Following the Breadcrumbs Daniel and Julie T. One Sunday morning, we came to church as usual. After met, and they married a year after they graduated. Then chatting with friends, we sat down and read the worship Julie pursued her master’s in cello performance while folder. STAMP trips had been announced, and we were teaching at the Community School of the Arts. curious where the teams were going. We remember In Daniel’s audiovisual career, God led him to positions turning to the back of the worship folder, not knowing that would hone important skills. He went from being a that our life was to take a different trajectory than we basic audiovisual installer, to consultant, and ultimately to ever imagined. a team leader and program manager at an international Of the STAMP trips listed, the one to Mainland Southeast company. In this role, Daniel interfaced with groups from Asia in January of 2017 stuck out to us. Daniel’s parents countries across the world. He learned a lot about handling were global workers in Mainland Southeast Asia, and he work issues internationally and how to effectively lead had grown up there. His family moved there when he was multiple teams to work together in many time zones. ten years old, and Daniel attended the international school where he developed close friendships with several local national students in his class. Through these friendships, he learned the language quite well. Daniel’s father was a linguistics professor in the graduate school at the local university. Rubbing shoulders with linguistic professors was a normal occurrence and Daniel learned a lot from them. People came to the university from all over the world to learn how to develop a language and translate the Scriptures. Many of those languages did not even have an alphabet. While growing up, Daniel wanted to serve overseas, but in his mind, there were only two Qelds of service: translation and evangelism. He was deQnitely not a linguist and deQnitelynotanextrovert.Asakid,helovedQguringthings out and helping people. He and his brother loved to work together on projects like installing a new faucet on a sink or building a tree house, and perhaps getting zapped when Throughout the years, we became work-force Christians, installing a new electric outlet in his bedroom. Later, as a did our part in supporting our church, helped send global studentatWheatonCollege,Danielenjoyedinstalling smart workers, and did our best to be salt and light to our classrooms, running sound at church, wiring up a recording colleagues. But something just did not feel right. studio,etc.Whateverhewasdoinghewantedtobebehind Back to the STAMP trip we saw in Sunday’s worship folder. the scenes where he would not get much attention. As soon as we read the announcement that people were For Julie, music was her life. She spent countless hours needed to help take care of the global workers’ kids at the practicing three instruments and loved being in the school conference in Southeast Asia, we looked at each other orchestra and band. Because of her dedication to music, with grins on our faces. This was too perfect to resist. After she was part of the leadership in her music ensembles talking with leadership, we were even allowed the exception throughout high school. During Julies years at Wheaton of bringing our boys (ages Qve and eight at the time) with College, she focused her attention on mastering the cello us on an adult missions trip. Our sons would participate in and became the business manager and honors conductor the program, and with Daniel’s parents still working nearby, in the symphony. t was at Wheaton that Julie and Daniel they could provide back up in case of sickness.