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July 2021 Connections Contributors
Katherine Baylis learned to make coffee when she was six years old and continues to enjoy coffee and conversation with friends and family. In her article, “Of Coffee and Community,” Katherine writes about growing up in a not-so-traditional family of two.
Daniel Bair has reached a milestone this year—20 years of serving in Englewood. Daniel, one of College Church’s evangelists, writes about “Ripples in the Desert” and how the church can invest its energy and resources in Englewood.
When the Sanctity of Human Life task force finished counting the coins for the baby bottle campaign, the total contribution to Caring Network was $10,200. Ron Chiodras, a member of the task force, gives an update of Caring Network, one of our partner ministries.
Pat Cirrincione writes about masks, identity and what God is teaching her in “The Great Unmasking.”
Connections book reviews are a good way to get Lorraine Triggs to read non-fiction. Turns out she was delighted to read and review Delighting in the Trinity by Michael Reeves for us.
Through the lens of his camera Dave Carlburg captures a different perspective of the church. We were glad he was camera ready when the steeple went back up, just about a year after it was toppled.