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The capital of Japan for more than 1,000 years (from 794 to 1868), Kyōto is the centre of traditional Japanese culture and of Buddhism, as well as of fine textiles and other Japanese products. all Japanese try to go there at least once in their lives, with almost a third of the country’s population visiting the city annually. Several of the historic temples and gardens of Kyōto were collectively added as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1994.

Area 320 square miles (828 square km). Pop. (2020) 1,463,723.


Nobukawa Sensei rented a big bus to drive all of the Boston Karateka from Osaka to Kyoto



View of Kyomizu temple in Kyoto at sunset


Group photo before entering Kyomizu temple.


Vazrik and Garen after exiting the temple. バズリックとガレ


DAY 7 - THURSDAY 11/24 | 第7⽇ 11⽉24⽇(⽊)

Trip to Kyoto by bus with Nobukawa Sensei, Kyomizu Temple visit, fall colors, lighting incense for prayers, Nobukawa Sensei treats us to lunch in Kyoto

Cassiano getting a view of Kyoto from the top of Arashiyama monkey park hill. カシアノが嵐⼭モンキ ーパーク

Group photo before entering Tenryu-ji Zen Temple. 天⿓寺 前での団体写真。

Monkeys having fun at the Arashiyama monkey hill. 嵐 ⼭モンキーパークでの猿達。

Vazrik Sensei delivers a farewell speech before departing from OIT. We thank them for their hospitality, and mention how impressed we were with Yuta san (OIT Karate club captain) and his leadership. バズリック


Tokyo is one of the metropolis in the world where you still can find a public phone and has free wifi public spots. 東京は世界の⼤都会。公共の電話ボックスが未


DAY 8 - FRIDAY 11/25 | 第8⽇ 11⽉25⽇(⾦

One final group photo in the sun with the OIT Karateka.

⼤阪⼯業⼤学空⼿道部員との最後の団体 写真。

Farewell OIT gift exchange and speech in the morning thanking OIT Karate captain Yuta san for their hospitality.

Nikita posing for a photo in Tokyo.

Walking to the Emperor’s Palace together.

Visiting the emperor’s palace in Tokyo for sightseeing.

See emperor’s home in Tokyo (from outside only)

Vazrik Sensei giving a gift to the student journalist who reported on the special international Karate practice at Nihon University.

Vazrik catching up with Sakamoto Sensei after 8 years

Hashimoto Sensei demonstrating yakusoku kumite

Training Nihon University with Noriaki Sensei and Sakamoto Sensei (Reunion for Vazrik with friends from 8 years ago), Gift exchange at the dojo with Senseis and Japanese journalist

Gift exchange with the Japanese Karateka.

Nihon University students brought Boston Karateka to a local Izakaya for dinner.

Testing out the QR code on the gifts that lead to our Karate magazines.

Students bonding over dinner and sharing their different life experiences

Izakaya Dinner with Nihon University students and QR code gift medals exchange between students.

Vazrik Sensei delivering a speech about Karate and altruism, and how his dream is to give back to the next generation of university Karate students. バズリック先⽣が空⼿道と利他主義、並びに、次の世代の⼤学⽣に彼 の夢を如何に伝えるかを説明。

Hashimoto Sensei and Vazrik sharing a heartfelt moment. 橋本先⽣とバズリックの⼼の温まる感動的瞬間。

Taoka Sensei leading the ceremonial clap with which the Karateka end the evening of fun. ⽥岡師範が送別会を終了さ せる伝統的儀式を披露。

Vazrik and Cassiano giving speeches on gratitude and altruism, and ceremonial clapping to end the special farewell dinner by Noriaki Sensei バズリックとカシアノのスピーチ、橋本先⽣とハグ。


Photo album of Tokyo Tech Karate alumni, inside of which we found Kawamo Senpai and Komine Sensei.

Komine San showing his karate super powers.

Breakfast at a local Akasaka bakery before Karate training at Tokyo Tech.

Group photo with international students after Tokyo Tech Karate training

Tokyo Tech training - learned Kanku Dai in Wado Ryu version and also did some kumite training with kizami and gyaku zuki on stationary partners.

Dinner at Hiro San’s favorite Italian restaurant in Akasaka. We bonded over the many memories and fun times we shared in this Japan trip, as well as discussed exciting new possibilities for future visits to Boston and to Japan. The best is yet to come!

Hiro’s favorite Italian restaurant dinner LA GRANATA in Akasaka. Vazrik, Cassiano, and Hiro created preliminary plan for Japanese students visit to Boston every September, and also plan for MHKF to visit Japan every November. Future visits will be Tokyo, Osaka, and one additional city (Hokkaido is 2023 Fall)

Sightseeing in Shinjuku and Shibuya on the last day of the trip.


Enjoying breakfast at a floral cafe in Akasaka. ⾚坂フローラルカフェで朝⻝を楽しむ。

DAY 10 - SUNDAY 11/27 | 10⽇⽬ 11⽉27⽇(⽇)

Breakfast at floral cafe in Akasaka. Sightseeing in Shibuya and Shinjuku ⾚坂

Flight back from Japan at over 90% the speed of sound

Vazrik and Garen enjoying dinner in Montreal and discussing the Japan trip fun memories

Flight back to Canada from Japan, Steak dinner in hotel in Montreal, Canada - debriefing dinner in Canada

Amandine starting to work on the Fall 2022 magazine articles while waiting for the flight in Montreal.

Return to Boston from Montreal, Canada and starting work on Japan November 2022 photo album on the flight

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