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October Highlights
Sunday Morning Services
Visitors are welcome in any and all services, no registration required. Feel free to invite people to worship with us.
9:30 a.m. Livestream service online, in-person worship in the Sanctuary (registration required). Registration opens at noon on Tuesday.
10:15 a.m. College Group worship service under the tent in the north parking lot.
11:00 a.m. Outdoor worship in the Commons parking lot (weather permitting), no registration needed.
Oct. 4: James 4:13-5:12 | Warning to the Rich
Oct. 11: James 5:13-20 | The Prayer of Faith
New Preaching Series, Rebuild, The Book of Nehemiah
Oct. 18: Nehemiah 1:1-11 | Start with Prayer
Oct. 25: Nehemiah 2:1-8 | Take Courage
Adult Communities—in-person and Zoom options
• Veritas: Saturday mornings 9:30 a.m. in Sanctuary
• Logos: Sunday mornings 9:30 a.m. in Commons
• Joint Heirs: Sunday mornings 9:30 a.m. in Commons Gym
• Greek Class: Sunday mornings 9:30 a.m. in C101
• Forum 15: Sunday mornings 9:30 a.m. in C002 A&B
• All Nations: Sunday mornings 9:30 a.m. in CL03
Children’s Ministries—registration is now open for:
• Sunday morning Bible school
• Children’s Choirs begin October 4
• Wednesday evening club programs for grades four and five, later in season for grades one to three
GriefShare—Tuesdays at 7 p.m.
Despite it being part of life, death is never easy. It hurts to lose someone, and it may be hard to feel optimistic about the future. GriefShare is a 13-week class which features video seminars with experts, focused group discussions and personal study and reflection that can help you face your challenges and move toward rebuilding your life. GriefShare is held at College Church on Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m. Please email Christy at griefshare@college-church.org for more information, or call (630) 668-0878.
High School
• Sunday Night Live: All high school students are welcome! Sundays at 6:30 p.m. in the Commons Parking Lot.
• Rooted Fellowship: Freshmen and Sophomores, Tuesday evenings from 6:45 to 8:15 p.m. in Commons Hall
Membership Class Saturday, October 17, 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m.
Ready to participate fully in the life and ministries of College Church? Come find out about College Church’s history, articles of faith, core values, initiatives for the future, ministries, missions and more. The one-day only fall membership class will be on Saturday, October 17, from 8:30 a.m. until noon; registration is requested. For more info, contact Christy at membership@college-church.org, or call (630) 668-0878, ext. 175.
Grace Groups for Mental Health
Are you or a loved one dealing with anxiety or depression or another mental health challenge? Has this time of COVID quarantine raised feelings of insecurity, fear, grief and created a state of anxiety as a new normal? Are you concerned about what others will think—those who don’t understand—when you share your struggles or those of a child or spouse? Are you looking for a safe and welcoming environment of people who "get it?"
Living Grace is a support group for those living with mental health challenges, and Family Grace, for those who support them. Time together is not intended to replace professional assistance when needed, but rather as an arm of the church to come alongside one another to encourage and uplift—to build a biblical and empathetic community of those who have or are living through it.
Grace Groups are part of the congregational care ministry at College Church and are open to everyone. Each session allows for personal discovery and relationship building through discussion and practice of the tools learned. Scripture-infused, the Grace Group lessons touch on how God sees the individual in these challenges and gives hope as we share and learn from the experiences of others. Each session of the 16-week curriculum stands alone, which, if needed, allows you to come and go at any point and choose which topics are most beneficial to your situation and availability.
Some of the topics covered in our meetings during the year include:
• Mental Health Recovery
• Grieving and Grace
• God Is Bigger Than Our Weakness
• Cycles and Triggers
• Medication
• Life-Giving Community
• Whole Health Strength and Renewal
• Staying Resilient
These groups meet the second and fourth Mondays by Zoom at 7 p.m. Join us from the comfort and privacy of your home. The $20 fee includes workbook, or $12.99 for the e-book version. For registration information, email Christy at gracegroups@college-church. org, or call (630) 668-0878.
Put Your Faith Into Practice (James 1:22) at these seven outreach focused events. Check out page 11 for related prayer meeting information.
Sunday, October 4
3 p.m.—Visit Englewood Family Church, a church “replant” in the Englewood community, hosted by Englewood Family Outreach
Saturday, October 10
10 a.m.—Women’s Monthly Gathering featuring missionary testimony, Commons Hall (masks required)
1 p.m.—Pray for Life at Planned Parenthood Aurora, sponsored by the Sanctity of Human Life Task Force
7 p.m.—Introduction to South Asian Friendship Center in Chicago, Zoom call
Sunday, October 11 (Global Missions Sunday)
9:30, 11 a.m.—Missions-focused services with a missionary update and commissioning a new worker at 11 a.m.
9:30 a.m.— Missionary speakers in Adult Communities
Saturday, October 17
Various Times—Prayer Walk, Chicagoland locations including Carol Stream, Wheaton, Englewood, Schaumburg and College of DuPage
Sunday, October 18
9:30, 11 a.m.—Community Outreach-focused service with an update from Daniel Bair, College Church evangelist
Curbside Drive for Outreach Community Center Christmas Store
Wednesday, October 21
11 a.m.—World Relief Zoom Town Hall meeting on, “Thinking Biblically about Immigration”
Thursday, October 22
7 p.m.—Caring Network Banquet, multi-site livestream event
Check out our website for the most current information, locations and sign-ups. Email mkelly@college-church.org with any questions.
Want to learn more about…
2020-21 Missionary Prayer Guide
Invite a missionary to your small group meeting or host a casual get-to-know-you.
Read "Missions: How the Local Church Goes Global" by Andy Johnson
Consider joining the Missionary Preparation Program
Participate in Midweek Prayer Meeting, every week at 7 p.m.
Watch "Christianity Explored" available on RightNow Media
Read "Organic Outreach" by Kevin Harney
Meet with Emmanuel Tahear, ministry associate for outreach. Call the church office to set up a time.
Please consider giving online.
• Sunday mornings - live Zoom class, 9-10 a.m.
• Wednesday music - live Zoom class, 7-8 p.m.
Men’s Bible Study—Wednesdays 6:45-8p.m.
We are discussing Wayne Grudem’s "Systematic Theology". Each week’s study stands on its own, so please join us at any time. Together, we’re going to dig a little deeper and develop our spiritual muscles so that we can press on in our faith and faithfully bring others with us! Please see the men’s webpage for details
Middle School
• Weekly gathering happens Tuesdays, 6:45-8:15 p.m. for worship, teaching and small groups.
Women’s Ministries
• Women’s Monthly Gathering—Gather in the Commons with College Church women on Saturday, October 10 (9-10:00 a.m.) for a round table discussion around the question, “What disciplines or practices promote growth in my relationship with Christ?”
This year we’ll explore this question as we look together at Bible study, prayer, worship, silence and solitude, and evangelism.
• Mom2Mom—October 5 – 7-8 p.m. Mom’s Night Out in the Commons. Join us as we begin our discussion together around Courtney Reissig’s book "Glory in the Ordinary". After our discussion, join us for an informal hangout time outside with refreshments. Save the date for November 2.
• Mom2Mom—October 19 – 9:30-11 a.m. Outing to Herrick Lake Forest Preserve. Moms of preschool children, join us at Herrick Lake for an adventure exploring together God’s autumn creation.
The Keenagers (age 55+) will have a special gathering on Friday, October 16 at 6:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary. We will be treated to an enjoyable concert by our own H. E. Singley (organ) and John Innes (piano), informally displaying their delightful talents. We will follow the church’s protocols for meeting in the Sanctuary on Sunday mornings – wearing masks and social distancing. After the program, weather permitting, we look forward to meeting and greeting old friends outside. If you have questions, you may contact Everett and Marcelyn Peterson at everett@petersonlink.name or (630) 784-0569.
Unfortunately, no punch or a scrumptious meal at this time. We look forward to resuming our usual complete evenings with dinner and a program when public health conditions allow.