1 minute read
Tiffany Lindsey: Unmedicated
Two Souls
Mike Williams, Jr.
Two souls collide on a cosmic level Two souls that were torn apart ions ago Two souls that were lost in the cosmos Two souls that granted permission to reconnect Two souls that were destined to be Two souls go through the trial of love and life Two souls navigate throughout the cosmos searching for answers Two souls thinking of each other Two souls are looking for each other in the cosmos Two souls suppress their truths Two souls finally find each other Two souls begin to reconnect Two souls seem to figure out the answers Two souls wonder what’s the bigger picture in the cosmos Two souls intertwine Two souls reconnect Two souls begin to learn each other again Two souls officially tie up with an intimate gesture Two souls wonder the stars guided by their Creator Tow souls become one Helen Hoppe: Loves Me, Loves Me Not

They don’t know…
By Heaven Tripp
They say I should stop They say I should go They say all these things, but they don’t know, They don’t know how you loved me They don’t know how you cared They don’t know these things because they weren’t there They weren’t there when you kissed me They weren’t there when we laughed They weren’t there to pick me up, you were there for that You were there when I needed you You were there when I cried You were there even when I thought it was goodbye When I thought it was goodbye, so I ended it quickly When I thought it was goodbye, but I hoped you’d miss me When I thought it was goodbye, but it was just the beginning, The beginning of our story, our story never-ending