FALL 2011
TAKE NOTE college of education accomplishments, people and progress
PAGES 10-11
PAGES 20-21 PAGES 36-38 www.facebook.education.purdue.edu
TAKE NOTE What’s inside...
Engagement Rings True 8 Kudos 12-13 Hot off the Presses 15 Student Scholarships = Exponential Value 26-27 Graduate Scholarship Aims to Help 28 Those that Help Others
From the Dean Faculty/Staff Math Looking at Grief Loss with Heather Servaty-Seib Amazing Alumni Returning Home Where are they now? Alumna Tackles Lofty Goal: Build a University in Tanzania
Connecting Families, Educators and Purdue Learning Together Students Benefit from Rare Academic Leave Policies Generosity of Others
A Little Engineering Enhances Science Learning Online Master’s Degree Center Helps Teachers Build Student Literacy Skills New English Language Learners Certification Global Learning STEM Goes Rural School is in Session
3 14 16-17 30-31 32-33 34-35 36-38
9 9 18 29
4-6 7 10-11 19 20-21 22-24 24-25
ON THE COVER: (large photo) Purdue students in front of the Taj Mahal during their study abroad trip (photo provided); (right, top) Sue Turpin (left) eighth grade science teacher at Riverside Intermediate School, Plymouth, Ind., and Linda Clark (right), sixth grade math teacher at Wea Ridge Middle School, Lafayette, Ind., read the volume of water in a graduate cylinder in preparation for a water filtration design task at the SLED Summer Institute (photo by Brenda Capobianco); (right, middle) Attendees to CLEAR Summer Institute browse vendor materials (photo by Mark Simons); (right, bottom) Steve and Jan (PhD ’88) Hansen in Karagwe, Tanzania (photo provided).
is an annual publication by Purdue University College of Education. Purdue University, College of Education, Beering Hall of Liberal Arts and Education, 100 North University Street, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-2098. Contact Tonya Agnew at tragnew@purdue.edu or 765-494-0568 with comments or questions about the magazine. Articles without a byline are written by Tonya Agnew. Graphic design by Tonya Agnew. © 2011 Purdue University, all rights reserved. An equal access/equal opportunity university. Web: www.education.purdue.edu, www.purdue.edu/becomeateacher Phone: 765-494-2341, Fax: 765-494-5832 Email: education@purdue.edu Sign up for the e-newsletter at www.education.purdue.edu/ news/email_updates.html Facebook: www.facebook.com/CollegeOfEducationPurdue Twitter: www.twitter.com/purdueedu
In Indiana and across the nation, education recently has been a hot topic in homes, communities, the media and government offices. There is widespread recognition that change is needed to ensure students, kindergarten through grade twelve, are well prepared to take on tomorrow’s challenges. Those of us involved in teacher preparation at Purdue have been part of this conversation and are working to address this critical concern. We are taking a close look at our programs to ensure both preservice and in-service teachers have the kinds of support and preparation they need to perform at the highest level possible in the classroom. This issue of Take Note highlights many examples of what we’re doing to conquer the headlines and make a real impact.
Science Learning through Engineering Design
The goal of Science Learning through Engineering Design (pages 4-5), funded by the National Science Foundation, is to improve science learning in grades three to six through the integration of an engineering design approach. In June, teachers gathered on campus to attend a Summer Institute and learned how to implement engineering design methods in their classrooms.
Pre-service Teachers Learning Together
New for this academic year is the opportunity for undergraduate teacher education students to be a part of a College of Education TEACH Learning Community (page 9). Grouped by elementary education majors and secondary education majors, students live in the same dorm and take two initial courses together. Learning communities are a great way for first-year students to make friends, connect with others in their major and broaden their learning experiences.
Online Master’s in Learning Design & Technology
The interest in our new, completely online master’s degree in learning design and technology (pages 6-7) has been overwhelming. In fact, we started the semester with not just one cohort of students, but two. This robust program, the first completely online master’s degree program offered at Purdue University, is identical to the oncampus version, but allows flexibility that is vital to the student unable to come to West Lafayette for traditional classes. Through these innovations, the College refines its offerings and continues to be a superb resource for education professionals. In addition to these developments, I am thrilled to report that once again, last spring the College of Education graduate programs moved up in the U.S.News and World Report rankings. We are now ranked 43rd, tied with Florida State University and the University of Colorado. We continue our steady climb as we prepare our students for the ever-changing world of education.
Maryann Santos de Barona, dean www.facebook.education.purdue.edu
With funding from the National Science Foundation, Purdue University’s College of Education and its partners are helping improve science learning by applying engineering approaches to young students’ lessons.
Purdue pre-service teacher Rachel Walters and Lafayette Sunnyside Middle School teacher Gerry Watkins work together to construct a bottle racer during the 2011 SLED Summer Institute.
Time for a science lesson on mass, density and weight. Time for fifth graders’ eyes to gloss over and minds to wander while the teacher talks. Not in Nancy Tyrie’s (MS ’84) class at Sunnyside Middle School in Lafayette, Ind. Her students are working in teams and building a scale-model prototype of a prosthetic leg. By the time they’ve mastered mass, density and weight, they’ll be using the leg to kick a plastic golf ball. “This is problem-solving for the students,” Tyrie says. “They work with science concepts in the design process, and they love it.” Tyrie’s hands-on lessons were developed through the new Science Learning through Engineering Design (SLED) math/science partnership project, which recently received the first three years of a five-year, $6.7 million National Science Foundation grant. The goal is to improve science learning in third through sixth grades by preparing teachers to use engineering design for inquiry-based science, create curricula materials and study the outcomes. Partners include Purdue colleges of Education, Engineering, Science and Technology; four Indiana school Corporations; and regional industries.
Photo by Tonya Agnew
Summer Institute Launched Classroom Use
Tyrie took home the prosthetic leg lesson and several more from the 2011 SLED Summer Institute, a two-week intensive where eight pre-service and 35 in-service teachers learned the engineering design process, mapped their curricula, developed lesson and implementation plans, and interacted with scientists, technologists and engineers. Other projects appropriate for fifth and six graders that were developed and presented at the summer institute were creating a device to detect vibrations, constructing a water filter and designing a marble roller coaster. “Each of these activities involves a design challenge that will help students learn basic science concepts in the Indiana academic standards,” says James Lehman, professor and associate dean of discovery and faculty development in Purdue’s College of Education. Teachers left with at least two design-based thematic units to use in the classroom this year. Nikki Rumpler, who teachers at Riverside Intermediate School in Plymouth, Ind., has three engineering/science projects planned for the year. “It’s very hands-on, which students really like, and this incorporates other subject areas and use of design
notebooks, so the kids get to act like real scientists would, rather than just reading out of a book,” she says. The summer institute was the Indiana University graduate’s first study at Purdue, and Rumpler says, “It’s probably the best thing I’ve ever gone to. It was really, really good.”
An Indiana First
SLED is Indiana’s first engineering design-based model for science teacher professional development, says Brenda Capobianco, who taught science for more than ten years early in her career and is now associate professor of science education and engineering education in Purdue’s College of Education Department of Curriculum and Instruction. “I’m excited about the high level of creativity, innovation and commitment within and across the partnership,” she says. “Science, technology, engineering and education faculty are generating very engaging activities. SLED teachers, in turn, are finding these activities useful and productive learning experiences for SLED’s Objectives their students.” The Science Learning through The summer Engineering Design project’s program was goals are to: the beginning • Create a partnership of engineers, of teacher and scientists, educators and university community members exchanges. Four • Have teachers adopt engineering follow-up sessions design to teach science will be held during • Adapt, refine and test materials the school year. • Generate evidence-based outcomes Over the life of the project, Purdue expects to reach about 200 teachers and 5,000 students. The program will expand to more school districts in the fifth year.
Students, Teachers, Partners All to be Assessed
Assessment of the program will be key, Capobianco says. “We are assessing student learning, teacher learning and partnership development and sustainability. Success will be determined by growth within all three domains.” Students will be measured by statewide assessment test performance and student learning of content specific to the tasks. “Dr. Todd Kelley, Department of Industrial Technology, and Johannes Strobel, School of (continued on page 6)
(continued from page 5) Engineering Education and Department of Curriculum and Instruction, will be exploring different ways students utilize and connect new scientific concepts with one another as they engage in different activities,” Capobianco says. Teacher assessment will include lesson plan and implementation review, classroom observation, interviews and reflection sessions. “We will examine how well the partnership itself works through measures including surveys and interviews of participants and use of the SLEDhub cyber-infrastructure.” -The benefits could extend beyond science learning, Lehman suggests. “The design process provides a memorable way for students to learn, and it’s a
On the SLED Team
Partners include regional industries and:
Purdue University
• Colleges of Education, Engineering, Science and Technology • Discover Learning Research Center
Indiana School Corp.s
• Lafayette, Taylor Community, Plymouth Community and Tippecanoe County school corporations vehicle for integrating various scientific concepts, mathematics, and even content from other disciplines, such as literacy.” Tyrie’s students, for example, may go on to a language arts class to create brochures or write about developing the prosthetic leg prototype. “This has become my passion,” says Tyrie, who has worked with the College of Education on earlier engineering/science projects, too. “This is the best thing for students right now. They have a client, and the client has a need, so the students come up with solutions and a prototype.”
Learn More
Tap into the Science Learning through Engineering Design exchange, dialog and lesson plans at:
View a Purdue Exponent video about SLED:
www.youtube.com/user/ purdueexponent#p/u/30/Ur_T7pHxiio
-by Tonya Agnew
Overwhelming response to a new, completely online master’s degree program
Twenty. Originally the plan was for an initial cohort of 20 students in a new online master’s degree program focused on learning design and technology (LDT) to begin this fall. But demand has exceeded expectations. LDT, which has been offered through the traditional, in-person method for nearly 35 years, is the first completely online master’s degree offered at Purdue. The program prepares graduates to design, implement and evaluate learning materials and experiences that integrate effective instruction and technology for a variety of fields and organizations. “We have 43 admitted students to the LDT online program,” says Timothy Newby, professor of learning design and technology. “That number required us to double all of the projected classes for this first semester.” Three years in the making, the online master’s program in learning design and technology provides a convenient mode to obtain a degree in a growing field. Students access a virtual classroom interface where they post coursework,
43 admitted students
view assignments and communicate with the instructor and fellow students. Program participants complete coursework at their convenienceproviding established deadlines are met. “I have been fascinated by all the expertise, interests and enthusiasm each student brings to the course activities and discussions,” says Minchi Kim, assistant professor of learning design and technology. Kim is teaching two courses for the online cohort. “A vast array of field experiences and background students have and are willing to share as school teachers, instructional designers, administrators in higher education, specialists in corporate IT, publishing, health care, trainer at NASA space center, producer of educational media, education coordinator at a community-based correction center-those are what makes this program so unique and successful.” The online coursework is as vigorous and challenging as the coursework for the oncampus classes. One that knows about the rigor of the program is ED QUEEN (BA’03, MS’07), an instructional designer at Johns Hopkins Engineering for Professionals in Elkridge, Md. He earned his master’s degree in learning design and technology in 2007 through the traditional, on campus method. He answered questions via email about his current position and how the program prepared him.
What is your current position and what are your job duties?
ED QUEEN: I’m currently an instructional designer at Johns Hopkins University Engineering for Professionals. Our program is a unit of the Whiting School of Engineering that caters primarily to full-time working professionals who have decided to return to school in order to obtain an advanced degree in some field of engineering. I work with our (often) adjunct faculty who are experts in their specific discipline of engineering to design an online version of courses that have been previously taught in a traditional face-to-face setting. I spend a fair amount of time teaching the faculty about how to design an online course. I also review all of their content before it is coded in the course management system to ensure that it meets quality standards and includes good teaching strategies.
What is the most satisfying part of your job?
EQ: I really enjoy observing the transformation that takes place with the faculty that have been selected to teach their course online. In the beginning, many instructors tend to be reluctant to develop a course for the online environment for
a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the challenge involved in designing a course for an entirely different platform. It is really rewarding during my interactions with the faculty when they begin to understand some of the whys behind some of the great teaching strategies they’ve already been using in their face-to-face course and how those can be applied online. By the end of the course development period, it’s great to see them catch the vision of teaching online.
How did your courses at Purdue prepare you for your career?
EQ: The courses at Purdue really prepared me by providing an in-depth study of instructional design theories, practical application of those theories, and exposure to emerging technologies used in education. The Purdue courses provided me with the opportunity to learn about instructional design and then immediately practice the concepts and skills I had acquired. Applying instructional design skills to course projects proved to be invaluable experiences as I transitioned to the workforce.
How did the faculty help prepare you and/or inspire you?
EQ: One of the unique things about taking courses in the learning design and technology program, as compared to other fields of study, is that the faculty demonstrated effective learning design and use of technology in the design of their courses. I also found it particularly inspiring that the faculty often shared how they were putting the concepts and skills they were teaching us into practice in projects in which they participated at the university.
Do you have advice for those interested in a career in this field? EQ: A piece of advice is that if you haven’t already had any teaching experience, if possible, I recommend it for the value it can add to your career in the field. Another important thing is to remember that because of how relatively new the field is, learning design means different things to different people. It’s helpful to have in mind the kind of work you’d like to do in the field as you search for jobs. There is such a variety of jobs you can do with your degree from Purdue in learning design and technology.
Applications for the online master’s degree program in learning design and technology are being accepted now. Find out more online at www.purdueonlineprograms.com or call 877-497-5851.
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ENGAGEMENT RINGS TRUE Professional development for teachers and learning opportunities for kids are just two ways the College of Education engages with the community and beyond. by Dorothy Reed, assistant dean for engagement The commitment to engagement resides in the mission of the College of Education to improve educational outcomes through teaching, research and public service. Fortunately, the college has talented faculty, staff and students who are committed to meaningful engagement that is changing and affecting the lives of many. The 2010-2011 academic year was an exciting one. The passion for collaborating with the community and P-12 partners has fueled our efforts in creating partnerships that benefit all involved, build relationships and contribute to the greater good.
The Center for Literacy Education and Research (CLEAR) hosted a free online awareness session for P-12 administrators on Dec. 10, 2010. CLEAR responded to requests from teachers and administrators indicating that they needed knowledge of the research and theory that goes into professional development. Elizabeth Hopper, the director for targeted career development, indicated that the content was heavily tied to how CLEAR can provide professional opportunities that align with the Indiana Department of Education’s reading framework. (Read more about CLEAR’s professional development opportunities on pages 10-11.)
Rural Education Network
The Purdue Rural Education Network provides a framework for implementation of engagement initiatives with Indiana rural schools with a particular emphasis to enhance K-12 science, technology, engineering and mathematics education. This past year, John Hill, clinical professor of educational studies and executive director of the National Rural Education Association-based at 8
Purdue-provided information through an electronic newsletter. This e-newsletter provided an avenue to send information to the schools immediately.
Project HOPE
Project HOPE, under the leadership of Marcia Gentry, professor of gifted, creative and talented studies and director of Gifted Education Resource Institute (GERI), is designed to find and nurture talent among K-5 children from low-income families. Each semester, 100 of these students are provided scholarships and transportation to attend Saturday and summer enrichment programs.
Constitution Day
The Ackerman Center for Democratic Citizenship celebrated Constitution Day on Sept. 19. The event was well attended and much anticipated, with more than 400 students, faculty, staff and friends celebrating the United States constitution and American history.
The College also offered the EXCITE (EXcel, Create and Inspire the Teaching Experience) summer program. This four-day program, under the leadership of Lynette Flagge, director of diversity initiatives, offers high school students of diverse background the opportunity to explore teaching as a career. Three of the attendees are now at Purdue as education students. This is a sampling of the College’s engagement with the community and others. Faculty, staff and students are indeed fulfilling the mission to improve educational outcomes through teaching, research and public service.
CONNECTING FAMILIES, EDUCATORS AND PURDUE by Judith Barra Austin, communications and marketing specialist, Purdue University Department of Marketing and Media
Purdue University has launched a new website that provides information on preschool through high school outreach activities from throughout the campus. “Purdue has a long history of providing teachers and families with a variety of P-12 activities, events, programs and other opportunities,” says Maryann Santos de Barona, College of Education dean. “These activities have spanned the breadth of campus, encompassing a large number of colleges, schools and departments. Now we have gathered information about all of those in one place.” Visitors to the P-12 portal can search by target audience or type of activity. Among the activities listed are summer camps, classes for children, 4-H events, opportunities for schools and workshops for educators. “This truly is a site that will be useful to anyone teaching or raising children,” Santos de Barona said. “And across campus, faculty and staff already are finding it easier to collaborate on P-12 programs.”
Check it out: www.purdue.edu/p12portal
On the P-12 portal you’ll find summer camps and classes for children, 4-H events, school engagement opportunities, high school visits by Purdue, workshops for educators and more.
Learning communities available for undergraduate education students In order to offer learning and bonding opportunities for undergraduate education majors, the College of Education launched two education-focused learning communities this fall-one for elementary teaching majors and one for secondary teaching majors. The communities bring first-year education students together through academics, professional development and social activities. Members of each group take two courses together and participate in skill-building activities. This fall there are 25 students in the elementary learning community-10 of which are living together
in Owen hall-and 14 students in the secondary learning community. The elementary group are taking Introduction to Educational Technology and Computing and Mathematics for Elementary Teacher I together. In addition to taking Introduction to Educational Technology and Computing, the secondary group is also taking First-year Composition together. Throughout their freshman year, all of these students will have a wonderful opportunity to learn from and lean on each other.
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Literacy research and discoveries often bring new insights to teaching and learning. How do these findings make their way to the classroom? Through professional development opportunities offered by the Center for Literacy Education and Research (CLEAR) in Purdue University’s College of Education.
CLEAR Summer Institute participants listen as one of the book vendors shares information on the research behind the product. 10
What are the newest approaches for helping readers who struggle? The management and organization skills needed in a literacy-based classroom? The latest techniques for differentiated word study? And how can these be incorporated in state standards to give students the best learning opportunities possible?
Professional Development Programs Offered
These and other literacy challenges are explored in professional development sessions created for teachers and administrators by the Center for Literacy Education and Research (CLEAR) in Purdue University’s College of Education. “Reading is crucial, and motivation is a big factor,” says Elizabeth Hopper, the center’s director of targeted professional development, whose nine years of previous experience includes six in the classroom, one as a reading interventionist/literacy leader and two as a Purdue Calumet literacy instructor. “When children become adults, they’ll need literacy skills to fill out job applications, sign a contract for a car and follow directions,” she says. As youngsters, they realize they need literacy for texting and to access videogame codes online, for example. “Then we take them to the next level, maybe reading comic books and developing reading skills based on their interests.” Center programs focus on helping teachers take students where they are “and provide scaffolding to support them in their literacy learning progression,” Hopper says. “It’s not about taking a test. It’s about becoming a skilled adult. We work with teachers to guide them in identifying kids at risk and provide suggestions to help them.” High-ability students also benefit, she says. “No matter if the students are high- or low-achieving, they deserve the opportunity to grow in their reading and writing abilities. How to meet all these levels while meeting the common core standards—that’s where we come in.”
Photo by Mark Simons, Purdue University
Nine Offerings This Year
Founded in 1993 with a single program, the center has expanded over the years, with nine offerings this year offered at multiple times on campus, with some available online. Programs are open to all teachers from both private and public schools. And teachers who hold renewable
Bulletin 400, Rules 46-47 and Rules 2002 Indiana licenses may earn Professional Growth Plan (PGP) points toward license renewal. “We offer the PGP points automatically at no extra charge,” Hopper says. “If they want course credit toward their master’s degree, this is an option, but they would have more assignments and must pay the graduate course fee.”
The center also offers free online awareness sessions, such as last year’s presentation and chat session on guided reading. For Hopper, being involved in programs that help young ones master literacy is more than opening doors to achievement. It’s also opening a door to enjoyment—a gift she received as a youngster. “I remember my teacher reading the Boxcar Children books aloud to us. My most profound literature experience, still my favorite book, was ‘To Kill a Mockingbird.’” Today, she says, “Many children don’t understand that reading can be fun. Maybe they encountered difficulty at an early age, and maybe they just quit.” She’s hoping their teachers will be able to turn that around, to spark motivation and interest through sound literacy practices to enhance students’ learning.
Find opportunities for you: www.education.purdue.edu/clear
KUDOS A selection of recent achievements, awards and recognitions by education faculty
Marcia Gentry has been
identified as one of the most prolific researchers in HER field in a recently published study. An article by David Yun Dai, Joan Ann Swanson, and Hongyu Cheng, published in Gifted Child Quarterly (2011, 55(2), 126-138), reported on a study that surveyed more than 1200 empirical studies on giftedness, gifted education, and creativity from 1998-2010.
Marcia Gentry received a 2011George Bodner received the
James Flack Norris Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Teaching of Chemistry, 2010. This is a national award sponsored by the Northeast (Boston) section of the American Chemical Society.
George Bodner was elected
to the board of directors of the American Chemical Society and elected to serve as chair of the Division of Chemical Education of the American Chemical Society.
Emily Bouck received a 2011-12
Synergy Grant from the College of Education for her project is entitled “Promoting Independence through Assistive Technology.” Synergy Grants support research and development projects that strengthen preparatory education, improve the learning and development of P-12 students, and create synergistic, discoveryoriented partnerships among Purdue University faculty and Indiana’s P-12 teachers, counselors and administrators.
Brenda Capobianco has been appointed the University Faculty Scholar from the Department of Curriculum and Instruction.
12 12
Ayse Çiftçi was one of
four individuals awarded the designation of principal reviewer for her outstanding service to the Journal of Counseling Psychology by American Psychological Association (APA).
Ayse Çiftçi was selected by
APA’s board of directors to the Committee on Early Career Psychologists (CECP) to serve as the Education and Training Representative to the committee.
Teresa Taber Doughty was
named chair of the Purdue University Core Curriculum Committee.
David Eichinger was named a Fulbright Scholar for the Spring 2011 semester for travel and worked at Uganda Christian University in Mukono, Uganda.
Levon Esters has been
appointed a Teacher Fellow of the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture.
12 Synergy Grant from the College of Education for her project is entitled “Lifting the Invisibility Cloak: A Collective Case Study of Gifted/ADHD Girls.”
Jim Greenan has been re-
appointed to Purdue University Social Science Institutional Review Board for the 2011-2012 term.
Jim Greenan has been elected
to a three-year term representing the Department of Curriculum and Instruction on the University Senate.
Beth Hopper and Daphne Driskill presented “Moving
Beyond the Numbers: Using Running Records to Inform Instruction” at the Indianapolis Metropolitan School District Pike Township’s annual literacy conference, Literocity.
Minchi Kim received a 2011-
12 Synergy Grant for her project entitled “Classroom-Based Technology Integration: Scaffolding Technology-Enhanced Learning for Leaders in America (STELLA).”
Christian Knoeller was awarded
the 2011 Gwendolyn Brooks Poetry Prize from the Society for the Study of Midwestern Literature.
Christian Knoeller was elected President of the Society for the Study of Midwestern Literature.
Jerry Krockover, professor
emeritus, was awarded the Indiana Governor’s Distinguished Service Medal.
Erik Malewski has a new edited book: Malewski, E. & Jaramillo, N. (Eds.), 2011, “Epistemologies of ignorance in education,” Information Age Publishing.
Carrie Wachter Morris
received the Outstanding Counselor Educator Award from the Indiana School Counselor Association, 2010.
Carrie Wachter Morris was
Luciana de Oliveira received
an international Purdue Research Foundation grant to attend the International Systemic-Functional Linguistics Association conference in Lisbon, Portugal.
Luciana de Oliveira was
recognized as Outstanding Latino Faculty by Purdue’s Latino Cultural Center.
Luciana de Oliveira received
the David E. Eskey Award for Curriculum Innovation for her new book “Knowing and Writing School History: The Language of Students’ Expository Writing and Teachers’ Expectations,” given by the California Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages.
awarded an Indiana Campus Compact grant for her project “EDPS 61100: Engaging with Small and Rural Schools.”
Jean Peterson received the 2010
Jill Newton and Yukiko Maeda
JoAnn Phillion has a new edited
were awarded a National Science Foundation grant for “Preparing to Teach Algebra: A Study of Teacher Education”-a three-year collaborative grant ($364,194). The project will investigate how statelevel policies related to algebra and recently released algebra expectations are addressed in secondary mathematics teacher education programs.
Luciana de Oliveira was
selected as the College of Education dean’s fellow for fall 2011. Her project, “Inclusive Representation: Recruitment and Retention of Underrepresented Minority Faculty and Students,” will focus on developing strategies and procedures to establish mechanisms to increase the number of underrepresented minority faculty and students in the college.
Award for Excellence in Research, American Mensa Education and Research Foundation.
book (with former PhD student Yuxiang Wang): Phillion, J., Hue, M. T., & Wang, Y. (Eds.), 2011, Minority Students in East Asia: Government Policies, School Practices and Teacher Responses, Routledge.
JoAnn Phillion received the
2010 Critics’ Choice Book Award from the “American Education Studies Association for Research for Social Justice” (co-editor).
Anatoli Rapoport was awarded
a grant from The American Council to fund his research project, “Sustainability of International Exchange Program Outcomes.”
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Melanie Shoffner received
one of seven Learning Outcomes Assessment Grants awarded by the Office of the Provost. The grants are intended to assist instructors who will design and evaluate new ideas for improving student learning in classrooms and laboratories.
John Staver, with Mark Winslow of Southern Nazarene University and Lawrence C. Scharmann of Florida State University, received the 2010 National Association for Research in Science Teaching Outstanding Paper Award for the 2009 conference.
Bill Watson, Minchi Kim and Jennifer Richardson have each received a Teaching for Tomorrow Award from the Provost’s Office. The program matches newer faculty with two highly experienced faculty who will, over the year, address important topics and experiences related to teaching and student learning. The school counseling program was selected as one of three recipients of the 2010 National Board of Certified Counselors Professional Identity Award. This national award is “intended for programs that meet and exceed the professional standards in the counseling profession.” Additionally, a $5000 award will be made to the School Counseling program to “aid in [their] continued efforts to bolster the profession.”
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13 13
FACULTY/STAFF MATH College of Education people on the move
> Moving upfaculty promotions JANET ALSUP Professor of literacy and language EMILY BOUCK Associate professor of special education LUCIANA DE OLIVEIRA Associate professor of literacy and language CHRYSTAL JOHNSON Associate professor of social studies education
= Interim no longer PHIL VAN FOSSEN Head, Department of Curriculum and Instruction ALA SAMARAPUNGAVAN Head, Department of Educational Studies 14 14
BEV COX (24 years at Purdue) Associate professor, literacy and language DONNA ENERSON (18 years at Purdue) Continuing lecturer, curriculum and instruction GERALD KROCKOVER (41 years at Purdue) Professor, earth and atmospheric science education LYLE LLOYD (34 years at Purdue) Professor, special education JILL MAY (41 years at Purdue) Professor, literacy and language LYNN NELSON (15 years at Purdue) Associate professor, social studies education
JANET ALCINI Coaching coordinator, STEM Goes Rural ASTA BALKUTE Assistant director, James F. Ackerman Center for Democratic Citizenship DEAN BALLOTTI Visiting instructor, science education LAURA BOFFERDING Associate professor, mathematics education YUNKYOUNG CHUNG Visiting scholar, curriculum studies JUDITH LYSAKER Associate professor, literacy and language education KATHRYN OBENCHAIN Assistant professor, social studies education SARAH PRATER Receptionist/secretary, academic services CHRISTOPHER SLATEN Assistant professor, school counseling EVANGELIA VAN BARNEVELD Visiting assistant professor, learning design and technology MICHAEL YOUGH Clinical assistant professor, educational psychology
( Retired faculty
Photos by Tony a
+ Welcome, new faculty and staff
Luciana de Oliveira, associate
professor of literacty and language education has a newly published book out entitled “Knowing and Writing School History: The Language of Students’ Expository Writing and Teachers’ Expectations.” The book is an investigation of school history writing and teachers’ expectations of that writing. The book received the David E. Eskey Award for Curriculum Innovation by the California Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages association earlier this year.
Jill May, emeritus professor of
literacy and language, and her husband Robert May, Purdue University professor of history, authored a new book, “Howard Pile: Imagining an American School of Art.” The book provides an engaging portrait of the life and career of Howard Pyle, influential illustrator and teacher.
You can find the book on Amazon.com.
Find out more here: www.infoagepub.com/ products/Knowing-andWriting-School-History
Erik Malewski, associate
professor of curriculum studies in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, and Nathalia Jaramillo, former faculty member in educational foundations in the Department of Educational Studies, are the co-editors of a new book entitled, “Epistemologies of Ignorance in Education.” The book provides educators a distinct epistemological view on questions of marginalization, oppression, relations of power and dominance, difference, philosophy and even death among our youth.
Find out more here: www.infoagepub.com/ products/Epistemologiesof-Ignorance-in-Education
Through meaningful engagement and service-learning, Heather Servaty-Seib, associate professor of counseling and development, is working to illuminate the various ways people deal with grief and loss. Using a framework of gains and losses, she aims to get people thinking and talking about death, dying, grief and loss on individual, institutional and societal levels. Even in her own home, Servaty-Seib, who also is a counseling psychologist, openly discusses death with her daughters, Klara, 7, and Mia, 3. "They're comfortable with the topic and talk to family and friends about it. It can be unsettling for the adults they interact with," she says. "But kids need to know about death. They aren't afraid to ask questions and talk openly about issues related to loss.�
At the Purdue Counseling and Guidance Center, Heather Servaty-Seib, associate professor of educational studies, meets with doctoral students to work on developing clinical counseling skills.
How did you become interested in thanatology (the scientific study of death and dying)?
I think there were some non-death losses from my childhood that kind of resonated with it, but beyond that, when I was an undergrad I had to take a psychology class as part of the core curriculum. One day my professor came to class and said he had gone to a grief conference and wanted to talk to us about what he had learned. After that class period, I asked him, “If I major in psychology, can I study this grief stuff?” He said yes and agreed to be my advisor. I think some of my attraction to thanatology was and still is the desire to bring to light the stigmatized issues surrounding the subject and the gap between grief/loss and society; and society’s hesitation to deal with such issues directly.
Why do you think people are apprehensive when it comes to talking about death and grief?
It is uncomfortable for people to talk about death, but it is the universalizing experience. People are often terrified by death, so they avoid anything that reminds them of it. That’s not a new story, but my goal with my students and the people I work with is not to eliminate their death anxiety -- that’s not healthy -- it’s all about acceptance, acknowledgment and self-awareness. I help them push through that anxiety so they can help their clients, students and even their own family and friends.
Photo by Mark Simons, Purdue University
How do you make your research and work with grief and loss relevant to the community?
I teach a service-learning course on group counseling theory and techniques. My students -- those getting their graduate degrees in school counseling or their Ph.D.s in counseling psychology -- run an eight-session support program called BRIDGe (By Remembering I Develop and Grow) for grieving families. We’ve done this five times, and every time it’s powerful and worthwhile. We translate theory and research in a way that the students can see how it works and the families really benefit. My research also indicates that students engaged with BRIDGe express less distress at the idea of interacting with grieving and dying clients than students who were not involved in the program.
In 2010 I started another service-learning course called Family Meaning Reconstruction and Loss. The service activity was a theory-based workshop and “fun day” entitled “Building Pride and Potential.” With the Hancook Faculty Fellowship I received from the Purdue Center for Families, we were able to work with kids (and their families) living in low-income situations at an after-school center in Indianapolis and the Hanna Community Center in Lafayette. The core emphasis was encouraging family resilience through discussion of family identity, overcoming challenges and family strengths. Many of the families discussed non-death losses they were coping with, and the program was really well received by the families and the students enrolled in the course.
Is there anything people should know about grief?
I believe the world would be a better place for grieving people in general if just three things were known about grief. Grief doesn’t end-it is a reflection of love and just because someone dies doesn’t mean you stop loving them. Grief is multidimensional-emotional, cognitive, behavioral, social, spiritual. Grief is unique to each person and to each relationship. It’s important for people to know that there really isn’t a linear pathway that people follow when dealing with losses. Realizing these few simple things about the grieving process can help with communication, apprehension, internal patience and self-care.
Where is your research headed?
This fall we started collecting data about the health risk behaviors of college students who have had a parent, grandparent or sibling diagnosed with cancer. The purpose of this research is to determine the potential of these students being a focus of preventive efforts. Also, a core area of my research program is college student bereavement. As an advocate in this area, I would like to bring together the student government presidents of the Big Ten institutions to help them see how Brad Krites, former Purdue Student Government president, and his team pulled together the student grief absence policy. Purdue has truly become a leader in developing and approving this sort of policy, and the connection with my research interests is encouraging.
Find out more about the BRIDGe: www.education.purdue.edu/cms/bridge
by Amy Pattereson Neubert, communications/ marketing specialist, Purdue University Department of Marketing and Media
College students deal with the death of family members more often than realized, and that is why formal bereavement policies are essential to help students if a family member dies during the school year, says a Purdue University expert. “At any one time, about 40 percent of college students are grieving the death of a loved one who has died within the last two years,” says Heather Servaty-Seib, an associate professor of counseling and development who studies grief and college students. “Grieving students have significantly lower GPAs during the semester the death took place, and these students can be at a higher risk of not finishing college. In addition to helping students succeed academically, having a policy communicates that the institution is compassionate and respectful toward its students.”
Student Government Proposed Policy
Stories about students’ personal experiences when a family member died is what inspired Brad Krites, a senior from Fort Wayne, Ind., and past president of Purdue Student Government, to work with other student leaders to propose and campaign for a policy at Purdue. “Losing a loved one is difficult enough, and thanks to this new policy, a bereaved student can focus on his or her grief rather than contacting multiple instructors to make arrangements for missed classes or coursework,” Krites says. Purdue’s new policy was approved last spring, and is official this fall. Two other universities that have grief policies are Ball State and Wisconsin at Green Bay. Now, when a Purdue student experiences a death, he or she can contact the Office of the Dean 18
of Students so an official leave notice can be sent to instructors, ensuring that he or she has the ability to make up the work. The Grief Absence Policy for Students excuses students for funeral leave and gives them an opportunity to earn equivalent credit or show evidence they can meet the learning outcomes for missed assignments or assessments. The policy provides consistent guidelines for how much time a student can miss based on how closely the student is related to the deceased family member as well as where the death occurred. Students who lose a nonfamily member also can petition for a grief absence. “Grief is difficult at any life stage, but college students are still learning a lot about who they are as individuals, and it is critical that more policies are developed to support them in this process,” ServatySeib says. “Another benefit of these policies is that they help normalize the experience and suggest that grieving and taking time off are understandable and acceptable. These young adults don’t want to be different, so they often don’t tell their peers they need support because they are just trying to fit in. Because they are just trying to be ‘normal,’ they also may not seek help.”
Helps Students, Instructors
This university policy also will save instructors time because it creates a uniform set of regulations everyone can use, says Lou Ann Hamilton, assistant dean of students. “Unfortunately, there are just a few universities that provide a formal student policy,” Hamilton says. “This policy was shaped by theory, research and clinical experience so students’ needs were met.
NEW ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS CERTIFICATION by Christy Hunter, summer reporter, Purdue Exponent
As Indiana has become the state with the third-highest increase in English language learners, the College of Education is taking steps to prepare its teachers for changing Hoosier school populations. According to a 2006 report by the National Clearinghouse on English Language Acquisition, from 1994 to 1995 and 2004 to 2005, Indiana saw a 408-percent increase in the number of English language learners – the third-highest in the United States. An English language learner, commonly referred to as “ELL,” is any student for whom English is a new language. According to James Lehman, a faculty member in the College of Education, most ELL students are of Hispanic origin. In fact, John Layton, assistant superintendent of the Lafayette School Corp., reported one in seven students in his schools are considered to be an ELL. It is left to Hoosier educators to respond and adapt. This fall, the College of Education will offer a new graduate certificate program focused on identifying ELL needs, developing student language skills and utilizing effective teaching methods unique to the ELL student. Program Director Luciana de Oliveira wrote in an email that this and similar ELL initiatives were directly in response to Indiana’s growing need for experienced ELL educators. “This student population is now a reality in many parts of the country and teachers will need to be prepared to work with them,” de Oliveira wrote. “We are interested in preparing ALL teachers to work with ELLs, not just an English as a second language specialist.” In July 2009, the college started the ELL licensure program targeted for undergraduates and in-service teachers. This fall’s new certificate program, though similar to the licensure’s goals, was developed for Purdue graduate students who have an interest in ELL education in K through 12 schools. Although de Oliveira said ELL students will ultimately be the people who benefit most from the program, she also noted that additional certification adds to teacher marketability in the workplace.
Layton echoed de Oliveira and said ELL certification is a great skill set to have for teachers seeking jobs. Although he said the program’s value would rely on the individual school’s immigrant population, he also said extra experience helps any resume to stand apart from other candidates. “Even if they’re not intending to be an ELL teacher, having that background is a great asset to them as a general education teacher,” Layton said. Cara Masters, a senior in the College of Education, has already taken Teaching English as a New Language-a course added to the education curriculum in 2006. However, Masters wrote in an email that as a future educator, she believes herself and many others would benefit from additional coursework in this area. Masters criticized the fact that she mostly sees ELL students pulled from class only during certain times in order to work with a one-on-one specialist. “That time period is not enough to -Luciana de Oliveira help these students throughout the entire school,” Masters wrote. “Therefore, I think it would be helpful to learn how to get on their level and teach so they do not fall behind.”
“We are interested in preparing ALL teachers to work with ELLs, not just an English as a second language specialist.”
Reprinted with permission from the Aug. 1, 2011, edition of The Purdue Exponent. www.twitter.com/purdueedu
Part of preparing students for the world after graduation includes providing them with a variety of opportunities to learn and grow. One such opportunity is study abroad. Seven unique study abroad programs geared to education majors include: • Education Block III in Germany • Education Summer in Honduras • Education Block II in India • Agricultural Education Block I in Jamaica • Education Maymester in Russia • Education Maymester in Tanzania • Reading London (for English education majors) Through one of the enriching and rewarding study abroad programs, students gain understanding and skills while acquiring credit towards their degree.
Find out more here:
www.education.purdue.edu/student_ services/study_abroad.html
A I N A Z N A T www.facebook.education.purdue.edu
Introducing the third cohort of Purdue Woodrow Wilson Indiana Teaching Fellows-a pioneering program to staff rural secondary schools with highly qualified science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) teachers.
Alison Begley, Cincinnati, Ohio
University of Cincinnati ’10, chemical technology
Co-op student working with chemical and engineering firms, five terms; tutor, Cincinnati Public Schools; resident advisor; technical writer; creator of an undergraduate curriculum for teaching green chemical methods; craftsperson.
Carrie Bilodeau, Louisville, Ky./West Point, N.Y. Brandeis University ’05, biology/history, minor in environmental studies; ’06, history (MA)
Former zookeeper, veterinary keeper, animal lab technician, aviculturist; dean’s list student; literacy volunteer; breeder (in Hawaii) of the most endangered bird in the world; recycling activist; college swimmer.
Tanen Clark, Boxborough, Mass.
Wellesley College ’11, mathematics, minor in computer science Tutor, grader and supplemental instructor, college math; summer research grant recipient; multiple awardee, service and leadership; museum docent; founder and director of youth chorus for young people with physical and mental disabilities; pianist. 22
Kelly Collins, Covington, Ind.
University of Evansville ’11, math/physics (double degree)
Supplemental instructor and tutor, college/high school math and physics; physics lab assistant; dean’s list student; grant recipient, summer math and physics research; member, Society of Physics and Math Club; rural school graduate.
Moira McSpadden, Garland, Texas
Arizona State University ‘82, industrial technology (electric); ‘84, microelectronics engineering technology; Northeastern University ‘97, information systems (MS) Business analyst of more than nine years, with experience in engineering (process and quality assurance); developer of training materials on new engineering processes.
Mark Vreeke, Granger, Ind. (Houston, Texas) Calvin College ’90, chemistry; University of Texas at Austin ’95, chemistry (PhD)
All photos by Mark Simons, Purdue University
Widely published biomedical researcher and holder of 28 patents; vice president of research and development for biomedical company; founding partner, consulting firm; former visiting professor in Spain; multiple award winner.
Sharita Ware, Richmond, Ind.
Purdue University ’93, industrial engineering
Former computer-aided design instructor; marketing graphic design specialist; Sunday school teacher and youth group leader; active parent volunteer in the classroom; library volunteer. www.facebook.education.purdue.edu
The fellowship includes: •• $30,000 stipend •• Admission to a master’s program •• Preparation in a high-need rural (if accepted by Purdue) or urban (if accepted at one of the other three universities) secondary school •• Support and mentoring throughout the three-year teaching commitment •• Guidance toward teaching certification •• Lifelong membership in a national network of Woodrow Wilson Fellows
The first and second cohorts of Purdue Woodrow Wilson Indiana Teaching Fellows are teaching in schools across Indiana. See where they are on the map below. 19 6 8
14 9 18 1
22 2
20 21
25 15
17 10 13
In exchange, fellows agree to teach for at least three years in Indiana.
Watch the WFYI documentary featuring fellows:
www.wfyi.org/thegamechangers/ video.asp
Apply online or request info: 24
National Atlas of the United States, March 5, 2003, http://nationalatlas.gov
Applications are now being accepted for the fourth cohort of the Woodrow Wilson Indiana Teaching Fellows. Are you up for the challenge? The Woodrow Wilson Indiana Teaching Fellowship program seeks to attract talented individuals with backgrounds in the STEM fields— science, technology, engineering and mathematics—into teaching in highneed Indiana high schools. Funded through a $10 million grant from the Lilly Endowment, this rigorous program is offered at Ball State University, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis and Purdue University. Eligible applicants include current undergraduates, recent college graduates, mid-career professionals and retirees who have majored in or had careers in a STEM field.
Zachary Blackwood 1
Physics, math, integrated science Lewis Cass Jr./Sr. High School Southeastern School Corp. Walton, Ind.
Dustin Hughes 2
Physics I and II, math Benton Central High School Benton Community School Corp. Oxford, Ind.
Kathryn Hughes 3
Biology Frankfort High School Community Schools of Frankfort Frankfort, Ind.
Timothy Jacobs 4
Math Heritage Hills High School North Spencer County School Corp. Lincoln City, Ind.
Lauren Klemme
5 Math Attica Jr/Sr High School Attica Consolidated School Corp. Attica, Ind.
Mark McClenning 6
Agriculture, biology South Central Jr.-Sr. High School South Central Community School Corp. Union Mills, Ind.
Sarah Moreland 7
Science, math North Judson High School North Judson-San Pierre School Corp. North Judson, Ind.
Alyce Myers 8
Biology, earth and space North Judson High School North Judson-San Pierre School Corp. North Judson, Ind.
Laura Norris 9
Biology Rochester High School Rochester Community Schools Rochester, Ind.
Susan Reagin 10
Andrew Bever 18
Janelle Shore 11
Dane Brown 19
Engineering, technology Raymond Park Intermediate Academy Metropolitan School District of Warren Township Indianapolis, Ind. Math Winchester High School Randolph Central School Corp. Winchester, Ind.
Physics, integrated chemistry physics Logansport High School Logansport Community School Corp. Logansport, Ind. Earth space science, biology, environmental science Highland High School School Town of Highland Highland, Ind.
Rebecca Taylor 12
Biology, anatomy and physiology, physics, integrated chemistry physics Lanseville Jr./Sr. High School Lanesville Community School Corp. Lanesville, Ind.
Candice Kissinger 20
Ashley Wethington 13
Michael Mieher 21
Nelson Pelton 22
Biology Shelbyville High School Shelbyville Central Schools Shelbyville, Ind.
Michael Arvola 14
Physics, integrated chemistry physics McCutcheon High School Tippecanoe School Corp. Lafayette, Ind.
Technology, Project Lead the Way Plymouth High School Plymouth Community School Corp. Plymouth, Ind.
Jessica Austin 15
Math, physics Western High School Western School Corp. Russiaville, Ind.
Kelly Babb 16
Biology Kankakee Valley High School Kankakee Valley School Corp. Wheatfield, Ind.
Aaron Baker 17
Industrial technology Southmont Senior High School South Montgomery Community School Corp. Crawfordsville, Ind.
Science Techumseh Junior High School Lafayette School Corp. Lafayette, Ind.
Science, biology, earth space Benton Central High School Benton Community School Corp. Oxford, Ind.
Dan Sacre 23
Chemistry, integrated chemistry physics, environmental science Peru High School Peru Community Schools Peru, Ind.
Courtnaye Smith 24 Science Tipton Middle School Tipton School Corp. Tipton, Ind.
Robin Towsend 25
Math Marion High School Marion Community Schools Marion, Ind.
Steven Beering, former Purdue president: “There is no more important task in any society than educating its next generation. Everything we hope and dream as a people depends upon our ability to instill in our children love of learning, self-discipline, the ability and will to solve problems, and respect for an ordered civilization…. As a teacher of teachers, the Purdue College of Education has influence that belies its relatively small size.” In the past 10 years, private support to the College of Education for scholarships has tripled. For the 2011-2012 academic year, 32 named, privately funded scholarships were awarded to 59 undergraduate and graduate students for a total of $74,000 in support. This steady growth in private scholarships demonstrates that our alumni and friends understand that investing in the education of educators is one of exponential value. Not only does this investment benefit the direct recipient of the scholarship, but the classrooms of students who will learn from our wellprepared and skilled graduates.
Annual Scholarship Established
The Dean’s Advisory Council is a group of accomplished alumni who provide insight, advocacy and financial support to the college. When the group became aware that the College did not have resources to offer significant scholarship support to students, discussion turned to action. One member provided a matching gift challenge to the rest of the board, and together they created a scholarship endowment to fund a scholarship equal to the amount of university fees for a resident, full-time student. The group decided that this scholarship should be awarded to a returning student, based on academic merit and with preference given to a first-generation college student.
Hard Work Rewarded
This fall, the endowment generated enough income for the College to award the first Dean’s Advisory Council Scholarship in the amount of $9,000 to Kylie Torres (pictured at right), a sophomore in elementary education from Highland, Ind. “Being in the College of Education at Purdue thus far has been an incredible experience,” says Torres. “It can be a challenge, as is anything in life that is great, but it has been so rewarding. I’m extremely proud to say that my dedication to education has finally paid off in such an amazing way. This scholarship is not only an honor, but it is proof that if you love what you do, work hard and stay motivated, anything is possible.”
If you are interested in learning more about setting up a scholarship, contact Jennifer Jeffries, director of advancement, at 765496-3545 or jcjeffries@purdue.edu.
Barbara I. Cook Scholarship Kristen Hutcheson
Robyn Elizabeth Lehman Scholarship
Dean’s Doctoral Scholarship
Dean’s Advisory Council Scholarship
Leonard Family Scholarship
Frank B. DeBruicker Graduate Award in Education Technology
Kylie Torres
Decker Family Scholarship Kayla Soliday
Alfred DeVito Freshman Scholar Award Brandi Fishburn Rebecca Huckstep Katlin McShane Allison Muhl Jennifer Schmalzried Megan Spitznagle Rebekah Thomas
Pat Haltom Memorial Scholarship Kelsey Opperman
Marilyn J. Haring Scholarship Grace Grutsch Caroline Marshall Megan Spitznagle
Carol Helvey Scholarship for Secondary Education Nicholas King
Jackson/Reasor Scholarship Bailey Basen
Mary Ann Jenkins Scholarship Kieran McMullen
Jack Karl Scholarship Kyle Bischoff Brad Schreiber
Wayne H. and Virginia K. Kincaid Mathematics and Physical Science Education Scholarship
Kaylee Stauffer Kaylee East
Maria Luisa Enriquez Mann Scholarship
Xiaojun Chen Hannah Kim
McCormick Dunfee Corrina Gonzalez Josephine Leu Jade Matthews
James T. & Gladys G. McDonald Elementary Science Education Scholarship Jennifer Meyer
Miles Family Scholarship Kelsey Faulkner
Judy Stump Riordan Scholarship Keri Dutton Cassandra Mills
Bonnie Roper-Mohlke Scholarship Alexandra Daugherty
Raymond R. Ryder Memorial Scholarship Laura Capps Samantha DeKemper Filipp Velgach
Paula B. Shoaf Scholarship Alyssa Kittilstved
Straszheim Scholarship in Elementary Education Meredith Chernesky Shelby Holloway Krista Mehl Casey Toombs
Dr. James D. & Zella M. Thomas Scholarship
Samantha Carney
Allison Muhl
Charles & Kathleen Kuhn Scholarship
Robert E. & Mary L. Williams Scholarship
Dominicia Norwood Catherine Ramos
Xiaojun Chen Jerry Woodward
Elizabeth Doversberger Graduate Award in Counseling and Development Megan Williams
Feldhusen Doctoral Fellowship in Gifted Education Yang Yang
Mike Keedy Scholarship in Mathematics Education Kevin Berkopes Alexia Mintos
General Wei-Chin and Madame Phoebe Lee Graduate Award Josh De Lon Deedra Pell
Keith Loehr Memorial Graduate Scholarship in School Counseling Jessica Sprowl Melissa Tanner
Bonnie Roper-Mohlke Alexandra Daugherty
Bruce Shertzer Graduate Award in Counseling Sara Tedrick Parikh John Poston
Jane and Michael Wilson Doctoral Award in Science Education Sarah Schlosser
Michelle Hanna Molly Schlagel
GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP AIMS TO HELP THOSE WHO HELP OTHERS by Jennifer Jeffries, director of advancement
Mental health activist Carol Ilijanich Loehr (BA’65) has been on a mission to advocate for suicide prevention and awareness since her son Keith Loehr died by suicide in 1999. She has written a book for children about the topic, “My Uncle Keith Died.” She maintains a website for suicide survivors, www.thegiftofkeith.org. She has written publications, appeared on television and radio, and hosted a workshop for those dealing with a loss from suicide. She designed and distributes green and blue rubber wristbands with the message, “Prevent Suicide. Treat Depression.” During campus visits at Purdue over the past two years, Carol and her husband, Dick, shared their story with professors and graduate students in the school counseling master’s program. They came to realize that by collaborating with these counseling professionals in training, together they could create positive change in elementary and secondary schools.
First Scholarships Awarded
Last fall, the couple created a graduate scholarship in Keith’s name to provide support for a master’s student in counseling. The award is for students with an interest in advocating for suicide prevention through the early detection and treatment of depression. The scholarship is not to support research about depression or suicidal behaviors, but to promote a successful suicide prevention program in primary and secondary schools. The Keith Loehr Memorial Graduate Scholarship in School Counseling was awarded for the first time this fall to graduate students Jessica Sprowl (pictured top right) and Melissa Tanner (pictured bottom right).
Inspired to Give
Carol explains their journey and decision to fund a scholarship: “In 1999 we lost our son, Keith Loehr, to suicide. At that time, we had little knowledge of suicide and mental disorders, including depression, which led to it. We now know that it is possible to identify people who are potentially suicidal. It is also critically important to reduce the barriers between these people and the resources to help them. “Early detection and treatment is important. That is why we have emphasized that we would like to see suicide prevention programs in primary and secondary schools. Counselors, such as those from Purdue’s College of Education, are in a great position to have a positive impact. “Keith’s death profoundly impacted the lives of hundreds of family and friends. We know that this scholarship will have a positive impact on the lives of others, and help prevent similar tragedies.”
by Jennifer Jeffries, director of advancement
[ noun. Love of mankind; the disposition or active effort to promote the happiness and well-being of others; practical benevolence, as expressed by the generous donation of money to good causes. ] (Oxford English Dictionary)
Our alumni and friends exemplify the definition of philanthropy. Be it in a classroom, in industry or business training centers, in the military, online, through civic or volunteer roles-educators and those who chose to spend their lives helping others learn to embrace elements of philanthropy in the very work they do every day. In addition to the investment of effort and College of Education Gift Sources energy to improve the human condition, many of our alumni and friends have chosen to support the college through financial investment as well. Alumni The generosity of our alumni and friends made 2010-11 fiscal year the second best fundraising Corporations year in the college’s history. During a time when Foundations our college and our alumni faced significant Friends economic and professional challenges, providing financial support for our work and our future remained a priority. For that, we are especially grateful. With your financial support, we are able to award more scholarships to encourage and reward top students to pursue careers in education. We are able to recruit and reward highContact Jennifer Jeffries, performing faculty members who keep our research and director of advancement curriculum relevant and meaningful. We are able to keep pace with technological changes and provide valuable at 765-496-3545 or student experiences outside the classroom. Throughout jcjeffries@purdue.edu this magazine you have seen specific examples of how we to find out how you can are accomplishing each of those objectives. Through your make a difference. gifts, you have had a hand in these achievements.
The Generosity of Others
In June, Purdue announced new gifts including a $6 million deferred gift, being given anonymously, that will be split between the colleges of Education and Engineering. It is given by an alumni couple dedicated to the success of both disciplines. “This is the second-largest gift received by the College of Education since it was created in 1989,” says Dean Maryann Santos de Barona. “We are affirmed and humbled by the donors’ generosity, which supports the college and the work that we do. Gifts to the College of Education benefit not only the Purdue students enrolled in our programs, but also extend to the multitude of students and families who will learn from our graduates as they work as educators, counselors, administrators and thought leaders.”
by Kate Spanke, advancement assistant
The College of Education honored outstanding alumni at the Distinguished Education Alumni Awards on Oct. 6. The talents and abilities of these alumni inspire current and future generations of teachers. We congratulate the honorees on their successes and achievements and look forward to their future accomplishments. David Fenell (PhD ’79)
David Fenell is professor of counselor education at the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs, and was the interim dean of the College of Education. He teaches a range of courses including counseling theories and techniques, group counseling theory and techniques, and marriage and family therapy. His introductory textbook, Counseling Families: An Introduction to Marriage and Family Therapy, has been adopted by academic institutions nationwide. His most recent publication prepares mental health professionals to provide support to military families who have experienced frequent family separations. He is a Colonel (retired) in the U.S. Army Medical Service Corps Reserve, mobilized immediately after the attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Fenell deployed to both Afghanistan and Iraq, where he delivered psychological support to military personnel. He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal for each combat tour. Fenell earned his Ph.D. in counselor education from Purdue University, a master’s degree in education from the University of Southern California and a bachelor’s degree in physiology from Oklahoma State University.
Jane Foley (CLA BA ’73, CLA MS ’77, Edu PhD ’92)
As senior vice president at the Milken Family Foundation, Jane Foley oversees the nationwide selection of exemplary K-12 educators for the Milken Educator Awards. She also coordinates the Milken Educator Forum, a networking and professional advancement opportunity for these educators. Foley serves on the National Institute for Excellence in Teaching Advisory Council, is a senior advisor for the Lowell Milken Center, and directs the Milken Scholars program, an initiative that helps outstanding young men and women achieve their academic and professional goals. She was a senior advisor to William Bennett, former U.S. Secretary of Education, for four years. Before joining the Milken Foundation, Foley worked for 24 years as a public school educator. Under her leadership as principal, Flint Lake Elementary School in Indiana attained state and national recognition in the areas of school restructuring, professional development, technology integration and student achievement. Foley received her doctorate, master’s, and bachelor’s degrees in education from Purdue University. Her honors include the International Society of Educational Planning Outstanding Dissertation Award, and in 1994, she was honored as a Milken National Educator for the State of Indiana.
Penny Britton Kolloff (PhD ’83)
Penny Britton Kolloff began her teaching career in a kindergarten classroom in Detroit. She taught elementary and middle school children in public, private and laboratory schools, and was a tenured faculty member at Eastern Kentucky University, Ball State University and Illinois State University, where she retired in 2006. As a doctoral student, Kolloff partnered with John Feldhusen to develop a program for gifted learners, and she was the first assistant director of the Gifted Education Resource Institute at Purdue. She later participated in the creation of the Indiana Academy for Science, Mathematics and Humanities. Among her honors are both the Early Leader and the Outstanding Research Paper awards from National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC), a Mensa Education and Research Award for Excellence, and the Distinguished Service award from the Illinois Association for Gifted Children (IAGC). Kolloff serves on advisory boards at Purdue and Northwestern universities and the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. She has held leadership positions for the NAGC and state associations in Michigan, Indiana and Illinois, and is a former president of IAGC. She earned her Ph.D. from Purdue University, her master’s from Eastern Kentucky University, and her bachelor’s degree from Kalamazoo College.
Jack Miller (PhD ’74 )
Jack Miller is the president of Central Connecticut State University. Prior to coming to Connecticut in 2005, he served as chancellor at the University of WisconsinWhitewater, and also as dean of the College of Education at Florida State University. Miller’s national awards include the 2005 Excellence in Diversity award
from the Brothers of the Academy for his commitment to access, retention and graduation of underrepresented students in higher education. In 2003, he was recognized as CEO of the year by the National Academic Advisory Association. His annual study of America’s Most Literate Cities has been published worldwide, reaching an audience of more than 100 million annually. His scholarship includes presenting 56 refereed papers, publishing 43 articles, and authoring 10 book chapters and four books. Miller earned his doctorate degree in education from Purdue University, a master's degree in education from Northern Illinois University, and a bachelor's degree in journalism from Ohio University.
Kathryn Scantlebury (PhD ’90)
At the University of Delaware, Kathryn (Kate) Scantlebury is the director of secondary education for the College of Arts and Sciences and a professor of chemistry in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. She is responsible for coordinating all secondary education programs, and she oversees the program’s professional development, National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) reporting, and externally funded grants. Scantlebury is a member of many professional organizations, including the National Science Teachers Association and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, for which she was named a fellow in 2009. She has presented numerous talks on topics of gender issues in science, mathematics, technology and assessment, and is a visiting research scholar at the Center for Gender Research at Uppsala University in Uppsala, Sweden. In 2008, she was named Outstanding Science Teacher Educator of the Year by the Association for Science Teacher Education. Scantlebury holds her Ph.D. in science education from Purdue University, a master’s in science education from Curtin University of Technology, and an honors degree in chemistry and a Diploma of Education from Flinders University of South Australia.
Eloisa Rodriguez (PhD ’11) takes her knowledge, skills and experience home to her native Honduras with the goal of making a difference. She answered questions via email about her experience and what she’s doing now.
Eloisa Rodriguez in her classroom at Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán in Honduras. 32
Why did you decide to come to Purdue to study? ELOISA RODRIGUEZ: I had been teaching at the
preschool and elementary levels in Honduras for 8 years and decided to further my studies with a Masters degree. I applied to a Fulbright scholarship and was granted one. Fulbright suggested Purdue and I was immediately attracted to Purdue as I had heard so much about Purdue working with Honduran students from the Agricultural College in Zamorano. I sent my application and it all worked out!
You were quite involved while at Purdue. What are some highlights from your participation in organizations and mentoring? ER: Purdue was a melting pot for my professional
growth as well. I was able to immediately become president of Curriculum and Instruction Graduate Student Association (CIGSA). I started mentoring incoming students and promoted through academic and social activities a cohesion within the students of the department. Later, through CIGSA I became a senator for the Purdue Graduate Student Government (PGSG) and secretary of the Graduate Student Education Council (GSEC). With PGSG I became involved in the education commission and through GSEC I helped organize and coordinate the first Annual Graduate Student Education Research Symposium.
What’s your current position and what are your job duties? ER: Currently I’m an assistant professor of educational studies at the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán. I teach three courseseducational administration, research methods and curriculum development. Each section has about 40 students for a total of 120 students per term.
What’s the best part of being back home in Honduras?
Photo provided
ER: Even though I was back in my country, oddly
enough, the first two weeks were of adaptation. Realizing I wasn’t a summer visitor anymore but a permanent resident again. Now that I am fully settled I can say the best part is being back in the country that once I swore I would return to make a difference in. It might take a while but I am back and it’s my time to help others.
What’s the most satisfying part of your job? ER: The students at my university, although a
public institution, are struggling financially to keep themselves in school. It is rewarding to see these students wanting to get an education and be transformed by better educational and employment possibilities after completing their degrees.
How did your time at Purdue prepare you for your career? ER: I am the type of person who likes to take
advantage of all the opportunities that are given to me. Every involvement I had during my time as a student, officer in graduate organizations or later as a co-coordinator of the Maymester Honduras Study abroad program made me grow in different aspects and prepared me professionally. Through participation in academic conferences I was able to interact with different people, meet the authors of books I was using in classes and be exposed to a professional environment I had never experienced in Honduras before.
How did the faculty help prepare and/or inspire you? ER: Purdue faculty prepared me academically to
be better everyday and to realize quality was one of the things that were required as a student. Faculty were also role models for me-from mentoring relationships with students to encouraging me to learn and read in order to publish. They were the family I had left behind in Honduras.
What do you hope to accomplish now that you’re back in Honduras?
ER: My main goal is to help the educational system in
Honduras become stable, desirable and accessible for all. Right now through my teaching I can promote this with my colleagues and students. But later I hope to work with the Ministry of Education to promote educational projects for the rural areas.
Do you plan to visit Purdue again sometime soon? ER: It would be great to do so but having a full time
job makes this difficult. What keeps me going is knowing that a little bit of Purdue comes to me every May for the study abroad program.
Recent graduates share what they are doing and where they are now Brittany Adler BA ’11
Ebony Gilbert MSEd ’10
Elementary education 4th grade teacher East Chicago Urban Enterprise Academy L East Chicago, Ind.
School counseling Recruitment and retention coordinator E Purdue University College of Technology L West Lafayette, Ind.
McKenzie Allen BA ’11
Elementary education Teacher Teach for America Greater Philadelphia L Philadelphia, Penn.
David Andrews
Social studies education Teacher Teach for America Miami, Fla.
Matthew Buckles BA ‘ 10 Social studies education Field landman Chesapeake Energy Akron, Ohio
Melissa Burnside Educational Specialist, ’10
Educational studies Coordinator of research and data analysis E MSD of Pike Township L Indianapolis, Ind.
Literacy and language Faculty Zhejiang University Hang Zhou, China
Jacquelyn Marie Ream Covault PhD ’11
Curriculum and instruction Assistant professor of Elementary education literacy education 5th grade teacher E Purdue University North Central Houston Independent School District L Westville, Ind. Houston, Texas
Robin Audi BA ’10 M P E L
Dazhi Cheng PhD ’11
Social studies education Social studies teacher International High School New Orleans L New Orleans, Louisana
Lynette Flagge MSEd ’10
Curriculum studies Director of diversity initiatives Purdue University College of Education L West Lafayette, Ind.
Educational leadership Executive director Central Nine Career Center Greenwood, Ind.
Jesse Haines BA ’10 M P E L
Elementary education Teacher School City of Mishawaka Mishawaka, Ind.
Natalie Harvey BA ’10 M P E L
Chris Daisey BA ’11
Stephen Hagen PhD ’10
Elementary education Reading specialist Ashland Public Schools Ashland, Mass.
Monica Hill BA ’10 M P E L
Elementary education Kindergarten teacher Archdiocese of Indianapolis Indianapolis, Ind.
David Hoffman BA ’10
Social studies education Geography, government and economics teacher E Whiting High School L Whiting Ind.
Sarah Penner BA ’11 M P E L
Hali Stout BA ’11
Elementary education Title I interventionist assistant Earhart Elementary School Lafayette, Ind.
Grace Pillari BA ’11
Matthew Vosburgh BA ’11
Special education, secondary Employment services representative Easter Seals Crossroads Disability Services L Indianapolis, Ind.
Christine Jo Glotzbach Hofmeyer MSEd ’10 M P E L
Curriculum studies International student experience advisor/academic advisor E Purdue University School of Engineering Education L West Lafayette, Ind.
Sarah Klaczynski BA ’10
Kyle Whiteman BA ’10
Rebecca Marines BA ’11
Elementary education Kindergarten teacher Uintah School District Discovery Elementary School L Vernal, Utah
Elementary education 6th grade science and social studies teacher E Plymouth School Corp. L Plymouth, Ind.
Beth Riedeman MS ’10 Curriculum and instruction Community program director Lafayette Family YMCA Lafayette, Ind.
Mariah (Wise) Roberts MS ’11 M P E L
Elementary education Assistant cross country/ track and field coach E Purdue University L West Lafayette, Ind.
Yuxiang Wang PhD ’10
Elementary education Substitute teacher St. Christina School Columbia, S.C.
Higher education administration and leadership P Academic advisor (also adjunct faculty for Barclay College, Kansas and minister) E Indiana University Purdue University-Indianapolis L Indianapolis, Ind.
Social studies education Middle school teacher South Madison School Corp. Pendleton, Ind.
Catherine Jansen BA ’11
Educational administration Licensing advisor Purdue University College of Education West Lafayette, Ind.
Morris Jones PhD ’10
Elementary/special education Resource room teacher West Lafayette School Corp. West Lafayette, Ind.
Jacob T. Wolfe BA ’11
Elementary education 5th Grade Teacher Attica Consolidated School Corp. Attica, Ind.
Career and technical administration Agriscience and business teacher Wawasee Community School Corp. Emily Zahn BA ’11 Syracuse, Ind. M Elementary education P 6th grade teacher Jane Roe Rubesch E Lafayette Catholic Schools BA ’80, physical education St. Boniface School BA ’85, elementary education L Lafayette, Ind.
MS ’10 M P E L
Curriculum and instruction Elementary school teacher Twin Lakes School Corp. Monticello, Ind.
Allison Sabec BA ’10
Elementary/special education Applied behavior Lisa Neuenschwander PhD ’10 analysis therapist E Cornerstone Autism Center Counseling psychology L West Lafayette, Ind. Psychologist Sam Houston State University Houston, Texas M P
While on an education trip to Tanzania in 2008, Jan B. Hansen (PhD ’88) happened upon two things: a secondary school with no books, and a dream for a remote region’s first university. Back at home in Minnesota, she quickly raised funds for the books. Now, she’s raising money to build the university.
Jan Hansen helps one of the 325 students at Bweranyange Secondary School. 36
In the rural area of Karagwe in northwestern Tanzania near Rwanda, only about 40 percent of the children go to school. Of those, just a few go on to university studies because education is expensive and distant. Employment is low in the region—only 30 percent of the people have jobs, and wages average just $39 a year in U.S. money. Many girls marry by age 14. Water supplies are critically low, sanitation inadequate and the poorest people subsist on banana shambas. If the recently formed nonprofit organization, Educate Tanzania, founded by Purdue University alumnus Jan B. Hansen (PhD ’88), is successful in its efforts to raise money, all that could change.
A Window to a Better Life
Her goal is to improve the community’s education, water and health by opening Karagwe University College in fall 2013, offering an initial 200 students education in new agricultural methods, environmental studies, teaching and computer technology. Through that education, the goal is to then bring commerce opportunities and infrastructure improvements to this agrarian society. “We are hoping this will be the window to have water, infrastructure and sanitization systems in place, as well as windmills, solar panels and other energy sources,” Hansen says of the area so remote it takes a full day to travel to the nearest airport. “That would help with the development of meaningful commerce and livelihood. But first, they need someone to help them with a launching pad, a university.” Besides the practical results, she says, “Education gives people their dreams. Their knowledge is expanded. Their understanding of the world is at a deeper level. And those alone are worthwhile things.”
Photo provided
Social Justice, Education Influence Her
Hansen didn’t set out in life to build a university or upgrade a community’s living conditions. She was raised, however, to be aware of others’ needs. And her life has been centered on education. In the 1960s, when Hansen was a child, her family traveled from their Minnesota farm to Washington D.C. to support the Martin Luther King Jr.-inspired Resurrection City, an effort to raise awareness of the need for jobs and housing for poor people. “My Dad also took us to Harlem. Although he had
dropped out of high school to run his family’s farm, he had a bigger vision,” Hansen says. “And Mom, a teacher, promoted social justice, too.” Those were lessons she never forgot. Hansen earned her bachelor’s at St. Cloud State University, master’s from the University of Wisconsin, and doctorate in educational psychology from Purdue, where she was assistant director of the Gifted Education Resource Institute in the College of Education. After studying and working at Purdue from 1983 to 1995, she joined the faculty of the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minn., where she also co-directs the Center for Pre-Collegiate Engineering Education.
Tanzania Trip Changed Her Life
A St. Thomas trip to Tanzania in 2008 brought her social justice interests together with educational pursuits, prompting her to found Educating Tanzania, a 501(c)3 Corp. that can accept tax-deductible contributions. Accompanying several engineering students on a month-long water project in Karagwe, Hansen soon found herself connecting with the region’s education system. “I don’t know much about engineering, but I said to myself, ‘Wait a minute. I do know what to do when it comes to schools.’” She started visiting schools and meeting with education leaders. She found one secondary school had no books, and remedied that by raising funds when she returned to Minnesota. She also learned of the dream to establish a university in Karagwe, and that, too, became a fundraising goal when she returned home. She has since resigned her tenured professorship at St. Thomas and devotes herself full-time to raising money for Educating Tanzania and furthering construction of the university. (continued on page 38)
(continued from page 37)
“A group of leaders first began planning for the university in 2006,” she says, through a task force of government representatives and several religious groups. “We are working alongside them.” Once the university is built, the government will pay the students’ tuition, and enrollment will be an equal number of males and females. Classes will be taught in English, a language the students learn in secondary school. The university likely will be managed by the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania, which already operates schools there and which Hansen calls the most effective local nongovernment organization in the area. So optimistic are the Tanzanian people, they have already begun making and firing bricks for the university, which will be built adjacent to a school, allowing some shared space. Initial facilities will include classrooms, a library, dormitories, a staff housing building, animal barns and agricultural research area. Ultimately, plans are for the university to enroll 3,000 students, which would call for
more construction, and more funds. Hansen made a second trip in 2010, this time with her husband, Steve Hansen, who is a director for a renewable energy construction company. “He’s become the biggest advocate, and has done an amazing amount of work,” she says.
Fundraising Under Way
Educate Tanzania has hosted a fundraising dinner, secured contributors and continues to seek money. A conservative, preliminary estimate of what’s needed initially is more than $1 million, Hansen says. “This is a heart project. People’s money follows their heart,” she says. “The people of Tanzania have a pure heartedness, intelligence and sophistication. They are sincerely out for what’s best for the other person. Part of their culture is to do what’s best for everybody, not just yourself.”
To learn more about Educate Tanzania and the university building project, visit www.educatetanzania.org or email Jan B. Hansen at educatetanzania@usfamily.net. 38
THE EVENT IS FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Morgan Spurlock is an award-winning writer, director and producer best known for his immersive explorations of social issues. His documentaries include “Super-size Me,” “Where in the World is Osama Bin Laden?,” “Feakonomics” and “The Greatest Movie Ever Sold” and he is the executive producer and star of the reality T.V. series “30 Days.”
Purdue Series on Corporate Citizenship and Ethics-A collaboration between the College of Education’s James F. Ackerman Center for Democratic Citizenship and Krannert School of Management with support from Purdue Federal Credit Union
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