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2012 | 2013

CODA College of Design: Architecture

M. ARCH Iowa State University

All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission from Iowa State University. CODA College of Design: Architecture, vol. 1 Š2013 Iowa State University College of Design, Department of Architecture 146 College of Design Iowa State University Ames, IA 50011-3091 tel: (515) 294-8336

Editors: Adrienne Nelson Lana Zoet Faculty Advisor: Jason Alread Associate Professor Director of Graduate Education 595 College of Design Department of Architecture Iowa State University Ames, IA 50011

Iowa State University Department of Architecture


3 Summer

2 Spring

15 credits

15 credits

10 credits

Year One 100 credit requirement

4 Fall


15 credits

Spring 15 credits

Year Two

6 Fall


15 credits

Spring 15 credits

Year Three

Advanced Standing - 60 credit requirement











All-Grad Seminar

ARCH_505 Architectural Design I




All-Grad Seminar

ARCH_506 Architectural Design II







Theory Seminar

Urbanism Option Studio

Science & Technology for Architects I (5cr.)


Science & Technology for Architects II (5cr.)


Architectural Design VI


Option Studio


Topical Study

ARCH_581 Service Learning


All-Grad Seminar

ARCH_603 ARCH_604



All-Grad Seminar



Architectural Design IV

ARCH_698 ARCH_698



Architectural Design III

History Seminar Landscape & Society (5cr.) (5cr.)



All-Grad Seminar





All-Grad Seminar


Professional Practice (3cr.)






Science & Technology for Architects III (3cr.)


Science & Technology for Architects IV (3cr.)










any graduate level course



featured work by Hanwei Fan first year, Fall 2012






FIRST YEAR STUDIOS ARCH 505 - Architectural Design & Media I: Mapping, Programming, Building

ARCH 507 - Architectural Design & Media III: Design in Detail

An introduction to comprehensive architectural design projects that focuses on three interrelated design skills: mapping, programming and building. Projects establish a framework for designing buildings that considers multiple factors such as environmental forces, construction methods, building codes, urban regulations, social relationships, and cultural values.

Design projects that emphasize the multi-faceted role of the architectural detail in the design process through first, understanding the historical specificity of building construction and detailing; second, utilizing working drawing as a mode of communication; and third, designing with details. The term-long project will consider a set of working drawings of past buildings as a site for design intervention.

ARCH 506 - Architectural Design & Media II: Materiality and Representation Small-scale architectural design projects that investigate design representation through analogue and digital means. The projects explore different representation strategies to help students develop an understanding of the particular modes of architectural representation that advance the designer’s knowledge of space as a complex interaction between materials with inherent physical characteristics, mobile socializing bodies, and changing environmental cycles.

505 506 507

ARCH 505: Spatial Intervention 1a

INSTALLATION College of Design at Iowa State University Ames, Iowa - Fall 2012 Faculty: Samantha Krukowski featured work by Michael Spory Lana Zoet Kellen Pacheco Students selected objects to work with, and challenged the ways in which they typically exist. The materials were manupulated in unique ways and installed within the studio and throughout the college of design, intervening into and growing out of the space the students occpy. The installations provided a narrative that offered an alternative universe for consideration.


INTERPRETIVE MAP Iowa 24� x 100� mixed media on paper Fall 2012 Faculty: Samantha Krukowski featured work by Lana Zoet Hanwei Fan Using aerial and landscape photos of Iowa as a starting point, students built maps of the landscape based on experience. Layering of media and techniques was encouraged, and the final drawing was borne out of these experiments, providing an experiental interpretation of the landscape.

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ARCH 505: Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) and Barn Design and layout of a CSA farm and a barn that serves it.

EDIBLE FOREST FRUITS & BERRIES Ames, Iowa - Fall 2012 Faculty: Samantha Krukowski Dora Pollak REGENERATIVE AGRICULTURE An approach to land use and agriculture that aims to move beyond sustaining ecological systems as they currently are, towards enhanced regeneration of renewable resources, particularly building living soils with diverse microbiological communities. AGROFORESTRY Uses the interactive benefits of combining trees and shrubs with annual crops to create more diverse, productive and sustainable land-use systems.



PERMACULTURE An ethics-driven systems approach to creating agriculturally productive human habitats.

Born of a desire to integrate the timber with the fields and based on principles of regenerative agriculture, this site was developed with a diversity of perennial crops, including fruit, nut and timber production, as well as intensive annual vegetable gardens. The building and site serve as an educational center for sustainable agriculture and off-grid living. The structure is a heavy-timber frame with straw-bale infill panels. Emphasis is placed on using locally available, bio-renewable resources. The lower level is dug into the soil on the north side, allowing for passive earth cooling to be used in cold-storage for crops. The south side, with an attached heated greenhouse would allow for early seedstarting and year round greens production. The upper level, at ground level on the north side, would remain an open and flexible space for educational and community events.

TERRA MUSHROOMS & ROOT Ames, Iowa - Fall 2012 Faculty: Samantha Krukowski



The design implements the earth and expands upward, providing a point of access and emersion between land and sky. This concept delves beyond the land surface and utilizes a deeper cross section of earth than is typical in Iowa farms. The barn is designed for the growing of mushrooms and, and the same required microclimate, storage of root vegetables. This space functions as a node on the site, creating visual interest with the suggestion of layers from afar. Small light penetrations in the cap of the sub-terranian farm indicate a void below, and the visitor is invited to descend into the earth to explore the sub-terranian farm. A market is located above the terrain cap, centralizing all the main functions in this area. Vegetables are arranged radially at the perimeter, allowing them to be viewed in the foreground of the farming fields and horizon beyond. Canopies provide shading and invite the eye upward, enhancing the concept of verticality.

ARCH 506: Project 1 - Urban Infill Urban Infill, 4 weeks.

WEST SIDE TECH APARTMENTS West 27th Street, New York City, New York - Spring 2011 Faculty: Charles McBride Adrienne Nelson An armature scheme developed over 4 weeks was used as inspiration for this urban infill project. A section of the armature was taken and used as a building module to create a compact multi-use building in New York City’s west side. The program of the building consists of apartments in the upper floors and a digital social library on the ground and mezzanine floors. The structure is composed of 4 cube schemes that combine to create a primary post and beam scheme and a diagonal secondary scheme for reinforcement.

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APERTURE APARTMENTS St. Louis, Missouri - Spring 2012 Faculty: Mikesch Muecke Barrett Peterson The driving goal of the design was to better integrate people that lived within a apartment block, essentially to create a more cohesive community within the larger context of St. Louis. Precedent examples such as Nemausus 1 in France helped to influence themes within the design. The building was designed to have the circulation space function in multiple ways – serving as social space as well. Within this relatively open space area there is a hierarchy of spaces that transitions from public (street), to semi-public (center space), to semi-private (individual apartment thresholds), and finally to the private - inside the apartment. Passive strategies were also utilized in the deisgn. Large southern facing windows are present in some way for every apartment and integral in heating and providing natural lighting for each unit. Operable windows on these also allow air to flow into these units and push air through from top to bottom.

CYCLODROME KING PAVILION at Iowa State University Ames, Iowa - Summer 2011 15 Students Faculty: Jason Alread The cyclodrome was designed and built for a non-profit cycling club, to be used as a practice tool and to help promote cycling. It was intended as a 4-part kit for easy assembly and transport. At 34’ x 24’ the Cyclodrome was the smallest velodrome in the United States. After 2 weeks of design and 5 weeks of construction, the Cyclodrome was finished one week early and came in under budget. Design, material collection, construction and promotion was led by teams with each student assisting in the process.

ARCH 581 - Service Learning Planning and execution of a project serving a community need. Learning occurs through both theory and active involvement in on-site work. Projects connect previous coursework to practical applications and community involvement.


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ARCH 581: Cycling Trails Located in a newly developed park south of Ames, these additions to the Banner Trail were conceived and designed by students for use by the local community. The build was done by Iowa State University first year graduate students during the summer months.



MUTTON BUSTER Banner Mountain Bike Trails Summerset, Iowa - Summer 2012 Faculty: Jason Alread The mountain bike course provides a unique and much-enjoyed addition to the existing Banner Trails in Summerset. Since it’s completion, these new portions have been heavily utilized by the local cycling community. Students were able to learn firsthand about construction methods and techniques, and constructability within their design.

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FIRST YEAR SCI-TECH ARCH 541: Science and Technology for Architects I

ARCH 542: Science and Technology for Architects II

introduction to Human Factors, Descriptive Geometry, Basic Building Materials, and Small-Scale Building Envelopes. Theory and case studies, stressing the connectivity of technical issues to broader formal, social, and cultural spheres.

Elementary Statics and Beam Theory, Basic Construction Materials, and Site and Building Circulation. Theory and case studies stressing the connectivity of technical issues to broader formal, social, and cultural spheres.

541 542

ARCH 541: Box for Light and Wind Design of a space to be located on a selected site in Ames, Iowa, to respond to local sunlight and wind conditions.

Fall 2012 Faculty: Jason Alread Lana Zoet The box design was developed to block sun angles throughout the day, while allowing diffuse daylight to penetrate deep into the space. Apertures were provided to encourage cross ventilation during the summer.

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ARCH 542: Perspective Drawings Students practice analog techniques by developing two-point perspective drawings, including rendering of light and shadow.

pencil on paper Spring 2013 Faculty: Jason Alread featured work by Hanwei Fan Michael Spory Dora Pollock Rachel Cuthbert

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FIRST YEAR SEMINAR ARCH 595 Seminar on the Built Environment I: History Introduction to historical canons and traditions of architecture and urbanism. Discussion of the relationship between historical inquiry and contemporary practice. Students learn skills in critical thinking, visual analysis, and research methods. Course sessions develop thematically with interdisciplinary readings, group discussions, student presentations, and research projects.

ARCH 596: Seminar on the Built Environment II: Landscape and Society Introduction to landscape as artifact and multidisciplinary knowledge-base for design thinking. Literatures and methods of environmental psychology, cultural geography, landscape and architectural history and theory, site and circulation design as intersection of built infrastructural, natural, and social systems. Emphasis on sensory perception, and human movement; investigations of climate, environmental conditions, and values toward consumption and sustainability in everyday experience of the built environment.

595 596

ARCH 595: Research Project Thesis, reading reports, oral presentation and research paper.

HISTORY Faculty: Jelena Bogdanovic Seminar organized around lecture and assigned readings, intended to provide context for group discussion. Discussion sections provide an opportunity to explore a previously defined topic. Key points of focus: - Critical discussion of major figures in architecture - Using interpretative skills to critically approach, discuss, and analyze architecture in general, and to understand the methods of historical inquiry - Questioning whether, how, and why key concepts in architecture may apply to numerous various architectural objects - Developing competence in academic methodologies of architectural history and other humanistic disciplines and how they relate to each other - Further skills in academic research, organization and expression, utilizing concepts and research methods common to disciplines in architectural history, art, design, and the humanities - Understanding the role and significance of visual and performing arts, social sciences, politics, philosophical, religious and ideological concepts, building techniques and technologies for the shaping of architecture - Prepare to participate, compete, and succeed an our multi-cultural society and global world Pictured: Images from final Research Project Looking Back, Standing Still, Moving Forward: Monuments, Stadiums and Social Narrative in Contemporary South Africa by Michael Spory

ARCH 596: Diagramming Understanding spacial connectivity and heiarchy through diagramming techniques

SPACE SYNTAX DIAGRAM: Lisbon Polytechnic Institute by Kira Strong

LANDSCAPE AND SOCIETY Faculty: Jamie Horwitz

Pictured: Bryant Park, NYC by The Olin Studio; the High Line during student visit PRECEDENTS Students analyze existing spaces through diagramming and discussion. Specific precedents include the High Line park in New York City; which has been visited by the students as part of the course in the past. The techniques for analyzing space that are explored are then applied in the design process.

This seminar provides an introduction to two fields of study critical to professional practice today: landscape (as a process and an artifact) and the relationship between human behavior and surrounding environment. To achieve these goals, one half of the seminar is devoted to a series of projects which intersect with design studio. The other half is a series of readings with lectures and discussions of key principles. The course provides a platform for bringing social research into design innovations. Focusing on human sensory perception and activity, the projects program a public place for transistory repose and personal regeneration. Key objectives: - Understand and learn to enhance satisfaction for the broadest range of users of public spaces. - Optimize purposeful activity & aesthetic pleasures in the design on urban open spaces. - Find the basic methods of design for Low-Impact development. - Increase the experience of choice and control in large buildings, specifically wayfinding. - Understand the architect’s responsibility to work in the public interest, to respect historic resources, and to improve the quality of life and the environment we share.

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2013 College of Design Career Days

SECOND YEAR STUDIOS Arch 601 - Sustainable Building Design

Arch 602 - Community, Building and the Environment.

Design projects that are developed through integrative design strategies that explore the relationship between buildings and environmental forces to maximize non-wasteful, efficient use of resources such as energy, water and building materials. Projects will include investigations of the impact of solar energy, airflow, building materials, passive and active systems and wall sections on spatial quality and form making. Design decisions will be quantitatively validated through energy modeling and performance simulation.

Design projects that explore the relationships between architectural, cultural, and environmental landscapes. Emphasis on regional sites, socioeconomic conditions, and sustainable design and planning practices at multiple scales. Projects stress engagement with local circumstances and stakeholders; systemic interconnections and strategies; and the application of interdisciplinary research.

601 602

ARCH 601: Net-Zero Net-zero building design with a live, work, learn program.

COACT Live, Work, Learn Des Moines, Iowa - Fall 2011 Faculty: Ulrike Passe, Clare Cardinal-Pett Tim Lewis Greg Uhrich Xuefeng Zhong Coact began as a exploration into Net-zero design. The goal was to create a program and building that promoted sustainable design and practice. The goal of the Children’s Alternative Energies Museum, offices and homes is to work hand in hand together to investigate and collaborate on new and exciting findings of sustainable design and energy. A green roof, solar panels, cross ventilation, efficient day lighting, geothermal heating/cooling and stack ventilation were strategies used and considered in the design. The office’s act as a catalyst to the museum and can be used by the community in Des Moines, Iowa. By addressing urban change in Des Moines we are able to place an important program in the area in hopes to connect to the downtown core as well to the surrounding area.

COALESCE Houghton, Michigan - Fall 2012 Faculty: Ulrike Passe Abby Caldwell Gentina Patton Barrett Peterson Tou Ji Located in Houghton, Michigan on the Upper Peninsula near Lake Superior, the program of this project includes space for housing, commercial and offices. The main focus of the project was to maximize the passive strategies within the design of the building while allowing programmatic areas to serve multiple functions in order to minimize the amount of active systems. This building achieves a very efficient form through a variety of design strategies. First, the building footprint and surface area is reduced by using a tall, thin form. Second, the building’s longest facade is orientated to the south in order to maximize the amount of solar gain for heat in the winter months. A shading system is introduced to this façade for protection from solar radiation in summer months, and a second skin is introduced to create a thermal buffer in the winter and provide passive ventilation to apartments in the summer. While taking an ardent approach to passive strategies, and including active systems into the design, the site context and relation to Houghton was also a driving factor in the physical form of the building. The location of the building within the city of Houghton highly influenced its form. Because the site bridges a vital transition between the residential housing to the east and the entry to the downtown in the west, the building responds to this scale change. By stepping down in tiers from west to east, the building’s form creates a visual progression between these two different zones. The circulation towers that also serve as thermal buffers and passive ventilation take on another function to let anyone passing by to see through the building to the valley and adjoining portage beyond. Due to the fact that the majority of Houghton was constructed out of brick, the design uses terracotta which is of similar appearance and proportion, and also helps the building to retain and diffuse heat through thermal massing.

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NET ZERO Des Moines Education Center Des Moines, Iowa - Fall 2011 Faculty: Clare Cardinal-Pett, Ulrike Passe Karl Hennig Kelly Kavelage Un Ian Lei The Education Center is proposed to bridge the high traffic 14th Street corridor with an established neighborhood. The center brings a pedestrian friendly relationship between an automobile dominated city and the neighborhood it surrounds. A live, work, learn program provides housing for college students, in return for teaching technology classes for children and adults. The location provides access directly from the adjacent neighborhood and from 14th Street. In addition to passive and on-site renewable energy, the Education Center utilizes many sustainable techniques such as storm water runoff collection and grey water harvesting, day lighting, passive cooling and heating. With a double skin facade, photovoltaic panels and geothermal energy systems can also serve to educate users on the benefits of passive and environmentally responsible design.

ARCH 602: Community, Building and the Environment.

USVI Mortfilios Labs St Croix, US Virgin Islands - Spring 2012 Faculty: Ulrike Passe Nathan Scott Andrew Sundall Xuefeng Zhong Analysis of our site’s climate and resources lead to the design development of two important architectural sustainable systems; solar formbased laboratory design and canopy structure. This is a response to the lack of reliable energy, water, and designing with locally available building materials in new ways. Leading to the key design drivers of reducing the heat gain of the laboratory based on its form, designing a system to harvest water and energy, and using sea water heat exchange as an active mechanical system.

BRIDGE STUDIO Ellis Boulevard Urban Village Cedar Rapids, Iowa - Spring 2012 Faculty: Nadia Anderson Class Collabroation This studio focused on revitalizing the neighborhood while introducing availability of fresh local produce. Collaboration with local residents and design professionals transpired into a two acre productive urban farm in the heart of the city. An open-air pavilion and play area mark the central gathering space. This core area integrates rain water harvesting systems for on-site reuse, and informal education spaces. Moving outward, features include a moveable greenhouse which will maximize planting capacity, raised planting beds and a food forest plot.

THE BRIDGE STUDIO | Energy in a neighborhood comes from committed people and interesting events that create a sense of place. In this studio we will explore how “empty” places – parking lots, buildings, empty lots – can be used to create a sense of identity and place through temporary occupation. We will be working in the Time Check neighborhood of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. This area lost 50% of its buildings and other infrastructure as a result of the 2008 flood and has struggled ever since to regain its identity. The flood has, however, provided tremendous opportunities for the neighborhood to reconnect with the Cedar River along its eastern edge and to rethink its historic commercial corridor on Ellis Boulevard.

Pop-Up Cedar Rapids Using Pop-Up methods, we will create a series of exciting, ethereal, entertaining events and spaces that will inhabit Time Check for a small period of time but will portend future changes. We will create performances, installations, shelters, films, food to reinvigorate and reenergize Time Check while also building visions within the community for more permanent future work. We will partner with local residents and organizations to connect with the stories of the past and revitalization plans for the future that are in progress. Willingness to navigate logistics is a requirement!

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ARCH 602: Community, Building and the Environment Students work in interdisciplinary teams with Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes, board of regions and the Tribal Government to develop a sustainable design.

CATC: Cheyenne & Arapaho Tribal College Weatherford, OK - Spring 2012 Faculty: Lynn Paxson Gregory Uhrich Tim Lewis Alex Fales Maria Giles Anna Fridl Principles in conjunction with tribal history were important factors in the form and functional qualities of the building. We paid homage to the semi-cardinal directions and east entry in addressing the circulation through the building and site. Transformed the space into a cohesive unit by integrating moments of cultural identity inspired by the structural form within the native campus. The integration of passive systems were implemented on the entire project scope. This further informed us and the community about sustainable design and the expressing how green design can formulate this project and future Cheyenne and Arapaho buildings.

SECOND YEAR SEMINARS Arch 597 - Theory Seminar

Arch 598 - Topical Study

Multidisciplinary overview of contemporary theories concerned with the production of the built environment. Particular attention to urbanism as a discourse that relates social interactions and power structures to material space.

A research seminar which considers a topic within contemporary discourses on the built environment outside of Europe and North America. The topic will be studied from multiple perspectives highlighting the historical and theoretical relationships between architecture, global cultures, geography, landscape, and urban planning. Credit counts toward fulfillment of Studies in Architecture and Culture requirements.

597 598

ARCH 597 - Theory Seminar Research and analysis of urban theory through a series of mapping exersizes.

SEMINAR ON THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT Urbanism Theory Faculty: Nadia Anderson

"I moved to Cedar Rapids a couple of months ago and would love to meet my new neighbors. I have a husband and 1-year-old son.”

“Harbor Association Meeting, Monday, November 14, 2011 @ 6:30pm at the CRN Office, 625 1st Ave. SE. Next to the History Center and across the street from Taco Bell.”

“The Northwest Neighbors Neighborhood Association has finally found a place for a resource center! Stop in or call 412 Ellis Blvd. NW 319--366-1176” December 7, 2010 at 3:02pm

This course explores how built form is created by socio-economic, political, and ecological systems and how designers can create change in the built environment by engaging systems that empower a broad range of voices. Henri Lefebvre’s The Right to the City serves as a foundational text through which we will investigate a series of contemporary issues from both a theoretical and a practice pointof-view. In addition to reading and discussing theoretical texts, we will also examine how thinkers and designers apply these theories to produce the built environment. Students will examine how contemporary global issues affect the development of cities in the Global North and South, describing and analyzing how these issues affect both local and international human systems through the built environment. The course is organized around four themes that engage critical contemporary urban issues: the Entrepreneurial City, the Infrastructural City, the Informal City, and the Global City. StudentsINFORM Chur work in teams throughout the semester day ca for poli to enhance learning through small-group Mat tool lib discussions and application exercises. classes City

overflo space

SOCIAL M “Local Option Sales Tax Forum: It's a community conversation on the May 3 LOST vote hosted by ImpactCR, KCRG and the Gazette. At Harrison Elementary on 11th Street NW. Doors at 6:30p. Forum begins at 7:00p. Limited seating. Attend the only forum on this issue that will present representation from both sides. Want to submit a question now? E-mail it to”

Informal City “Just a reminder that tomorrow is our monthly Association Meeting. It starts at 7:00pm and is at the Flamingo.” September 23, 2010 at 12:41pm

Popu A&W:

City Be

Ellis B

Ellis Pa

Ellis H

Vacant Lots/Potential Uses

Open Space

Flood Damage

“Bring your knitting or other crafts and join other knitters /crafters at the Blue Strawberry Coffee Company. We'll chat and knit for a couple of hours and get to know each other a bit. Feel free to bring your friends.”

Flamin tour m

“Final field trip of "Adventures in FUN!" youth programming is TOMORROW, August 18th, leaving Groundswell at noon for CAMP HITAGA.”

Time C meetin


“If you are interested in showing your support for Block by Block we are meeting at the Cedar Rapids City Council meeting tomorrow night. We're meeting at 5 at the Hiawatha City Hall building for the 5:30 council meeting.” The call for help is going out to help Terry (last name unknown) to get his boathouse in the water, Sat. morning apprx. 9:30-10 am. Floats are already on I believe but need help getting it onto Eddie's trailer, eyes for watching, and people to hold ropes. And whatever else that needs to be done to put one of these houses in the water. Terry is going in next or close to Barry's. Terry needs some help. Please come.

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ARCH 598 - Seminar Options Selection of courses offered spring 2013. Topics offered for this course vary each year. Option 1

LATIN AMERICAN URBANISM Re-encountering the other Americas Faculty: Clare Cardinal-Pett This seminar is an interdisciplinary, thematic investigation of contemporary Latin American urbanism. The first three seminar topics: The Pristine Myth, The Right to the City, and Mestizaje, offer some introductions to contemporary perspectives on the significant presence of indigenous people in Latin American urban history and current urban affairs. With that basic understanding, we explore topics related to three broad categories the formal city, the informal city, and city systems.

Option 1I

ARCHITECTURAL ORPHANS International Architecture and Urbanism in a Shifted Context Faculty: Ziad Quereshi This seminar course will discuss how the engagement (and dis-engagement) of the physical presence of historical built environments can illuminate how current attitudes are being shaped and redefined in global societies, and in particular how they are coming to terms with their pasts. Specifically, the research seminar will provide an analysis and exploration of various “orphaned” environments and demonstrate how their contemporary status illustrates evolving attitudes to the past in their respective geographies. Course lecture topics within this theme will include (but are not limited to) the post-Socialist inheritence in Eastern Europe, the Partition of the Indian Subcontinent, the role of pre-Columbian architecture in Latin America, the legacy of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, and post-colonial urbanism in Africa. Relevant theoretical readings and specific case studies will serve as a means of anchoring the discussion, with the intention to provide new insight into the development of contemporary international culture.

Option III

TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE URBANISM Theory of Designing Urban Space and Place in the Non-Western World Faculty: Chamila Subasinghe A seminar course that investigates discursive fields of history and theory related to responsible redevelopment and use (sustainability) of urban space in the non-western regions. It develops further discourse on pragmatics of understanding place vs. space relationship through individual designerphilosophy’s point of view. Understanding of sustainability as a mind-set of periods and people is fundamental to this journey into minds of prominent philosophers and designers of a particular movement. The course enables critical evaluation of parallel and simultaneous urban development approaches and spatial practices of Asia, Middle East, Africa and Latin America.

SECOND YEAR SCI-TECH Arch 643 - Science and Technology for Architects III

Arch 644 - Science and Technology for Architects IV

Third in a four-course series in building science and technologies. Structural Elements and Systems, and Building Services. Theory and case studies stressing the connectivity of technical issues to broader formal, social and cultural spheres.

Fourth of a four-course series in building science and technologies. Building Enclosures, Interior Construction and Sensory Qualities, Fabrication and Construction. Theory and case studies stressing the connectivity of technical issues to broader formal, social and cultural spheres. Summative Student Project.

643 644

Arch 643 - Science and Technology for Architects III Build a pneumatic structure to accommodate the class.

PNEUMATIC STRUCTURE Classroom Faculty: Thomas Leslie Students explore pneumatic structures by creating their own classroom. The class is given 3 plastic sheets, a roll of tape, a fan and 30 minutes to erect a space in which to hold class for the day.

Arch 644 - Science and Technology for Architects IV Design of a stair to fit within a 20’ x 20’ x 25’ room including vital views and details. Reflected Ceiling Plan.

DESIGN DRAWING Stair Faculty: Jason Alread featured work by: Michael Thole Amanda Havel Nathan Scott Students produce construction drawings, renderings and detail views of the stair design.

3-Dimensional View

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THIRD YEAR STUDIOS Arch 603 - Architectural Design VI : Integrated Building Design

Arch 604 - Design Option Studios

Rigorous examination of architecture’s relationship with culture and technology. Studio projects stress the interpretation of contextual and historical considerations, as well as structural, environmental, mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems, in a comprehensive design proposal. This course fulfills the Graduate College Creative Component Requirement.

Design studio selected by the students, which may include but is not limited to: independent design study, interdisciplinary design studio, study abroad, and design build. WW S 546 for 6 cr. may be substituted for this course

603 604

BOSTON SYMPHONY CENTER Boston, MA - Fall 2012 Faculty: Jason Alread Andrew Sundal Gregory Uhrich Light, sound and form became the starting point for this project. Combining the three allowed for strict cohesion seen throughout the building and exterior spaces. We wanted to design a concert hall that complimented the surrounding Financial Downtown District and the Fort Pointe Channel connection to the Boston Harbor. This allows the urban fabric to develop along the western facade and main tower portion of the building. While the Fort Pointe Channel allows the hall to open up allowing for views throughout both in and out. The collision of these two design solutions allows for a building that pays tribute to Boston as well as reinvents itself, addressing the new age of technology and form Boston is progressing towards.

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ARCH 603: Integrated Building Design

BOSTON SYMPHONY CENTER Boston, MA - Fall 2012 Faculty: Jason Alread Adam Ninnemann Mike Thole Located along Rose Kennedy Greenway in the downtown financial district, the Boston Symphony Center serves as a hub to South Boston. Large plaza areas relieve pedestrians from busy streets and act as a connection to the park. Site design integrates underground parking and landscape design creating a spatial division of main entrance, ticket purchasing, and informal performance area. At eight stories and 80,000 square feet, the building has a two-part steel superstructure clad with terracotta and channel glass, a material palette extracted from the historic warehouse district and modern Boston skyline. Channel glass cantilevers create a monumental marquee and visual connection through the building. Interior illumination reveals a structural system and unifies the building with the adjacent bridge. Within the entrance of the Symphony Center is a two story lobby space with direct views of the harbor. At the right is a cafĂŠ and bar space focused around a glass freight elevator which allows patrons to observe preparation of shows. The second floor houses a 1,200 seat main hall parallel to a much smaller 300 seat experimental hall. From the exterior, the relationship of the halls creates a dynamic flow through the building. A full height NanaWall system allows the backdrop of the experimental hall to open up to the harbor, allowing visitors of the area to experience the vibrancy of the Boston Symphony Center.

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ARCH 603: Integrated Building Design

FORT POINT HALL Boston, MA - Fall 2012 Faculty: Jason Alread Ben Bercher Karl Hennig Adrienne Nelson Intended to serve as a new home for jazz performances by the Boston Symphony Orchestra, Fort Point Hall is located in the Fort Point neighborhood of Boston. The site is located directly on the bay, along a high traffic pedestrian and vehicular route. The concept for this building is derived from the strong egalitarian tradition held by the Boston Symphony Orchestra and the City of Boston. As a new civic structure intended to house the arts, it serves as a beacon for music and culture. This is achieved by using the buildings form to create clear transparencies that help to engage the users by exposing the program within.


1/4” Single Pane Glass 1/4” Sandblast Channel Glass Sealant Neoprene Gasket 1/4” Rolled Steel Channel Bolt Cap

Steel Web Stiffener









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ARCH 604: Design Option Studios Boutique Hotel design located in Miami, FL


Collins - Beach Looking


Miami, FL -Spring 2012 Faculty: Cigdem Akkurt, Jason Alread

Insp syste of th and

Qing Zhang Yi Hou Hang Chen Karin Edwards Inspired by corals, an expressed X-bracing structure system interweaves, creating a unique appearance of the building. Each rooms is a unique individual and optimized for better views of the ocean. Looking at Miami South Beach, there are already hundreds of hotels existing. So the question was how to win people from other hotels, especially the recent constructed Setai and W next to our site. The decision was made to design a hotel was not only luxurious inside, but also has a compelling exterior appearance. The rooms are placed based on the X-bracing structure system. All the interior walls are aligned with Topographic existing structure members. As a result, unique apertures between roomsSite and the exterior environment are created, giving individual room a unique presence from both interior and Issue exterior. Building Form Existing Bus Route




Solution Open view to the beach

Elevate Main Level

3 2 Two Towers face opposite directions for distinguish views

Bring the outdoor environment inside, allowing natural ventilation in the central void

Pull reaching towards pools, create observation deck on top

Push down one tower to allow views of both sides in the top level suites

Front Entrance



2 3

One setup of the King Size Room

Coral Hotel: Express the Structure

Lobby Coral Hotel, Miami, FL, 2012


Two Towers face opposite directions for distinguish views

Bring the outdoor environment inside, allowing natural ventilation in the central void

Pull reaching towards pools, create observation deck on top

Push down one tower to allow views of both sides in the top level suites

expressed X-bracing structure , creating a unique appearance pired by corals, a expressed X-bracing structure h rooms is a unique individual em interweaves, creating a better views of the ocean. unique appearance he building. Each rooms is a unique individual optimized for better views of the ocean.

Trapezoid Room Trapezoid Room

Horizontal Placement

Vertical Placement

Structure Frame


Horizontal Placement

Vertical Placement

Structure Frame







VALIANT MICRO CENTER Seattle, WA - Spring 2013 Faculty: Thomas Leslie Gregory Uhrich Situated in the heart of the Industrial District the Valiant Micro Center, a professional basketball and hockey arena is to become the beacon of transformation and change not only in the district but the city of Seattle. Seattle is picturesque in the scenery that encompasses the region which became an important fixture in designing the arena. With the sweeping Cascade Mountain Range to the east, the Olympic Range to the West, Mt Rainier to the South and Lake Washington and the Puget Sound encircling the site, these icons help transform a typical arena into an state of the art facility that is inspired by form, human achievement and emotion.

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ARCH 576: Berlin Summer Academy This summer program in Berlin operates as a workshop with daily activities, lectures, symposia and a final design project, which sets out to research and then apply environmental and other context related parameters to the design of a building envelope in a given urban context of Berlin, Germany. The challenges of a changing climate is one key parameter to be considered, while understanding and interpreting public space, circulation and infrastructure on the urban level as well as structure and organization of the building itself add to the complexity. The urban building is thus understood at the same time as an object in and of itself, a comfortable habitat and as part of the boundary of urban space

PARAMETRIC FACADE Florence, Italy | Berlin, Germany Summer 2012 Faculty: Ulrike Passe Diana Alim Adrienne Nelson






According to recent studies, the climate of Berlin, Germany is expected to shift to a climate closer to that of Florence, Italy within the next century. In an effort to offset the effects of this change, a cluster of buildings and a shading device was developed through precedent studies of Italian villas, extensive site analysis and parametric modeling that responded to solar radiation levels on the building and surrounding site. The resulting design consists of a perforated aluminum shading structure that is integrated into the building facade. The system responds to sun angles to allow or repel solar radiation on the surface of the building according to season. Enclosed and semi-enclosed courtyards in the building design create comfortable micro-climates and increase day lighting potential. The building form responds to the high population, low-density fabric of this part of the city by pushing the boundaries of density to encourage walkability and enhance the social structure of the site.

ADAPTIVE INTERFACE| Light, Space and Comfort Florence, Italy | Berlin, Germany Summer 2012 Faculty: Ulrike Passe Karl Hennig Sandra Palacio Angeline Raisa Tjandra In the next century the climate is expected to change in Berlin, Germany to resemble that of Florence, Italy. By studying traditional building technology of Florence, utilizing parametric modeling and extensive site analysis, a building is proposed that will be appropriate for Berlin’s changing climate. Adjustable panels react horizontally to daily sun angles allowing or blocking solar radiation. Enclosed courtyards provide shading while funneling summer winds for natural ventilation. A dense multi-use program considers the compact footprint the building surrounds.

Funicular Fabrication Nathan Scott, Bart Phillips Faculty: Rob Whitehead, Patrick Rhodes, James Spiller Photo by Luke Healey Š2013

College of Design Commencement

M.ARCH | M.S. Class of 2015

Class of 2014

Ebulimiti Aikebai BS Engineering, Urban Planning Huazhong University of Science and Techonolgy, Republic of China

Abigail Caldwell BA Psychology, Studio Art Grinnel College

Eric Badding BLA Iowa State University Rachel Cuthbert BA, Social Science, Sociology University at Buffalo, The State University of New York Dual Degree: MCRP Hanwei Fan BA, Industrial Design Jiangman University, Republic of China Zaneta Jones BFA, Interior Design Iowa State University Kellen Pacheco BA, Art - Sculpture Whitworth University Dora Pollak BA Religion, Emphasis in Chinese Philosophy Reed College Michael Spory BA, Art, Photography Eastern Mennonite University Kira Strong BFA Interior Design Iowa State University Melvin Viegas BArch NIT, Trichy, India Xiao Wang BArch Shenzhen University, Republic of China Clark Wegner BA Psychology The College of Wooster Adam Winkelmann BA Graphic Design Grand View University Lana Zoet BA Interior Design Michigan State University

Leslie Day BA Art and Design Iowa State University Navaz Ebrahim BArch Azad University Tehran, Iran Chao Gao BArch North China University of Technology, Republic of China Siauash Mansouri BArch Azad University Tehran, Iran Ni Ni BArch Hetei University of Technology Mike Owen BArch Lawernce Technological University Gentina Patton BFA Interior Design Iowa State University Barrett Peterson BA Community and Regional Planning Iowa State University Bartholomew Phillips BFA Theater Design University of Regina, Regina Saskatchewan, Canada M.A. in Scenography Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, London, UK Tuo Ji BFA Interior Design Yungzhou University, Republic of China Cristian Reyes-Pintor BS Animal Science Iowa State University Jorge Rodriguez BArch Universidad Catolica de Chile, Chile

Ryan Smart BA Art and Design Iowa State University

Amanda Havel BA Physics, Art Coe College

Xianli Zeng BS Architecture Logistical Engineering University, China Dual Degree: MCRP

Karl Hennig BA Art, Emphasis in Sculpture University of Kentucky

Xiaoqi Wang BS Transportation Engineering Southeast University, Republic of China

Kelly Kavelage BFA Interior Design Iowa State University PhD Candidate: Human Computer Interaction

Jingxi Zhang BS Business Science in Marketing University of Cape Town, South Africa

Un Ian Lei BFA Interior Design Iowa State University

Class of 2013

Tim Lewis BA Studio Arts St. Olaf

Firas Al Shalabi BS Architectural Engineering Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan Dual Degree: ME Systems Engineering Monica Bailey BFA Interior Design Harrington College of Design Benjamin Bercher BA Art History University of Minnesota Daniel DeFoster BS Civil Engineering Iowa State University Katherine Dostart BA French, Interdisciplinary Anthropology and Ethnic Relations Cornell College Dual Degree: MCRP Alexandria Evans BS Architecture Georgia Institute of Technology Shzamir Garcia BLS Iowa State University Melissa Goodwin BS Architecture Washington University in Saint Louis Dual Degree: MCRP

Adrienne Nelson BFA Interior Design Iowa State University Adam Ninnemann Bachelor of Design in Architecture University of Minnesota Hannah Rosenthal BArch Illinois Institute of Technology Nathan Scott Bachelor of Design in Architecture University of Minnesota Andrew Sundal BS Architecture University of Minnsota Dual Degree: ME Structural Michael Thole BA Technology Management University of Northern Iowa Gregory Uhrich BS Architecture University of Idaho Xuefeng Zhong BArch Hefei University of Technology, Republic of China

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Row 1: Nathan Scott, Timothy Lewis, Benjamin Bercher, Alexandria Evans Row 2: Adrienne Nelson, Un Ian Lei, Andrew Sundal, Hannah Rosenthal, Karl Hennig, Monica Bailey, Melissa Goodwin, Katherine Dostart Row 3: Michael Thole, Daniel DeFoster, Adam Ninnemann, Gregory Uhrich, Xuefeng Zhong, Amanda Havel Not pictured: Shzamir Garcia, Kelly Kavelage, Firas Al-Shalabi

FACULTY Jason Alread, AIA, LEED AP is

the Director of Graduate Studies in Architecture and an Associate Professor in the Department of Architecture at Iowa State University. He was educated at the University of Florida and Yale University, and has been in professional practice for over 21 years. He was a founding partner in Substance Architecture and an Associate at HLKB Architecture, the 2001 AIA firm of the year. His teaching and research focus on the integration of craft and technology in design, material assemblies, design methodologies and critical practice. He is the author of Design-Tech: An Integrated Approach to Building Science and Technology (Architectural Press, 2006) with Thomas Leslie, AIA and A Century of Iowa Architecture (AIA Iowa, 2004). He has been recognized by the AIA with 16 design awards, including three National Honor Awards. The studio of Substance Architecture was awarded an International Design Award and Best of Show from the IIDA, and the ACSA has honored him with New Faculty Teaching, Faculty Design and Creative Achievement Awards. He has presented nationally and internationally on design politics, biocomposite materials research, architectural process and design education.

Nadia M. Anderson is an

Assistant Professor in the Department of Architecture at Iowa State University where she teaches interdisciplinary design studios, and seminars on design activism and urbanism. She leads the Bridge Studio program, winner of the 2009 NCARB Grand Prize for the Creative Integration of Practice and Education in the Academy, the 2009 USGBC Excellence in Green Building Education Recognition Award, and one of three AIA Practice Academy grants to integrate architectural education and practice. Nadia is also an Extension Specialist with Iowa State Extension in Community and Economic Development, working with Iowa communities to develop environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable strategies for the built environment. Her current research investigates how disaster reveals issues of power in the built environment, and how they can be improved through systemic design that addresses environmental, political, and economic issues. Nadia is a licensed architect in Illinois; prior to joining the Iowa State faculty in 2005 she practiced in Chicago, Warsaw, and Vienna, where she was a Project Designer for A. Epstein and Sons and a Project Manager for Waagner-Biro SGT. She received her Master of Architecture degree in 1994 from the University of Pennsylvania and her Bachelor of Arts degree in 1988 from Yale University.

Jelena Bogdanović joined Iowa State

University as an Assistant Professor of Architecture in fall 2012, after five years at East Carolina University. She specializes in the architectural history of Byzantine, Slavic, Western European, and Islamic cultures, with an emphasis on cross-cultural and religious themes of architecture in the Balkans and the Mediterranean. Trained both as an architect and an historian of art and architecture (Ph.D. Princeton), she did architectural, archaeological, visual, and textual studies in Brazil, Bulgaria, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Russia, Serbia, Turkey, and the U.S. Bogdanović presented and published her work at numerous professional venues nationally and internationally, edited two textbooks in architecture, and translated critical architectural texts into Serbian. At Iowa State University Jelena teaches lecture classes and seminars in architectural history and in architecture and culture. Her former students received competitive offers for graduate education (McGill University, American University, George Mason University, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, University of Oklahoma, George Washington University). Bogdanović is the associate editor of the American based international academic journal Serbian Studies, which promotes knowledge about Serbs and Serbia in all academic disciplines. In addition to teaching, research, and service to the profession, Bogdanović has been invited to talk about architecture for various multimedia, including Voice of America. She also served as a consultant for the acquisition of an early Christian architectural piece from the Middle East for the Royal Ontario Museum in Canada.

Clare Cardinal-Pett is an Associate

Professor of Architecture who teaches design and history. Her history courses include design representation history, the history of practice in the United States, built environment history, and urbanism in the Americas. She has traveled extensively and has conducted numerous field studies throughout the United States, in addition to Western Europe and Cuba. Her publications address pedagogy and historical research about design representation and methods of practice. She is currently under contract with Routledge/Taylor-Francis to produce a book entitled A History of Architecture and Urbanism in the Americas. Her recent studios have produced sustainable house prototypes for coastal Louisiana and Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and master plans for new communities in those flood-damaged areas. She is currently teaching a studio about the informal Andean city in collaboration with the Juligon Fundacion Laboratorio de Arquitectura in Bogota, Columbia; she will be taking students to the Andes in March 2012. She was a co-PI and teaching faculty for Iowa State University’s 2009 Solar Decathlon project. Her design practice includes off-grid buildings with active photovoltaic systems and passive strategies.

Marwan Ghandour is a Professor

of Architecture and Associate Dean for Academic Programs for the College of Design at Iowa State University. He teaches studios in architectural and urban design and multi-disciplinary theory seminars, and oversees thesis work in rural and urban studies. Ghandour is a partner in the Beirut-

based architectural firm Bawader Architects, which produces institutional architecture and urban design in Lebanon. His research and practice include collaborations with landscape architects, planners, graphic designers, and transportation engineers. His work has focused on two regions: the Middle East and the American West, where he conducts theoretical and historical research and develops urban regeneration proposals. His recent publications include Mona Fawaz and Marwan Ghandour, “Spatial Erasure: the reconstruction of Haret Hreik,” ArteEast Quarterly, December 2009. (Online publication artenews/extra-territoriality/254/); Marwan Ghandour and Peter Goche, “Guidelines for Spatial Regeneration in Iowa” (Washington DC: American Institute of Architects, 2008); Marwan Ghandour, “The Early Maps of Iowa and their Politics” in Mark Swenarton, Igea Troiani and Helena Webster, eds., The Politics of Making (Oxford: Routledge, 2007). Pp. 244-256; Marwan Ghandour, “On Cities and Designers: a Baalbeck Story,” Architecture Research Quarterly, vol 10, issue 1, March 2006 (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2006). Pp 37-49.

Dr. Samantha Krukowski received a BA in Political Science at Barnard College/ Columbia University (1988), MA in Art History at Washington University in St. Louis (1992), MArch at The University of Texas at Austin (1997), and a Ph.D in Art History at The University of Texas at Austin (1999). Dr. Krukowski is an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Architecture at Iowa State University, where she teaches beginning design and first, second, and graduate architecture studios. She also teaches a summer design studio at the annual Burning Man event at Black Rock Desert in northern Nevada.

Prior to joining the faculty at Iowa State University, she taught experimental media at The University of Texas at Austin; her courses there included intermedia, video installation, and non-linear narrative. Dr. Krukowski’s studio practices are based in a broad range of media. Recent projects include ink drawings based on electron microscopy images of corporeal systems, cameraless films that combine the languages of still and moving images, videos that engage the formal and experiential characteristics of substances and objects like salt, eggs, bubbles and water, and paintings of cellular, viral and parasitic structures that represent biological taxonomies, and ideas of contamination and transformation. Her work has been featured in numerous national and international exhibitions and festivals. Dr. Krukowski is currently working on an edited volume about the Burning Man event.

Thomas Leslie, AIA, is the Pickard Chilton Professor in Architecture at Iowa State University. He teaches architectural design and technology, and his research focuses on the integration of engineering, construction, and architecture. He is the author of Louis I. Kahn: Building Art, Building Science (Braziller, 2005), and the forthcoming Chicago Skyscrapers, 18711934 (Illinois). His research has been funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Graham Foundation, and the American Philosophical Society, and has been published in the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians and Technology and Culture, among others. His teaching has been recognized with awards from the American Institute of Architects, the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, and the U.S. Green Building Council.

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Mikesch Muecke, aka polytekton

(, is a German SwissArmy-Knife academic and internationally known historian, scholar, and designer who teaches graduate studios, computation courses, and history-theory seminars at both the undergraduate and graduate levels of the architecture program. He holds a B.Design and a professional M.Arch from the University of Florida, and a Ph.D. in Architectural History and Theory from Princeton University. He has published numerous books, most recently a co-edited collection of essays by international scholars and designers in Muecke/Zach, Resonance: Essays on the Intersection of Music and Architecture (Culicidae Architectural Press, 2007), and two volumes of his own designs in polytekton Volumes 1 and 2, mikeschDesign 1979-1989 and mikeschDesign 1990-1997 (Culicidae Press 2011). He maintains a design practice in Ames, Iowa with colleague and partner Dr. Miriam Zach, which specializes in environments for the elderly ( In 2005 he founded the publishing company Culicidae Press (and its subsidiary Culicidae Architectural Press) through which he disseminates as designer, co-editor, and publisher of books in paperback and digital formats (ePub, Kindle, iBooks, etc.) for a wide range of authors on numerous topics ( Mikesch has lectured widely in the United States and Europe on topics ranging from small-scale product designs to urban and regional issues. In his current research he explores the resonances between music and architecture (with Miriam Zach), net-plus buildings, product design, long-take shortmovie making, the output of Karl Junker (in collaboration with Nathan Walker), and the beauty of the ephemeral.

Kimberly Elman Zarecor is

Associate Professor of Architecture and Director of the Bachelor of Design Program at Iowa State University. She holds a M.Arch (1999) and a Ph.D. in Architecture (2008) from Columbia University. She teaches lectures, seminars, and design studios in the undergraduate and graduate programs, and recently began directing and teaching courses in a new, interdisciplinary undergraduate program in design.

Ulrike Passe is Assistant Professor

of Architecture at Iowa State University and Director of the Center for Building Energy Research. She studied architecture in Berlin at the Technical University Berlin and in London at the Bartlett School of Architecture at University College London. As founding partner of Passe Kaelber Architects she has been a licensed architect in Germany since 1993. Before coming to Iowa State in 2006 Ulrike was academic faculty at the Technical University Berlin and the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Ulrike Passe works on the relationship of spatial composition, energy and air flow, the impact of environmental controls on architectural design, energy efficiency through design, and building energy performance. She was faculty adviser and lead PI to Iowa State’s 2009 Solar Decathlon team. She has published widely in national and international peer-reviewed publications, and received the 2009 College of Design Faculty Award for excellent performance and the 2010 Iowa State Alumni Association Impact Award. Together with Clare Cardinal-Pett she has developed Iowa State first graduate net zero energy design studio and leads a study abroad summer program to Berlin, developing design strategies for a low-carbon lifestyle. Passe’s current research projects include Solar Decathlon Performance Tracking of the Interlock House at Iowa DNR’s Honey Creek Resort State Park. Exploring alternatives to the “Typical Meteorological Year” for Incorporating Climate Change into Building Design in collaboration with Eugene Takle, Professor in Atmospheric Science. USGBC R2P2 (United States Green Building Council Research to Practice Project) in collaboration with multiple faculty, the ISU F, P&M and ISU Council on Sustainability.

An internationally-recognized expert on the history of postwar architecture in Eastern Europe, she is a specialist on the former Czechoslovakia who focuses on communist-era housing and neighborhood design. She is the author of Manufacturing a Socialist Modernity: Housing in Czechoslovakia, 1945-1960 (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2011), as well as numerous articles and book chapters. A Czech-language edition of her book will be published in 2013. She recently returned to Ames after a semester abroad as a Faculty Fulbright Research Fellow at the VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava in the Czech Republic. While abroad, she worked on her new book project about the postwar development of the city of Ostrava, a former mining and steel-producing center near the Polish and Slovak borders in northeast Moravia.

Pickard Chilton Exhibition Lecture: Designing Relationships John Pickard, FAIA, RBIA Principal of Pickard Chilton

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