1 minute read

Prayer Everywhere

Matt Anthony

As a pastoral resident, I have a unique vantage point to see the inside of some of the ministries here at College Church--through meetings and discussions for sure, but also through moments of observation. One of the greatest encouragements I’ve received from my vantage point is that we are a church family dependent on prayer.

Recently, on a mundane everyday trip to the watercooler, I had the sweet experience of hearing a group of our church family praying. Immediately, I thanked God that he brought my family to a church family that prays everywhere. We pray at the beginning of our activities together—before a meal, before Bible studies, or at the start of year-long projects. We pray in the middle of our Sunday services before the preaching of the Word, or we pray in our small groups after someone shares a tremendously heavy burden. We pray we our activities end, for the Lord to apply his truths to our lives and for strength to live for him. As a church body, we can truthfully say that we pray everywhere in our church family’s life story.

Another way I get to see into the prayer life of our church is when the pastors, directors and pastoral residents divide into groups after the weekly staff meeting to pray for the requests that have come in from the connect cards, emails or messages. Every request we receive is prayed for. That’s wonderful in and of itself, but there’s an extra component that compounds this privilege: The requests we receive are windows into the church family’s hearts and minds as they seek the Lord about their concerns. We see the consistent concerns for spiritual fruit in the lives of family and friends. Sometimes we see the same request about the same issue, and we join in on the longing for God to move and show his mercy. We see what God is doing in someone’s life as their requests change over time. It’s like we are reading a chapter in a person’s story. Whether a brief observation of a praying group at the watercooler or the weekly prayer of pastors and directors, it is a privilege to join in prayer with God’s people.

We can honestly and joyously remind our hearts that our church family prays. We can rejoice in thanksgiving to our Lord that our church family prays. We can unashamedly say to everyone that we are dependent upon the activity of God for our fruitfulness, for our joy, for our lives. In our church family, we pray in the beginnings, the middles and the endings, and we make sure that our family is covered in prayer. What a blessing!

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

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