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Notification of Special General Meeting
The College will hold a Special General Meeting (SGM) on Wednesday 26 July in Auckland (venue to be confirmed) at 6pm.

The purpose of the SGM is to vote on a constitutional change to enable two co-presidents (one Māori and one non-Māori) to be nominated/elected this year when the current president’s term ceases in November at the College conference.

The following proposed Constitutional changes set out the remit for the SGM. The proposed changes are shown blelow as tracked changes in blue. We are planning to have a Zoom option available for members to attend the SGM virtually.
Proposed addition of two clauses
“Māori members” means any members of the College who identify as Māori within the College’s membership database.
“Non-Māori members” means members of the College who do not identify as Māori within the College’s membership database.
9.1 The two national co-presidents shall be full members and are elected for a term of two years with right of renewal.
9.1.1 One national co-president identifies as Māori and one national co-president identifies as non-Māori
9.2 Process for nominating co-president candidates
9.2.1 Process for nominating Māori co-president candidates
9.2.1 (a) Regions may submit nominations with a regional seconder to the Chief Executive three months prior to the AGM or SGM.
9.2.2 (b) Ngā Maia may submit nominations to the Chief Executive three months prior to the AGM or SGM
9.2.2 Process for nomination of non-Māori co-president candidates
9.2.2 (a) 9.1.1 Regions shall submit nominations with a regional seconder to the Chief Executive three months prior to the AGM or SGM
9.3 Election of co-presidents
9.3.1 9.1.2 The Chief Executive shall forward all valid seconded nominations to each region
9.3.2 9.1.3 In the event of a contested position (for either position), voting shall be an online ballot of members with results to National Board 14 days prior to AGM
9.3.3 Māori members can cast a vote for both the Māori co-president position and the non-Māori co-president position
9.3.4 Non Māori members can cast a vote for the non-Māori co-president
9.4 Functions of the co-presidents
9.4.1 The co-presidents shall be the national spokespersonpeople for the New Zealand College of Midwives
9.4.2 The co-presidents shall chair National Board meetings, AGM and National SGM
9.4.3 The co-presidents have the right to attend Regional meetings
9.4.4 In the absence of thea co-president, the National Board member will deputise square midwife.org.nz/conference-2023
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