3 minute read
Director of Disability Ministries Julie Clemens
Julie Clemens
Usually when we write up our annual report, we focus in on what’s new and different, what was memorable and what should College Church congregants know about STARS ministry. To put it bluntly, everything is the one answer to all the above. STARS ministry has been affected the most by the pandemic than other College Church ministries. Even as I write this in early April, we have not yet met in person. That is because the vast majority of the STARS are immunocompromised and at risk of fatality if they did get coronavirus. This is especially true for our friends with Down Syndrome, who face a 10 times greater risk of mortality if they get it. So, most of the STARS families have been staying at home, but we’ve found blessings despite this.
We started on Palm Sunday of 2020 with our first prerecorded class. We included worship music and prayer along with coloring books with pages to support the lesson learned. Last summer we held a VBS, and the STARS learned how to use technology and loved seeing each other. They learned about putting on the armor of God during these difficult times. In September, we went live with Sunday morning classes at 9:00. We’ve had almost 80% of our pre-COVID attendance in these classes each week, and after our lessons, we break down into small groups. None of this would be possible without our volunteers who serve faithfully.
We’ve also found that some STARS are joining us who hadn’t previously. This was due to distance from church, their disability and stress. When we do begin meeting in person, we will continue to include remote learners.
Kathy Brinker has found a new time of 2:30 Sunday afternoons is a great time to gather both young STARS and their parents. She teaches a Bible lesson, followed by a sweet time of prayer. Kathy shared that this time is as sweet for the parents as it is for the STARS.
STARS music has had to adapt as well. Last year we held music camp virtually through Zoom, and Ministry Associate for Music Kristin Visconti continues to lead the STARS beautifully each week through song and percussion. Over 40 STARS join in each week, and it’s a lively time of joyful worship.
In December, we created Advent booklets for the STARS. These books helped them walk through the season of Advent. Dawn Clark wrote out devotionals that connected with the Advent readings at College Church each week. Recently we also collaborated with Dawn Clark for an Easter packet filled with devotions, coloring pages and activities. We distributed over 80 of these to STARS.
Respite care is normally a part of our ministry. Parents need a break when they are 24/7 caregivers for their kids living with disabilities. But our STARS Ministry staff all agreed that respite online isn’t really giving parents a break. In place of that, we had parking lot events. Most people probably thought we were a little crazy to say, “We’re going to gather in the parking lot, stay in our cars and have a blast!” but that’s what it really was! In September, Beth Gunther enthusiastically welcomed STARS families and led them through an evening of fun. Each STAR received a shoestring bag and a shirt with the STARS logo. We united through our identity in Christ, even though we couldn’t be together physically. Those parking lot events start again later this month, and everyone is excited.
Run for the STARS went virtual last year for the first time ever, and we’ve decided to go virtual again this year. When we make this decision, we not only consider the public, but also our STARS. Taking these factors into account,
we’ve decided to err on the side of extreme caution to protect the STARS who participate in this event. We would appreciate your support by walking or running with a friend to support the STARS. Registration forms are in the Commons lobby or can be found at runfortheSTARS. com.