Col l e g eMe di aAs s oc i aon, I nc . 2 0 1 1 www. Col l e g e Me di a . or g DAVI DS WART Z L ANDE R CMAP r e s i de n t Doa neCol l e g e 1 0 1 4Bos we l l Av e . Cr e t e , NE6 8 3 3 3 ( 4 0 2 ) 8 2 6 8 2 6 9 ma i l t o: da v i d. s wa r t z l a nde r @doa ne . e du CHRI SCARROL L CMAI n t e r i mE x e c uv eDi r e c t or V a nde r bi l tUni v e r s i t y 2 3 0 1V a nde r bi l tP l a c e VUS t aonB3 5 1 6 6 9 Na s h v i l l e , T N3 7 2 3 5 1 6 6 9 ( 6 1 5 ) 3 2 2 6 6 1 0 ma i l t o: c hr i s . c a r r ol l @v a nde r bi l t . e du CMABe s tof Col l e g i a t eDe s i g n1 9 AMYK I L P A T RI CK , Cha i r BI L LNE VI L L E , P r oduconMa na g e r T heUni v e r s i t yof Al a ba maa tBi r mi ng ha m 1 4 0 0Uni v e r s i t yBl v d. HUC1 3 5 Bi r mi ng ha m, AL3 5 2 9 4 1 1 5 0 ( 2 0 5 ) 9 3 4 8 0 4 3 ma i l t o: a k i l pa t @ua b. e du
2 0 1 1De s i g nCa t e g or i e s 1 . I n f or maona l Gr a phi c( a l l publ i c aons ) 2 . He a dl i neP r e s e n t aon( a l l publ i c aons ) 3 . Adv e rs e me n t( a l l publ i c aons ) 4 . E di t or i a l I l l us t r aon( a l l publ i c aons ) 5 . F e a t ur eP a g e( ne ws pa pe r s ) 6 . E di t or i a l / Opi ni onP a g e( ne ws pa pe r s ) 7 . S por t sP a g e( ne ws pa pe r s ) 8 . P hot oP a g e / S pr e a d( ne ws pa pe r s ) 9 . Na me pl a t e / S t a ndi ngHe a ds( ne ws pa pe r s ) 1 0 . F r on tP a g e( ne ws pa pe r s ) 1 1 . Co v e r( s pe c i a l s e con, s uppl e me n torot he rpubl i c aon) 1 2 . Co v e r( ma g a z i ne ) 1 3 . Con t e n t sP a g e / S pr e a d( ma g a z i ne ) 1 4 . F e a t ur eS pr e a d( ma g a z i ne ) 1 5 . Co v e r( y e a r book ) 1 6 . Di v i s i onP a g e( y e a r book ) 1 7 . S t ude n tL i f eS pr e a d( y e a r book ) 1 8 . Ac a de mi c sS pr e a d( y e a r book ) 1 9 . S por t sS pr e a d( y e a r book ) 2 0 . I ndi v i dua l sS pr e a d( y e a r book ) 2 1 . Or g a ni z aonsS pr e a d( y e a r book ) 2 2 . Ma i nP a g eP r e s e n t aon( ne ws pa pe rWe bs i t e ) 2 3 . Ma i nP a g eP r e s e n t aon( ot he rme di aWe bs i t e )
First Place Student Designer: Susannah Brinkley Adviser: Tyler Dukes The treatment and the composition of the illustration is fun and draws you in to the overall package. The graphics are tight and concise. The colors, text and graphic treatment don’t stray away from the package. The bite-size text is easy to digest and interesting.
Second Place Student Designer: Elizabeth Brown Adviser: Matthew Connolly
Third Place Student Designer: Patrick Costilow Adviser: Lee E. Lind
Fourth Place Student Designer: Ryan Kurtzman, Sara Gregory, Jonathan Jones Adviser: Erica Perel
Fifth Place Student Designer: Elizabeth Brown Adviser: Matthew Connolly
Honorable Mention Student Designer: Kenneth Garcia, Liliana Oyarzun Adviser: Randy Stano
First Place Student Designer: Michael Brown Adviser: Allison Dyche, Glen Osterberger Sometimes the designer's job is to just get out of the way of a good photo. This wonderful piece of art, with a minimalist headline and the tiniest little cicada artwork, told me everything I needed to know about a really fun story. Nicely under-done, and that's a big accomplishment.
Second Place Student Designer: Cory Pitzer Adviser: Omar Sofradzija This is a news page, but the story deals with a fun topic. I like the headline that got down to business but also conveyed a fun mood. The photo completes it. Nice job melding the two.
Third Place Student Designer: Tyler Krome Adviser: Michael Koretzky I like this treatment and headline a whole lot, but I'm not completely certain it fits the mood of the story, though I suspect art was hard to come by for this project. Good job making something out of nothing. Strong technical work.
Fourth Place Student Designer: Larry Buchanan Adviser: Ron Johnson, Ruth Witmer This was a strong photo that was made stronger by a good headline. Great concept, well executed.
Fifth Place Student Designer: Jordan Chlapecka Adviser: Jay Miller This is an example of how small type and small artwork can sometimes make a huge statement. Nicely done.
Honorable Mention Student Designer: Senid Tabakovic, Chad Kriz Adviser: Mark Siebert This earns an honorable mention for complete creativity, and for melding the graphic and headline. It took me a minute to immediately understand we were talking about 4th Street, so for that reason alone, it didn't rise to the top of this year's entry. Still, it's really strong work for which you should be proud.
First Place Student Designer: Vince Medellin, Rob Mitchell Adviser: Anne Christiansen-Bullers First Place: As a lover of comic books, this one had me sold from the get go. Fun, creative and full of energy, it makes me want to immediately put in an application. It's too bad that real SGA meetings can't be as exciting as this.
Fourth Place Student Designer: Buddy Boor Adviser: Omar Sofradzija Fourth Place: This concept was almost too subtle at first. But the 1930s ad design sneaking in a coffee-pouring smartphone was clever and amusing. It makes you stop and look.
Fifth Place Student Designer: Nataliya O. Lityuk Adviser: Cary Berry-Smith Fifth place: Fun, clever and tells me exactly what I need to know about the ad with a simple glance and a smile.
Honorable Mention Student Designer: Caila Brown Adviser: Allison Dyche, Glen Osterberger Honorable mention: Nicely done. The plate serves up the important typography just like a real plate would serve up a main course. The concept could have easily been cluttered up with a lot of extra junk, but you kept it simple, and that's why it works.
First Place Student Designer: Barry Lee Adviser: Jessica Clary Provocative piece. Great execution and use of color. The illustration is full of mood and emotion and draws the reader in.
Second Place Student Designer: Larry Buchanan Adviser: Ron Johnson, Ruth Witmer
Third Place Student Designer: Eric Baskauskas Adviser: Paul Elitzik
Fourth Place Student Designer: Josias Castorena Adviser: Kathleen Flores; Lourdes Cardenas
Fifth Place Student Designer: Daniel Weilandt Adviser: Marissa Monson
Honorable Mention Student Designer: Matt Callahan Adviser: Ron Johnson, Ruth Witmer
Honorable Mention Student Designer: William Baumgarten Adviser: Anne Christiansen-Bullers
Honorable Mention Student Designer: Jeremy Nguyen, Caila Brown Adviser: Allison Dyche, Glen Osterberger
First Place Student Designer: Daniel Weilandt Adviser: Marissa Monson Really professional-looking illustration here, with sophisticated use of color. I love how it ties into the section flag. Typography is simple, crisp and effective and doesn’t compete with the main image. I also like how a star dots an ―i‖ in the headline without seeming gimmicky. Overall, very nicely done, and a real standout in a large category.
Second Place Student Designer: Easle Seo Adviser: Paul Elitzik Another professional-looking page. The two pages work well together as a whole spread, and the illustration ties in nicely with the circles on both. Great use of shapes, color and typography. I guess that’s what happens when your designers are also artists!
Third Place Student Designer: Rachel Weinstein Adviser: Mary Ann Pearson This one caught my eye for its bold colors and typography, well-edited images, illustrations and calligraphystyle text. I especially liked the presentation of ―What’s in that roll?‖ The recommendations were a helpful tool for the reader. One improvement would be to have the different, bold colors in the main heads, but tone down decks to one color only. Right now it has kind of a flashing-neonsign effect that is distracting to the design.
Fourth Place Student Designer: Susannah Brinkley Adviser: Tyler Dukes Really strong typographical choices dress up what could otherwise be a dense presentation of pie charts. I like the symmetry of the page and the simple but effective illustration in the middle. Columns are a little too narrow to support the pullquotes – could have improved the look to have the body type in one wide column instead.
Fifth Place Student Designer: Liz Dzuro Adviser: Michael Koretzky I thought this was a fun page and great for students who are new to campus. The ransom-note typography on the headline was appropriate for the ―Scavenger Hunt‖ theme, but should have been carried over into the labeling of the pictures and list. Otherwise well-organized and an enjoyable read.
First Place Student Designer: Bree Jones Adviser: Brad Arendt Good use of art. Excellent application of negative space. This is a page that grabs attention without yelling at the reader.
Second Place Student Designer: Nick Dean Adviser: Paul Carr, Julie Freeman Excellent use of typography and color. Careful attention to negative space and thoughtful placement of design elements make this an appealing package.
Third Place Student Designer: Albert Porto Adviser: Paul Elitzik Careful use of color, good typography, attention to negative space and an appealing illustration all add up to a package with strong visual impact.
Fourth Place Student Designer: Mike McCall Adviser: Geoff Carr Excellent use of color, photo and negative space. Elements are carefully placed and the photo has strong visual pull.
Fifth Place Student Designer: Susannah Brinkley Adviser: Tyler Dukes A high-impact package that delivers a strong statement. The unfinished look clearly is the result of careful design thinking.
First Place Student Designer: Marissa Hall Adviser: Beth Francesco "Aguilera" Very nice page, lots of information. Not a sensational photo by any means, but that is the case for 80% of sports page - you use what you've got. Terrific presentation of tons of agate information, capsule profiles of the final teams, and refers and promos to supplemental web coverage. Very admirable how much care was taken in the editing and design of this page.
Second Place Student Designer: Cory Pitzer Adviser: Omar Sofradzija "THE GAME" An excellent example of sports design. Segmented information makes it easy for readers to find just what they need. Type use and color are professional and restrained, and do not attempt to overshadow the content.
Third Place-tie Student Designer: Danielle Rindler Adviser: Ron Johnson, Ruth Witmer Again, great use of type and color. Not as much information conveyed as in the two other pages above, but still good care taken to create solid design.
Third Place-tie Student Designer: Danielle Rindler Adviser: Ron Johnson, Ruth Witmer Dramatic cover for a special section. Terrific type and color use.
Fifth Place Student Designer: Charlie Tan Lim Adviser: Marissa Monson Dramatic spread with strong contrast of large background image with smaller inset images. Good segmenting of information on sidebars.
Honorable Mention Student Designer: Brendan Healy Adviser: Brad Arendt Nice segmenting of information. The routine/dull nature of the lead photo is reinforced (a bit awkwardly) by the dynamic cut-out treatment of the secondary photos.
Honorable Mention Student Designer: Bree Jones Adviser: Brad Arendt Looks like lots of great information here, and lots of effort. Color use goes a bit overboard and thus competes too much with the presentation of photographs. Some of the inset white type in the photos, and tilting, makes this information a bit hard to read.
First Place Student Designer: Gabriela Szewcow Adviser: Colin Donohue Playing the game for Elijah: Very nice journalistic images, great storytelling, and the design highlights the information, doesn't get in the way.
Second Place Student Designer: Annalise Fowler Adviser: paul Elitzik Nice variety of images, from closeups to larger views. Excellent clean layout. More caption information, offering explanations under each image, would have been helpful.
Third Place Student Designer: Nick Dean Adviser: Paul Carr, Julie Freeman Terrific, bold, colorful and actionpacked. Very nice layout. In the upper right are four images that may have been a bit too much, or run too small. Otherwise, lots of great effort here.
Fourth Place Student Designer: Megan Ryan, Vicky Flores, Rebecca Bennett Adviser: Cheri D. Shipman Very clean, orderly, architectural layout, the best use of grid among the entries. Easy for the eye to process, and inviting mix of content among the images chosen.
Fifth Place Student Designer: Mike McCall, Tim Sorenson Adviser: Nils Rosdahl Great impact with the background image. This technique can be difficult but care was taken to preserve readability of the body text.
Honorable Mention Student Designer: Kym Griswold, Ondrej Pazdirek Adviser: Anne Christiansen-Bullers The background colors may detract just a bit from the content of the photos, but the arrangement is well done and deftly balances a mix of many horizontal and vertical images.
Honorable Mention Student Designer: Nathan Hatcher Adviser: Kenna Griffin Nice balance of large and small images, and diverse content.
Honorable Mention Student Designer: Ned Mulka Adviser: Marissa Monson Good clean layout. Captions under each image instead of one large ganged-up caption would be easier for the reader to process.
First Place Student Designer: Kevin Cullen Adviser: Sheri Lewis, Andrea Watson I like the use of different photos behind the nameplate every day. I assume the designer picks something different every day, and I think it gives a nice punch to what can sometimes be an overlooked but important part of the front page. Keep it up!
Second Place Student Designer: Hannah Rogers Adviser: Francis McDavid Strong work here. It does a great job of tastefully and simply reflecting what's inside the paper without screaming and shutting down the rest of the page.
i r dPl a c e
F o u r t hPl a c e
Fifth Place Student Designer: Dylan Huebner Adviser: Steve Byers, Kimberly Zawada There's something to be said for keeping design understated. That's certainly the case here. High marks for presenting lots of information without going nuts.
Honorable Mention Student Designer: Patrick Armstrong, David Hoernler Adviser: Jake Lowery This was the best of the three entries submitted by Austin Peay. It deserves mention because it's well executed as a nameplate, but I'm generally not a fan huge art above the headline. If you do it, however, it's best to keep the rest of the page subdued. In these examples, there were lots of competing elements with big art above and below the nameplate. This submission shows great skill and creativity, however.
First Place Student Designer: Nick Dean Adviser: Paul Carr, Julie Freeman Proof that a standout photo will make standout front page. This photo captures the power of the moment and the Lariat's editors took full advantage of it as part of an excellent design approach.
Second Place Student Designer: Daniel Weilandt Adviser: Marissa Monson A very sophisticated look. The negative space in the lead photos ads to the impact of the page. Clear, understandable graphic. The ribbons add an appealing dynamic.
Third Place Student Designer: Andy Burress, Kate Carpenter Adviser: Chris Poore, May May Barton Excellent work taking a one-story page and breaking it down into easyto-read and easy-to-follow segments. The lead photo is used to full advantage.
Fourth Place Student Designer: Larry Buchanan Adviser: Ron Johnson, Ruth Witmer A good job of packaging separate elements so each receives attention— without creating a jumble on the page.
Fifth Place Student Designer: Joseph Suttner Adviser: John Kafentzis Another example of using a superlative photo to create a memorable front page.
First Place Student Designer: Mariam Aldhahi, Adam Sheetz Adviser: Michael Koretzky The edgy illustration is a clever and fun way to treat a subject like politics. The illustration is well executed and the page has nice composition. Type was treated with care, as was the use of white space. Good job!
Second Place Student Designer: Shannon Call Adviser: Marcy Shonk
Third Place Student Designer: Olivia Liendo Adviser: Paul Elitzik
Fourth Place Student Designer: Staff Adviser: Dan Close
Fifth Place Student Designer: Jacob Cooper Adviser: Omar Sofradzija
Honorable Mention Student Designer: Ashley Kolodziej Adviser: Omar Sofradzija
First Place Student Designer: Ari Curtis Adviser: Jeff Inman There was never any doubt that this was number one from first glance. Stylish with an old world feel but with enough contemporary accents to really make the reader stop and notice. Excellent work.
Second Place Student Designer: Allison Maze and Riane Menardi Adviser: Jill Van Wyke, Lori Blachford In a word: fun. I love the old school chalkboard feel mixed with a Web-like buzzword design. I would definitely flip past the cover to see what was inside.
Third Place Student Designer: Michael Brown, Cole R. Whitworth Adviser: Allison Dyche, Glen Osterberger A well-composed photo illustration pulls you in. It makes me want to know what your publication thinks about music. This piece definitely is an alt rock song for the eyes.
Fourth Place Student Designer: Elizabeth Howell Adviser: Scott Lindenberg Nicely done. The reflection of pills in the sunglasses mixed with the out-ofphase colors is a definite eye catcher. The what's inside typography doesn't distract from the overall design either. It's easy to mess up a good photo illustration with too much extraneous type. This is a great example of how to mix the two successfully.
Fifth Place Student Designer: Brandi Wilson Adviser: Amy Kilpatrick, Bill Neville Simple and elegant, but not so understated that it becomes plain. It sends a message that what I'm about to open will have a lot of food for thought.
Honorable Mention Student Designer: Larry Buchanan Adviser: Ron Johnson, Ruth Witmer A concept that could have been silly is pulled off successfully. The bold sans serif headline ties it all together. The serif font, however starts to disappear when it's reversed out. Maybe an all sans serif cover would have served to hold everything together a little better.
First Place Student Designer: Jesus Lozoya Adviser: Laura York Guy Good use of photos, careful attention to typography and negative space, all against a dark background creates a package that is clear yet compelling.
Second Place Student Designer: Senid Tabakovic, Chad Kriz Adviser: Mark Siebert, Mary Jones Very clean. The use of the "4" as part of a street layout is nicely done. An eye-catching package.
Third Place Student Designer: Adam Iscrupe Adviser: Wayne Maikranz The photos are fun. The reverses work nicely. The typography and rules are good. It's a fun, appealing page.
Fourth Place Student Designer: Elizabeth Howell, Caitlin Kennedy Bradley Adviser: Scott Lindenberg An approach with high impact, yet it's easy to look at. Good work on the text wraps, excellent application of negative space.
Fifth Place Student Designer: Dru Phillips, Mark Ziemer, Brittany Kron, Jacob Van Winkle Adviser: Jessica Clary A good photo. Controlled use of color. Nice typography. A page that is easy on the eyes and yet possessing good impact.
First Place Student Designer: Elizabeth Howell, Caitlin Kennedy Bradley Adviser: Scott Lindenberg I love how the designer used the fuzzy type and image to make the reader feel the frustration of not being able to focus. Putting a minimal amount of body copy in the fuzzy type provides a nice balance between setting the mood and readability. Nice concept and execution.
Second Place Student Designer: Mark Ziemer, Barry Lee Adviser: Jessica Clary
Third Place Student Designer: Victor Portillo Adviser: Kathleen Flores; Lourdes Cardenas
Fourth Place Student Designer: Amanda Wilson, Hallie Beeler Adviser: Mark Siebert, Mary Jones
Fifth Place Student Designer: Larry Buchanan Adviser: Ron Johnson, Ruth Witmer
Honorable Mention Student Designer: Mark Ziemer, Barry Lee Adviser: Jessica Clary
Honorable Mention Student Designer: Yasmin Marquez Adviser: Kathleen Flores; Lourdes Cardenas
Honorable Mention Student Designer: Elizabeth Howell, Caitlin Kennedy Bradley, Sarah Kobos Adviser: Scott Lindenberg
First Place Student Designer: Susannah Brinkley and Jordan Moore Adviser: Bradley Wilson The time lapse photo meshes very well with the typography. It's colorful and inviting and full of life. And that's what college is supposed to be about.
Second Place Student Designer: Rotunda Staff Adviser: Jay Miller Stately and elegant with just a splash of color to let you know immediately what you're looking at. Perfect example of "less is more."
Third Place Student Designer: Allie Richard & Sasha Mulvihill Adviser: Laura Widmer The strip of students across the top is an immediate eye grabber, although I question the black-and-white decision. The strip would have been even more effective in color. The bars of various cyan shades are a simple but effective tool to keep the eye moving across the cover.
Fourth Place Student Designer: Tiffany Haendel Adviser: Lori Brooks On the surface it seems almost too simple, but it was an entry that I kept going back to time and again. The large script typeface combined with the thought bubble nameplate is an immediate focal point.
Fifth Place Student Designer: Katie Myrick Adviser: Ron Johnson, Ruth Witmer Understated design executed very well. What little art there is serves as an accent to the text instead of the other way around. That's hard to do.
Honorable Mention Student Designer: Patrick Costilow Adviser: Lee E. Lind Loved the passport feel of the art. It gives it a feeling of action and possibilities. The gold is a little hard on the eye, but makes sense if it's a school color.
First Place Student Designer: Lauren Watkins Adviser: Andrea Watson I really love design where the designer recognizes that he or she has a great photo and just steps out of its way. This was the case here, with a student getting a face full of frost during the snow days in … Texas? This crisp, clear, eye-catching picture captured a memorable moment of that school year. The ―Personalities‖ label plays off the color of her coat and the caption is complete and unobtrusive.
Second Place Student Designer: Susannah Brinkley Adviser: Bradley Wilson A great, newsy photo of a scary moment on a college campus. Though this campus gunman ran amok in Texas and not North Carolina, the yearbook for the latter school chose an image that would still resonate with its student population. The caption and the news summary above tell the whole story with an economy of words. The timeline below adds information but doesn’t detract from the power of the photo.
Third Place Student Designer: Lana Flores Adviser: Matt Dulin A very simple, clean page that is powerful in its choice of images. Typography is spare and elegant. White space is used well for effect and balance. The selection of visuals has the effect of telling a story. The way they’re arranged is reminiscent of sequential art such as comic. The designer here manages to tell a story without words, a unique skill to have in one’s repertoire.
Fourth Place Student Designer: Dylan DeJong Adviser: Audrey Martin This page caught my eye for the texture applied to the photo. The use of black and white dots reminded me of really old-school yearbook photos, which lends a timeless quality to this division page. It also kind of looks like a Jumbotron image – appropriate for an Athletics section. The trianglecircle thing seemed a little superfluous – I think it could have been left off for a stronger page.
Fifth Place Student Designer: Kenneth Garcia Adviser: Randy Stano This photo illustration showed a sophisticated use of images and type. The table-of-contents-style page guide is out of the way and doesn’t detract from the design of the page. One improvement would have been to edit that quote down a little bit – some of it felt redundant and too personal, and too long for the job it was supposed to be doing: Preparing readers to delve into the section on academics.
First Place Student Designer: Kenneth Garcia, Liliana Oyarzun Adviser: Randy Stano This page is fun, sophisticated and well-executed. The content is fresh and something the reader would want to spend time with. The type is exciting and readable and the minimal color palette is balanced. Great job.
Second Place Student Designer: Patrick Costilow Adviser: Lee E. Lind
Third Place Student Designer: Sasha Mulvihill Adviser: Laura Widmer
Fourth Place Student Designer: Kenneth Garcia Adviser: Randy Stano
Fifth Place Student Designer: Lana Flores Adviser: Matt Dulin
Honorable Mention Student Designer: Elliot Salazar Adviser: Andrea Watson
First Place Student Designer: Lana Flores Adviser: Matt Dulin Oh my God, where do I begin? Absolutely beautiful design and to pull it off in black and white? Kudos. It tells a story immediately. Stunning. I could easily see this in a professional publication.
Second Place Student Designer: Andrew Hochradel Adviser: Mary Ann Pearson Beautiful photo meshes almost flawlessly with the typography. An especially nice touch was creating an artificial lens flare within the type itself. Subtle but effective.
Third Place Student Designer: Jordan Chlapecka Adviser: Jay Miller I loved the way the four nails literally direct your eye into the headline. A really good example where massive amounts of white space can serve the reader as well as make for a nice, inviting design.
Fourth Place Student Designer: Susannah Brinkley Adviser: Bradley Wilson A large part of what makes this page work is the photo, but when it is framed with the summary lead, it really pops. Striking design for a subject that doesn't always lend itself to exciting imagery.
Fifth Place Student Designer: Susannah Brinkley Adviser: Bradley Wilson A fun subject that comes together in a fun design. Photos and quotes mesh to tell a story that would never be as fun in pure print alone. My only concern was that the photos weren't big enough. Maybe one dominant image of a grad followed by smaller ones could have helped draw the reader into the page even quicker.
Honorable Mention Student Designer: Sabrina Aviles Adviser: Lori Brooks Great use of black and white, and turning the steps into a photo booth strip really helps add motion to photos that don't have that much action. Nicely done.
First Place Student Designer: Kaitlyn Rollins Adviser: Paul Carr, Julie Freeman Very active design: type, color, photo and architecture just shine on this spread.
Second Place Student Designer: Susannah Brinkley Adviser: Bradley Wilson Great contrast of large and small images. Nice supplemental graphic information as well.
Third Place Student Designer: Amy Crowe Adviser: Jay Miller Great example of how to get out of the way and let a dynamic photograph breathe. No special effects needed.
Fourth Place-tie Student Designer: Kate Carpenter Adviser: May May Barton Fourth Place tie: Very solid layouts, deftly handling a lot of images and looking active but not crowded. Nice display as well for supplemental information.
F o u r t hPl a c e t i e
Ho u s t o ni a n
First Place Student Designer: Kenneth Garcia Adviser: Randy Stano FmyRoommate was a fun presentation of students’ real-life horror stories about nightmare roomies. I liked the short form presentation of this information, which was a punchier way to do it than writing a traditional article. The staged photo illustrating one of the stories about shaving cream in the hand dryer was creative and eyecatching. I also appreciated the balance provided by the ―good roommate‖ stories on the left side.
Second Place Student Designer: Lana Flores Adviser: Matt Dulin Very thoughtful photo choices here, and striking in black-and-white. That style has added meaning for the subject, since books are printed that way. I love how the words bolster the well-composed profile picture of the dean of libraries. The light emanating from the building behind her parallels the light emanating from the sculpture. Well chosen and sophisticated presentation of these elements.
Third Place Student Designer: Susannah Brinkley Adviser: Bradley Wilson This page’s strengths are in its simplicity. The profile picture is played large, with the subject’s name prominently featured. Typography is very clean and typographical contrasts are clear and thoughtful. Images are fun and colorful, and I appreciated the sidebar of a few styles of ties.
Fourth Place Student Designer: Katie Myrick Adviser: Ron Johnson, Ruth Witmer Striking presentation of a student’s unusually large collection of Disney paraphernalia. Excellent profile photo. I liked how the block of text takes up parallel visual space with his torso, all the way down to the bottom of the Disney sculpture he holds. Some improvements that could be made include taking the faded T out from behind the text (was too ornamental for my tastes and unnecessary to the design), and coming up with a snappier headline … ―Jimmy’s addiction‖ seems too strong for a lighthearted look at an unconventional hobby (A Small World? The Happiest Place at IU?). He does call it an addiction, of course, but in the big type that designation is blown a little out of proportion.
Fifth Place Student Designer: Andrew Hochradel Adviser: Mary Ann Pearson This was a really clever presentation of couples – on separate pages, but laid out in a way that made them easy to match up. The profile pictures, with their bright colors, convey a sense of fun. Good typography, too. One improvement might have been to put space between people’s stories and make their names stand out more; maybe all-caps, and a different color?
First Place Student Designer: Susannah Brinkley Adviser: Bradley Wilson This is a fun way to present the SGA. The photos are nice and the cutouts are smooth. It is fresher than just mugs of the student body officials and the layout is clean.
Second Place Student Designer: Katie Myrick Adviser: Ron Johnson, Ruth Witmer
Third Place Student Designer: Dylan DeJong Adviser: Audrey Marin
Fourth Place Student Designer: Elliot Salazar Adviser: Andrea Watson
Fifth Place Student Designer: Susannah Brinkley Adviser: Bradley Wilson
First Place Student Designer: Taylor Cammack, Steve McDermott Adviser: Beth Francesco, Adam Drew Nothing fancy, just clean, welldesigned and easy to navigate. Section tabs, social-media links invite reader in to stay.
Second Place Student Designer: Elliott Beazley, Jennifer Swann, Nick Briz, Casilda Sanchez Adviser: Paul Elitzik Bold color and prominent video placement set this apart. Only lack of clear lead story holds back this attractive page.
Third Place Student Designer: Brian Connell and Jon Lunceford Adviser: Mark Mayfield Creative presentation of hyper-local content during a major, and devastating, news event. Bold, easyto-navigate.
Fourth Place Student Designer: Chris Scott Adviser: Matthew Connolly Powerful image leaves no question what the best story is, while design still gives top breaking news its due.
Fifth Place Student Designer: Chris Lusk Adviser: Judy Gibbs Robinson Background color, intuitive layout work. Or maybe it's just the image of that heart-stopping burger.
Honorable Mention Student Designer: Darius Houle Adviser: Brad Arendt
Honorable Mention Student Designer: staff Adviser: Ron Johnson, Ruth Witmer
Honorable Mention Student Designer: Staff Adviser: Tyler Dukes
Honorable Mention Student Designer: Colin Quarello Adviser: Amy Kilpatrick, Bill Neville
First Place Student Designer: Lincoln Faulkner Adviser: Paul Carr, Julie Freeman
Second Place Student Designer: Staff Adviser: Ron Johnson, Ruth Witmer Very simple layout. Large image and typography grabbed my attention. Reader can access other areas of content easily via an easy-to-read menu, and content is available at the bottom of the page as well. I like the focus on images, but I would like to see more content immediately available.
Third Place Student Designer: Nathan Hatcher Adviser: Kenna Griffin Nice layout. A lot of content here and managed well so that it doesn't appear too cluttered. I like the photo gallery, but I think I would like to see a content block of stories ahead of it. Directing visitors to more content means more clicks, and if they don't scroll past your stories, they may stop before they get to them.
Fourth Place Student Designer: Staff Adviser: Ron Johnson, Ruth Witmer Nice main page layout divided into columns by category. The reader can easily find what he/she is looking for, but the focus is on a series of highlighted articles. It has a bit of a commercial feel which appears to play to the audience you intend to attract.
Fifth Place Student Designer: Abigail Garner Adviser: Randy Stano I like the simplicity of this layout. It gives readers access to a great deal of content in an organized way. However, it points so directly at a single article that other content seems less important.
Category Entered 1. Informational Graphic (all publications)
Ranking 1. First Place
School North Carolina State Univ.
Medium Name Technician
1. Informational Graphic (all publications)
2. Second Place
Austin Community College
1. Informational Graphic (all publications)
3. Third Place
Southeastern Louisiana Univ.
Le Souvenir
1. Informational Graphic (all publications)
4. Fourth Place
Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
The Daily Tar Heel
1. Informational Graphic (all publications)
5. Fifth Place
Austin Community College
1. Informational Graphic (all publications)
6. Honorable Mention
Univ. of Miami
Ibis Yearbook
2. Headline Presentation (all publications)
1. First Place
Savannah College of Art and Design
District Quarterly
2. Headline Presentation (all publications)
2. Second Place
Michigan State Univ.
State News
2. Headline Presentation (all publications)
3. Third Place
Florida Atlantic Univ.
University Press
2. Headline Presentation (all publications)
4. Fourth Place
Indiana Univ.
2. Headline Presentation (all publications)
5. Fifth Place
Rotunda 2011
2. Headline Presentation (all publications)
6. Honorable Mention
Grand View Univ.
3. Advertisement (all publications)
1. First Place
Johnson County Community College
The Campus Ledger
3. Advertisement (all publications)
2. Second Place
Indiana Univ.
Indiana Daily Student
3. Advertisement (all publications)
3. Third Place
Michigan State Univ.
State News
3. Advertisement (all publications)
4. Fourth Place
Michigan State Univ.
State News
3. Advertisement (all publications)
5. Fifth Place
Univ. of Wyoming
The Branding Iron
3. Advertisement (all publications)
6. Honorable Mention
Savannah College of Art and Design
District Quarterly
4. Editorial Illustration (all publications)
1. First Place
SCAD Atlanta
SCAN Magazine
4. Editorial Illustration (all publications)
2. Second Place
Indiana Univ.
4. Editorial Illustration (all publications)
3. Third Place
the school of the art institute
f Newsmagazine
4. Editorial Illustration (all publications)
4. Fourth Place
The Univ. of Texas at El Paso
Minero Magazine
4. Editorial Illustration (all publications)
5. Fifth Place
Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The Daily Illini
4. Editorial Illustration (all publications)
6. Honorable Mention
Indiana Univ.
Indiana Daily Student
4. Editorial Illustration (all publications)
6. Honorable Mention
Johnson County Community College
The Campus Ledger
4. Editorial Illustration (all publications)
6. Honorable Mention
Savannah College of Art and Design
District Quarterly
5. Feature Page (newspaper)
1. First Place
Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The Daily Illini
5. Feature Page (newspaper)
2. Second Place
the school of the art institute
f Newsmagazine
5. Feature Page (newspaper)
3. Third Place
California Baptist Univ.
The Banner
5. Feature Page (newspaper)
4. Fourth Place
North Carolina State Univ.
5. Feature Page (newspaper)
5. Fifth Place
Florida Atlantic Univ.
Univ. Press
6. Editorial/Opinion Page (newspaper)
1. First Place
Boise State Univ.
The Arbiter
6. Editorial/Opinion Page (newspaper)
2. Second Place
Baylor Univ.
Baylor Lariat
6. Editorial/Opinion Page (newspaper)
3. Third Place
the school of the art institute
f Newsmagazine
6. Editorial/Opinion Page (newspaper)
4. Fourth Place
North Idaho College
The Sentinel
6. Editorial/Opinion Page (newspaper)
5. Fifth Place
North Carolina State Univ.
7. Sports Page (newspaper)
1. First Place
Univ. of Texas at Arlington
The Shorthorn
7. Sports Page (newspaper)
2. Second Place
Michigan State Univ.
State News
7. Sports Page (newspaper)
3. Third Place-tie
Indiana Univ.
Indiana Daily Student
7. Sports Page (newspaper)
3. Third Place-tie
Indiana Univ.
Indiana Daily Student
7. Sports Page (newspaper)
5. Fifth Place
Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The Daily Illini
7. Sports Page (newspaper)
6. Honorable Mention
Boise State Univ.
The Arbiter
7. Sports Page (newspaper)
6. Honorable Mention
Boise State Univ.
The Arbiter
8. Photo Page/Spread (newspaper)
1. First Place
Elon Univ.
The Pendulum
8. Photo Page/Spread (newspaper)
2. Second Place
the school of the art institute
f Newsmagazine
8. Photo Page/Spread (newspaper)
3. Third Place
Baylor Univ.
Baylor Lariat
8. Photo Page/Spread (newspaper)
4. Fourth Place
Texas A&M Univ.
The Battalion
8. Photo Page/Spread (newspaper)
5. Fifth Place
North Idaho College
The Sentinel
8. Photo Page/Spread (newspaper)
6. Honorable Mention
Johnson County Community College
The Campus Ledger
8. Photo Page/Spread (newspaper)
6. Honorable Mention
Oklahoma City Univ.
The Campus
8. Photo Page/Spread (newspaper)
6. Honorable Mention
Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The Daily Illini
9. Nameplate/Standing Heads (newspaper)
1. First Place
Texas Tech Univ.
The Daily Toreador
9. Nameplate/Standing Heads (newspaper)
2. Second Place
Mississippi State Univ.
The Reflector
9. Nameplate/Standing Heads (newspaper)
3. Third Place
Grand View Univ.
The Grand Views
9. Nameplate/Standing Heads (newspaper)
4. Fourth Place
Indiana Univ.
Indiana Daily Student
9. Nameplate/Standing Heads (newspaper)
5. Fifth Place
Marquette Univ.
The Marquette Tribune
9. Nameplate/Standing Heads (newspaper)
6. Honorable Mention
Austin Peay
The All State
10. Front Page (newspaper)
1. First Place
Baylor Univ.
Baylor Lariat
10. Front Page (newspaper)
2. Second Place
Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The Daily Illini
10. Front Page (newspaper)
3. Third Place
Univ. of Kentucky
Kentucky Kernel
10. Front Page (newspaper)
4. Fourth Place
Indiana Univ.
Indiana Daily Student
10. Front Page (newspaper)
5. Fifth Place
Gonzaga Univ.
The Gonzaga Bulletin
11. Cover (section, supplement, other publication)
1. First Place
Florida Atlantic Univ.
Univ. Press
11. Cover (section, supplement, other publication)
2. Second Place
Indiana State Univ.
Indiana Statesman
11. Cover (section, supplement, other publication)
3. Third Place
the school of the art institute
f Newsmagazine
11. Cover (section, supplement, other publication)
4. Fourth Place
Wichita State Univ.
The Sunflower
11. Cover (section, supplement, other publication)
5. Fifth Place
Michigan State Univ.
State News
11. Cover (section, supplement, other publication)
6. Honorable Mention
Michigan State Univ.
State News
12. Cover (magazine)
1. First Place
Drake Univ.
Urban Plains
12. Cover (magazine)
2. Second Place
Drake Univ.
12. Cover (magazine)
3. Third Place
Savannah College of Art and Design
District Quarterly
12. Cover (magazine)
4. Fourth Place
Univ. of South Carolina
Garnet & Black
12. Cover (magazine)
5. Fifth Place
Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham
12. Cover (magazine)
6. Honorable Mention
Indiana Univ.
13. Contents Page/Spread (magazine)
1. First Place
Garden City Community College
13. Contents Page/Spread (magazine)
2. Second Place
Grand View Univ.
13. Contents Page/Spread (magazine)
3. Third Place
UNC Charlotte
Sanskrit Literary-Arts Magazine
13. Contents Page/Spread (magazine)
4. Fourth Place
Univ. of South Carolina
Garnet & Black Magazine
13. Contents Page/Spread (magazine)
5. Fifth Place
SCAD Atlanta
SCAN Magazine
14. Feature Spread (magazine)
1. First Place
Univ. of South Carolina
Garnet & Black Magazine
14. Feature Spread (magazine)
2. Second Place
SCAD Atlanta
SCAN Magazine
14. Feature Spread (magazine)
3. Third Place
The Univ. of Texas at El Paso
Minero Magazine
14. Feature Spread (magazine)
4. Fourth Place
Grand View Univ.
14. Feature Spread (magazine)
5. Fifth Place
Indiana Univ.
14. Feature Spread (magazine)
6. Honorable Mention
SCAD Atlanta
SCAN Magazine
14. Feature Spread (magazine)
6. Honorable Mention
The Univ. of Texas at El Paso
Minero Magazine
14. Feature Spread (magazine)
6. Honorable Mention
Univ. of South Carolina
Garnet & Black Magazine
15. Cover (digital image of yearbook cover)
1. First Place
North Carolina State Univ.
15. Cover (digital image of yearbook cover)
2. Second Place
Rotunda 2011
15. Cover (digital image of yearbook cover)
3. Third Place
Northwest Missouri State Univ.
Tower Yearbook
15. Cover (digital image of yearbook cover)
4. Fourth Place
Univ. of Oklahoma
15. Cover (digital image of yearbook cover)
5. Fifth Place
Indiana Univ.
15. Cover (digital image of yearbook cover)
6. Honorable Mention
Southeastern Louisiana Univ.
Le Souvenir
16. Division Page (yearbook)
1. First Place
Texas Tech Univ.
La Ventana
16. Division Page (yearbook)
2. Second Place
North Carolina State Univ.
16. Division Page (yearbook)
3. Third Place
Univ. of Houston
16. Division Page (yearbook)
4. Fourth Place
Trinity Western Univ.
16. Division Page (yearbook)
5. Fifth Place
Univ. of Miami
Ibis Yearbook
17. Student Life Spread (yearbook)
1. First Place
Univ. of Miami
Ibis Yearbook
17. Student Life Spread (yearbook)
2. Second Place
Southeastern Louisiana Univ.
Le Souvenir
17. Student Life Spread (yearbook)
3. Third Place
Northwest Missouri State Univ.
Tower Yearbook
17. Student Life Spread (yearbook)
4. Fourth Place
Univ. of Miami
Ibis Yearbook
17. Student Life Spread (yearbook)
5. Fifth Place
Univ. of Houston
17. Student Life Spread (yearbook)
6. Honorable Mention
Texas Tech Univ.
La Ventana
18. Academics Spread (yearbook)
1. First Place
Univ. of Houston
18. Academics Spread (yearbook)
2. Second Place
California Baptist Univ.
18. Academics Spread (yearbook)
3. Third Place
Rotunda 2011
18. Academics Spread (yearbook)
4. Fourth Place
North Carolina State Univ.
18. Academics Spread (yearbook)
5. Fifth Place
North Carolina State Univ.
18. Academics Spread (yearbook)
6. Honorable Mention
Univ. of Oklahoma
19. Sports Spread (yearbook)
1. First Place
Baylor Univ.
Round Up
19. Sports Spread (yearbook)
2. Second Place
North Carolina State Univ.
19. Sports Spread (yearbook)
3. Third Place
Rotunda 2011
19. Sports Spread (yearbook)
4. Fourth Place-tie
Univ. of Kentucky
The Kentuckian Yearbook
19. Sports Spread (yearbook)
4. Fourth Place-tie
Univ. of Kentucky
The Kentuckian Yearbook
19. Sports Spread (yearbook)
6. Honorable Mention
Univ. of Houston
20. Individuals Spread (yearbook)
1. First Place
Univ. of Miami
Ibis Yearbook
20. Individuals Spread (yearbook)
2. Second Place
Univ. of Houston
20. Individuals Spread (yearbook)
3. Third Place
North Carolina State Univ.
20. Individuals Spread (yearbook)
4. Fourth Place
Indiana Univ.
20. Individuals Spread (yearbook)
5. Fifth Place
California Baptist Univ.
21. Organizations Spread (yearbook)
1. First Place
North Carolina State Univ.
21. Organizations Spread (yearbook)
2. Second Place
Indiana Univ.
21. Organizations Spread (yearbook)
3. Third Place
Trinity Western Univ.
21. Organizations Spread (yearbook)
4. Fourth Place
Texas Tech Univ.
La Ventana
21. Organizations Spread (yearbook)
5. Fifth Place
North Carolina State Univ.
22. Main Page Presentation (online newspaper)
1. First Place
Univ. of Texas at Arlington
22. Main Page Presentation (online newspaper)
2. Second Place
the school of the art institute
F Newsmagazine Website
22. Main Page Presentation (online newspaper)
3. Third Place
Univ. of Alabama
The Crimson White
22. Main Page Presentation (online newspaper)
4. Fourth Place
Austin Community College
22. Main Page Presentation (online newspaper)
5. Fifth Place
Univ. of Oklahoma
22. Main Page Presentation (online newspaper)
6. Honorable Mention
Boise State Univ.
The Arbiter
22. Main Page Presentation (online newspaper)
6. Honorable Mention
Indiana Univ.
22. Main Page Presentation (online newspaper)
6. Honorable Mention
North Carolina State Univ.
22. Main Page Presentation (online newspaper)
6. Honorable Mention
Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham
23. Main Page Presentation (not online newspaper)
1. First Place
Baylor Univ.
Focus magazine
23. Main Page Presentation (not online newspaper)
2. Second Place
Indiana Univ.
23. Main Page Presentation (not online newspaper)
3. Third Place
Oklahoma City Univ.
23. Main Page Presentation (not online newspaper)
4. Fourth Place
Indiana Univ.
23. Main Page Presentation (not online newspaper)
5. Fifth Place
Univ. of Miami
Distraction Magazine
Anthony Bratina is graphics editor of The Tuscaloosa News. A 2000 art studio graduate of the University of Alabama at Birmingham, he has produced award-winning graphics and illustrations for The Tuscaloosa News. He has also been art director of Tuscaloosa Magazine since its conception in 2004, doing magazine layouts and covers. His work has been featured in numerous other magazines and newspapers, and has won Associated Press, APA, APME and SND awards. Kenneth Carter is Technology Editor and Page One Editor for The Birmingham News. He loves a good website and a good dirty martini. But looking at Web sites gets him into slightly less trouble at work. Adam Crisp is a reporter for the Chattanooga Times Free Press. Prior to Tennessee, he was previously a reporter at the Savannah Morning News and edited and designed several community newspapers in south Georgia. He was the managing editor of The GeorgeAnne Daily at Georgia Southern University when the staff won numerous state and national awards for writing and design. Shweta Gamble is the design editor of The Tuscaloosa News. A 2000 journalism and art studio graduate of the University of Alabama at Birmingham, she started her career at her college newspaper where she did every job under the sun. She has also worked in page design for The Birmingham Post-Herald, The Birmingham News and The Orlando Sentinel. She has won APME and APA awards. Doug Gross, Atlanta, Ga., writes and blogs about the internet for He is a graduate of Georgia Southern University. Ed Henninger, Rock Hill, S.C. has been an independent newspaper consultant since 1989 and is the Director of Henninger Consulting in Rock Hill, SC. Henninger travels nationally and internationally to redesign weekly and daily newspapers. He recently completed redesigns of the Livingston Parish News in Denham Springs, LA; the News-Herald in Lenoir City, TN; the News-Graphic in Georgetown, KY; The Compass in Green Bay, WI; and The Long Island Catholic. He is now at work with newspapers in South Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Texas. A frequent speaker and columnist for newspaper associations, Henninger’s advice is available via blog:, Twitter address: and web site: James McConatha, Mobile, Ala., is a digital content producer and photojournalist at WALA/FOX10 News. He has worked as a freelance features writer and photojournalist for newspapers and area publications in central Alabama. A graduate of the University of Alabama at Birmingham, he attended graduate school at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. McConatha lives in Mobile, Ala. with his wife, Erin, and their two dogs. Ron Reason has 25 years of unique experience in publication design and editing, teaching, and consulting. He has redesigned newspapers including The Dallas Morning News, Boston Herald, San Francisco Examiner, Orlando Sentinel, Tampa Tribune, and dozens of others. Internationally he has worked on redesigns and trained newsroom staffs in Kenya, Dubai, Iceland, India, Spain, Denmark and elsewhere. Reason has a long affiliation with The Poynter Institute for Media Studies, where he served for five years as Director of Visual Journalism and remains a Faculty Affiliate. He was an editor, designer and manager for many years at the St. Petersburg Times, and has taught at the University of South Florida in Tampa and at the Ringling College of Art and Design in Sarasota. He is on the Alumni Advisory Board to the Dean of Indiana University's School of Journalism, and is an informal mentor to student publications there. Follow his blog on design, publishing, and teaching here: Martha Smith of Chicago is a page designer and copy editor in the features department of the Chicago Tribune. She has also worked as a planning editor in the Tribune's Media on Demand department, as a freelance designer for the Chicago Tribune and RedEye, and as design director for The Washington Post's Style section. Martha is also a student-media veteran: At the University of South Carolina, she served as editor in chief of both the Garnet & Black magazine and The Gamecock newspaper before her graduation in 2002. She lives in downtown Chicago with her husband, Ryan Smith, and their toddler daughter, Stella.
BOCD 19: 74 Schools entered, 1109 entries Austin Community College Austin Peay Baylor University Boise State University Bridgewater State University California Baptist University Chattanooga State Community College Clayton State University Colorado State University Drake University Eastern Illinois University Eastfield College Elon University Florida Atlantic University Garden City Community College Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) Georgia Perimeter College Gonzaga University Grand View University Indiana State University Indiana University Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne Indiana Wesleyan University Iowa State University James Madison University Johnson County Community College Kennesaw State University Laramie County Community College Louisiana State University Loyola Marymount University Marquette University Michigan State University Mississippi State University Missouri State University Moraine Valley Community College North Carolina State University North Idaho College Northern Illinois University Northern Kentucky University Northwest Missouri State University Oklahoma City University Olympic College Otterbein University Savannah College of Art and Design (Savannah) SCAD Atlanta Seward County Community College
SMU Southeastern Louisiana University SUNY Plattsburgh Texas A&M University Texas Christian University Texas Tech University Texas Wesleyan University The Grand Views The School of the Art Institute Trinity Western University UNC Charlotte University of Alabama University of Alabama at Birmingham University of Houston University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign University of Kentucky University of Miami University of North Alabama University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University of Oklahoma University of South Carolina University of Texas at Arlington University of Texas at El Paso University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh University of Wyoming Western Carolina University Whitworth University Wichita State University