• Communion and baptism are local church ordinances. For a church to allow or encourage anyone to participate in communion without church oversight could risk someone participating “in an unworthy manner.” It also further confuses the line between a local church and other parachurch ministries. • We don’t want to say more than the Bible says on this matter. We understand that the early church met in homes, so this is not a statement on the location of eating communion. • While virtual platforms are redefining how we gather together, particularly for small groups, at this time we want to emphasize the importance of the physical gathering for communion. Therefore, even as gathered small groups, we ask that you hold off on taking communion. Finally, we want to be open handed on this issue. Should these unusual circumstances surrounding COVID-19 persist, we will revisit this recommendation. Until then, let us pray for a swift end to this pandemic and allow this time of separation to cause us to long to be physically gathered as Jesus’ church. For His Glory, Josh Moody March 31, 2020
Prayer Gatherings Now Online Call the church office or email info@college-church.org for details on how to join one or more of these prayer meetings. Sunday Morning Prayer
Friday Lunch Prayer
8-8:40 a.m. Led by Pastor Eric Channing
12-1 p.m, led by Glenn and Ann Deckert and Wil and Lorraine Triggs
Monday Morning Prayer 6:15-7:15 a.m. Led by Elder Rob Wolgemuth
Wednesday Night Prayer 7-8 p.m. Led by Pastor Curt Miller
Note: Missions Prayer Fellowships are not meeting at this time. Watch this space and our weekly prayer emails for news of their return.
Our weekly prayer pulse email goes out every Monday. You can get weekly prayer updates via that email. Sign up by clicking "Enews
Thursday Lunch Prayer 12-12:20 p.m. Led by Pastor Ben Panner
signup" on our website. Or, if you already receive other emails from College Church, click "manage my preferences" at the bottom of any of our emails and select prayer pulse to add yourself to the prayer email.