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the butler

Sports: Men’s basketball lost to Valparaiso last Saturday. Page 5



A&E: Check out our holiday shopping guide. Page 8


Opinion: Butler faculty changes brings fresh ideas Page 10

Photo by Ryan Love

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Jamie Comstock speaks to colleagues in 2011.


Provost’s tenure marked with success, controversy JILL MCCARTER JMCCARTE@BUTLER.EDU


In Jamie Comstock’s executive corner office, the windows are open, letting in the familiarity of Butler University’s campus—even in the month of December. After three and a half years, Jamie has grown accustomed to the sounds of lawnmowers, the heavy door of Jordan Hall slamming behind students as they exit classes and the conversations of those who pass by her window. But that office in Jordan Hall may go empty next semester as the search begins to fill her position as provost and vice president for academic affairs. On Nov. 18 at 2:11 p.m., as students were hustling home for Thanksgiving break, a campuswide message from President Jim Danko announced that Jamie had asked to step down from

her position. The decision to step down is a culmination of several factors, Jamie says. Her husband, Larry Williamson, a faculty member in the political science department, will retire at the end of this academic year. “This leaves Larry and I free to think about how we want to live out this next phase of our life only driving one career instead of two,” Jamie says. The change in presidents of the university also contributed to her decision to leave the post. When Danko started this semester, Jamie says she provided him with background and context about some of the ways the university operates. “He and I get along really well,” Jamie says. “He’s a very good listener and has dedicated these first few weeks and his time to listening.” Danko says that though they have only worked together for a short time, he knows that

Students protest lack of late night access KYLER NAYLOR KNAYLOR@BUTLER.EDU


A petition signed by 542 students for key card access to Lilly Hall has Jordan College of Fine Arts students hoping to get their foot in the door with Butler University’s top players. “Students must be afforded the opportunity to access academic facilities at all times during their collegiate careers,” the petition stated. “The buildings and tools within these facilities are necessary to ameliorate a student’s academic life. Having proper access to these facilities is essential to the educational quality at Butler University.” Students held a forum last Monday to inform other students of the petition, which was started by junior vocal music education major Katie Bolinger. It also provided an opportunity to sit down and talk to JCFA Dean Ronald Caltabiano. Caltabiano faced a barrage of questions, ranging from the petition for modifications of JCFA curriculum to concerns about practice space availability. Having been at Butler for only five months, Caltabiano said he is very eager to hear from students about what is going on in the college, as well as to inform them of the administration’s view of the petition. Key card access to Lilly Hall is important in the eyes of many

students, considering the doors are locked at midnight, just recently moved back from 11 p.m. by Caltabiano, and often locked earlier. “This year especially, more people have been locking the doors earlier and earlier, which is really frustrating,” Bolinger said. “I got [to Lilly] at 10 o’clock one night and it was locked, and I couldn’t practice.” Sophomore ballet major Elizabeth Simoens said she shares Bolinger’s frustration, noting that most students can study anywhere, but for dance students, specialized rooms aren’t always available. “We can’t study in our rooms or the library,” she said. “Not being able to get into the only rooms where we can practice makes life really difficult. People can write their essays at one in the morning, but if you need to compose music and you need a piano, you can’t do it any later than 11 p.m. if you can’t make it there in time.” The petition is on the Student Government Association’s radar, as Council on Presidential Affairs Chair Mike Tirman points out. “I really think it puts music students at a disadvantage because so many instruments, like a piano, for example, cannot be carried back and forth from the dorm to the college,” he said. see Lilly, page 3

Jamie is leaving the position in a good condition for its next occupant. “I appreciate Jamie’s dedication and hard work on behalf of Butler,” Danko says. “It is always a challenge to be the introducer of change within an organization, but Jamie has done well in making important changes at Butler.” Jamie says it felt like an appropriate time to step away from her position and allow Danko to have more freedom in choosing his own provost. “The relationship between a president and provost is a marriage, and it’s better if it’s not an arranged marriage,” Jamie says. “It’s better as a marriage of choice.” In recent weeks, Jamie has been reviewing her time at the university. Her tenure, marked with both controversy and success, has taught her a lot about herself and other people and has brought see provost page 2


Photo by Maria Porter; logos from MCT

RIVALS COLLIDE BUTLER VS. NO. 8 XAVIER 9 p.m. at Hinkle Fieldhouse

Butler’s Record vs. Xavier Since 1937 All-time: 16-29 At Hinkle Fieldhouse: 12-10 When Xavier is ranked: 1-2 (4-4, 0-1 HL) Leading scorer: C. Hopkins, 12.3 ppg Starting center: A. Smith, 6-foot-11, 240 lbs Lost twice in overtime; lost two games to nationallyranked teams

27 games decided by 10 points or fewer Recent History: Dec. 9, 2010 Loss at Xavier, 51-49 Dec. 19, 2009 Win at home, 69-68


(6-0, 0-0 A10) Leading scorer: T. Holloway, 18 ppg Starting center: K. Frease, 7-foot, 275 lbs 10th best rebounding team in the nation; beat No. 19 Vanderbilt on the road



SGA executive board discusses progress so far Carroll said he has considered running for SGA president again next year. GRACE WALLACE


As the semester draws to a close, the short break allows Student Government Association Executive Board members time to reflect on their progress so far. Executive members said the biggest improvement to SGA is opening the weekly Assembly meetings to the entire campus. Vice president of operations Kelsa Reynolds said, “We have had the highest attendance at the SGA Assembly meetings that I can remember over the past three years. This is a direct result of assembly being open to anyone on campus.” Dan Schramm, vice president of finance, said the inclusion of students outside of representatives from the campus organizations has been a key factor in generating more participation and input from the larger Butler community. “I think opening up assembly to the entire campus has been a big improvement on years past,” he said. “If students want to take advantage of it, the opportunity is there for them to be more involved with SGA’s decision-making process.”

Schramm said within the executive board, the dynamic works well because people are not afraid to challenge or improve upon new ideas. “I think there is the perfect amount of disagreement on the board to produce good ideas without the massive inefficiency that typically characterizes bureaucracy,” he said. Schramm said he would like to see more participation on the financial aspect of the organization as well as giving a monthly budget update as outlined in the SGA constitution. “I hope next semester we get a lot more participation in grants, and we end up using all of the money that we have allotted to the grants line item,” he said. Schramm said he was previously unaware the budgets updates were supposed to occur on a monthly basis and that the update would be starting with the first Assembly meeting next semester. Vice president of programming Jon Himes said though the executive board was passionate about constantly improving the organization, he thought there could be a better way of involving general Assembly members. “I would like to see Assembly become more engaged, and I think that SGA Exec can do a better job of engaging Assembly members,” he said. Himes said the strengths of the executive board lie in their innovative pursuits to improve the


her happiness, she says. “Joy comes every single day,” she says. “Every day when I get up and get ready and come to work, I know for sure that I’m contributing to the greater good. I know for sure that I’m doing good for the Butler students and for the Butler faculty and staff that serve the students.” LANDING THE ROLE When she sent in an application to become Butler’s provost back in 2007, Jamie wasn’t on the hunt for a new job. She was enjoying her position as vice president of academic affairs at Millikin University, a private university with 2,400 undergraduates in Decatur, Ill., but applied for the Butler position at “the eleventh hour.” Butler’s former provost, Bill Berry, had just accepted the same position at the University of Dallas, leaving a spot up for grabs to work as President Bobby Fong’s right-hand man or woman. Fong had garnered a national reputation for his leadership capabilities, Jamie says, which attracted her. A search committee—headed by professor of finance Bill Templeton and Vice President for Student Affairs Levester Johnson—narrowed the candidates vying for the provost position down from 50 to three, a trio of women that included Jamie. “The provost has to be someone the president can work closely with, so it’s important to give him as much flexibility with the decision as possible,” Templeton told The Collegian in 2008. After a successful first-round interview at a hotel near the Indianapolis International Airport, Jamie was invited to an on-campus interview. “It’s just as much the campus interviewing you as it is you getting a feel for if the campus is the right fit for you,” she says. “I loved it here.” A little more than 12 months after the search began, university officials announced that Jamie would start her duties as provost on July 1, 2008. STRATEGIC PLANNER Jamie’s first mark on Butler’s academic legacy came right as students started their classes in the fall of 2008. As the school year started, the university’s strategic plan, a roadmap for Butler, started to flourish. “Dare to Make a Difference” was to serve as a guide for Butler from 2009-14. The Board of Trustees assessed the plan in February of 2008, and it had been adopted by the steering committee board, who presented it in an open forum to the Butler community in October. Jamie attended the forum, where the committee met opposition and frustration over some of the plan’s shortcomings—a lack of specific ideas and budgetary information. Jamie and the committee acknowledged the issues and went back to the drawing board to finalize the plan before the fall 2009 semester. Then, as she chaired Butler’s Strategic Plan Implementation Team of trustees, Jamie led work groups of Butler faculty and staff to put the plan’s priorities into practice. Part of the plan called for more student outreach into the community, including changes to the Indianapolis Community Requirements. Seeing it as an important aspect to student learning, Jamie oversaw the implementation of the requirement into the curriculum.

Photo by Maria Porter

The SGA Kick-Off is one of the events SGA has funded this semester. campus atmosphere for students. “I think this Exec board is very creative and willing to try new things,” he said. “For example, we sought out and implemented the SGA Shuttle tracking system, enabling students to see where the shuttle is at all times.” Student body president Al Carroll said he thought the direction SGA took this semester was a positive move toward making sure more people were getting involved and having a voice in the organization. Carroll said his wish for the spring semester is to ensure the organization is having meaningful conversations within their meeting times because he felt discussion sometimes fell short on deeper

“It’s a really strong statement to show how Butler blends its values,” she says. Throughout her time in office, Butler expanded joint ventures with Indianapolis Public Schools . Though a partnership with Shortridge Magnet School for Law and Public Policy was created shortly before she arrived, Jamie says she ensured that it continued to “flourish and solidify.” The connection Butler has made within the community over recent years is an accomplishment, Jamie says. “These are things the university should be proud of,” she says. “A lot has happened.” Now, despite his departure to lead Ursinus College as its 13th president, Fong describes Jamie’s impact in Butler’s academic division as productive. “I thoroughly enjoyed working with her during my time at Butler,” Fong says now. “She was one of the architects of the ‘Dare to Make a Difference’ strategic plan, and she has built a very strong deans team.” CREATING A COLLEGE One of Jamie’s biggest accomplishments, she says is the addition of the university’s sixth college—the College of Communication. In December 2009, faculty members from the Eugene S. Pulliam School of Journalism, the communication studies department and the media arts department created a committee to present the proposal for the creation of the new college. The seven-member committee pitched the proposal at the Dec. 8, 2009, Faculty Senate meeting. Under the plan, the three departments would be housed in one college to “better serve the students,” according to the proposal presentation. Jamie says that the university had been toying with the idea of combining the disciplines since the Fairbanks Center for Communication and Technology opened in 2001. Until the new proposal, attempts to converge the three departments had failed, “due to campus politics and financial reasons,” Jamie says. After a lengthy discussion in assembly, faculty senators debated whether or not to hold the deciding vote until the next week, but a majority of senators voted to keep the process going. Jamie says the speed of the creation is a misconception. “Sure, it happened fast if you think [the creation] started in 2009,” Jamie says. “But it didn’t happen fast if you realize that this plan started with the building of Fairbanks and actually fell apart.” After more than three months of meetings and discussion, senators put the proposal up for a vote. In the March 23, 2010, Faculty Senate meeting, senators raised concerns about what would happen to the existing colleges—the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the Jordan College of Fine Arts—if the three departments were to move out— taking with them the funding and the staff. David Waite was a faculty member in the communication studies department, which was, at that point, a part of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and says he had heard the arguments against the creation. “Creating a new college has a lot of built-in worries and concerns with it,” Waite, a professor of communication, now says of the vote. The discussion the senators were divided about centered around funding of the new college, which had a nearly $3 million price tag. “When the focus was on what was good for students, though, the conversation changed drastically,” Jamie says now. Senators passed the proposal 14-11-1. “When you’re doing something that includes a major structural change, 14-11 is a really good vote,” Waite says. When the proposal reached the Board of Trust-

issues. On the flip side, he said he thought the executive officers did a better job of balancing the opportunity to share opinions, but ensuring the meetings weren’t a waste of students’ time. Carroll said the most difficult obstacle was searching the span of SGA’s reach and understanding what was going on at the outskirts of the organization. “Sometimes it’s hard to know everything that’s going on, on all levels,” he said. “Each board has individual committees and groups and it’s kind of hard to know how far SGA’s reach goes.” Carroll said he has interest in rerunning for his role as student body president for the 2012-2013

ees for approval, it passed unanimously. “It’s hard not to see it as a showcase and lasting piece of progress for Butler,” Jamie says. She says she was in a unique position to provide leadership for the committee since she earned her doctorate in communication. “Because it’s my discipline, it was so easy for me to see how valuable it would be to pull these things together,” Jamie says. FACING CONTROVERSY Though Jamie has shared in the successes of the programs she’s overseen, her tenure has also been spotted with some controversy. After a controversial resignation of the chair for the Jordan College of Fine Arts school of music, Jamie, along with other members of the administration, was on the receiving end of scrutiny from people who felt the chair’s departure was unfair and buried from publicity to avoid negative feedback. On Dec. 25, 2008, an email sent to Jamie and the former dean of JCFA from an account belonging to “Soodo Nym” sparked a controversy for university officials. The email, which Fong deemed as threatening, set off a series of events that led to an eventual libel lawsuit that put Butler University in the media spotlight. In the email, the sender writes, “I haven’t forgotten the abuses of power and poor leadership you showed last semester. I know you wanted me (and all students) to forget over the holiday, but I assure you that I have not.” University officials later learned through a court-issued subpoena that the sender was thensophomore class president Jess Zimmerman, an operator behind TrueBU, a blog that offered commentary on some controversial Butler issues, including the resignation of the chair, Zimmerman’s stepmother, Andrea Gullickson. In the lawsuit Butler University v. John Doe, the plaintiff claimed that libelous statements about Jamie and other faculty members were harmful and threatening. Butler faced scrutiny from organizations, including Reporters Without Borders, who claimed the university was imposing on Zimmerman’s First Amendment rights. One statement the university claimed to be libelous was that Jamie is “unwilling to work with students unless she can see how the relationship will directly benefit her.” Jamie refuted the claim. “My overarching goal is to raise this to a level of conversation so people realize we can manage our free speech in a way that doesn’t hurt other people,” Jamie said in an interview with The Collegian on Oct. 28, 2009. The case was eventually settled out of court, with a strict confidentiality clause prohibiting all parties involved from speaking about the matter. LOOKING FORWARD Jamie says that she’s enjoyed her time as provost and has loved being a part of a community “that is so supportive.” During the Final Four last year in Houston, Jamie says she volunteered to act as a “stay-at-home mom” while others attended the games. “It was such great fun to stay on campus and be a part of the celebrations here,” she says. Jamie will still be part of that campus life. Next semester, she’ll be teaching students in the College of Communication. She says she’s not exactly sure what her career aspirations are. “I’m not going to say that I’m done,” Jamie says. “After nine years in an administrative role, I do think I need to step back and see what my future holds and what kind of things I want to be doing.”

school year, assuming the students would want him in that position again. “It’s hard to say,” he said. “It’s really hard to say. As far as running again, it’s something I’ve thought about and something I’m not ready to rule out quite yet. As far as me being at the helm of this organization, I think I could handle another year. But it depends a lot on whether students on campus want me to go another round.” Carroll said he’s going to take the next few weeks to ask where he can best serve the university. Whether that involves another presidency or taking a “backseat position,” he isn’t sure, but he said he will serve the students in some capacity.


Butler University President Jim Danko discussed the possible structure of the upcoming search for a new provost at the Faculty Senate meeting on Tuesday. The search would fill the position that will be left vacant by current Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Jamie Comstock, who has asked to step down at the end of December. Danko said the search committee will probably include about 14 or 15 members, nine of which would be faculty. The committee would decide its own chair. Danko said he would hope to have a committee assembled in January. In the meantime, he is taking suggestions for interim provost, who he said would serve as provost for six to 18 months. The wide time range allows for a search that Danko said should be extensive and focused on finding a good candidate. “We have to do this right,” he said. “You can’t just mess this up.” Danko also said he has not decided whether to bring in an outside firm to help guide the search, but there might be a middle ground where outside consultants could help the committee drawn in more candidates. “They would argue that they do a much better job at being aggressive and going out there and shaking trees and identifying candidates that may not respond to a blind ad,” he said. He said he also has not decided whether or not candidates would present to the campus. Faculty Senate Chair Margaret Brabant said the presidential search committee wrangled with the issue before eventually deciding to have a closed search. While he saw a mixed approach at Villanova, Danko said he would like the search committee to make the decision on whether or not to close the search. He said that the presidential search committee argued well that top candidates may desire secrecy to protect them in their current jobs and that closed searches serve a purpose. “The higher up [in] the food chain, the tougher it is for somebody to want to expose the fact that they’re running for another job,” he said. Danko said he would also hold open sessions for all faculty to offer insights on what they want in a leader and the organization of the provost’s office. He said he hopes these discussions will look forward. “I’m interested in the future, not necessarily revisiting the past in terms of the type of provost we should have,” he said.




The two remaining candidates in Butler University’s College of Communication dean search may have visited last month, but the final verdict is still uncertain. “We are now at a point in the search that necessitates my personal involvement and further discussion with key individuals, including candidates,” President Jim Danko told the Collegian. Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Jamie Comstock would normally select a new dean, but since she asked to step down, Danko will make the decision. “It doesn’t do significant damage to the process,” LAS Dean Jay Howard said of the change. Glenda Balas visited Butler Nov. 9-10 and Gary Edgerton visited Nov. 14-15. These visits consisted of open forums that allowed students and community members to interact with the candidates, meetings with faculty and administration and additional interviews with the search committee. Howard, chair of the search committee, said he was pleased with the results. “I thought there was good turnout at the open forums,” Howard said. “They both seemed very impressed with Butler, both faculty and students. I think Butler’s academic reputation helped us attract very strong

candidates.” Once the campus interviews were completed, the committee submitted formal reports about each candidate to Danko. He is responsible for making negotiations with the chosen candidate. Howard and Danko declined to comment on the committee’s recommendation. Christine Taylor, associate professor of communications and a member of the search committee, said it can be difficult to make the right selection. “It’s demanding of a faculty member to be unselfish and to think of what’s best for the college,” she said. Taylor has been on several dean search committees prior to the beginning of CCOM. She said that the major responsibilities of the committee are to narrow down the field of applicants and develop evaluations of the finalists, but the final decision isn’t ultimately theirs. Danko met with the CCOM faculty last Friday where he discussed the college’s future. “We had a very constructive meeting and discussion about the future of the college,” Danko said in a separate email. “I believe we all came away feeling extraordinarily positive about the future of CCOM and the importance of good leadership, in the person of the new dean, to assure the college’s success.”

Photo by Rachel Anderson

JCFA Dean Ronald Caltabiano meets with students in Lilly Hall Monday night to discuss keycard access on campus.


“And the same holds true for Fairbanks as well. It puts students at a disadvantage because they need access to those facilities when their schedule permits. “If all students feel this is an important matter for their education,

I hope to see this on student government’s contribution list. This is one instance where students have come together to make a change on campus, and SGA wants to provide as much help as possible.” The proposed change would come at a high cost. Even if the petition goes through, installing key card access to Lilly Hall will cost between $80,000 and $90,000 and won’t be installed until next summer at the earliest. At the

moment, it is first on the list of buildings to receive key card access and second on the list of general facilities projects. Jordan Hall’s roof problems are first. In the meantime, JCFA students said they are happy to see that their issue is being acknowledged by the university and hopeful for progress in the right direction. To check out the petition, visit www.change.org and search for “Lilly Hall key card access.”

GHS department to offer new study abroad option ALY MARTINEZ ALMARTI1@BUTLER.EDU


The global and historical studies department is hosting its first student-study tour to Cuba for 10 days from May 15-25, 2012. Students will study different sustainability issues in a three-credit course, “Sustainability & The Cuban Revolution,” taught by Craig Auchter, professor of political science.

Auchter will escort the group through five designated areas of the country. He said he previously took students to Cuba before former President George W. Bush made it more difficult to travel to the island. Auchter stressed that although most study abroad students typically receive a GHS credit while away, this particular trip does not satisfy the GHS requirement. He said the main reason is because the couse is above the 200 level. Sophomore Spanish major Cinthia

COE students come together for event Event programming was designed to give students a real-world experience. HAYLEIGH COLOMBO HCOLOMB@BUTLER.EDU


Butler University College of Education students collaborated Nov. 29 on a twice-annual event designed to foster discussion and professional problem solving. Known as Graduate/ Undergraduate Night, students designed and organized two one-hour sessions where 45 undergraduate students stepped into the role of teachers and 17 graduate students acted as administrators. “It simulates the real-world professional environment that we’re about to go into,” Sarah Allan, an undergraduate student who helped organize the event, said. COE faculty said they enjoy the mandatory event because they have seen positive outcomes from it. “Over time, we’ve noticed that it’s a great networking experience for the students, which is a nice benefit of it,” Marilyn Sudsberry, instructor of graduate programs in COE, said. Angela Lupton, elementary education instructor, said she enjoys the event and that the faculty members attend to appreciate the work that the students do. “This work really is the result of students planning every aspect of it, from the format to the rubrics,”

Lupton said. The two question-and-answer sessions mimicked a game of Trivial Pursuit, but instead of pop culture and history, students responded to issues of behavior management, academics and instruction, special education, parent communication and other issues that come up in an educational setting. The undergraduates presented curiosities and concerns that have come to light during their experiences student teaching, and the graduate students guided them to find their own ways of solving the issues in an appropriate administrative capacity. “They are empowering you to find your own answers,” Allan said. COE undergraduate student Emily Yingling talked about the issues of special education and inclusion that she currently faces in her student-teaching experience. Graduate student Cortnei Freeman offered advice and possible situations that could help Yingling, including addressing creative time management and meeting tactics. After the session, both the undergraduates and graduate students rated each other using rubrics that the students created themselves. Marcus Redick, a graduate student, said that he enjoyed the event. “We get to feed off each other and share some of the similarities that are happening,” Redick said.

CORRECTIONS The Butler Collegian corrects its mistakes. Please contact editor in chief Hayleigh Colombo at collegian@butler.edu with any questions. - In “Upgrades continue for Butler facilities” (Nov. 16), baseball additions were reported incorrectly as costing approximately $900,000. They will cost approximately $100,000. - In “Knowning after 9 steps“ (Oct. 26), Megan Cullen was incorrectly identified as a sophomore. She is a junior.

McGuire said she plans to apply for the trip. She said this is a great opportunity to go to Cuba, especially because of Cuba’s strained relationship with the United States. “Since I am a Spanish major, I am looking forward to practicing with native speakers,” McGuire said. Paul Hanson, professor of history, explained that the Mitchell-Hall endowment is supporting the trip. Hanson said they want to deepen students’ immersion in culture by actually

being there. “We are excited for this, and we hope students will be too,” Hanson said. McGuire said the parameters of the trip have put her at ease. “Knowing that I will be traveling with a group from Butler, I feel a lot safer,” McGuire said. Applications must be submitted to Laura Cobb by Jan. 25, 2012 in order to be considered for the trip, along with the $1,250 cost that is necessary to attend.



the butler

The best places to study. The best ways to avoid the stress. The best ways to make it out alive.


finals survival guide six steps of success Check out these study tips to help lead to a successful finals week. 1. NOT ALL STUDY SPACES ARE CREATED EQUALLY.—”An ideal study space should be distraction-free and a place where you have all your needs right there,” Learning Resource Center student specialist Mia Morrison said. 2. MANAGE YOURSELF.—”Come up with a plan for what you need to study for each class,” Morrison said. 3. FIND A STUDY STYLE THAT WORKS FOR YOU.—Some people, like senior international studies major Anna January, said that flash cards and recopying notes are helpful methods for her. Other students, like junior psychology major Jordan Dolson, said they try to avoid “cram sessions.” 4. SET A TIMER.—Setting a timer is a way to keep track of time better, Morrison said. “Students can use break times as a reward,” she said. “Get on Facebook or go get coffee.” 5. STAY ORGANIZED.—Junior public relations major Stephanie Hodgin said organization is key for her. “There is nothing worse than forgetting a huge paper until the day before,” she said, “or realizing that there was more to an assignment than you first thought.” 6. DON’T BE AFRAID TO ASK FOR HELP.—The Learning Resource Center is there to help students feel more prepared for finals week, Morrison said. Its academic success coaches are there to help students create goals for themselves. For students looking for more information, the Learning Resource Center’s last finals workshop is today at 4 p.m. in JH183.

finding the right study space KATIE YOUNGEN & BROOKE DEADY


There are places all around campus that have yet to be completely discovered by many students, making them the perfect study locations on campus. While walking from Starbucks to Jordan Hall, it might seem like there is a greenhouse on the third floor of Jordan. That is actually a study lounge in the political science department, open for all students. This study lounge in JH339 is equipped with five to six tables, a few soft chairs, vending machines and a microwave. The glass, greenhouse-like ceiling gives a view of Atherton Union and Schwitzer Hall. For any students who are foreign language majors or minors, the Modern Language Center is an appropriate place for quiet study time or some collaboration work between groups for foreign language classes. There are tables and soft spaces in the center, and plenty of resources to help with the study process. The Pharmacy and Health Sciences Building is loaded with study spaces. There are hidden soft spaces off of the main hallways, and many tables and chairs

Students study in Irwin Library. can be found between whiteboards in the new part of the building. These secluded spaces keep students out of the line of passersby. There are also a few small rooms, like PB305, that are furnished with a computer, a table and a few soft chairs. In the basement of the Pharmacy and Health Sciences Building is the student lounge, which is designated as a quiet area. There are white boards, tables and chairs,

stressing less Peers Advocating Wellness for Students (PAWS), the Department of Recreation and the Learning Resource Center have coordinated activities and events for Stress Less Week, which is going on this week. “The goal [of Stress Less Week] is to expose students to opportunities to reduce stress, like healthy eating, physical activity, puppies and yoga,” said Sarah Barnes-Diaz, health education and outreach programs coordinator. Barnes-Diaz also said these activities are accessible on campus.

Photo by Rachel Anderson

as well as section dividers to keep students separated and eliminate distractions. Like JH339, there are vending machines and microwaves located in the student lounge for those late-night study sessions that may require a quick pick-me-up. When it may seem like all the good study spaces have been taken over by what seems like the entire student population, keep an eye out for that jewel of a spot in the most secluded area of a building.

It is important to find something that works for you and makes you feel good and then find it on campus. Stress Less Week is all about giving students healthy stress management options. Barnes-Diaz said the activities and events that seem the most popular every year are Playtime with Puppies and chair massages. Chair massages are being held today from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Playtime with Puppies is on Thursday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. On Thursday evening, there will be paper on the tables in Atherton Union for students to “doodle at dinner,” then later that night at the Health and Recreation Complex, there will be a candlelight swim from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m.





Bulldogs open league play with OT loss Nored paces Butler with 17 points, but the Crusaders prove to be too much. MATT RHINESMITH MRHINESM@BUTLER.EDU ASST. SPORTS EDITOR The Butler men’s basketball team opened Horizon League play against Valparaiso at Hinkle Fieldhouse this past Saturday, falling 77-71 in overtime. Senior guard Ronald Nored, normally a vocal leader and defensive standout, took the role of main offensive option against the Crusaders. Nored led the Bulldogs (4-4, 0-1) with 17 points in 40 minutes of play. He also posted six rebounds and six assists. “The bottom line is he tries to do whatever it takes to be successful,” coach Brad Stevens said. “He’s the best of the best, and we’re lucky that he’s here.” Junior forward and community college transfer Richie Edwards led the Crusaders (6-2, 1-0) with 18 points and three rebounds off the bench. The Bulldogs were able to pull down 22 offensive rebounds, but many of them were a result of their poor shooting under the basket. “The difference in the game

is they finished, and we didn’t,” Stevens said. Butler went to the half down 3932 despite Nored and sophomore guard Chrishawn Hopkins each scoring seven points. Hopkins would go on to score just one more point after suffering an apparent ankle injury. “He was OK to play, but he didn’t look very good moving,” Stevens said. Junior center Andrew Smith started the game but only contributed three points and three rebounds while battling foul trouble. He picked up his fifth foul at the 3:15 mark in the second half and watched the rest of the game from the bench. Freshman center Kameron Woods recorded his second double-double of the season in Smith’s absence, tallying 10 points and collecting 11 rebounds in 32 minutes of play. On the opposite bench, junior forward Ryan Broekhoff also recorded a double-double, contributing 13 points and 12 rebounds for Valparaiso. “I really commend the guys,” Broekhoff said. “We really just worked hard and battled.” Butler found itself facing a fivepoint deficit with five minutes remaining in the second half.

The Bulldogs fought back, tying the game at 64 when Nored hit a free throw with 20 seconds remaining. Nored had a chance to secure the victory for the Bulldogs, but Crusaders junior guard Erik Buggs knocked the ball away, sending the game to overtime. “Buggs did a good job. He got his hand in there and stripped it away,” Nored said. “He just made a good defensive play.” Valparaiso controlled play in the extra period and eventually came out victorious. Earlier in the week, the Bulldogs hosted Oakland City, taking care of the Mighty Oaks (4-3) 98-53. The point total was the highest in nearly a decade for Butler, with six players scoring at least 10 points. Freshman Andrew Smeathers electrified the Hinkle Fieldhouse crowd while scoring all 17 of his points in the final 10 minutes. He seemingly could not miss, shooting 71 percent from behind the arc. “He had a good competitive level,” Stevens said. “I thought he was really aggressive and did a lot of really good things. And obviously he can really shoot.” Freshman guard Maurice Fuller led the Mighty Oaks with 20 points in 40 minutes of play. The schedule gets no easier


for the Bulldogs, as they host the nationally-ranked Xavier Musketeers tonight at 9 p.m. “I think our schedule over the next five games is one of the toughest in the nation,” Stevens said. The Musketeers (6-0) are

currently eighth in the nation and are coming off a 66-63 victory over Purdue. That game saw Xavier overcome a 19-point deficit to beat the Boilermakers. Tonight’s game will be televised nationally on ESPN.


Aussie adapts to Indy




Butler University has gone down under. But not in a bad way. This fall, freshman basketball recruit Jackson Aldridge arrived on campus from Sydney, Australia. He said a connection to coach Brad Stevens and a pivotal win helped him get on the U.S. radar. “My national team coach back in Australia knew Brad briefly,” Aldridge said. “Then my national team played a tournament in Germany, and we knocked America out. I ended up getting named to the All-Star Five in the tournament, and the recruiting really picked up from there.” Jackson was not only courted by Butler. He also received interest from Creighton, Washington State, Michigan and Marquette, among others. Unlike what some might believe, he committed before Butler’s improbable run of backto-back appearances in national championships. Aldridge said his decision to attend Butler over the other

Photo by Maria Porter

Butler senior guard Ronald Nored (right) goes for a layup over Valparaiso junior guard Erik Buggs during the Bulldogs’ 77-71 overtime loss to the Crusaders on Saturday.

Photo by Maria Porter

Butler freshman guard Jackson Aldridge (right), seen here in a game against Valparaiso, is playing basketball roughly 9,300 miles from his hometown of Sydney, Australia. interested schools was “not even close.” “I knew Coach Stevens was legitimate and cared not just about basketball but for you as an individual as well,” Aldridge said. The atmosphere is not the only thing that is different for the Aussie. The style of play typically differs in the United States compared to the rest of the world, according to Aldridge. Some of this is a direct result of different rules being used internationally, such as FIBA—a French acronym that translates to International Basketball Federation. Another difference, according to

GETTING TO KNOW JACKSON ALDRIDGE Major: Finance Favorite animal: Platypus Favorite American food: Buffalo Wild Wings

Favorite class: Robotics Engineering Favorite artist: Rihanna Biggest inspiration: His sister

Photo from MCT

Aldridge, involves the individuals he faces on the court here. “There are some really talented individuals here,” Aldridge said. “Everyone is much more athletic. The main difference is the body type of the guys playing.” Even with the enlarged competition, Aldridge is not afraid to utilize a dribble-drive to attack the interior of the defense on his way to the basket. He credits this fearless attitude to growing up playing rugby, usually against bigger individuals. The different style of play initially created a small learning curve to a new ritual because “every night you have to be back up the next day,” he said. However, the biggest adjustment in leaving Australia to come stateside has nothing to do with basketball. “Obviously, I moved away from my family and friends, and it has been hard to adjust,” he said. When asked about his future and whether he would move back to Australia or remain here, a small smile crept across his face as he declined to give a definitive answer. “I honestly don’t know right now because it’s only my first year here,” he said. “I don’t have any plans right now, and I’m just going to see how it goes.”

While the Blue and Gold Meet at Notre Dame was not scored, the school records set by members of the Butler track and field team on Friday are officially in the books. Three Bulldogs came away from the season-opening event with four Butler records in their respective events. Perhaps the least surprising of these new marks came from junior Kirsty Legg, who, prior to the meet, held the school record in the 3,000-meter run. Legg shattered her previous record of 9:30.07 by finishing the event in a time of 9:19.60. The time allowed her to claim victory in the event. She finished nearly eight seconds ahead of Butler junior Katie Clark, whose runner-up time of 9:27.09 was also fast enough to break Legg’s old record. Two Bulldog freshmen, Nicole Hudec and Kelly Davidson, opened their collegiate track and field careers by setting school records in the meet. Hudec made her presence felt by



setting new marks for two Butler records. Hudec posted a mark of 36-1 in the triple jump, breaking the previous record of 34-5/100 set in 1998. The showing earned her a second-place finish in the event. “I’ve been training really hard all fall, and my training paid off,” Hudec said. “I ended up doing really well and broke the school record.” Hudec also recorded the best long jump in Butler history with a jump of 17-5, topping the mark of 16-10 3/4 held by two individuals. The leap was good for fourth place in the event. Davidson also brought the spotlight to the Lady Bulldog sprinters with her record-setting performance in the 200-meter dash. Her time of 26.17 seconds beat the mark of 26.64 seconds set in 1998 and brought her an 11th-place finish in the contest. “We’ve definitely been training hard all fall,” Davidson said. “All of those hills and reps we had to do definitely helped me accomplish [the record].” Other strong

LEGG showings came from freshman Mara Olson, who was victorious in the 800-meter run, and junior Lauren McKillop, who made her way to a runnerup finish in the onemile run. On the men’s side, Butler received a runner-up performance from sophomore Craig Jordan in the 3,000-meter run and a third-place finish from senior Madison Roeder in the same event. Sophomore Alex Berry also had a top-five finish by placing fourth in the 400-meter dash. The Bulldogs will head to the Eastern Illinois Early Bird meet on Dec. 9 to continue their indoor season. In the same meet last season, the Butler men had nine top 10 finishes. The meet will be unscored.

Long-term injuries in sports | Page 6 Battle of the student governments | Page 6 Hawkins becomes All-American | Page 7



Long-term injuries take toll




The Butler women’s basketball team suffered another setback yesterday, falling 49-46 at Indiana State. The game marked the sixth straight loss for the Bulldogs (1-7). Of those six losses, five have been decided by 10 points or fewer. The Sycamores (5-3) got off to a quick start, taking an 8-1 lead after the first five minutes. However, Butler freshman forward Haley Howard and junior forward Becca Bornhorst accounted for the Bulldogs’ next 13 points, pulling Butler within two. Howard scored a gamehigh 17 points. Bornhorst, in her third game back after an injury, posted 14 points in 22 minutes of work, including a 3-pointer before halftime to cut the Bulldogs’ deficit to just one.

“We’ve made progress in areas we’ve been working on,” Bornhorst said, “such as boxing out and having ball pressure on defense. We just have yet to play a full 40 minutes being completely focused on the little things.” Butler focused on those little things in the second half and appeared primed to snap its losing streak, leading 4443 with 2:31 remaining. But, four straight Indiana State free throws gave the Sycamores a three-point lead. Trailing 49-46 with just four seconds remaining, senior guard Devin Brierly misfired on the front end of a one-and-one. Bornhorst’s ensuing 3-pointer fell off the mark, allowing the Sycamores to pick up their third consecutive win. “You certainly don’t want to be [1-7], but when you look on the tape and on the floor, I feel like our players are getting better,” coach Beth Couture said. “Our kids are


Photo by Maria Porter

Butler freshman guard Hannah Douglas (right), seen here against St. Francis, had a career-high 15 points Saturday versus Bowling Green. playing really hard right now, but we’re just making a lot of mistakes.” Three days earlier, the Bulldogs fell to the Bowling Green Falcons 71-61. Butler trailed by just five at halftime, but the Falcons (5-2) pulled away, leading by as many as 17 points in the second half. Freshman guard Hannah Douglas led Butler with a career-high 15 points on

6-of-8 shooting. Douglas also pulled down a team-best five rebounds. “We asked Hannah to be more aggressive and look to score,” Couture said. “She and all of our freshmen are bright spots. It’s just a matter of getting them all on the same page at the same time.” The Bulldogs will host Ball State this Friday at 7 p.m. in Hinkle Fieldhouse.


There is a lot riding on next week’s non-conference men’s basketball game between Butler and Purdue. For Butler Student Government Association President Al Carroll and Purdue Student Government Association President Brett Highley, the game’s result will determine which one of them has to don the opposing team’s gear. The individual who comes out on the

losing end of the wager will be forced to wear a T-shirt, temporary tattoo and face paint in support of the other team at his next SGA meeting. “When we saw they were meeting up at the Crossroads Classic, we thought it would be the perfect opportunity for something like this,” Carroll said. Of course, neither Carroll nor Highley expects to be the loser of the bet. “Al and I both agree that he looks incredibly stylish in gold and black, so this wager was really a no-brainer,” Highley said.

Carroll said that he is “pretty confident in our Dawgs.” “I know the basketball team wouldn’t put me through [wearing Purdue gear],” Carroll said. Such a wager was a first for both Carroll and Highley, although both said they would be open to similar proposals with other schools in the future. Highley summed up both men’s thoughts on the bet in one sentence. “The tattoo may be temporary, but I assure you the thrill of victory shall long endure,” Highley said.

College athletes begin their seasons with high hopes for success, but for a few, their hopes are crushed by athletic injuries. While injuries don’t affect an overwhelming number of Butler student-athletes, a few cannot escape the inevitable. Ryan Galloy, head athletic trainer, said he sees some season-ending injuries but not a lot of career-ending injuries because Butler athletes dedicate themselves to the recovery process. “We’ve had some kids that, if they didn’t have the heart and the hard work and the work ethic that they have, they would’ve had a career-ending injury,” Galloy said. “They were able to push themselves and persevere.” Sarah Hamm, a sophomore center for the Butler women’s basketball team, found out personally about the reality of a serious injury. Hamm sustained an ACL, MCL and meniscus injury at the beginning of conference play as a freshman last January. She said she was initially unaware of the severity of her injury but quickly learned that it would change the dynamic of her season. “I was really worried about the season and whether I could play or not,” Hamm said. “It was kind of an emotional blow.”

Casey Sines, a junior middle blocker on the Butler volleyball team who sustained a shoulder injury, also said season-ending injuries take a mental toll on athletes. After her injury, Sines said it took her a while to feel comfortable with her shoulder again. “I kept babying it for a really long time,” she said. “I kept swinging at half speed instead of going after it. It took a lot longer for me to heal mentally than it did physically.” Although an injury appears to be a wholly negative experience for an athlete, sometimes it proves to be a learning experience. “I got smarter watching the game,” Sines said. “I raised my volleyball IQ— my sports IQ—just from watching the game a lot and watching drills and seeing things you don’t necessarily see when you’re out there playing. “ While injured athletes are still vital members of their teams, teammates and coaches said they aim to make the athletes feel like contributors to the team. Beth Couture, Butler’s women’s basketball coach, said it’s important for an injured athlete to still feel involved. “To keep them involved and feeling part of the team can be really tough,” Couture see INJURY page 12




RotoDawg: Butler’s source for fantasy football

Hawkins wins AllAmerican

Time for the playoffs

Through sweat, tears and watching countless hours of football, the time has finally come for the JERREN much-anticipated FAIR fantasy football playoffs. Luckily I was able to make the playoffs in all three of my leagues. Hopefully at least one of these teams will pull through and win me a year of bragging rights over my league mates. Here are some things that you can do to best prepare your team for success in the playoffs. Listen to absolutely no one other than yourself when making decisions on whom to sit and whom to start. At this time of the year, you have to make your own decisions, otherwise the blame for your loss will be attributed to someone else. Trust your gut instincts, whether that is to ride your mid-season waiver wire pickup or to sit your first-round draft pick. Do not let the advice of so-called experts play into your decision making for such a crucial decision at a critical time. With that being said, I will provide some random and potentially beneficial food for thought in the form of statistics. Tennessee Titans running back Chris Johnson rushed for 153 yards on Sunday. This was Johnson’s third 100-yard rushing performance in his last four games. CJ also had two scores for the first time since Week 5 in 2010. Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow is 5-0 in his last five games, with four of those wins coming on the road. During that stretch, Tebow has yet to throw an interception. Seattle Seahawks running back Marshawn Lynch has totaled 456 rushing yards, 79 receiving yards and five touchdowns in his last four games. Top overall pick and Carolina Panthers rookie quarterback Cam Newton wrote his name in the history books on Sunday. Newton now has the most rushing touchdowns by a QB in a single season with 13. Interestingly enough, Newton also leads all players this year in rushing touchdowns. Entering Sunday, San Francisco kicker David Akers led all kickers in total points. On Sunday, he kicked four more field goals, all four of which occurred inside 36 yards. New England Patriots running back BenJarvus Green-Ellis has 156 carries so far this season. Miami Dolphins running back Reggie Bush has 155. There are seven tight ends in the top 20 receivers for total receptions: Jimmy Graham (New Orleans Saints), Tony Gonzalez (Atlanta Falcons), Rob Gronkowski (Patriots), Jason Witten (Dallas Cowboys), Fred Davis (Washington Redskins), Brandon Pettigrew (Detroit Lions) and Kellen Winslow (Tampa Bay Buccaneers). Graham is second in the league in receptions behind Patriots wide receiver Wes Welker. Gronkowski has the most receiving touchdowns in the league with 13. Lions wide receiver Calvin Johnson is second in the league in both receiving yards and receiving touchdowns. Cleveland Browns wide receiver Greg Little and Cincinnati Bengals wide receiver A.J. Green are tied for most receptions by a rookie with 50. Of those quarterbacks who have thrown at least 400 passes, only four have fewer than 10 interceptions: Aaron Rodgers (Green Bay Packers), Colt McCoy (Browns), Joe Flacco (Baltimore Ravens), and Tony Romo (Cowboys). The Indianapolis Colts give up the most points per game (29.8), while the San Francisco 49ers give up the fewest (13.4). Contact staff writer Jerren Fair at jfair@butler.edu.


Photo from Butler Sports Information Department

Sophomore Callum Hawkins, seen completing in the national meet, won the honor of All-American with his 26th-place showing in the competition.

Sophomore Callum Hawkins ended his cross country season with an AllAmerican finish at the NCAA Division I Men’s Cross Country Championship in Terre Haute on Nov. 21. Hawkins finished the 10-kilometer race in 26th place with a time of 29:56.4. Arizona freshman Lawi Lalang held the fastest time of 28:44.1. Butler sophomore Ross Clarke also competed in the national meet and finished 136th with a time of 31:05.6 The top 40 finishers were awarded All-American honors. Hawkins was the first Butler runner to earn AllAmerican status since Andy Baker in 2008.

The All-American honor was one of several awards Hawkins earned this season. He recorded first-place finishes at the Horizon League Championship and the Great Lakes Region Championship. Overall, Hawkins had five top 10 finishes this season. Hawkins was the first Bulldog to win the regional meet since 1998. He was also named 2011 Men’s Athlete of the Year in the Great Lakes Region and, most recently, was recognized as the men’s 2011 Horizon League Cross Country Athlete of the Year. Sophomore Shelbi Burnett was named the women’s 2011 Horizon League Cross Country Athlete of the Year following her victory in the Horizon League Championship meet.


Bulldogs reload with new recruiting classes



The Butler baseball and softball teams inked the newest commits to their respective teams during the NCAA early signing period last month. The baseball team added Nick Bartolone, Chris Marras, Nick Saldutti and Drew Small to their squad for the 2013 season. Each player hails from the Midwest, with all but one coming from Indiana. Bartalone is expected to be an outfielder for the Bulldogs and is coming off back-toback all-conference selections as he enters his senior season at Harrison High School in West Lafayette. “He’s a left-handed hitting power guy,” coach Steve Farley said. “Nick’s going to get bigger and stronger, and he’s got a good chance to be one of our starting outfielders pretty quick.” Marras joins the Bulldogs after a successful high school career in the Chicago suburb of Vernon Hills. Along with being selected team MVP and named team captain at VHHS, Marras also played

summer ball with Top Tier, a premier summer team that also claims several current Bulldogs as alumni. “We looked at a lot of different catchers and felt like he was a good fit for us,” Farley said. “Catcher is an important position, he’s got a good, strong arm, and he reminds me of some of the better players we’ve had in the past.” Saldutti hails from Westfield, a northern Indianapolis suburb, and plays first base while batting as a powerful left-hander. Saldutti hit .471 over the summer playing for the Indiana NorthStars. “He started to really stand out as one of the better first basemen over the summer, and he really likes Butler,” Farley said. Small will join the Bulldogs as a versatile all-purpose player. Small earned all-state honorable mention status last year and looks to contribute to his Zionsville High School baseball team, which is coached by former Butler coach John Zangrilli, during his senior season.

“He’s a really good athlete and comes from a good family,” Farley said. “He’s a good leadoff man type of guy, a really good team player.” On the other diamond, the softball team added five players at the early signing deadline. Four players are from Indiana and one is from Colorado. Alex Kotter, Chelsea Conover, Audrey East, Taylor Lockwood and Kristin Gutierrez will join the Bulldogs starting in 2013. Kotter is a first team all-state selection out of Vincennes Lincoln High School and holds a career batting average of .615. “She’s a very talented hitter,” coach Scott Hall said. “She’s a very good athlete, and she’s very fluid with everything.” Conover hails from Brownsburg and will give the Bulldogs a boost in the speed department. She led her team in stolen bases last year, along with on-base percentage and runs scored. “She fits what we are looking for, and speed doesn’t take a day off,” Hall said. East will provide some

power to the Butler attack next year. She led New Palestine high school in home runs, doubles and walks while helping lead the team to a state title in 2009. “With us graduating two catchers this year, we needed someone to fill those shoes,” Hall said. Lockwood rounds out the local recruits and will bring depth to the Bulldog pitching attack. A 2011 Indianapolis Star Super Team honoree, Lockwood went 17-4 on the mound for Southport High School last season. “She’s a kid who can increase her strength, movement and velocity in the circle, and she can definitely be a factor for us pitching,” Hall said. Gutierrez will come to Butler from Colorado, and she will provide a lefthanded pitching presence for the Bulldogs. She led her conference not only in strikeouts but also in hitting. “She gives us another option as a left-handed pitcher,” Hall said. “She fits the Butler Way motto, and we are really excited to have her.”

A&E A very Butler HOliday





What would the holidays at Butler University sound like if it weren’t for the blaring musical stylings of “Dominick the Donkey” coming from the windows of Tau Kappa Epsilon? Played all day, every day, from after Thanksgiving through the first of the year, this beloved campus holiday tradition began in 1986 and shows no signs of stopping. Brant Vogt, a senior secondary English education major and TKE member, said that the Italian donkey might take a little getting used to but to the

students, especially upperclassmen, the voice of this little guy represents a distinct holiday spirit. “No matter what mood I’m in, when I walk up to my front porch, I have a smile on my face because it’s on,” Vogt said. Vogt isn’t the only one smiling. Katie Palmer, a sophomore international studies, Spanish and strategic communication major and a Resident Assistant in Schwitzer Hall, loves the tradition so much, she began a #FreeDominick campaign on Twitter when she didn’t hear the song playing right away. “‘Dominick’ brings people together, whether they sing it together or talk about how much

they want to steal TKE’s speakers because they can’t take listening to it anymore,” Palmer said. Vogt said that any complaints he receives about the song are from those who haven’t yet given it a chance, and Palmer agreed. “I know a couple of my residents that started out as haters have grown to like hearing the song,” Palmer said. During this busy time of finals and holiday shopping, take a moment to walk in step to the melody of Butler’s favorite Italian Christmas donkey.


Photos by Reid Bruner, Rachel Anderson and Anne Carpenter

Shop For a college student at during the holidays, two things are generally true: cash is short and there is no time to buy gifts. This shopping guide gives the best of the Butler Bookstore, from gifts for dad to goodies for your furry, fourlegged friend, these suggestions have you covered, no matter what your budget. For those of you buying for your younger siblings, try these spirited gifts: • Super-soft stuffed animal Blue (rumor has it that the real Blue II

loves this) : $18 Butler baby booties: $8 • Toddler hooded sweatshirt: $24 The best options for dad will keep him looking great and organized at the office: • “Butler University Dad” T-shirt: $16 • Blue II calendar: $5.95 • Butler University bistro mug: $11.95 These thoughtful gifts are sure to put some holiday joy in mom’s stocking: • Butler holiday ornament: $9.95 • Butler University wine glasses: $24 • Butler University print art: $39 For your best friend, at school or otherwise, spread some Butler cheer with these: • Sweatshirt blanket •

(favorite): $36 Butler gnome (for those with a sense of humor): $25 • T-shirt: $14.95 Don’t forget, mom and dad are shopping for you too. Here are some of the big ticket items we think should be on your list: • Replica basketball jersey: $60 • Sweatshirt quilt: $120 • Nike polo: $50 Last but not least, don’t forget about man’s best friend (who is always the most excited to see you upon arrival home for break): • Butler Rawhide Dog Bone: $9.95 •

With break fast approaching, be sure to stop into the bookstore to check out these items and more.

Rejoice Traditions are Butler University’s specialty, and the “Nutcracker” and “Dominick” are far from its only holiday rituals. “Rejoice!,” the annual concert from the School of Music, features the University Choir, the Butler Chorale and the Butler Symphony Orchestra in an event to

celebrate the holidays. This year marks the 26th anniversary of the ever-growing event, which last year brought in an audience of 4,000 in a two-night span. Highlights this year include Eric Stark, professor of music, and Tom Studebaker, the new professor of voice,

performing “Gloria” with the Symphony Orchestra, as well as music from “The Polar Express” and “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” The Arthur Jordan Saxophone Quartet will provide music in the lobby before the show and during intermission.

GIVE BACK Be sure to head to the Butler University Police Department to participate in another Butler holiday tradition by donating toys to the “Toys for Tots” toy drive. BUPD has been

doing it for 15 years and will help distribute the new and unwrapped toys to the needy families of Indianapolis. BUPD also will be collecting toys at the university holiday party on Dec. 16.

The Butler Arts and Entertainment Calendar 7 ART NOW 5 p.m. Reilly Room

8 ART NOW 9 a.m. Reilly Room

9 Rejoice! 8 p.m. Clowes Memorial Hall

10 Rejoice! 8 p.m. Clowes Memorial Hall

11 No events scheduled

12 No events scheduled

13 No events scheduled



Butler grads seek to break female sexuality misconceptions

Photos courtesy of art+design program

Poster (left) designed by senior Maria Porter. Show has works from (from top): Mia Cortopassi, freshman elementary education major, Hannah Mills, freshman education major, and Anne Gouty, freshman arts administration major.



Long hours of memorizing facts can make any brain feel overworked and ready to revolt. The art + design program has one solution for eyes that cannot look at numbers and facts any longer. ART NOW, premiering tonight, is a student art show featuring a myriad of works by more than 100 participating Butler University students. “It’s a showcase of student artwork on campus, encompassing lots of different approaches, media

and points of view,” said Gautam Rao, associate professor of art. “The show is always current, fresh, urgent and new.” ART NOW will feature many types of art from wearable design and interactive artwork to sculpture and collage. It’s open to any artist or artwork regardless of college or major, Rao said. Works from students taking design classes in the College of Communication will also be in the show, he said. In addition, each art + design major—and some minors—will have their own

personal showcase. One of these students is senior art + design and strategic communication major Laura Kramer, the current art + design program intern. “ART NOW is a terrific way for students to share what they have been working on with the rest of Butler’s campus,” Kramer said. “There’s always a great variety of works shown, and the students here are really talented. The art program has grown tremendously even since my freshman year here, and I’m looking forward to its growth.”

ART NOW WHAT: Myriad sculptures, paintings, collages and more from your artisticallyprone peers. WHEN: Wednesday, Dec. 7 from 4-7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 8 from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. WHERE: Atherton Union Reilly Room

CAITLIN O’ROURKE COROURKE@BUTLER.EDU A&E EDITOR Throughout history, there have been many misconceptions about female sexuality and female orgasms. Greenfield’s own AnC Movies—and its wealth of Butler University alumni— set out to fix that, with musical numbers. The film “Science, Sex, and the Ladies” seeks to give female sexuality a new voice. Those behind it describe it as a new type of nonfiction movie. Their heavily researched argument is narrated and acted out by an ensemble cast. “I think that any film that cuts through assumptions, misconceptions or just plain ignorance in order to lay out the facts for its viewers is important,” said composer Nathaniel Blume, music composition ‘03. “Female sexuality is particularly overlooked and unappreciated in our culture, and this film holds nothing back as it tackles each aspect of the topic.” Butler brains are the ones behind the endeavor: director Trisha Borowicz, chemistry ‘02; choreographer Heidi Keller Phillips, dance performance ’95; and Blume, are all Butler graduates, along with three of the actresses: Joanna Winston, theater ’08; Abigail Wright, theater ’08; and Katie Sheets, theater ’07. The movie is a result of research mostly done by Borowicz, inspired by a philosophy of biology class and an introduction to gender studies class she took her senior year at Butler. As her ideas progressed more and more after talking to her two other directors and founders of AnC Movies, Borowicz’s idea became a movie specifically about female orgasms. The movie takes the

audience through detailed descriptions of physical sexual release, discusses the origins of American ideas of female sexuality, investigates popular scientific theories about sex and explores the world of pornography and its impact. “It’s at times enlightening, at times reassuring and often times shocking, all the while having fun with itself and the viewer,” Blume said. Despite their humor, though, the people behind “Science, Sex, and the Ladies” mean business. Their website states implicitly that they are not some paycable sexumentary full of unsubstantiated arguments. The people working for the movie said they are grateful that Borowicz gave so much time and effort to making the movie just right. “[Borowicz’s] writing made the information accessible, something that text regarding sexual experience, growth, experimentation or history of female sexual experience often leaves one wanting,” Winston said. The movie troupe recently started a 30-day Kickstarter fund-raiser—the largest online funding platform for creative projects. They are trying to raise $20,000 to finish the movie. At press time, they had 70 backers and $6,140 pledged—including a pledge from author and long-time female sexuality activist Betty Dodson. “The money we raise is going toward our score and sound finalization,” Borowicz said. “The movie is finished, essentially, except for the score. We wanted to do it the way it should be done. Sound is notoriously overlooked in indie movies, and we didn’t want to make that mistake.” For more information about the movie, visit sciencesexandtheladies.com.

Student theater piece shows wit, talent KEVIN VOGEL KJVOGEL@BUTLER.EDU


The student-produced play “Pieces,” which ran Friday and Saturday, was yet another fine work courtesy of Butler University’s theater department. The short work, written and directed by fifthyear theater major Lauren Thorne, follows a young woman fighting the pain of a debilitating disability in the hospital while her mind tries to escape its harsh reality. Thorne herself is disabled, and she used her own experiences to color the narrative. “‘Pieces’ is kind of a multimedia representation of my constantly fluctuating journey,” she wrote in her program notes. She said the play was a great personal achievement. “Being who I am, I knew myself pretty well, but [‘Pieces’] has brought me to a place where I actually appreciate myself,” Thorne said. “There are stories only I can tell.” Thorne, in her debut as a playwright, has crafted “Pieces” into a succinct, relevant and personal exploration into the mind’s relationship with the body during times of stress. In a wise decision, Thorne wrote three “characters” to represent the young woman:

one playing the Mind, another the Body, with a third being a synthesis of the two who exists as an outside voice. Alaina Bartkowiak, a sophomore vocal performance major who played the Body, said it was a challenge to get all three actors to function as one person. “We had to work to understand each other’s thoughts,” she said. In the end, the actors were supremely successful. Their chemistry and timing allowed Thorne’s witty dialogue to come across marvelously clear. Indeed, the cleverness of the play was its most impressive feature. The set design, with puzzling elements like a deflated birthday balloon draped over the hospital bed and clothespins hanging from the ceiling, was extremely well integrated in the script. Each element served its own function in developing the characters and advancing the narrative. Each element was so wellincorporated that the play might have benefited from more ambiguity and nonsequitur elements. Quinn Leary, a junior theater major, said the play demonstrated Thorne’s characteristic wit. “I am so proud of Lauren,”

Photos courtesy of AnC Movies

Butler theater grads (from left) Abigail Wright, Joanna Winston and Katie Sheets star in “Science, Sex, and the Ladies.” Lisa Marie Smith also stars.

WITHIN THIS ISSUE Photo courtesy of by Lauren Thorne

“Pieces” is a great achievement for student playwright Lauren Thorne. he said. “This is the perfect capstone to her time here.” The play also incorporated large amounts of audio and visual material, with the latter projected onto the set from above. Despite Thorne’s craft, however, the pacing of the play was lackluster. The main conflict, the Mind wrestling with the idea of leaving the Body forever to escape pain, was tempered by an awkward stage movement scene and the absence of a scene showing the condition of the Body without its Mind. The pacing muddled any

sense of a real climax, which made the ending, when the Mind returns to the Body, seem extremely sudden. More development of the climactic and resolution sections would have helped bring the play’s end up to par with its beginning. That said, Thorne and the cast and crew have much to be proud of. While not perfect, it foreshadows great works that will be exactly as Thorne envisions them: “living, breathing experiences enveloping and holding captive the audience.”

PIECES | THEATER REVIEW Lauren Thorne’s work is a bit muddled and devoid of a true climax, but the dialogue is witty, the acting is superb and it is an impressive first venture into playwrighting from one of Butler’s own.

5 = perfect, 4 = outstanding, 3 = good, 2 = fair, 1 = poor

Use these clues to fill in words and phrases from this week’s issue of The Butler Collegian. ACROSS 3. GHS will be hosting a tour to this island in May 2012. 7. This Butler college recently hosted the Graduate/Undergraduate night, one of their twice-annual events. 9. Butler men’s basketball lost to this team last Saturday. 10. A petition signed by 542 students was issued to grant key card access to this hall. 11. Sophomore Callum _____ ended his cross country season with an All American finish at the NCAA Division I Men’s Cross Country Championship. 12. Three members of Butler’s track and field team set this many school records at the season opening event. DOWN 1. This college on Butler’s campus has yet to find a new dean. 2. Graduates of this university have recently been involved with a documentary that promotes female sexuality. 4. Butler University’s provost, _____ Comstock has recently asked to step down. 5. Butler’s baseball and softball teams have commited this many new players for their 2013 season. 6. Jackson Aldridge is a Butler men’s basketball player from _______. 8. Art ____ is being held this Wednesday and Thursday in the Reilly Room and is an exhibition of student work for the semester.


PAGE 10 the butler

COLLEGIAN The Butler watchdog and voice for BU students

4600 Sunset Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46208 Office Information: Fairbanks Rm 210 News Line: (317) 940-8813 Advertising Line: (317) 940-9358 collegian@butler.edu Adviser Line: (317) 940-9772

FALL 2011 EDITORIAL STAFF Hayleigh Colombo Editor in Chief Sara Pruzin Print Managing Editor Olivia Ingle Online Managing Editor Jill McCarter News Editor André Smith Asst. News Editor Grace Wallace Asst. News Editor Jeremy Algate Opinion Editor Caitlin O’Rourke A&E Editor Anne Carpenter Asst. A&E Editor Colin Likas Sports Editor Lance Rinker Sports Editor Matt Rhinesmith Asst. Sports Editor Christopher Goff Copy Chief Maria Porter Photography Editor Taylor Cox Asst. Photography Editor Rachel Anderson Asst. Photography Editor Erin Drennan Graphics Editor Briana Sever Asst. Multimedia Editor Erin Hammeran Advertising Manager Adviser: Loni McKown The Butler Collegian is published weekly on Wednesdays with a controlled circulation of 2,600. The Collegian office is located in the Fairbanks Building, Room 210. The Collegian is printed at The Greenfield Reporter in Greenfield, Ind. The Collegian maintains a subscription to MCT Services Campus wire service. The Collegian editorial staff determines the editorial policies; the opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of The Collegian, but of the writers clearly labeled. The Collegian accepts advertising from a variety of campus organizations and local businesses and agencies. All advertising decisions are based on the discretion of the ad manager and editor in chief. For a copy of The Collegian advertising rates, publication schedule and policies, please call (317) 940-9358 or send an e-mail to the advertising staff at advertising@butler.edu. Direct postal inquiries to: The Butler Collegian-Advertising. For subscriptions to The Collegian, please send a check to the main address above. Subscriptions are $45 per academic year.

Corrections Policy

The Collegian staff makes an effort to be as accurate as possible. Corrections may be submitted to The Collegian and will be printed at the next publication date.

Letters to the Editor Policy

The Collegian accepts letters to the editor no later than noon on the Sunday before publication. Letters to the editor must be emailed to collegian@butler.edu and contain a phone number at which you can be reached. Letters can also be mailed to The Collegian office. The Collegian reserves the right to edit letters for spelling, style, clarity and length. Letters must be kept to a length of 450 words. Contact The Collegian for questions. Exceptions to these policies may be made at the editorial board’s discretion.


New faces bring insight, fresh ideas OUR POINT THIS WEEK: Frequent changes to Butler University’s administration may be a force for positive change. | VOTE: 20-1-7


n the past two years, Butler University has seen many changes in its top leadership. We’ve seen a change in the presidency, the deans of the Jordan College of Fine Arts and Liberal Arts and Sciences and the beginning of a search for a dean of the new College of Communication. Most recently came the announcement that Jamie Comstock asked to step down from her role as provost and vice president for academic affairs at the end of the fall semester. Also, around 30 percent of the faculty has been hired within the past five years. It all feels like a lot of change for an institution as close-knit as Butler. Students, faculty and staff express the legitimate concern that it is difficult for an institution to sustain its spirit and traditions with all of this shuffling of the upper leadership. Any change is sure to cause a readjustment period, but we at The Butler Collegian believe that change can and will empower and revitalize the university to adapt to the larger, ever-changing world. It is clear in the current economy that open minds and

new approaches to old problems are necessary. The new wave of administrators offer an excellent example to students of what Butler students should become, forces of change and problem solving. All administrators need to listen to their students and respect the values of the community, but nothing prevents new deans, presidents and provosts from doing this just as well as those already holding the positions. And some entrenched administrators, regardless of their personal achievement or merit, become divisive figures. Perhaps because Butler is a small school, changes in the administration seem like a bigger matter than at larger institutions. In many ways, the small campus forms a community that might be easily disrupted by any changes. When administrative changes happen, the productive learning environment is distracted by a community of curious, intelligent individuals who are eager to speculate about the future of their beloved institution. This speculation and curiosity is almost always misplaced as fear of what is to come. With two top administrative positions still open and more

changes on the way, it is fair to say that students, faculty and staff do not know what entirely to expect in the spring 2012 semester. But this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. In President Jim Danko’s short time at Butler, he already has shown remarkable support for the university’s core spirit while also bringing fresh eyes to old obstacles. He’s working to tackle tough administrative, financial and structural concerns, all of which require the collaboration of the entire university community. Danko and several other administrators have thus far made communication with students, faculty and organizations as transparent as possible. At a certain point, the university community should accept that change is usually a good thing, and that the administrators at this institution were hired for a reason: to make changes—some of which may make some waves in a community of intelligent academics and students and always ready to turn the inquisitive and critical eye to any situation. All of the changes in the administration may be exactly what Butler needs to grow into

its next era—hopefully an era of possibilities and new financial and leadership opportunities that catapult Butler to the top of those ranking lists that we all love to hate. The legacy of any administrator can be positive or negative. In the last five years, Butler has seen a lot of growth in both class size and national attention, especially from backto-back NCAA men’s basketball championship appearances. A lot of that attention has been positive, such as the academic achievement of students and the previously mentioned basketball teams. However, the university has also faced controversies such as the case of Butler University v. John Doe aka Soodo Nym, and increased scrutiny from the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights in the form of a Title IX compliance review. No one can predict the future, and even the best institutions are bound to face challenges. But as long as the top level of the university’s leadership works to both preserve Butler’s core values and grow the community in new ways, The Collegian welcomes the leadership changes.

TV ads should focus on Butler’s offerings

B Texting and walking becomes a nuisance


e all know at least one person that can barely walk on a flat surface, let alone walk and chew gum at the same time without falling over, so why is it that so many people walk and text on their phone at the same time? Laws forbidding texting while driving are about as common as the people that disobey them, and now one small college town known as Rexburg, Idaho has a fine of $50 for texting and walking at the same time. By no means do I think something as far as a fine is necessary here on Butler University’s campus. But students and faculty both should start being a little more aware of their surroundings while walking down the halls or while strutting through the crosswalks between buildings. On a nice and quiet Monday morning, while walking through the halls of Jordan, I was thinking of the day ahead and how delicious my Lucky Charms were and then suddenly I was nearly knocked off my feet. Someone who was walking way too fast to just be going to class ran right into the front of me, hard. It was only after the third time getting walked into or pushed off to the side by people wandering through Jordan Hall between classes did I realize that this is a simple fix. Before texting, if you could just wait the two minutes it takes to walk wherever you are going or if you would just stand off to the side of the hallway, then you wouldn’t be running into everyone else in the hallway. The biggest problem with the

Photo by Reid Bruner


Smart students, faculty and staff should put their phones away long enough to get to where they are going. behavior is that if someone can’t wait or stop walking to answer a text or to browse the internet, then that means they probably do this while behind the wheel, which has much more drastic consequences. The good news is, if you have an Android phone, there is a new application, the WalkSafe app which helps make sure distracted walkers don’t get hit by oncoming vehicles by letting them know what’s coming. However, this only enables the bad behavior and the lost attention of our generation. This is our time to take in our surroundings and enjoy where we are before we are stuck in the motions of the responsible life. So, stop texting while walking and keep your head up while you walk so you can say hello the people that are actually here all around you. Contact graphics editor Erin Drennan at edrennan@butler.edu.

efore any Butler University athletes take the court, they size up their competition. It’s all about making themselves better against their opponents. The situation should be no different when Butler competes with other universities for prospective students and donors. According to Marcia Dowell, executive director of University Relations, Butler recently spent more than $1,000 to air a commercial on The Big Ten Network during the Butler men’s basketball game against Indiana University. The university spends nearly $5,000 for a commercial that airs on other networks during the men’s basketball season. And they should spend the money on advertising that is going to make a difference. While watching the Butler men’s basketball game against Indiana University on the Big Ten Network, I was able to compare a Butler commercial to an Indiana University commercial. Butler’s commercial stressed the importance of The Butler Way and diversity on campus, which are things that I find important, as do other students. However, I feel the advertising was too cliché and kind of boring. It showed students lounging on the Mall and zeroed in on multicultural students attending classes. These traits are not deal breakers and shouldn’t be marketed as such. Every university has diversity and at every university, students can lounge on the lawn. Butler should not market that these traits are specific to the university. Because they aren’t. Indiana’s commercial, sponsored by the Indiana University Alumni Association, was much more focused on university pride and university life.


Butler’s advertising should highlight the truly unique and inspiring aspects of the school. It was loud and upbeat, giving the viewer a sense of how it feels to be a Hoosier. Butler’s commercial seemed geared more to adults and Indiana’s more to prospective students. It’s not every day that Butler plays on the Big Ten Network. It’s a whole new audience to market to. Butler’s commercial could have had more pep and school pride. It could have appealed more to an average 18-year-old. Butler could have showcased the joys of being a Bulldog and the importance of Butler pride. Everyone who knows Indiana University knows how important Hoosier pride is. Of course the university is going to use it to market itself. Butler should have recognized the opportunity and marketed itself in a comparably exciting way. I feel that the two commercials were two different extremes, one of them, Indiana’s, being more relevant to the students. Butler should have sized up its competition and went above and beyond. There’s a lot of pride involved with being a Butler Bulldog and everyone should know and experience it, even if only for a short time in a commercial. Contact online managing editor Olivia Ingle at oingle@butler.edu.



SSL needs sweet, sweet music


hat do you get when you combine a green screen, Butler alumni, $20,000 worth of music and sound mixing and a huge stack of textbooks? The result is “Science, Sex and the Ladies,” an independent documentary about the female orgasm. Yeah, it wasn’t my first guess, either. Of course, the former Butler students have not yet raised the $20,000. And Bulldogs can help. This awesome group, AnC movies, cannot finish the project without this fundraiser being a success. They wrote on their blog that they don’t want to be another indie documentary with underfunded sound. So check out the website, read their speech and please consider donating $1. Yes, $1. Every donor “bumps” their presence on Kickstarter and gives them more visibility on the website. Put simply, “Science, Sex and the Ladies” started as a documentary of existing research about female orgasms. They have set out to revolutionize the sex documentary—one that actually informs the audience and does not simply restate facts found in Cosmopolitan. But they make their argument much more effectively than I; check out the column “Butler grads promote female sexuality” and AnC’s fundraising webpage on Kickstarter to see: http://www.kickstarter.com/ projects/204199111/science-sexand-the-ladies. As of the press time, they have only 10 days until the fundraiser expires. As of deadline, they have already raised around $7,100. Some readers might ask “who cares about this documentary?” Well, the brilliant trio who filmed the documentary thought about that, too. “Because too many women,


The Butler community should help fund “Science, Sex and the Ladies” to promote education and ask for a better kind of documentary. men, boys and girls are hurt by the misunderstandings and miscommunications which exist because our culture does not have adequate knowledge of how women function sexually beyond the act of reproduction,” AnC’s website says. It can be an uncomfortable subject. The topic, critics argue, has no place in polite discourse. But discussion is always the catalyst for change. People have to communicate to learn and think about new ideas, even if that communication is internal. And for the vast majority of human beings, the documentary focuses on some pretty relevant information. AnC points out, too, that a lot of half-truths and misconceptions get thrown around in casual discussion about the subject. To put it lightly, this information will come up. So donate. Donate to support some graduated Bulldogs pursuing their dreams, to educate yourself and community, to benefit the arts, to break the mold of drab educational documentaries or even to celebrate the season of charity and giving we’ve entered. Contact asst. opinion editor Jeremy Algate at jalgate@butler.edu.

Letter to the Editor Dawg Pound owes apology On Saturday Dec. 3, when the Dawg Pound taunted the Australian player on the Valparaiso men’s basketball team with the words, “U-S-A U-S-A”, in a matter of seconds the “Pound” was undermining all the miraculously lofted—but honestly earned over the last couple years—high esteem of Butler in countless hearts across the nation. This chant was not just an innocent nationalistic chant. It was a mob-mentality goading of a fellow Horizon League opponent team member, and much more, because it smacked of a shocking ignorance and disrespect of the fact that putting out heroic efforts on the same playing floor that afternoon was another Australian, only this one being on the Butler basketball team itself, and whose family was visiting from home which is half the way around the world. What a travesty, to insult not only Butler’s own player, but also his family when they made such efforts to be at the game and

to see what Butler is all about. The Butler University family has perhaps the greatest opportunity of any similarly sized university in history, and that is not to keep winning national finalist basketball titles. But it is to prove that the national image of admiration and respect that Butler has earned over the past two years as a result of the miraculously over-achieving Butler men’s basketball teams is genuine. As a result of the recent embarrassment committed by the Dawg Pound in the form of not only a childish, but also fruitless chant, the only avenue open to attempt to salvage the damage done is for all those who participated in the chant to effectively and sincerely apologize to all who heard it. This likely is not easily done, as the event was televised. Please, at least apologize to Jackson for God’s sake. —Norman Stump, Ovid Butler Society Member

Angry we missed the scoop? Have an opinion of your own? Send emails and letters to the editor to collegian@butler.edu. We’d love to print your rants and raves. Keep it classy and see page 10 for guidelines.

By Hali Bickford

SGA president, executive board members: Follow the constitution


tudent Government Association assemblies are full of rules and ways to make meetings go smoothly. And although Robert’s Rules of Order are commonly referred to at weekly meetings, apparently SGA’s own constitution gathers dust. SGA’s Constitution is “only available through [the SGA] listserv” and is “not published on the official SGA website,” according to the constitution itself. A semester of meetings has resulted in a few observations that lead me to believe that members of the executive board may want to pick up a copy of their own guidelines. Throughout the nearly four months of meetings, assembly members were—according to Article V, Section 4, Item C— supposed to receive four budget update presentations given by the Vice President of Finance Dan Schramm. Unfortunately, that doesn’t happen. So while representatives approve a budget of more than $700,000 in a year, they actually have no idea how that’s being spent as of now. SGA President Al Carroll responded to the constitutional oversight, saying, “The constitution is a guideline for the best practices. It’s to let us know what we should be doing. It’s not the United States Constitution. It’s not law.” If the constitution is to let them know what they should be doing, why aren’t they doing it? When that section of the constitution was written, Carroll said, “things were done a lot differently.” He said there is a lag between the financial reports the groups


SGA executive board members must become familiar with the SGA constitution and follow its rules.

“I’m sure all the information that’s available money-wise is updated,” Carroll said. “I know I have access to it. I think most other people do as well.” Still, the most troubling part is that it seems like SGA’s own president wasn’t aware of the responsibilities delegated to the vice president of finance. “I think the vice president of finance has a lot of stuff to deal with, and no one’s brought it up,” Carroll said. “I’m sure if someone brought it up, Dan would execute it.” The statement from the president concerns me. A student in a leadership position should understand the role as outlined by the organization. During an interview with The Collegian for this week’s issue, it had appeared that someone had actually brought the issue to Schramm’s attention. Schramm noted that a goal he’s set for next semester is to give a monthly budget update. I’m looking forward to those changes, since they will keep track of the money SGA controls. In my time as news editor, never have I once had to have someone else from outside of the organization tell me what my role on the paper is. Before applying for this position, I took the time to read over what I would be expected to do. Perhaps SGA executive board members’ roles and responsibilities would be easier to understand if they were outlined in one, singular, governing document—a constitution of sorts. Oh, wait.

receive and the meetings, saying that they’re just now receiving information from October. Finding out two months after the fact would still be better than hearing nothing at all. SGA updates the grant budget every week, Carroll said. This is true. But grants only make up $36,500 of the more than $700,000 SGA budget. All students have a stake in SGA, because all students contribute money to the organization. More troubling is the indifference and almost confusion about the constitution and its purpose than the fact that it is not being followed. A constitution is supposed to serve as a set of rules, not something to follow when you feel like it. If a constitution—a constitution written, drafted and approved by that organization—can’t hold an organization accountable for its actions, what can? The information is not accessible to every student. In fact, it didn’t sound as if the president knew exactly what information was Contact news editor Jill McCarter at available to which people. jmccarte@butler.edu.


What is your favorite part about the holidays?

“Spending time with friends and family.” Sarah Bradley Junior

“I love the music, and it just seems like a happier time.” Paige Goergen Sophomore


“Family traditions.” Thomas Abner Junior

“The food. It’s delicious.” Justin Sipich Freshman

OVERHEARD ON TWITTER The Butler University community this week in 140 characters or less. Follow @butlercollegian for more of our favorites.

HeeHaaaaaw yawn. I’m up! Tine to spread cheer and joy. #dominickthedonkey @DominickBU Just watched @KellenDunham20 play. He’s fun to watch. Butler fans get ready you’ll love him. @BUnored5 Don’t let studying keep you from the gym this week! Exercising helps relieve stress! @butlerHRC Butler Trustee meetings went well. Great involvement and input from experienced people who care passionately about our future. @ButlerPrez So excited about our announcement of the Class Gift!! #Cash4theStache #PersephoneRestoration @butleru2012 despite the ugly conference L, it just felt right to be back at Hinkle on game day. @BUDawgPound is obviously my 2nd home. @MykeVDV loves that the Reilly Rm will be FULL of ART this Wed & Thurs! We’ve got some talent floating around here for sure! @BUGoodCleanFun

INJURY: ATHLETIC CAREERS CAN BE DERAILED FROM PAGE SIX What’s YOUR view of Butler? Send us your fun, artistic or unique photos, and they could end up in The Butler Collegian. Just email a .jpeg of your photo, a story explaining why this is your view of Butler and your name and academic year to mcporter@butler.edu.

“Time passes by, but Butler, the people you meet here and how the two things change you are eternal.” -Melissa Rangel Junior

said. “So I think it takes a conscious effort from the coaching staff and the team.” Hamm said she received a lot of support from coaches and teammates. “Butler was a great school to be at during this,” Hamm said. “I had a lot of support. A lot of my teammates actually went through the same thing, so they were able to help me and talk me through it.” Couture said that not only does the injured athlete need support, but that the entire team needs reassurance. She said she tries to lead by example for her players. “I really try to stay calm,” Couture said. “Obviously for the player that is hurt, but also for the team coming back. If it’s an impact player, the players have to feel confidence that other people are ready to step in.” Galloy said that the athletic trainers are also an important part of the prevention and recovery process. “We want to be proactive,” he said. “If something is bothering you, we want to know about it so if there’s something we can do to help you stay on the court and stay on the field, then we’re going to do it.” Hamm said it’s also important for an injured athlete to stay positive and think about the desired goal. “You definitely need to be focused on your recovery and do everything you can to get back sooner,” she said. Sines said she realized that hard work and dedication through recovery pays off. “It an injury sounds terrible when it happens, and you think it’s the worst thing that could’ve happened,” Sines said. “I think I’m a stronger person from this happening.” In her tenth year of coaching at Butler, Couture said she has seen her athletes fight the odds. “At the end of the day, injuries are going to happen,” she said. “You hate it, and it’s disappointing, but it’s part of the game.”

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