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Church Plant Update


Church Plant Update: Christ Church South Metro Atlanta

February 2022

We continue to thank God for each of you and your interest, prayers and support of this new work of the gospel in South Metro Atlanta. My hope for these updates is to keep you informed of the Lord’s work in us and through us as the most recent church plant of College Church.

Covenant Sunday.

On January 9, the first members of Christ Church gathered together to covenant with one another in Christ and for the gospel. We had a sweet service of praying, singing, hearing God’s Word, and reading and signing our Church Covenant together. It was a beautiful evening. Ben and Joanna Panner were present as representatives from College Church, which made it all the sweeter. Please pray that our church covenant would be brought to life in the lives of our members as we journey by faith together.

First Sunday of Gathered Worship.

Despite a snowstorm for the first time in years in Atlanta, we had a wonderful First Sunday of gathered worship on January 16. We sang, prayed, heard a testimony from Lois Krogh, and I preached from Galatians 1:1-5. We had about twenty people express interest in church membership. We were grateful that Curt Miller joined us on that Sunday. If you would like to see photos from our First Sunday, you can do so here. Please pray that the Lord would use our church plant as an outpost for the gospel and its power!

Beginning Life Together as a Church Family.

Our fellowship and discipleship ministries officially started. Every member at Christ Church participates in a Community Group (groups of 20-25 people that meet monthly with a meal) and a Discipleship Cohort (groups of four to six people who meet weekly). Our cohorts are going through Unfolding Grace, a study published by Crossway. Please pray that the Lord would strengthen our members as they see the big picture of God’s redemption in Scripture.

Praying, Dreaming, Praying.

As the Lord establishes us as a church family, we are eager to begin equipping the saints and training and sending gospel workers. I see this as a key initiative for why the Lord has called us to plant a church in South Atlanta, twenty minutes from the busiest airport in America. We hope to raise up men for pastoral/ eldership ministry, young adults for service in the church, global workers for cross-cultural fields, parents who fill their homes with God’s grace and youth who transition well into Christian adulthood. Please pray that God would give us vision for how we can best play our part in the Great Commission and passing on the baton of ministry.

Nods to Our College Church Roots.

It has been a joy to incorporate some College Church elements into our first gatherings as a church family. I texted Josh Moody a few weeks ago and asked him to share his typical benediction with me. It has been a joy to close our services the same way College Church commissions their people: The Lord bless you and keep you and be gracious to you and give you peace so that the whole earth might see his salvation and all nations his glory. Amen.

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