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Pastor of Worship and Music Erik Dewar

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2021 Annual Report

2021 Annual Report

Erik Dewar

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.” (Lamentations 3:22-24)

This familiar testimony from the Book of Lamentations immediately comes to mind as I reflect upon our corporate worship this past year. Amidst obvious challenges, God has been faithful. He has been our portion. How steadfast is his love that he would meet us in our need each week. How new and endless are his mercies that he would grant us the unrivaled joy of praising him! So, with great hope in him we declare, “Great is thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me.”

Looking back over the past year of slow and steady rebuilding, I’m thankful for the Spirit-empowered work of our music staff and volunteers. Though many of our roles have looked a little different this year, these individuals graciously serve, often behind the scenes. Elaine Meyer, Ruth Gregornik and Delena Ollila support our weekly worship in a variety of ways; H.E. Singley faithfully serves as organist, while Robin Wiper and Josh Maurer help with a variety of focused projects. Our children’s choir ministry is led by Jennifer Wheatley, who after more than thirty fruitful years of directing, will be moving to North Carolina. Thank you, Jennifer, for investing in the children at College Church. You will be greatly missed. I’ve also been incredibly thankful for our audio and video staff this past year, whose partnership has made so many elements of our worship services possible.

A few memories from the year:

• Our summer outdoor worship services

• Livestreamed Christmas projects (“Lessons & Carols,” “Corelli Christmas Concerto” and “Glory in the Lowest”)

• Last Easter‘s Hallelujah Chorus video that blessed millions all over the world.

• Adult choir and children’s choir anthems prerecorded for morning services

• Continued investment in multigenerational volunteer leadership in our weekly music

• And most recently, our time of worship together on Good Friday and Easter

I’m looking forward to how God will continue to show his faithfulness to us in the season ahead! May God give us, as worshipers at College Church, an unrivaled pursuit of the glory of Christ as the deepest joy of our souls.

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