Homeless Partners Christmas Wish List www.homelesspartners.com
Homeless Partners Christmas Wish List Media Contact: Jennie Keeran Email: jenniekchristian@gmail.com Phone: 250-590-2882 The season is a time to celebrate the birth and life of the most famous homeless person. Read the stories and gift requests of residents staying in local shelters during the holidays, and deliver your personal caring gift and message directly to the shelter where staff will distribute it to the resident. Gifts should be delivered by December 22. Thank you for connecting personally with those who struggle more, for whatever reason. To read their stories, visit www.homelesspartners.com The homelesspartners approach helps people in the community express caring in a way that is safe, personal, and anonymous, so that a connection is easily possible from anywhere. When the homeless receive a gift they requested, from someone who doesn’t even know them, they feel encouraged to think that someone would care enough to remember them at Christmas time. NEW ‘THANK YOU’ FEATURE This year a new feature has been added to the website so that shelter residents can express thanks to the person who thought about them during the holidays. METHOD OF DELIVERY Personal gifts can either be delivered directly to the shelters or delivered from an online store by using the resident ID and shelter location for the name and shipping address. Donors making cash donations to www.homelesspartners.com receive a charitable tax receipt through Canadahelps and are used to expand the program to more cities and shelters. CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS BY CONNECTING WITH THE HOMELESS