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These Are My Sisters

Meaghan Zaino

Eight years ago, I walked into Women’s Bible Study as a brand-new mom eager to study God’s Word and eager to be around other fully functioning adults. I had fully expected to discover new truths in the Bible and prayed that my relationship with my Creator would be strengthened but I never imagined all the other ways in which God blessed me through this ministry. Every week, I was surrounded by wise, godly woman of all ages who challenged and strengthened my faith, prayed for me earnestly and gave great advice on motherhood. I remember that we studied the minor prophets that fall, which if I’m honest, I wasn’t that excited about because I was more partial to the New Testament books at the time. But sitting around the table, discussing those prophets and seeing the impact they made in their time truly impacted my life now. The small group discussions followed by the large group teaching opened my eyes to see God’s redemption plan laid out. I was hooked. What a blessing it is to have your eyes opened to God’s promises.

You know what else is a big blessing of Women’s Bible Study—childcare. I love my children, but let me tell you, it is amazing to have two hours away where you can study the Bible without changing a diaper, getting a million snacks, reading books and breaking up arguments. I was never more thankful for this free, Christ-centered childcare than when my second child was colicky and a screamer. God bless the nursery workers who rocked him for two hours trying valiantly to calm him.

And here’s a fun fact: I went into labor at Bible study with said colicky child. My small group leader was so nervous I was going to have him right there at the table, but I really wanted to stay and be a part of the group’s discussion and listen to the teaching. So, if that doesn’t convince you to come and check out how amazing this ministry is, I don’t know what will! By the way, I made it to the hospital with plenty of time to spare.

This ministry has blessed me in countless ways but never more so than when I lost my dad tragically almost two years ago. Not only did I receive many condolences from small group leaders and group members, but for the whole first year without him, I received notes filled with encouragement, verses and prayers. Those cards always came at the perfect moment; times when I was consumed with grief or struggling with fear and anxiety, and these women followed God’s prompting and lifted me up when I needed it most. I have never felt so loved and cared for by the church.

These women whom I have been able to study with, pray fervently with and be encouraged by have become much more than just “people from my Bible study.” They are my sisters in Christ, my encouragement when times are hard and my prayer warriors who I depend on. I am so grateful to be a part of such an amazing ministry, and I hope that you will join us this fall as we study the Book of Deuteronomy.

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