1 minute read
The Longing
Bert Bunn
I long for the wine that Jesus made,
that came not from vine, but when He prayed.
Good wine from Cana, sweeter still,
To quench both longing and selfish will.
I long for the bread brought by the Lad,
Along with fishes all he had.
Food to nourish and assuage,
My empty longing throughout this age.
I long for water, drawn not from a well;
Once offered to a woman who at once could tell;
Springs of water living within,
That once received save from sin.
I long for the supper at table with Christ,
The cup to share his blood sufficed.
Unleavened bread broken and torn,
As his body for us has borne.
I long for those, gone on before,
No pain, no want, their bodies pure.
At rest in glory, beside the throne
Their faith complete, their race reached home.