1 minute read
40 Days For Life
Prayerful Faith in Action
Abortion touches us all as we are literally missing family and community members because they were never born. As Christians, we must not view this heart-breaking moral issue as a U.S. political matter and choose to avoid it. Instead, we can grow in our relationship to Christ by cultivating faithful prayer and acting locally on behalf of unborn babies and their parents. The Sanctity of Human Life Task Force invites you to pray outside Planned Parenthood Aurora on Saturday, June 12, in cooperation with 40 Days for Life. https://www.40daysforlife.com/ 40 Days for Life began a year-round prayer effort in Aurora in summer 2020. www.40daysforlife.com/aurora Sarah Lindquist guides prayer and a few hymns once a month on a Saturday throughout the year.
There is up to a 75% appointment cancellation rate when women see peaceful prayer outside an abortion facility. Many abortion-minded women who cancel say they were looking for a sign. By our physical presence, we can be that sign of caring and offer hope as we ask the Holy Spirit to work through our prayers. See this link of a father (of two with a third baby on the way) who approached Christians in prayer at the Aurora site. He shared that a week earlier, when he and his wife watched a group praying from Planned Parenthood's parking lot, they changed their minds. Instead of going through with abortion plans, his wife went across the street to receive Waterleaf's free pregnancy assistance. The father spoke of the care they felt when simply watching prayer taking place and realizing that God cares for their family. facebook.com/watch/?v=627051241548825
Saturday, June 12, 1:00-2:00 pm.
• Look for us on Waterleaf's property across from Planned Parenthood's driveway.
• Parking is behind Auto Zone or by Mariano's.
• Visit college-church.org/sohl to sign up for the Sanctity of Human Life task force monthly emails to stay up to date with life related news and events.