stovetop (p. 54) or the oven (p. 56), we’ve got a challenge just for you! We know you can handle ‘em - so grab your apron & give one a shot. Snap a few pics of your dish - it could end up featured in C&C’s next issue! Email one over: info@collegeandcook. com.


beginner’s luck

Broccoli Slaw Tuna Fish Salad


you’ll need:

{fun fact}

store in an airtight container for up to 3 days!

1 5oz can white tuna fish ¼ cup shredded broccoli slaw* roughly chopped ½ dill pickle, quartered & diced 2 tbsp of your favorite salad dressing 1 large hard boiled egg Salt to taste

1. Place egg in medium pot with cold water (enough to cover 1 inch), & bring to a boil. 2. Shut off heat & cover. Let rest for 7 minutes. 3. Drain can of tuna & empty contents into small mixing bowl. 4. Chop egg & mix egg, broccoli slaw, dill pickle, & salad dressing with the tuna; serve.



Orange-ricotta fritters ACTIVE: 25 MIN TOTAL: 25 MIN 2 DOZEN FRITTERS

you’ll need:

2 cups canola oil ¾ cup all purpose flour 2 tsp baking soda 2 tsp orange zest (1 medium orange) 1 tsp. orange juice 2 tbsp orange juice ¼ tsp salt 1 cup part-skim ricotta cheese 2 large eggs lightly beaten 4 tbsp sugar 1 ½ tsp pure vanilla extract Toppings 1 tbsp confectioner’s sugar 1 tbsp light agave nectar


1. In a medium mixing bowl whisk flour, baking soda, orange zest, & salt until evenly mixed. 2. In a separate large mixing bowl combine ricotta cheese, eggs, orange juice, granulated sugar & vanilla & mix well. 3. Combine flour ingredients to ricotta mixture & whisk. Batter should be the consistency of a thick pancake batter. 4. Let batter rest for 5 minutes. While it rests heat oil in medium skillet on medium heat. The oil will be hot enough if a drizzle of flour sizzles. 5. Once oil is hot drop 1 tbsp batter into the pan. You’ll want the batter to float in the pan so it forms into rounds once flipped. Turn after 2 minutes or until golden brown. 6. Transfer to paper towel, sprinkle with sugar & nectar & serve immediately.

Premiere 2012 |

{try ad OJ fo ding fres r brigh an extra h t bite }


Rise to the Challenge

Tilapia En Papillote ACTIVE: 25 MIN TOTAL: 25 MIN 1 SERVING

you’ll need:

1 3-4oz piece of tilapia (can be frozen) 4 grape tomatoes 3 shiitake mushrooms ¼ yellow bell pepper cut into julienne 2 chive leaves, diced One medium piece of parchment (15x15”)


Marinade ¼ cup of Italian dressing

Premiere 2012 |

1.Preheat oven to 350° F. 2. On a baking sheet lay out your parchment paper on a baking sheet. 3. Lay your diced chives, mushrooms, yellow bell pepper, and grape tomatoes on your parchment. 4. Season fish generously with salt & pepper and lay over your vegetables. 5. Pour dressing over the fish & seal parchment by rolling up all sides until the parchment is completely sealed. 6. Bake for 20-25 minutes until parchment is lightly brown. Serve immediately.

{tips//starting point} If your fish is frozen: either keep in plastic wrapping or place in a sealed plastic zip bag & thaw in the refrigerator submersed in cool water for 1 hour. To clean mushrooms: wipe down with a damp paper towel to remove dirt. Mushrooms are very porous & rinsing them can alter their flavor.


from the

Crafty Kitchenette:

Chalk it Up!

Restyle discarded jars into chalkboard-chic canisters for a diy coffee bar under ten bucks! Writer & Producer, Jessica Hansen,

Two important things needed to get you through your college years: creativity & coffee. This project brings both of those together. Raid your closet, cupboards, & drawers & roundup all those used-up candles & glass jars. Score yourself some chalkboard paint & brew yourself a pot of coffee to enjoy as you get crafty. Raid your dorm, apartment, or parents’ house for containers you can reuse & recycle…if you come up empty handed, check out local antique, thrift, & secondhand stores for cheap options to makeover. For under $10, recycle an eclectic collection of old containers into a lovely, space-conscious coffee bar perfect for any dorm or apartment kitchen.


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The Goods:

-Candle jars that include lids -Random jars with lids, like canning jars, spaghetti sauce jars & salsa jars -Cardboard or plastic containers with lids. Try peanut butter jars & cocoa or oatmeal containers.

Premiere 2012 |

The Tools:

-a bottle of chalkboard paint, $3.49 -a foam brush or paint brush, $0.99 -painters’ or masking tape, $1.99 -a paint chip, free -patterned scrapbooking paper, $0.50 -ModPodge, I had this on hand total: $6.97







From L to R: 1. packaging from a perfume container. 2. Empty Yankee Candle jar from thrift store. 3. Old candle jar with lid. 4. Glass lotion bottle. 5. Candle jar from thrift store.

You can use your chalk to denote your favorite roast… mine was “bold!” FYI, these make pretty great gifts for the coffee lovers in your life!


How-To Guide

Tips & Tricks for creating a coffee shop-worthy coffee bar!

Removing Candle Wax: cold method for smaller candles:

1. Boil a large pot of water. Transfer pot to the sink. 2. Submerge the candle jar fully in the hot water & let it sit for a couple of hours. 3. The candle wax should soften, allowing you to poke a fork into it and pull it out in one piece. 4. Large candles may take longer. If the water cools, refill the pot with more hot water & wait another hour.

warm method for larger candles:

1. Place your candle jar upright in the freezer.

Leave it overnight. Or while you’re in class all day. 2. Wait. This could take anywhere from 2-10 hours. 3. Take the jar out of the freezer and turn it upside down over a plate. 4. The hard wax should have shrunk just enough to easily fall out onto the plate. If not, use a fork to wiggle it free.


Chalkboard Paint

1. Be sure to check your paint container’s instruc-

tions. My bottle simply required that I shake the bottle well before use. 2. Follow the directions when it comes to application & time. With my paint, I had to apply coats alternating between vertical & horizontal strokes & leaving an hour between coats so that the paint could dry. 3. After applying all coats, let the paint set overnight. 4. To prime your chalkboard surfaces for writing, rub chalk over the entire surface gently. Then rub the surface with your hands, erasing the marks. Now your surface should be ready to be written on!


Premiere 2012 |

Once Wax is Gone...

1. Once the jar is at room temperature, give it a good scrubbing or a run in the dishwater. 2. Clean out any residue left behind. Scrub the edges, ridges, etc. 3. Let dry!

*Do NOT place a cold candle jar on anything hot or run warm water over it. The sudden change in temperature will cause the glass to fracture & break. If the candle doesn’t slide out right away, pop back it in the freezer. *Do NOT transfer the candle from hot water to a fridge or freezer. The temperature change can cause the glass to shatter.

Cardboard Perfume Container to

Tea Canister 1. Simply coat the cardboard container with chalkboard paint. 2. When the container has dried, turn the base upside down so that its opening is on top of scrapbook paper. Trace a circle on the paper & carefully cut it out. 3. Apply a layer of ModPodge (or another glue) to the top of the container’s lid. Place the round piece of scrapbook paper upon the glue. Press down & smooth out any wrinkles. 4. When the chalkboard surface has been primed for use, label it! I filled mine with bags of Earl Grey tea, so I wrote “Earl Grey” on the lid & “Tea” on the container base.


How-To Guide Step-by-step directions to make your own coffee bar!

Lotion Bottle to

Syrup Dispenser

1. After giving the lotion bottle a very thorough cleansing—including the pump dispenser, which I ran a lot of hot dishwater through to clean out—apply a piece of masking tape around the middle. An inch or so up, apply another piece. This can get tricky if your bottle starts to curve near the top like mine does. Just be sure to press down the tape, leaving it smooth & wrinkle free at the bottom. (The top can be wrinkly since it won’t affect the paint.) 2. Paint the area between the two pieces of tape with chalkboard paint & let dry. 3. Fill with your fave store-bought coffee syrup or make your own. Naturally, I went with timeless vanilla.


Premiere 2012 |

See p for p age 66 ainti ng tips!


Canning Jar to

Creamer Container

1. Once I removed the candle from this tiny canning jar, I was struck by how pretty the beveled glass was. I simply couldn’t bring myself to paint it or cover it up! Instead, I cut a strip of fresh, clean scrapbook paper & wrapped it into an O-shape that easily slid down inside the jar. 2. Then I painted the disc piece of the jar lid with chalkboard paint…leaving the rim metal.

Candle Jar to

Sugar Container

1. For the base, coat the back of a rectangular paint chip with Mod-Podge. 2. Stick it to the bottom of the base, wrapping rubber-bands near the top & bottom of the paint chip to secure it to the glass as the glue dries. 3. Coat the lid with chalkboard paint and let dry. With this, you can either label the lid with chalk… or you could write a more permanent label on the paint chip using marker.

Candle Jar to

Coffee Canister

1. Stick two pieces of masking tape vertically down the front of the glass jar, parallel to each other with equal space in between. (I left about an inch & a half distance.) Be sure to press the tape down on the details of the jar, like the ridges near the top. 2. Once the tape is in place, paint the area between. 3. After drying & priming, label your coffee canister! The word “coffee” will do, or use the chalkboard label to denote roast… mine was “bold!”


e k a m

cake in 5 minutes <



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Maple Cinnamon Premiere 2012 |

So it’s midnight. You’ve been studying for your political science exam for the past four hours. You’re starving, but every single restaurant on campus is closed. You could really go for something sweet, but you want to get to sleep in the near future. What do you do? Make a mug cake! Delicious & easy to make, we bet you’ve got most of these ingredients laying around your dorm room. Only five minutes stand between you & decadence!

a new way to measure!



C&C’s own Mug Cake Girls bring you four fun desserts for you to give a shot. & to make things easier, they’ve thrown out the standard measuring tools & replaced ‘em with one little shot glass. Faster cleanup, less measuring time, & a sure way to make a warm, goey dessert in just under five minutes. Get ready for the tastiest study break of your life!


Birthday Cake

The perfect treat f or a cold win ter d ay!

Birthday Cake


you’ll need:

1 ½ shots flour 1 egg 1 shot granulated sugar 1 pinch baking powder 1 shot melted butter ½ shot milk ½ shot vanilla ½ shot sprinkles

Fudge Topping

½ shot milk 2 shots chocolate chips (semi-sweet if you’ve got it) 1.Rub oil or butter inside mug. 2. Add ingredients to mug: flour, baking powder, sugar, egg, melted butter, milk, vanilla, and sprinkles. 3. Mix batter with fork or spoon until all ingredients are thoroughly combined.


4. Put in the microwave for 1 1/2 minutes. For the Topping: 1. In a small microwave-safe bowl, add chocolate chips & milk. 2. Microwave 30 seconds. 3. Stir ingredients after removing from microwave, making sure that everything is blended. 4. Pour fudge over mug cake. 5. Top with sprinkles & a candle & enjoy!

Maple Cinnamon ACTIVE: 5 MIN; TOTAL: 5 MIN 1 SERVING

you’ll need:


1 ½ shots flour ½ egg 1 shot brown sugar 1 pinch baking powder

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½ shot milk 1 shot melted butter 3 pinches cinnamon ½ shot maple syrup ½ shot vanilla 1.Rub oil or butter inside mug. 2. Add ingredients to mug: flour, baking powder, sugar, egg, melted butter, milk, cinnamon, vanilla, & maple syrup. 3. Mix batter with fork or spoon until all ingredients are combined 4. Put in the microwave for 1 minute. 5. Top with whipped cream & a sprinkle of cinnamon.

uck feel free to ch @ lf the other ha an enemy!

Microwave Tips your 1. Check cake after a

minute - you don’t want it to overcook!

an extra2.For easy cleanup,

spray the inside of your mug with non-stick cooking spray.

your 3.Check microwave

for a starch friendly setting.

Peppermint Dream ACTIVE: 5 MIN; TOTAL: 5 MIN 1 SERVING

you’ll need:

1 shot flour ½ shot cocoa powder ½ egg ½ shot granulated sugar 1 pinch baking powder ½ shot oil (any type is fine) 1 shot milk 2 shots nutella 1 shot either crumbled peppermint bark or candy cane

Fudge Topping

(see Birthday Cake for recipe) 1.Rub oil or butter inside mug. 2. Combine ingredients in mug. 3. Mix batter with fork or spoon until all ingredients are thoroughly combined. 4. Microwave for 2 minutes.

5. Top with whipped cream & enjoy!

Peanutbutter Supreme ACTIVE: 5 MIN; TOTAL: 5 MIN 1 SERVING

you’ll need:

1 shot flour ½ shot cocoa powder 1 egg ½ shot white granulated sugar 1 pinch baking powder ½ shot oil (any type is fine) 1 shot milk 1 shot peanut butter 1 shot nutella

Fudge Topping

2 shots chocolate chips (Semi-sweet) 1 shot peanut butter 1 shot milk

1.Rub oil or butter inside mug. 2. Combine ingredients in mug. 3. Mix batter with fork or spoon until all ingredients are thoroughly combined. 4. Put in the microwave for 1 1/2 minutes. For the Topping: 1. In a small microwave-safe bowl, add chocolate chips, peanutbutter & milk. 2. Microwave thirty seconds. 3. Stir ingredients after removing from microwave, making sure that everything is blended. 4. Pour fudge over mug cake & enjoy!


Inspiring Future Leaders Words By Audrey Scagnelli Have you been thinking about starting a food cooperative on your campus? Don’t know where to start? We’ve got good news: Yoni Landau & his innovative org, CoFED, are here to help. As a University of California, Berkeley undergrad, Yoni caught wind that a Panda Express coming to campus - & he fought relentlessly to prevent it from setting up shop. His successful student-run campaign kept fast food far from Berkeley, & prompted him to create the Berkley Student Food Collective. This evolved into the formation of CoFED, a national cooperative network & training program dedicated to helping students form food co-ops across the country. Be it financial support, helpful advice, or on-thejob training at CoFED’s semi-annual retreats, the organization has helped students from over 20 schools develop sustainable food outlets on their campuses. With a mission to inspire & equip student leaders to creating sustainable awareness programs, CoFED is working to spread the food movement by way of college kids across the country. They’re hosting a weeklong educational retreat this summer, check out cofed. org for details! If you want to get even more involved, they’re also accepting internship applications.


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cooperative food

cofed empowerment directive

1. Students prepare a meal for a CoFED retreat. 2. A student pours organic milk into freshly brewed coffee during a CoFED retreat. 3. Yoni Landau embraces a llama. 4. Students work together in the kitchen.


The Slow Food Movement words by Audrey Scagnelli


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{edibleInspiration} The University of Wisconsin-Madison celebrates local eating, uniting a broken community one delicious bite at a time


o you enjoy a locally sourced, gourmet meal once a week? On your campus, no less? Students from the University of Wisconsin Madison’s Slow Food UW spend Monday evenings learning in the kitchen from local chefs, & eating at a myriad of round tables, surrounded by good friends & good, locally-sourced food. Slow Food, which came to Madison’s campus in 2007, has changed the food environment on both a campus & community-wide scale. Formed by a group of students passionate about the heritage & history of food, today the group works with UW’s Dining & Culinary Services to provide all students with locally-sourced meals on a weekly basis. They work on behalf of the Slow Food movement, drawing attention to the direct relationship food choices play on agricultural resources & the livelihoods of farmers & food service workers. “The movement has been expanding over the past decade, from dealing with issues of quality in cooking to include environmental & sustainable agriculture, social justice, & food sovereignty.” They have spent much time working with their local community through co-sponsoring Celebrate South Madison, an annual festival that hosts free entertainment & activities, as well as the weekly farmers’ market. At this event, Slow Food UW promotes food sustainability & fresh produce available locally. Slow Food UW has even opened a campus cafe, preparing sustainable & affordable food to students every Wednesday afternoon. The group also developed a Market Basket program, allowing the entire university community to purchase bags of local produce at an affordable price. Wishing you were in Wisconsin right about now?


The Joys of a Splendid Meal



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Bean & Zucchini o White veggie burger



Washington University in St. Louis

words by Jeffrey Morris photos by Alex Wilcockson

am going to vomit everywhere!” It’s a common weekend phrase heard throughout the dimly lit dining halls on the Washington University in St. Louis campus around the hours of 1:00 & 3:00 in the morning. There is no denying the sense of haste in the air as students rush in & out of food lines greeting one another, recapping their night while ordering up rounds of ice cold water for their rowdy table of friends. Discretion is certainly not the theme of the evening as students cut in line to rambunctiously hug drunken companions. One of the most popular “drunk foods” at WashU. is a Midwestern tradition: Chicken & Waffles. It’s a dish of chocolate covered waffles doused in warm syrup, fruit, & whipped cream, topped by big pieces of juicy, fried chicken. The gooey, delicious mess is thrown into a recyclable box all working to make one big “sober up” treat. Daniel Levine, a business school student hailing from Miami, Florida, considers alcohol to be a cook’s best friend. “Take chicken and waffles. When sober, they are disgusting; however, when under the influence, nothing in the world compares.”


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Gooey slices of cheese pizza sell like 5-cent glasses of lemonade on a hot summer day.


n the dining hall, grease sizzles on the grill & small bubbles of oil burst in unison as if being instructed by an orchestra conductor. People scream for orders of tator tots & mozzarella sticks, grabbing gooey slices of cheese pizza which sell like five-cent glasses of lemonade on a hot summer day. It’s a myriad of fried food from heaven, & makes for the perfect cure for a drunken stupor. After ordering their food, it’s common for WashU. students to run around from booth to booth socializing & sharing food after a night of drunken debauchery. The gothic architecture of the room itself, which students lovingly call the “Bears Den,” reminds unfamiliar onlookers of a building ripped straight from the hallowed halls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry. After a couple of bottles of weekend-only Pumpkin Juice, groups of freshmen stumbling up the stairs may indeed resemble Harry Potter and his pals. Premiere 2012 |

“There is definitely a routine to our party culture here,” says Kristy Okada, a student from Middlebury, Minnesota studying economics. “It’s always nice to come back to campus late at night & see all your friends. I think we bond over high calorie food. I know it’s going straight to my thighs, but oh well!” Sharon D’Silva, a Pre-Med student from Long Island, New York agrees: “nothing beats the taste of the warm, melting mozzarella cheese & french fries after a long night of fratting it up.”

The moral of the story? “Drunk food” is gross but do we know any better at that hour?

{drunkfooddelirium} 81

The Campus Scoop

food tales from campuses nationwide

University of Arkansas A few semesters ago, a massive snowstorm swept Fayetteville, Ark., canceling classes for approximately 10 days. Fayetteville’s position on the Ozark Mountains (hence the nickname, “The Hill”) made it difficult & unsafe for students to navigate around campus. The only option for on-campus student dining were the cafeterias, so I was still able to indulge in my favorite omelet bar. But where would students grab supplies, such as toilet paper & personal toiletries, for their dorm rooms?

Luckily, the University of Arkansas is the first college to have an on-campus Wal-Mart, which is considered the store’s smallest branch, spanning only 3,500 square feet. This new addition was a savior to many coeds in dire need of basic necessities. The Wal-Mart employees were able to work most of the days school was cancelled, allowing students to purchase their essentials without traveling too far & endangering themselves. Tucker Travis University of Arkansas

University of California, Los Anglees With three residential dining halls, three quick-service restaurants, & a new Pan-Asian restaurant, UCLA’s dining facilities have a vast number of options for its students to choose from. For most meals, students opt to eat at the dining halls, where one meal swipe gives them access to an all-you-can-eat buffet. For lunch & dinner, these dining halls feature two main dishes, a well-packed salad bar, & comfort food. I’ve always been impressed by the variety of foods that they serve, my favorites being the chicken lo mein noodles, scallop fusilli pasta with alfredo sauce, & the chicken

vindaloo Indian curry with basmati rice. I love that there are always options for students on the go or for those who need a late night snack. One of the quick-service restaurants, Bruin Café stays open until 2 a.m., which is convenient especially during finals week. My only complaint about UCLA’s meal options would be that it is difficult for students who are on campus all day to use their meal swipes. A one-hour gap for lunch isn’t enough time to walk across campus to the dining hall, eat, & be back in time for the next class of the day. Michelle Quan University of California, Los Angeles

Johns Hopkins University


Only an elevator-ride down from the sophomore dorms & showcasing a striking view of downtown Baltimore, Nolan’s at Johns Hopkins University has quickly become a campus dine-in favorite. Nolan’s extensive & customizable stations, from Tex-Mex to Italian cuisine, make it able to satisfy the cravings of any college student. In addition Premiere 2012 |

to enjoying a meal, the eatery is also a gathering place to watch sports games or hanging out with friends. The Fresh Food Café is also a quick jaunt away - with its all-you can-eat buffet style & wide variety, it is impossible to leave hungry. Dillon Shoemaker Johns Hopkins University

Oreo Truffles:

Dessert Alert:

No-Bake Treats with America’s favorite cookie by Morgan Thie

Oreo Pie:

Makes 8-10 Servings you’ll need: 1 Oreo pie crust 1 package instant chocolate pudding 1 8oz. container Cool Whip Milk for pudding mix Oreo crackers for garnish Follow package directions for the instant pudding. Pour half of pudding into Oreo pie shell. Refrigerate for 10-15 min. Fold half the cool whip and remaining half of pudding together. Pour in as second layer. Refrigerate 10-15 min. Top with remaining cool whip. Add crushed Oreos to the top as garnish. Keep in refrigerator.

Makes 8-10 Servings you’ll need: 1 package Oreo cookies 1 8 oz. package cream .cheese (softened) 6 oz. white chocolate chips Remove the Oreo filling from the entire package of cookies. Finely crush cookies in a food processor (or in a plastic zip bag). Add the softened cream cheese to the crushed cookies and mix together until the cream cheese is no longer visible (You can also add some of the icing back in if you like). Now roll the mixture into balls using your hands and place on a wax paper lined cookie sheet. Follow the bag’s directions for melting the white chocolate chips. Drizzle on top or dip the truffles into the chocolate. Keep in refrigerator.



The Best Hot Chocolate

you’ll ever have words & photos by Elissa Bernstein

No matter where I am, when I drink hot chocolate, I feel like I’m home. That’s where it started for me – the day my mother returned from Costco with an enormous box of hot chocolate packets. She’d bought the cocoa on a whim for the holidays, & months later we were still trying to drink it all. I loved the simple process of heating milk & stirring in the chocolate powder, which had mini marshmallows that floated to the top. That very top layer, where the marshmallows melted down into fluffy foam…How could a kid say no? My love affair with hot chocolate began there in my kitchen at the age of nine. Since then I’ve tried all kinds of hot chocolate. Parisian hot chocolate, thick as paint & served in tiny, steaming cups. Mexican hot chocolate, with the seductive smells of cinnamon & chili powder. Diner hot chocolate, streetside hot chocolate, & twenty Fluffy Hot Chocolate cent cocoa from a coffee machine. Makes 2 Servings you’ll need: Hot chocolate aficionados argue about 2 tbsp Dutch-process cocoa powder whether to use water or milk, cocoa pow2 tbsp sugar der or chocolate bars, toppings or no frills. 2 tbsp water This particular recipe has the winning 1/4 cup bittersweet chocolate chips combination. It uses both water & milk, 1/2 cup marshmallows both cocoa powder & chocolate, & best of 2 cups skim milk all, the toppings are IN the drink itself. Combine the cocoa, sugar, & water in This hot chocolate, which combines a medium saucepan over medium high marshmallows in the saucepan with milk heat. Bring to a boil & let bubble for a & chocolate, tastes like that top layer of minute or two, then add the chocolate chips, marshmallows, & milk. Stir over fluffy foam all the way down. It’s easy medium heat until the marshmallows enough to make on a dorm stove, & in minutes, I’m transported back to my own have melted. kitchen.


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