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Master of Arts in European Interdisciplinary Studies Master en Études Européennes Interdisciplinaires
from Brochure 2021
#2021 COLEUROPE.EU of arts en MASTER
Pascaline Winand Director of Studies/Directeur d’études Georges Mink Professor/Professeur
The MA in European Interdisciplinary Studies at the Natolin campus in Warsaw provides students with the wider perspective on Europe and prepares them for fascinating international careers. Reflecting the increasingly complex and interconnected nature of European integration and of the surrounding world, the studies combine a thorough academic preparation, language courses and a professional skills programme which later enable our graduates to make a substantial contribution to European affairs, be it through working in national administration, diplomacy, European institutions, international organizations or NGOs, but also in the private sector and academia.
The programme is delivered by around 100 leading academics and practitioners from Europe and beyond and attracts every year students from a wide variety of disciplinary backgrounds including law, economics, political and social sciences, history, journalism, philosophy or languages. Students are trained to think beyond disciplinary boundaries while gaining in-depth knowledge in EU public affairs and policies, external relations, security, the EU’s neighbourhood or European history and civilization. Two intensive study trips in Europe and its neighbourhood as well as international academic competitions provide students with unique field experience and invaluable knowledge.
The programme fosters excellence in research through the academic expertise of its faculty, as well as via two established Chairs: one in European History and Civilization, another on the European Neighbourhood Policy and the EU’s neighbours. Students also benefit from the Library, the Languages and Intercultural Dialogue Office and the Careers and Professional Development Office of the Natolin campus.
Le Master en Études Européennes Interdisciplinaires au campus de Natolin à Varsovie offre aux étudiants une vision d’envergure sur l’Europe et les prépare à une carrière internationale passionnante. Reflétant le caractère de plus en plus complexe et interconnecté de l’intégration européenne et des affaires internationales, le cursus combine une préparation académique approfondie, des cours de langues ainsi qu’un programme de compétences professionnelles qui plus tard permettront à nos diplômés d’apporter leur contribution aux affaires européennes, dans leurs administrations nationales, la diplomatie, les institutions européennes, des organisations internationales et ONG, mais aussi dans le secteur privé et le monde universitaire.
Le programme est enseigné par une centaine d’universitaires de premier plan et des professionnels actifs en Europe et au-delà et attire chaque année des étudiants préalablement formés à un large éventail de disciplines telles que le droit, l’économie, les sciences politiques et sociales, l’histoire, le journalisme, la philosophie ou les langues étrangères. Nos étudiants apprennent à réfléchir de manière multidisciplinaire tout en acquérant une connaissance approfondie de l’Union européenne dans les domaines des affaires publiques et politiques, des relations extérieures, de la sécurité, du voisinage de l’Union européenne ou de l’histoire et civilisation européennes. Deux voyages d’études intensifs en Europe et son voisinage ainsi que des compétitions académiques internationales leur apportent une réelle expérience de terrain et des savoirs uniques.
Le programme encourage l’excellence en recherche par l’expertise des professeurs qui y enseignent, et par le biais de deux Chaires, l’une portant sur l’Histoire et la Civilisation européennes, l’autre sur la Politique européenne de Voisinage et les voisins de l’Union européenne. Les étudiants bénéficient également de la Bibliothèque, du Bureau des langues et du dialogue interculturel ainsi que du Bureau des carrières et du développement professionnel du campus de Natolin.
// preparatory courses / cours préparatoires
ECTS courses / cours - Introduction to Economics (10h) - L'Histoire de la Construction européenne (10h) - Introduction to Political Science and International Relations (10h) - Introduction to Law (10h) cours principaux obligatoires
ECTS courses / cours histoire, politique, sociétés (10h) pluridisciplinary track / parcours pluridisciplinaire Values (20h) interdisciplinary track / parcours interdisciplinaire Politics and Policies (20h) cours contextuels optionnels
ECTS courses / cours (10h) (10h) presse (10h) Europe, XIX e -XX e siècle (10h) B. Bobrowicz S. Schirmann
T. Schumacher
// compulsory core courses /
Out of five compulsory core courses students can choose from the interdisciplinary track under the condition that they pass entry tests of the pluridisciplinary track. / Pour les cinq cours principaux obligatoires, les étudiants peuvent choisir ceux du parcours interdisciplinaire à condition de passer les tests d’entrée des cours du parcours pluridisciplinaire.
4 History of European Civilization (20h)
2 L’Europe centrale aux XX e et XXI e siècle:
4 4 4 EU Institutions and Decision-making (20h) EU Economic Governance (20h) The EU Legal Order: Rights, Norms and
4 4
4 State and Economy (20h) Energy in a Globalised World: Economics, P. Van Elsuwege
Technology and Politics (20h) R. ButterwickPawlikowski G. Mink
C. Lord B. Marzinotto P. Van Elsuwege
M. Belka J. Henderson
Students must select two optional contextual courses. / Les étudiants doivent choisir deux cours contextuels optionnels.
- Religion and Politics (10h) - Geopolitics (10h) - Introduction to International Energy Studies - Approches de la gouvernance migratoire
Révoltes et révolutions (10h)
Les nouveaux enjeux de la liberté de la
La construction d’identités nationales en J. C. York J. Anderson L. Bialasiewicz A. Bonzanni
J.-P. Cassarino
L. Mathieu A. Mhanna
A.-M. Thiesse
#2021 COLEUROPE.EU // workshops / ateliers
ECTS - Communicating Cross-Culturally (8h) - Strategic Communication in a Digital Age (8h) - Les politiques historiques et mémorielles (8h)
Policy Analysis: Concepts and P. Kalfadellis A. Kimber
G. Mink in cooperation with Warsaw Museum(s) Techniques (8h)
C. Radaelli
// simulation games / jeux de simulation
ECTS - The Paris Peace Conference of 1919-20 (4h) R. ButterwickPawlikowski
Master’s thesis and research methodology / Mémoire de Master et méthodologie de la recherche
Students must write a Master’s thesis in English or French under the supervision of a professor. / Les étudiants doivent écrire un mémoire de Master en français ou en anglais sous la supervision d’un professeur.
ECTS master’s thesis / mémoire de master 4 Research methods / Coordinator: O. Lewis Méthodes de recherche Professors: B. Bobrowicz, (20h) T. Exadaktylos, K. Longhurst & P. Winand 16 Master’s thesis / - Mémoire de master
Study trips / Voyages d’étude
The study trips in the first and second semester are an integral part and an invaluable asset of the academic programme. Participation is obligatory and students are expected to attend all related conferences and activities. / Les voyages d’étude du premier et deuxième semestre font partie intégrante du programme académique. La participation est obligatoire et les étudiants sont censés assister à toutes les conférences et activités.
ECTS study trips / voyages d’étude 2+2 Study trips modules / Coordinator: E. Ośniecka-Tamecka Module de voyages Professors: G. Mink, T. Schumacher, d’étude (30h+30h) A. Tyushka & P. Winand
In the framework of their chosen major, students must take six optional specialist courses. / Dans le cadre de la filière qu’ils ont choisie, les étudiants doivent suivre six cours spécialisés optionnels.
1 EU Public Affairs and Policies / Affaires publiques et politiques de l’Union européenne
ECTS optional specialist courses / cours spécialisés optionnels 4 EU Structural and Investment Policies 4 4 4 4 4 4 (20h) 4 EU Substantive Law: The Four Freedoms (20h) 4 Internal and External Dimensions 4 EU Environment and Climate Change Policy in an International Context (20h) 4 EU Trade Policy (20h) 4 Interest Representation in the EU (20h)
The Political Economy of Welfare States in EU Competition Policy (20h)
of the EU Energy Policy (20h) P. Delalande
Europe (20h) L. Peeperkorn
Digital Economy (20h) EU Macro-economic Policies (20h) EU Governance: Theory, Practice and Challenges (20h) L’espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice: défis actuels et futurs pour l’Union D. Ahner
C. Barnard
D. Buschle
C. Egenhofer & S. Oberthür K.F. Falkenberg J. Greenwood & M. Góra
A. Jones & européenne (20h)
M. Mariniello B. Marzinotto W. Wessels
A. Weyembergh
Students must select one specialist course from the list of the ‘European History and Civilization’ major. / Les étudiants doivent choisir un cours spécialisé de la liste de la filière ‘Histoire et civilisation européennes’.
ECTS master’s thesis colloquium / colloque de recherche du mémoire - EPAP Research Colloquium B. Bobrowicz & O. Lewis
ECTS compact seminars / séminaires intensifs - La règlementation des marchés en B. Dumont & ligne (10h) P. Holmes - From Member to Neighbour: Law and A. Łazowski & Politics of Brexit (8h) P. K. Rosiak - Crimes against Humanity and M. A. Lewis International Justice (8h) - Policy Toolbox: Assessing MacroD. Luff & P. Baker economic and Regulatory Risks in the Global Economy (8h) - The Role of the European Council (8h) H. Van Rompuy
Students can select a maximum of two compact seminars. / Les étudiants peuvent choisir maximum deux séminaires intensifs. 2 The EU in the World / L’Union européenne dans le monde
ECTS optional specialist courses / cours spécialisés optionnels 4 Contemporary Russian Foreign Policy D. Averre and EU-Russia Relations (20h) 4 Internal and External Dimensions of D. Buschle the EU Energy Policy (20h) 4 EU Development Policy and the Politics of M. Carbone International Development (20h) 4 EU Environmental and Climate Change C. Egenhofer & Policy in an International Context (20h) S. Oberthür 4 EU Trade Policy (20h) K.F. Falkenberg 4 Transatlantic Relations (20h) S. Fröhlich 4 Asia-EU Relations: Opportunities and S. Islam Challenges (20h) 4 The Foreign Policy of the EU (20h) K.E. Jorgensen 4 Perspectives in European and F. Kühn International Security (20h) 4 Immigration, Asylum and Border ManageS. Lavenex & ment in the EU (20h) F. Trauner 4 The European Union and Bi- and MultilaterT. Mayr-Harting al Diplomacy (20h) 4 The EU’s Neighbourhood Policy (20h) T. Schumacher 4 Comparative Regionalism and External P. Winand Perceptions of the EU (20h)
Students must select one specialist course from the list of the ‘European History and Civilization’ major. / Les étudiants doivent choisir un cours spécialisé de la liste de la filière ‘Histoire et civilisation européennes’.
ECTS master’s thesis colloquium / colloque de recherche du mémoire - The EU in the World Research Colloquium P. Winand & O. Lewis
ECTS compact seminars / séminaires intensifs - Turkey in Europe: Identity, Politics, M. Aydin Security (8h) - Coopération au développement et T. Béchet d’aide humanitaire (8h) - Digital Transatlantic Rift (8h) P. Chase - Le colonialisme européen, la décolonisation V. Dimier et l’Union européenne (8h) - Terrorism and Hybrid Warfare (8h) T. Jermalavičius - Crimes against Humanity and International M.A. Lewis Justice (8h) - Policy Toolbox: Assessing Macroeconomic D. Luff & and Regulatory Risks in the Global Economy P. Baker (8h) - The EU, International Energy Security and SecuF. Umbach rity Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific (8h) - The Role of the European Council (8h) H. Van Rompuy
Students can select a maximum of two compact seminars. / Les étudiants peuvent choisir maximum deux séminaires intensifs.
3 The EU and its Neighbours / L’Union européenne et ses voisins
ECTS optional specialist courses / cours spécialisés optionnels 4 Contemporary Russian Foreign Policy D. Averre and EU-Russia Relations (20h) 4 Internal and External Dimensions of D. Buschle the EU Energy Policy (20h) 4 Cooperation on Migration Governance beJ.-P. Cassarino & tween the EU and its Neighbourhood (20h) D. Davitti 4 Minority Issues, Nationalism and Identity J. Castellino & Politics in the EU’s Neighbourhood (20h) K. Cavanaugh 4 Revolution, Democracy and Authoritarianism T. Demmelhuber & in the EU’s Neighbourhood (20h)* K. Wolczuk 4 EU Environmental and Climate Change Policy C. Egenhofer & in an International Context (20h) S. Oberthür 4 EU Energy Governance in the EU’s A. HerranzNeighbourhood (20h) Surrallés 4 The Political Economy of the European C. Kourtelis Neighbourhood Policy (20h) 4 The Legal Dimension of EU External E. Lannon & Relations (20h) M. Maresceau 4 The European Union and Bi- and Multilateral T. Mayr-Harting Diplomacy (20h) 4 Church-State Relations and the Role of K. Rousselet & Religious Movements in the EU’s NeighbourN. Sheikh hood / Les relations Eglises-Etat et le rôle des mouvements religieux dans les pays voisins de l’Union européenne (20h)* 4 The EU’s Neighbourhood Policy (20h) T. Schumacher 4 The EU and the Western Balkans: J. Teokarevic Enlargement, Reconciliation, Security (20h)
Students must select one specialist course from the list of the ‘European History and Civilization’ major. / Les étudiants doivent choisir un cours spécialisé de la liste de la filière ‘Histoire et civilisation européennes’.
ECTS compact seminars / séminaires intensifs - Turkey in Europe: Identity, Politics, Security (8h) M. Aydin - The EU, its Neighbourhood and the Politics E. Badarin of Recognition (8h) - The EU and State-building in the Southern D. Bouris
Neighbourhood (10h) - L’Europe et le colonialisme (8h) V. Dimier - Terrorism and Hybrid Warfare (8h) T. Jermalavičius - Crimes against Humanity and International M.A. Lewis Justice (8h) - Investigative Journalism in the Southern R. Sabbagh
Neighbourhood (8h) - The EU, Russia and the Adjacent Neighbourhood: A. Tyushka
Power, Performance, and Perceptions (8h) - Liberal Story-telling in the Eastern Partnership (8h) F. Viacorka
Students can select a maximum of two compact seminars. / Les étudiants peuvent choisir maximum deux séminaires intensifs.
4 European History and Civilization / Histoire et civilisation européennes
4 4
4 4 optional specialist courses / cours spécialisés optionnels Maritime History: The Mediterranean and Other Seas (20h) Geopolitics and Diplomacy in Europe: From Constantinople to Rome (20h) Europe and the Global Economy from the Industrial Revolution to the Internet (20h) History of the Balkans (20h) Totalitarian Ideologies and Dictatorships in Twentieth-Century Europe (20h) Russian Ideologies: The Last Two Centuries (from Pushkin and Karamzin to Dugin and Putin) (20h) Central and Eastern Europe in the 20 th Century (20h) Modernity – Technology – Cities (20h) The End of Empire: Decolonization in Asia (20h) master’s thesis colloquium / colloque de recherche du mémoire History Research Colloquium Security (8h) Justice (8h) Euromaidan: The History of Ideas of Democracy in Europe (8h) D. Abulafia
R. ButterwickPawlikowski Y. Cassis
M.A. Lewis R. Moorhouse
A. Nowak
T. Pudłocki
T. Weeks
Students can select one specialist course from the lists of major 3, limited to the courses marked with an asterisk (*). / Les étudiants peuvent choisir un cours spécialisé de la liste de la filière 3, le choix est limité aux cours indiqués par un astérisque (*).
ECTS compact seminars / séminaires intensifs - Turkey in Europe: Identity, Politics, M. Aydin - L’Europe et le colonialisme (8h) V. Dimier - Crimes against Humanity and International M.A. Lewis
Students can select a maximum of two compact seminars. / Les étudiants peuvent choisir maximum deux séminaires intensifs.
For all majors / Pour toutes les filières
ECTS masterclasses - From the Greek Agora to the Ukrainian W. Wongsurawat G. Mink
- Liberalism (8h) M.A. Cichocki
J.C. Espada
Students can select a maximum of two masterclasses. / Les étudiants peuvent choisir maximum deux masterclass.
ECTS workshops / ateliers
● - Public Diplomacy (8h)
● - European Energy Diplomacy (8h) Competition Law Issues in Music Online Distribution (8h)
● - European Energy Diplomacy (8h) The Practices of Project Management in the EU’s Foreign Policy towards the Neighbourhood (8h) ● - The EU and Crisis Management in Practice (8h)
● - European Energy Diplomacy (8h) The Practices of Project Management in the EU’s Development Policy in the World (8h) S. Oberthür
The EU and Crisis Management in Practice (8h) R. Wiśniewski
V. Bartuška J. Rivas
V. Bartuška M. Natorski
P. Vimont
V. Bartuška M. Natorski
P. Vimont
Students can select a maximum of two workshops in the second semester. / Les étudiants peuvent choisir maximum deux ateliers dans le second semestre.
ECTS simulation games / jeux de simulation
● - International Negotiations (12h)
● - International Climate Negotiations (10h)
EU Decision-making and Interest Representation in Practice / Le processus décisionnel de l’Union européenne et la représentation d’intérêts (10h) S. Oberthür
EU Energy Policy-Making in Practice — The Case of Nord Stream 2 (8h)
● - International Climate Negotiations (10h)
EU Energy Policy-Making in Practice — The Case of Nord Stream 2 (8h) EU Foreign Policy-making in Times of Conflict
● - Digital Diplomacy (8h) International Climate Negotiations (10h)
EU Energy Policy-Making in Practice — The Case of Nord Stream 2 (8h) A. Lempereur
C. Egenhofer & V. Marissen
T. Mayr-Harting & S. Polak
C. Egenhofer & in the EU’s Neighbourhood (6h)
T. Mayr-Harting & S. Polak T. Schumacher
A. Carvin C. Egenhofer & S. Oberthür T. Mayr-Harting & S. Polak
Students can select a maximum of two simulation games in the second semester. / Les étudiants peuvent choisir maximum deux jeux de simulation dans le second semestre. // Cooperation with external partners /
Coopération avec des partenaires extérieurs
ECTS workshops / ateliers
● - Cycle of seminars with the EIB on the EU Green Deal (10h)
● - Introduction to International Humanitarian Law organised in cooperation with the ICRC, Geneva - open to external participants (17h)
● - Workshops in history organized in cooperation with the Max Weber programme of the EUI, Florence TBC
E. MikosSkuza
// Language courses / Cours de langue
The Natolin Languages and Intercultural Dialogue Office offers all students the possibility to improve their oral and written language skills in French, English, German, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Russian and Arabic. / Le Bureau des langues et du dialogue interculturel de Natolin offre la possibilité aux étudiants d’améliorer leurs compétences orales et écrites en français, anglais, allemand, espagnol, italien, polonais, russe et arabe.
European Civilization Chair
The Chair, founded by the European Parliament in Memory of Bronisław Geremek, focuses on recent European history in the wider context of the development of European civilization. It offers scholarships to graduates in history and related disciplines. As well as teaching courses, the Chair is involved in research, hosts post-doctoral fellowships, and enriches the programme with high-profile lectures, seminars and conferences.
// Georges Mink (Acting) Chairholder/Titulaire de la Chaire (par intérim)
European Neighbourhood Policy Chair
The Chair focuses on the EU’s European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and the EU’s eastern and southern neighbours. As well as teaching courses, it carries out cutting-edge research, publishes in internationally recognized outlets, organises conferences and an annual PhD Summer School, and contributes to relevant policy debates in the international media. It offers post-doctoral research fellowships and scholarships.
// Tobias Schumacher Chairholder / Titulaire de la Chaire
Pascaline Winand Director of Studies
Total ECTS credit for this programme / Total de crédits ECTS pour ce programme = 66
Master’s thesis / Mémoire de Master = 16 ECTS
compulsory / obligatoire optional / à option elective under condition / électif sous condition