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Around the College of Education


Stephanie J. Masta Patricia M. Morita-Mullaney Nielsen Pereira Kharon D. Grimmet Eric D. Deemer Jill A. Newton Anatoli Rapoport


Purdue University’s Board of Trustees approved promotions for seven College of Education faculty members on April 9, 2021. The promotions are effective beginning with the 2021-2022 academic year. Congratulations to the following College of Education faculty members. Promoted to Associate Professor with tenure: Stephanie J. Masta, Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction Patricia M. Morita-Mullaney, Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction Nielsen Pereira, Associate Professor of Educational Studies Promoted to Clinical Associate Professor: Kharon D. Grimmet, Clinical Associate Professor of Educational Studies Promoted to Full Professor: Eric D. Deemer, Professor of Educational Studies Jill A. Newton, Professor of Curriculum and Instruction Anatoli Rapoport, Professor of Curriculum and Instruction Two joint faculty were also promoted by the Board of Trustees. Congratulations to: Promoted to Associate Professor with tenure: Hui-Hui Wang, College of Agriculture Muhsin Menekse, College of Engineering Read the Purdue News announcement: https://www.purdue.edu/ newsroom/purduetoday/releases/2021/Q2/faculty-promotions-atpurdue-approved-by-board.html

Dr. Tara Star Johnson Receives College of Liberal Arts Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award

Tara Star Johnson Dr. Tara Star Johnson, Program Convener, Director of English Education, and Associate Professor of Literacy and Language in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, received the 2020-2021 College of Liberal Arts Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award, the highest teaching honor presented by Liberal Arts. Learn more: https://www.education.purdue.edu/dr-tara-star-johnson-receives-college-of-liberalarts-outstanding-undergraduate-teaching-award/

Dr. Brenda Capobianco selected as Fulbright U.S. Scholar

Dr. Brenda Capobianco, Professor of Science Education in the College of Education at Purdue University, has been awarded the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award for 2021-2022. Dr. Capobianco will conduct research at the National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG) where she will investigate the integration of engineering design as a means of supporting the development of high-quality STEM teachers. Her research will focus on how the two constructs – learning to teach science using engineering design and engaging in action research to support STEM learning – intersect and facilitate science teacher development. Dr. Capobianco’s research will entail interviewing and observing science teacher educators and preservice science teachers at the NUIG. She will contribute her expertise in action research through research modules, doctoral seminars, and workshops with undergraduate and graduate students in science teacher education. Additionally, she will assist her Irish colleagues on funded projects situated in the local schools. “Unlike my NSF awards, Fulbright grants me a prolonged period of time to explore and experience first-hand the different ways my colleagues in Ireland respond to their national call for improved STEM teacher preparation,” explained Dr. Capobianco. “Equally important will be the opportunity for my Irish colleagues to share their expertise in curriculum development, reform-based teaching, and scholarly research in preparing the next generation of high-quality STEM educators.” Learn more about Dr. Brenda Capobianco, Fulbright U.S. Scholar: https://www.education.purdue.edu/dr-brenda-capobianco-receives-fulbright-u-sscholar-award-to-ireland-to-study-engineering-design-integration-in-stem-education/

Dr. Brenda Capobianco, Professor of Science Education

COE Graduate student Shawn Wooden named Holmes Scholar

Shawn Wooden, a graduate student in the College of Education, has been named the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education 2021 Holmes Scholar at Purdue. Wooden began the threeyear appointment in

August 2021. “Being recognized as a Holmes Scholar is a significant honor,” said Wooden. “I am humbled by the opportunity to learn alongside other scholars at Purdue and across all of academia. I believe that this scholarship will have a significant impact on my development as a researcher and on my work as an educator.” Established in 1991, the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) Holmes Scholars Program supports students enrolled in doctoral programs in education with a demonstrated commitment to improving the representation and supporting the development of historically underrepresented communities in the education professoriate or in leadership positions in education and education research fields. Since 2008, Purdue University’s College of Education has sponsored the Holmes Scholars Program to support the retention and graduation of doctoral students committed to improving the representation and development of historically underrepresented communities. Wooden’s primary research interest is the personal and professional experiences of African-American Educators. “Specifically, I would like to collect the pre-service and vocational successes and difficulties of Black and Brown teachers in Indiana,” said Wooden. “My focus will be to conduct a Qualitative Narrative Inquiry of their journey through the preparation as well as the execution of their careers. The research questions of this study will focus on the motivation and support that encouraged these professionals to become teachers. Queries will also put attention on the systemic hurdles they overcame to reach their professional objectives.” Wooden’s objective is that this research will be used by universities and school corporations as they work to recruit, support, and retain Black and Brown educators. Learn more about Shawn Wooden, 2021 Holmes Scholar at Purdue: https://www. education.purdue.edu/college-of-education-graduate-studentshawn-wooden-named-holmes-scholar/

Dr. Heather Servaty-Seib named Associate Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning

The Office of the Provost announced that Dr. Heather Servaty-Seib, professor of counseling psychology in the College of Education and associate dean for student life in the Honors College, has been named associate vice provost for teaching and learning. Dr. Servaty-Seib served as interim associate vice provost of teaching and learning since May 2020 and previously served as associate head of educational studies. She will work most directly with Teaching and Learning units focused on student success, academic advising, exploratory studies and career success. Dr. Servaty-Seib will also be engaged in efforts to expand effective use of student data to inform teaching and learning practices. Learn more at: https://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/purduetoday/releases/2021/Q3/servaty-seibnamed-associate-vice-provost-for-teaching-and-learning.html

Dr. Hua-Hua Chang receives 2021 NCME Award for Career Contributions

Dr. Hua-Hua Chang, Professor of Educational Psychology and Research Methodology in Purdue University’s College of Education, received the 2021 Award for Career Contributions from the National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME), a professional organization for individuals involved in assessment, evaluation, testing, and other aspects of educational measurement. Dr. Chang’s research has focused primarily on improving educational measurements and he has made numerous pioneering contributions to several areas, such as computerized adaptive testing, cognitive diagnosis modeling, statistically screening potentially biased items, and foundation of item response theory. Dr. Chang has made pivotal influences on the field of Education with over 150 chapters, books, encyclopedia entries and referred journal articles that have influenced many scholars in the field. Learn more: https://www.education.purdue.edu/dr-chang-receives-2021-career-contributions-award-from-national-councilon-measurement-in-education/

2021 Purdue teaching graduates honored during live virtual pinning ceremony

Purdue University’s newest graduates in teacher education were honored on Friday, May 14, 2021 during a live virtual pinning ceremony from Loeb Playhouse welcoming them into the teaching profession. The agenda included prepared remarks from Dr. Jennifer Barce, Assistant Dean for Teacher Education; Dr. Nancy Marchand-Martella, the Suzi and Dale Gallagher Dean of Education; Keynote Speaker Ms. Lauri Vitale, Klondike Elementary fifth-grade teacher and Purdue Education alumna (2012), and finalist for 2019 Indiana Teacher of the Year; Recitation of Oath led by Dr. David Eichinger, Associate Professor of Science Education; and Announcement of New Professionals by Dr. Jacquelyn Thomas-Miller, Director of the Office of Advising and Retention. Watch the complete ceremony on YouTube: https://youtu.be/2BjY-gz0DOc Ten College of Education undergraduates receive IACTE Outstanding Future Educators Awards

Congratulations to ten undergraduate students in Purdue University’s College of Education, named as recipients of the Indiana Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (IACTE) Outstanding

Future Educators Award. These outstanding future educators excelled during their clinical practice and exhibit professional promise. Supervisors and cooperating teachers were asked to nominate teacher candidates who went above and beyond the expectations set before them in student teaching. Congratulations to these ten students: Laura Benne–Special Education Katelyn Brothers–Special Education Michaela Cook–Elementary Education Dana Johnson–Art Education Grace Klopfenstein–Agricultural Education Erin Maneke–Mathematics Education Cassandra Marquez–English Education Elizabeth Miller–Elementary/Special Education Dual Irene Pappas–Elementary Education Joshua Wolf–Online Masters Special Education Program

College of Education undergraduates receive ORU Conference awards

Purdue’s Office of Undergraduate Research (ORU) announced the award recipients from the ORU Conference, which included more than 750 student researchers and nearly 400 presentations. Congratulations to the following College of Education undergraduate students: Academic Unit Awards – Research Talks 1st Place “Investigating the Frequency and Nature of Social Justice References in the Teacher Education Program Curriculum at Purdue University” by Julia Pirrello 2nd Place “Telehealth Parent Coaching in Naturalistic Communication Intervention” by Alana Lorts and Brianna Coster 3rd Place “Investigating Identity Development in Informal STEM Learning Spaces: A Case Study of Girls Excelling in Mathematics and Science (GEMS) Clubs” by Michaela Rice Academic Unit Awards – Posters 1st Place “Breaking Bread, Breaking Bread: Developing Positive Relationships with Elementary-Aged Students with Disabilities” by Zoe Johnson and Nadia Crace 2nd Place “Spatial Analysis: Priming of Shapes in Tangram Puzzles” by Alexandra Foster 3rd Place “Differentiation in an Inclusion Classroom” by Helen Zoss



Faculty Awards and Honors

Laura Bofferding, Associate Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Purdue Faculty Engagement Scholar

Amanda Case, Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Studies, 2021 Purdue Engagement Award

Nadine Dolby, Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, 2021 Purdue Jefferson Award

Siddika Selcen Guzey, Associate Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, 2021 Christian J. Foster Award Chrystal Johnson, Associate Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Purdue Insights Forum Program Fellow

JoAnn Phillion, Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, 2021 Purdue Engagement Award

Toni Kempler Rogat, Associate Professor, Department of Educational Studies, 2021 Kinley Trust Award

Xiang Zhou, Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Studies, 2021 Center for Families Kontos Faculty Fellowship

Ackerman Center hosts 16th annual Constitution Day

Purdue’s James F. Ackerman Center for Democratic Citizenship hosted the 16th annual Constitution Day at the Purdue Memorial Union on September 17, celebrating the signing of the U.S. Constitution by thirty-nine of the 55 Delegates to the Constitutional Convention on September 17, 1787. Congress passed a law in 2004 designating Sept. 17 as “Constitution Day and Citizenship Day.” The law requires that “each educational institution that receives Federal funds for a fiscal year shall hold an educational program” on the Constitution annually on that date. “This year’s event is especially meaningful. Constitution Day 2021 is an approved Civics Literacy Proficiency event in Purdue’s newly adopted Civics Literacy graduation requirement for all incoming undergraduate students,” said Dr. Phillip VanFossen, Director of the Ackerman Center and Ackerman Distinguished Professor of Social Studies Education in the College of Education. “That means students who choose the civic events pathway to fulfill their Civic Literacy Proficiency requirement will be able to count Constitution Day as their first civics event.” Learn more about the 2021 Constitution Day events: https://www.education.purdue.edu/ackerman-center-hosts16th-annual-constitution-day/ 16

Literacy scholarship conference hosted by College of Education

Purdue University’s College of Education brought together leading literacy scholars at a virtual conference, Building Consensus: Aligning Reading Research with Practice, held on Tuesday, April 20, 2021. The conference allowed scholars in the field of literacy to engage in dialogue with the goal of crafting a statement about reading research and the development of reading instruction that can be presented to audiences outside academia, including legislators and parents. Incorporating a full slate of discussions involving leading researchers in the field of literacy education, language development, and special education, the one-day conference facilitated discussion in the areas of commonality in relation to reading development and instruction. Researchers from Stanford University, the University of California – Berkeley, University of Maryland, William & Mary, Michigan State University, and other institutions joined Purdue College of Education faculty and researchers. The agenda was built around roundtable discussions, and Purdue College of Education doctoral students were involved in the implementation of the breakout groups. “The Purdue College of Education was proud to host a virtual forum on reading research and instruction, inviting many of the best professionals in the country to engage in important dialogue on reading curriculum for PreK-grade 3 and how we can bring critical pieces together to help those who need more focused supports,” said Dr. Nancy MarchandMartella, the Suzi and Dale Gallagher Dean of Purdue’s College of Education. “At no other time in recent memory has reading been on the minds of so many; we anticipate the conversation showcased commonalities across a range of fields engaged in making our society a more literate one.” Conference Chair Dr. Melanie R. Kuhn, the Jean Adamson Stanley Faculty Chair in Literacy at Purdue, explained that College of Education faculty will continue the conversations from the conference at future professional literacy meetings. “We hope that this conference will lead to dialogue that continue across fields and highlight areas of agreement among participants,” said Dr. Kuhn. “We plan to continue this discussion, potentially through a virtual speaker series, online interactions between attendees, and at future education conferences.” Dr. Kuhn also said that proceedings from Building Consensus: Aligning Reading Research with Practice will be submitted to leading education journals so that larger audiences can be impacted by the conference outcomes. Learn more: https://www.education.purdue.edu/ college-of-education-hosts-leading-literacy-scholars-atupcoming-conference/

College of Education conducts memorial service to honor family, friends lost to COVID-19

Purdue’s College of Education conducted a memorial service on September 24, 2021 to honor loved ones in the College lost due to COVID-19. Names of family and friends were read aloud by Dean Nancy Marchand-Martella as part of the service. In their honor, a Magnolia tree was planted in the area outside of the north entrance of Beering Hall. This beautiful tree will flower annually in early spring.

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