2 minute read
Glorifying God, Loving Others
Erick Solomon
Wheaton Bible Church (WBC) has called our Pastoral Resident, Erick Solomon, to be their campus pastor at their Tri-Village Church, the Streamwood campus of WBC. Erick will finish his residency with us this month and will officially join the pastoral team of Wheaton Bible Church on June 1. Let’s give thanks for Erick’s time of ministry here with us and pray for him and his family during this time of transition. Pray that God will use Erick in the days ahead to change lives and bring many into a lasting walk with Christ.
Dear College Church,
This is slightly unusual because I’ve already said thank you and goodbye to a number of you a few months ago. However, as you know by now, my after-residency plans have changed, and starting in June, I will be the Tri-Village Church Campus Pastor (a.k.a. Wheaton Bible Church’s Streamwood campus). That’s why you’ve been stuck with me longer than you thought! With all the physical distancing recommendations, it is a little weird to be finishing out the residency without being able to say 'bye in person. I want to reiterate how much of a joy it has been to serve alongside you all in different ways these last two years. I really believe that God brought my family here because this is exactly where we needed to be as we navigated life and ministry after seminary. I am truly grateful to call you my partners in ministry and my family in Christ. I am a better pastor, a better husband and father and a more mature Christian because of God’s work through you.
You have welcomed me and my family into this community and we couldn’t be more appreciative of how the Lord has used you in our lives. We hope that God has used us in yours in some small way. We love you, College Church. And it is a bittersweet experience to finish out this residency and move into the next post God has for us. Thank you for taking us in and being part of God’s story in our lives. Please pray for us as you send us out, namely that we might demonstrate the love, welcome and good news of Jesus to the people that God has us serving in the Streamwood and surrounding communities.
Remember as you continue to serve and work for God’s kingdom that your work, whatever it is, must be done dependent on the Holy Spirit founded in the work of Christ on your behalf seeking to glorify God and love others. That is my prayer for you in this moment. Be the church wherever you are, in your homes and in your neighborhoods. Exemplify the rest of Jesus in these stressful and anxious times. Display the hands of Jesus in your community as you serve others. Your work is not in vain. He sees. The world sees. And our prayer is that as others see, they might glorify our Father in heaven and that he would bring many to salvation.
Your Brother in Christ,
Erick Solomon