Family Submarine Guide
Welcome to SUBmission VBS 2019! The Gospel message is that Jesus died in my place for my sins and rose again to bring new life with God. The goal of our life is to love and honor God, to share Jesus with others, and to live with Him; today, tomorrow, and forever. Humility is something that helps us get to know Jesus better. It helps us go down deep in our understanding of God and in our love for Jesus, and gives us the right attitude toward others and ourselves. Humility also lifts us up to experience life with God. Humility is kind of like a submarine! We go down AND up! Join us on a SUBmission to learn more about humility: to know who God is and to accept who we are. Through a study of Jesus, Moses, and Elijah, we will learn how humility helps us recognize the greatness of God and our worth in Him.
Tuesday: 9 am to Noon Wednesday: 9 am to Noon
Thursday: 9 am to Noon Friday: 6:30 pm FAMILY VBS! *Children who come to the Friday Evening VBS must attend with a parent or designated adult.
Follow us on social media for a glimpse into what we’re learning all week in the ocean!
FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM: College Heights Christian Church: CH Kids Elementary College Heights Christian Church: CH Kids Early Childhood
YouTube: College Heights Christian Church: CH Kids
Daily Themes
SUBmission A Deep Sea Quest in Humility “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up.” James 4:10
VBS 2019 SUB Points: *Jesus died in my place for my sins and rose again to bring new life with God. *We’re on a mission to live with God. *What is humility? Humility is to know who God is and to accept who we are. *Humility helps us go down deep in our understanding of God and in our love for Jesus, and gives us the right attitude toward others and ourselves. Humility also lifts us up to experience life with God. Humility is kind of like a submarine! We go down AND up! *Humility makes it possible for us to live with God. It is not for God’s glory or our good when we try to live OVER God by thinking we know what is best, or when we try to get things FROM God because of the things we do FOR God. Life with God is the best way to live! *Ways to pursue humility: 1. Put God first. 2. Put others second.
3. Know that God is in charge. 4. Know that God loves everyone.
Daily Themes, continued VBS 2019 Daily Lessons and Verses: DAY ONE A lesson about life with God from the life of: JESUS Story: Jesus and the Chained Man (Mark 5) Verse: “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.” James 4:10 (NIV) DAY TWO
A lesson about life with God from the life of: MOSES Story: Moses and the Rock (Numbers 20) Verse: “All those who lift themselves up will be made humble. And those who make themselves humble will be lifted up.” Luke 14:11 (NIrV) Preschool Paraphrase: “Those who are humble will be lifted up.” DAY THREE A lesson about life with God from the life of: ELIJAH Story: God Encouraged Elijah (I Kings 18-19) Verse: “He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way.” Psalm 25:9 (NIV) Preschool Paraphrase: “He guides and teaches those who are humble.” DAY FOUR Life WITH God is a celebration! Join us at 6:30 pm on Friday for our VBS party! BONUS VERSES (Learn even more about humility at home!) Colossians 3:12
Ephesians 4:2
Philippians 2:3-4
Romans 12:3
Romans 12:16
I Peter 5:5
SUBmission Crews Preschool: Yellow Starfish Kindergarten/1st Grade: Green Turtles
2nd/3rd Grade: Blue Dolphins 4th/5th Grade: Red Crabs
Ideas to Memorize Verses at Home 1. Marker Board Erase: Write the verse on a marker board. Read the verse aloud
together several times. Erase one or two words and repeat the verse. Continue erasing a word and repeating the verse until the verse is completely erased from the board and planted in your heads and hearts! 2. Sign Language: Use a combination of signs and motions to learn and
remember the verse. Say the verse several times, then say it with motions, and finally, do it silently with the motions. Look online for how to sign specific words, or make up your own motions. 3. Marching: Some people learn best when they can be on the move. March around the house or
yard, repeating the verse, perhaps even putting it to a beat. For a long verse, say the first phrase of the verse as you march around the room the first time, then keep adding phrases until you have the whole verse. 4. Scrambled Words: Put each word of a verse on an index card or strip of construction paper.
Arrange the words in order. Make several sets, divide your family into teams, and race to get the verse in the right order. Do it several times. Emphasize that everyone who learns the Bible verse is a winner! 5. Silly Voices: Younger children especially have fun saying the verse in “different” voices. Suggest
saying the verse in a loud lion voice – roar it out. Then, try it in a squeaky little mouse voice. Let your children offer other suggestions of how to say the verse. Finally, ask them to say it in their very own wonderful “kid” voices that God gave them. 6. Puzzles: Print the verse on construction paper or card stock. Cut into puzzle pieces, and say the
verse as you put the puzzle together. Make several sets and turn it into a game, or give your older children card stock and let them each make their own verse puzzle.
7. Illustrate: Many verses lend themselves to artistic endeavor! Make it a family activity and let each family member take a word or phrase to illustrate part of the verse. Then, arrange illustrations on the wall and everyone can practice saying the verse together.
Finally, being able to say the verse is not the same as understanding what the verse means. Discuss the verse as a family. Ask your children to tell you the verse in their own words. Have them explain it to you. Talk about how God has helped you live out that verse in your own life or how He is teaching you more about Himself through His Word. Help your kids see how the verse relates to their lives.
Our Mission Focus: Mile of Quarters Many things come to mind when we think about "Missions." We think about people going to tell others about Jesus, foreign lands, food and cultures, raising money, sending organizations and a host of other things as well. For a child, the term may hold a different meaning, or no meaning at all. Yet, something we don't always think about is the role that we play in missions. This year during missions time, we will be talking about how College Heights does missions Global Outreach - and the role that we play in that process.
College Heights refers to our missionaries as Global Partners. Our Global Partners predominately serve among Unreached People Groups. An Unreached People Group is a group of people who haven't heard about Jesus and among whom there is no church. At VBS, our kids will be learning about several of our CHCC Global Partners who work with Unreached People Groups. Our partners are working to build up disciples who will multiply.
We raise up and send out workers but we also maintain directly connected to them while they serve overseas. We do this by being in regular communication with them, praying specifically for them, and by sharing about Jesus with others around us in our spheres of influence. Our partners are encouraged and supported when they know that they aren't alone. Our role is vital for their work! Students will learn practical ways they can support our Global Partners: Giving money to the Mile of Quarters! - Our CH Kids are collecting an entire MILE of quarters this year! This goes
towards our Spark campaign and part of that campaign money will support our partners. Pray for our partners! Tell others you know about Jesus - that's what our Global Partners are doing! If you feel like God may be leading you towards missions, pray and ask Him to direct you even more.
Tell others about our Global Partners, and that we all work together as a team to share God's Word with people here,
near and far away.
Kids are encouraged to bring offering daily. Please put offering in the boxes FIRST THING IN THE MORNING before your child enters VBS. Offering boxes are located at: Elementary: Doors to the Worship Center Preschool: Preschool Counter
Offering boxes will be available at the Friday Night VBS event.
Lesson Summaries The point of it all: The Gospel message is that Jesus died in my place for my sins and rose again to bring new life with God. The goal of our life is to love and honor God, to share Jesus with others, and to live with Him; today, tomorrow, and forever. Humility is something that helps us get to know Jesus better. It helps us go down deep in our understanding of God and in our love for Jesus, and gives us the right attitude toward others and ourselves. Humility also lifts us up to experience life with God. Humility is kind of like a submarine! We go down AND up! On our SUBmission, we will learn more about humility: to know who God is and to accept who we are. Through a study of Jesus, Moses, and Elijah, we will learn how humility helps us recognize the greatness of God and our worth in Him.
Day One: A lesson about life with God from the life of: JESUS Story: Jesus and the Chained Man (Mark 5) Jesus is the deepest, best example of humility. Through the story of the Chained Man in Mark 5, we will learn that when the man experienced the power, love, and humility of Jesus, his life was changed and he wanted to leave his home and be with Jesus. Jesus told the man to stay so that he could tell others about Jesus. When we begin to understand how amazing Jesus is, we will want to be with Him, too, and tell others about Him!
Day Two: A lesson about life with God from the life of: MOSES Story: Moses and the Rock (Numbers 20) We will learn about Moses and the Rock in Numbers 20. Moses was a humble man, but he chose not to be humble when he decided he knew what was best. He chose to hit a rock with his staff instead of following God’s command to speak to the rock. In that moment, Moses was living OVER God instead of with Him, because he thought he knew what was best. But, part of being humble and living with God is to know that God is in charge.
Day Three: A lesson about life with God from the life of: ELIJAH Story: God Encouraged Elijah (I Kings 18-19) We will learn about Elijah in I Kings 18-19. Elijah began to focus on all of the things he was doing FOR God and felt discouraged that he wasn’t getting enough FROM God. But, that’s not living with God, either! Living in humility means we will do good things that honor God because we love Him without expecting Him to do whatever we think should be done.
Book Recommendation As we prepared for this year's VBS, our Children's Ministry staff read the book "With" by Skye Jethani. We base all of our curricula off of God's Word alone. We measure all supplemental material up to what God teaches us in His Word and we were blessed by our study of the book "With". We would like to recommend this book to any adult or teen who seeks to deepen their relationship with Jesus. This book is not a study of humility, but we found it helpful as we made plans to teach children about humility. Our goal in life is not to become humble. Our goal is to live with Jesus, and humility brings us into the right posture to understand who God is and to accept who we are in Him. Here's an overview of the book: "At the core of LIFE WITH GOD is relationship. When God sought to restore and reconcile God’s self and humanity, God’s plan was not (1) to send a list of rituals and rules to follow (LIFE UNDER GOD), (2) nor was it the implementation of useful principles (LIFE OVER GOD). (3) God did not send a genie to grant us our desires (LIFE FROM GOD), (4) and God did not give us a task to accomplish in order to get back to God (LIFE FOR GOD). Instead, God came to be WITH us. In LIFE WITH GOD, we do not seek to use God to achieve another goal. In LIFE WITH GOD, God is the goal. God becomes our treasure, our desire. We seek to be restored to the perfect image of God through a relationship with Jesus Christ." (
Illustrations are from the book “With” by Skye Jethani.
Music Here are the lyrics to songs we’ll be singing on our submarine!
“Here I Bow” by Jenn Johnson Written by Jason Ingram, Brian Johnson, Jonas Myrin, Matthew James Redman, Jenn Johnson
Verse 1
Where would I run But to the throne of mercy Where would I kneel But at this cross of grace How great the love How strong the hand that holds us Beautiful, so beautiful
So here I bow to lift You high Jesus, be glorified In all things, for all my life I am Yours, forever Yours
Verse 2 There is a King who bore the scars of healing There is a Son who came in grace and truth How great the love that carries us to kindness Wonderful, You’re wonderful
Bridge God here and now, be lifted high Right here and now, be glorified God of heaven and earth God who brought me back to life I am Yours, forever Yours
Preschoolers sing only the chorus and bridge to this song.
Meet Baby Shark and Hugh Manatee, our SUBmission mascots who are helping our Crew Members learn to live with Jesus in humility! Mascot artist: Lydia Wolfe
Logo artist: Seth Wolfshorndl
Music, continued Visit YouTube or Spotify to learn these songs and sing along at home!
“Good to Me”
“King of the Jungle and the Sea”
by CCV Music
by Colin Buchanan
Written by Ben Sweet and Danny Larsh
I struggled through the garden Following a serpent Tempted, but Your love ran after me You gave me what I needed Stole away my secrets How could I deserve Your love for me Even in my weakness You are always there I can see Your light chasing after me You are good to me I can hear Your voice calling out for me You are good to me I stumbled through the desert Stranded by my failure Empty, but Your love ran after me You gave me what I needed Broken now completed I do not deserve Your love for me Even in my failure You will never fail
More than all I want More than all I need More than anything You’re so good
Who is the King of the jungle? (hoo hoo) Who is the King of the sea? (bubble bubble bubble) Who is the King of the universe, And who’s the King of me? I’ll tell you: J-E-S-U-S YES! He is the King of me! He is the King of the universe, the jungle and the sea! (bubble bubble bubble, hoo hoo!)
Preschool Song Our Elementary students will also be singing: “Glorious Day” “This I Believe (The Creed)” and more! Our Preschool and Elementary children will each have a part in the Closing Session on Friday night. Each group will be on the stage to help lead us in a song they will learn during the week. Make sure to come on Friday at 6:30 pm!
Friday Family
Friday, June 7, at 6:30 pm CHCC Worship Center Parents, friends, and family members are invited to join our submarine crew as we celebrate life with Jesus! *Childcare is not provided, as we want this to be a full family activity. Children who come to the Friday Evening VBS must attend with a parent or designated adult.
*The Family Room (Cry Room) will be open for caregivers to take young children to while still watching the program on TV. *Following a short program, everyone is encouraged to stay for our party! Food may be purchased at food trucks and several free activities will be available: inflatables, face painting, balloon animals and loads of fun! *Invite friends and neighbors! All are welcome to attend!
CH Kids Summer Activities Vacation Bible School June 4-7
NEW Locations for CH Kids! Our Elementary and Pre-K/K ministries will be moving to new locations within the building this summer! Watch your email and our social media for details. Pre-K/K will be located in A Hallway, and the drop-off/ pick-up location for Elementary will be in C Hallway in front of the Gym area. Both of these areas are close to the Atrium and Worship Center and will include new safety features for your kids. We’ll be moving this month and begin programming in our new locations on July 7!
Maranatha Bible Camp Children attending Maranatha Bible Camp with CHCC must register using Please do not use the camp website. Beginner Camp (going into Kindergarten and 1st Grade) Saturday, July 13 $38 if paid in full by 6/16/19
$55 if paid after 6/16/19 (Children attending Beginner Camp must attend with one family member or a designated adult. The church covers the cost of the adult who attends. Family members must also register on the church website.) Kids Camp (going into 2nd - 4th Grade) July 18-20 $110 if paid in full by 6/16/19
$135 if paid after 6/16/19 Junior Camp (going into 5th Grade) July 14-17
$155 if paid in full by 6/16/19 $180 if paid after 6/16/19
Any questions you might have about camp can be answered here:
Safety Procedures The safety and security of your children are important to us! We ask that you keep you and your child’s ID bracelets on all week, as it will be easy for you to keep track of them on your wrists. If you are unable to personally pick up your child, please take a photo of your wrist band and text it to the person who will be picking up your child. We will compare security numbers of the child’s bracelet with the adult picking them up to ensure safety. Thank you for your cooperation in helping check-out go smoothly and safely! FYI: Background checks are completed for all volunteers over the age of 18. VBS volunteers receive training in safety procedures regarding fire, tornado and armed intruder. VBS Department Leaders for each area are trained in what to do in case of emergency. We also have a trained Security Team on the premises.
You Are Invited! We’d love for you to join us every week at College Heights! We have programming for all ages! Babies, toddlers, preschool/kindergarten and elementary children are loved and welcomed at CH Kids. We take humbly and joyfully the honor of helping kids grow in their knowledge of and love for Jesus. Contact us for more information about our ministry to children and families! Ann Wolfe
Garrett Holle
Renee Hazlewood
Children’s Minister (417) 624-6915 x130
Elementary Associate Minister
Early Childhood Associate Minister
(417) 624-6915 x136
Coloring Page
Coloring Page
Coloring Page