1 minute read

Karate Training Anywhere and Everywhere


We truly love Shotokan Karate, and for us, #KarateNeverStops. Even on a holiday, or if the gym is not open, or if the weather is rainy, we love Karate so much that we will even practice it in a parking lot under the rain. Last semester, while typically one would consider the weather bad luck and would call it a day and go home, instead we enjoyed an epic Karate session with the Harvard Karate Club students. Outdoors in the rain, we went through kihon training, as well as reviewed beginner and advanced level kata to help students strengthen their technique and the particular kata they are training.


You do not need a perfect temperature controlled room, pristine hardwood floors, and similar ideal conditions to practice Karate. The most important is the passion to train, and the discipline to do the drills on a training day. This way, your Karate training is not tied to your day to day energy or feelings, but to your bigger goals and dreams of reaching a particular skill level. This is how Karate can train not just your body, but your mind.


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