Marriage Course

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College of Mental Health Counselling Marriage Counselling, Communication, and Conflict Resolution Skills Course (Individual Subject Course)

Description and Requirements Copyright 2009 College of Mental Health Counseling. All rights reserved. Prerequisites: 1. Sincere desire to help couples or themselves, who struggle with common relationship issues. 2. Reading comprehension and writing composition skills. 3. Satisfactory completion or equivalent of the Mental Health Counsellor Training Course. This online course is also suitable for individuals who may have been away from the traditional classroom for several years. Objectives: 1. To acquire knowledge and skills in the process of counselling individuals having relationship issues. 2. To conduct an assessment and develop a plan of treatment for relationship issues. 3. To conduct an effective couples counselling assessment to help the clients identify their issues. You Will Learn: 1. To conduct a couples counselling self-assessment. 2. To identify issues the couple can work on. 3. To assist a couple to communicate more effectively. 4. To identify external stressors that contribute to the couple’s issues. 5. To provide support and help for common issues. 6. A strategy for decision-making that goes beyond power and control. 7. To increase empathy and listening skills between parties in a couple relationship. 8. To help a couple manage anger and negativity in healthy ways. Text and Materials: Relationship Skills by Daniel Keeran, MSW, President of the College (sent as .pdf file, included in tuition). Self-Awareness Life Story Questionnaire (sent as a Word .doc file, included in tuition) from the College of Mental Health Counselling. Couple Counselling Outline (download available at this link).

Assignments (read carefully): 1. Design and create between 100 to 120 short and long-answer review questions covering the scope and depth of the text or course materials and provide responses with page numbers from the text or course materials where the answers are found. 2. Conduct and submit the self-assessments of a couple seeking your help, including a summary of issues they identified, communication skills needed, any external stressors, anger management, decision-making, and empathic listening skills needed. 3. Describe their issues and challenges; and write a short report (less than five pages) on their situation and what you said and did to help them. Tuition (including text and materials): total $549 (USD) When you provide tuition in the above amount by secure Paypal (no account required), the course text is mailed to your regular address, and course materials are sent to your inbox as attached files. All course assignments and requirements can be submitted by email. Instructor support is available daily. Time for completion: Estimating 2 hours per week day, allow approximately 4 to 6 weeks depending on individual learning style and pace. Time extensions are approved on request. The Certificate of Marriage Counselling, Communication, and Conflict Resolution Skills is awarded upon completion of the above requirements and assignments. Instructor: Daniel Keeran, MA, MSW, therapist and professional counsellor for over 30 years and author of Loss and Grief Counseling Skills, Counseling In A Book, Learn Empathy, and Effective Counseling Skills. With extensive experience in private practice and hospital settings, he has conducted many therapy groups and trained thousands of people from the general public as well as social workers, nurses, and other helping professionals. If you are reviewing this course description from another location, you can register for the course at

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