The Butler Collegian, January 29, 2014

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the butler

Sports: Freshman forward Andrew Chrabascz is playing more minutes and making them count. Page 5



ACP Pacemaker Award Winner 2011 SPJ Mark of Excellence Award Winner 2012


What would we do? Photo by Wikimedia Commons

The Purdue University shooting hit Butler students close to home and begs the question: Would this institution be prepared for a school shooting?

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Butler was last locked down Nov. 4, 2012, when two armed robbers entered campus attempting to evade police. NATALIE SMITH NMSMITH1@BUTLER.EDU ASST. NEWS EDITOR “Shots fired on campus. The last thing you’d expect to hear.” This is the first line from a video Butler University Police Department tweeted Friday evening outlining the options someone has if faced with an active shooter situation. BUPD Assistant Chief of Police Andy Ryan said the message of the video, “Shots Fired,” is to either get out, protect yourself or to make the decision of whether or not you will fight. This tweet, combined with the shooting at Purdue University on Jan. 21, has raised a question for the community: Do Butler students really know what to do if shots are fired? The basic procedure for BUPD when dealing with an active shooter starts with a phone call. Butler Assistant Chief of Police Bill Weber said that when someone calls dispatch

reporting an active shooter, every officer on campus drops what they are doing and quickly responds to the scene. “It’s any officer’s natural reaction to get to the scene as fast as possible and go toward the gun shots,” Weber said. Once the officers are at the scene, they must search for the threat. Weber said not a lot of people understand that they cannot stop to help anyone who is hurt. “If there’s somebody lying in a hallway and they’re bleeding, we’re just going to go right past them,” Weber said. “You go where the threat is.” In the event of a crisis, students are automatically notified by a main default for information: email. If a student has signed up for Dawg Alert, they will receive a text and a voice call alerting them of the situation at hand and giving further instructions. But Weber said students

will not receive an alert if there is only a report of a shooting. Officers are given the chance to investigate the scene before making the decision to alert campus. “If someone called and said, ‘Hey, there’s a man with a gun,’ we’re not going to immediately start sending out alerts,” Weber said. “You can imagine the havoc that would be caused. If we did find somebody, we would deal with it.” As for students and faculty, the procedure is less clear. Butler students and staff have not gone through formal Butler training to prepare for an active shooter situation. English professor Carol Reeves said she understands why. “It would be hard to prepare us,” Reeves said. “I understand why they have not given us any training, because these are random events.” Reeves would, however, want such training.

I can’t provide a one-size-fits-all answer. BILL WEBER BUPD ASSISTANT POLICE CHIEF

“I feel that there could be some workshops, brochures or a guide,” Reeves said. Freshman Kyra Sanford said she wishes the university would give students a generalized protocol for what to do. “I want to know what you’re supposed to do during a lockdown,” Sanford said. “Butler’s never said anything about it to us. We knew in high school, so why not here?” Ryan said there is a possible plan for this summer to help train staff

across the university how to react to an active shooter. Discussions for this will start in the middle of next week, Ryan said. Neither Weber nor Ryan can give a cookie-cutter answer as to what a student or professor should do when faced with an active shooter situation. “I can’t provide a onesize-fits all answer,” Weber said. “For example, let’s say a shooter came into Atherton near the bulldog (in front of the building). You’re at Starbucks and you were told (previously) to get into a building and hide. In that case, I want you to get out of the building. But those people on the third floor would have to decide to get out or lock their doors.” Ryan said that one must look at his or her available options and decide whether he or she is going to fight. “If a shooter came into my classroom, my response would be to start throwing chairs and things at them,

versus letting someone shoot me,” Ryan said. “If there’s 30 people in a classroom rushing the shooter at once, chances are there’s going to be some collateral damage, but not everyone’s going to die.” Reeves said she would put the students before herself. “I don’t know the extent (of damage) a 125-pound English teacher could be on tackling somebody with a semi-automatic, but I’ll tell you that I wouldn’t hesitate to create a distraction,” Reeves said. “I mean it when I say that my students’ lives are more important than mine.” Sanford said she doesn’t know what she would do. “I’d be scared, so I would probably just sit there and stare at them,” Sanford said. “I guess I’d try to hide if I knew what to do.” Both Weber and Reeves agree that envisioning a threat and planning see SHOOTING page 2

Four new majors added to Butler offerings ALEXANDRA BODE


Butler University will launch four new majors in time for the start of the fall 2014 semester. Sports media, interactive media, astronomy and astrophysics, and music instruction and performance were approved by the Faculty Senate as majors at last week’s meeting. Students can begin declaring these new majors as of next school year. However, many existing majors will easily lend themselves to the new ones. Two of the majors, sports media and interactive media, are in the College of Communication. Sports media is a broad approach to sports communications that includes aspects of sports production, journalism and marketing. “A lot of universities emphasize one or the other,” said Gary Edgerton, College of Communications dean. “I think the

The student handbook designates Norris Plaza as a free speech zone. HOWARD: College of Liberal Arts and Sciences dean strength of this program is it tries to melt all these into one.” Interactive media is a program based in the creative media and entertainment department. It focuses on the usability and skills of web design, social media and mobile apps. “Interest in interactive digital media is high,” Edgerton said. “The population of sports in general, at Butler and Indianapolis, is high as well. I am sure we will get some students that come to Butler specifically for these two majors.” The astronomy and astrophysics major will be added to the

EDGERTON: College of Communications dean College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The courses required for the major are already offered because this program is a current minor. Butler is part of the Southeastern A s s o c i a t i o n in Research of Astronomy, a group of small universities that are engaged in astronomical research. “There are a growing number of universities in the partnership, but it really is a unique opportunity,” said Jay Howard, dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Butler has an oncampus telescope in see MAJORS page 4

Photo by Michael Andrews

Speaker’s Corner raises free speech concerns KATIE GOODRICH KGOODRICH@BUTLER.EDU ASST. NEWS EDITOR Butler University’s free speech policies will undergo changes to make the policies and process clearer for students wishing to demonstrate on campus. “Really, we don’t have any formal guidelines (on free speech) per se,” said Levester Johnson, vice president for student affairs, “besides the time, place and manner approach, which isn’t written down, and acknowledgment that we have a Speaker’s Corner.” The Speaker’s Corner at Norris Plaza has been the designated area for demonstrations on campus since September 1995, although this information had never been published, Johnson said. “We just had institutional knowledge of a Speaker’s Corner,” Johnson said.

Norris Plaza and the Speaker’s Stone, a statue of a book, are located at the intersection of the north, south, east and west malls. It is between Lilly and Jordan Halls. The stone is on the south side of the plaza. There is a portion that addresses the Speaker’s Corner in the Student Handbook in Rights and Responsibilities, Section XV. Johnson said the section’s main purpose is to provide a clear guideline for formal demonstrations. The policy is not a new piece, but now it is clearly published, Johnson said. “Many students and community members thought it would be really neat to have a Speaker’s Corner,” Johnson said. “(Norris Plaza and the Speaker’s Stone) were placed in order to support and acknowledge that voices want to be heard here on campus.” The Speaker’s Corner portion


of the handbook was added to the 2013-2014 student handbook. Johnson said the section was added to this year’s handbook after demonstrations had gone badly at other campuses around the country. “(Other campuses) did not have a clear process or information about what it takes for students to gather or protest,” Johnson said. “There were some really bad reactions from the administration and law enforcement. It really causes a lot of unrest on campus. The situation escalates.” The administration wants to make certain that demonstrations do not interfere with the academic purposes of the university, Johnson said. “If students wanted to gather around the Star Fountain and speak their mind, we have never interfered see CORNER page 4





No issues expected despite departure COLIN LIKAS CLIKAS@BUTLER.EDU

What has been working has worked well, but we are always continuously looking for ways to improve.


Hinkle Fieldhouse renovations are set to be completely finished by November 2014.

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Campaign earns university more than $17 million


The campaign to renovate Hinkle Fieldhouse surpassed its fundraising goal of $16 million. The campaign has raised $17.2 million so far. The renovation project is projected to cost about $35 million. However, the campaign set a fundraising goal of $16 million and Butler University planned to finance the remaining amount, said Ken LaRose, associate athletic director of development. “We would have loved to raise $35 million, and then we would not have to finance anything,” LaRose said. “We are in a position right now with whatever we collect out of our athletic annual fund, the Bulldog Club, to help offset and finance the rest of it.” Although the campaign is officially over, the athletics

department will still accept gifts, LaRose said. The success of the campaign shows Butler’s appreciation for Hinkle and its history, said Barry Collier, director of athletics. “The big reason is that Hinkle Fieldhouse is such a special place to so many people,” Collier said. “It is a national historic landmark that has touched many people.” The project to renovate Hinkle is on schedule to be completed in November, LaRose said. Currently, the old Hinkle pool is being transformed into an area for weight rooms, athletic training, and academic support. This part of the project will be completed in April 2014. Interior renovation will start after the basketball season ends in April. The seats, scoreboard and front lobby will be updated. During this time period,


one’s response would help a person in the moment. “I’m a worrier,” Reeves said. “I think, ‘If I heard a gun shot, what would I do?’ You can be traumatized by worry or you can make plans. Having a plan makes me feel better.” The Butler community experienced a shooting threat on campus in 2012 during parents’ weekend. Two people robbed a nearby CVS and turned into the heart of campus when police pursued them. The two jumped out of their cars, ran in different directions and were eventually caught by BUPD and the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department. In that case, the school was put on lockdown. BUPD can control ID access doors from the police department. They can lock all of those doors so that either no one can get in the doors or only those with IDs can. Another situation is 100 percent

Hinkle will be shut down, Collier said This final part of the project will take the longest and will be the most expensive, LaRose said. It will not be completed until November 2014. Donations were sent from both alumni and students to the campaign, LaRose said. “Every student—athlete on every team contributed,” LaRose said. “Now, they didn’t contribute a whole bunch, but they did something. It gives them all a little bit of ownership.” People outside of the Butler community also donated to the campaign due to the reputation and image of the university, LaRose said. “They like what we’re all about,” LaRose said. “They like the blend of academics and athletics and the Butler Way. People read about it in the newspaper and see it on TV, and they want to be a part of it.”

lockdown. Weber said that would require more time because an officer would have to go around and physically lock all non-card access entrances. To prevent a possible threat, Reeves said the community needs to be observant and reach out to fellow students. “You can pay attention and try to reach out to people who seem troubled and offer kindness,” Reeves said. “I think that kindness, observance and generosity in our community may be the main tools we have to prevent these kinds of actions.” The reporting of suspicious student behavior goes through The Assessment and Care Team. This team is a group that gets together to discuss students who have been reported and think about how to get them engaged. Ryan said it is better to say something than to not and have something bad happen. “A lot of cases when someone has been involved in a shooting, there have been indicators or warning signs that there’s something wrong with this person,” Ryan said. “It doesn’t hurt to be cautious. Just because they’re acting in a weird way doesn’t mean they’re a threat to the community, but in the bigger

Butler University is continuing enrollment processes for fall 2014 and 2015 as scheduled despite the recent departure of a key enrollment management division member. Provost Kathryn Morris said she does not believe “a leadership turnover means there are concerns that things are going to fall apart,” in reference to Tom Weede’s departure from the institution last month. Weede, former vice president of enrollment management, stepped down from his position after six years in early December, according to an email from Butler President James Danko. The email said Weede left his role to “pursue other opportunities.” Weede could not be reached for comment. Danko was unable to comment on the circumstances surrounding Weede’s departure from Butler, according to an email from Ben Hunter, chief of staff. With Weede running Butler’s enrollment management division, the university saw three classes of more than 1,000 students, including an all-time high 1,111 students in 2012. A number of Butler staff members are working to ensure Weede’s loss will not negatively affect this fall’s or other future enrollment totals. “I think one thing that’s very important for everyone to understand is that the enrollment management division has done a really great job consistently across time,” Morris said. “We’ve seen a great deal of increase in the number of students who are applying, and our class sizes have increased.” Morris—who oversees Butler’s academics—is working with Director of Financial Aid Melissa Smurdon, Director of Admission Aimee Scheuermann, and Vice President of Marketing and Communications Matthew Mindrum to keep enrollment, recruitment and yielding processes running smoothly. Yield refers to the number

picture, we need to look out for them.” In the aftermath of a shooting, the Counseling and Consultation Services utilizes the Butler University Response Team. Shana Markle, associate director and CCS practicum coordinator, said the team responds to critical events and gives support to students. “Our role at CCS would be

MORRIS: Working to better connect academics and enrollment of admitted students to a school who end up enrolling at that school. This is different from recruiting, which is done to draw in new applicants who can be considered for admission. Danko also provides assistance to the four when necessary, Morris and Smurdon said. Morris said Weede’s departure provided an opportunity for different departments to improve communication with one another with regard to enrollment and recruiting. For example, both Smurdon and Scheuermann met with the Provost Advisory Council—an academic leadership group on campus—individually earlier this month to brainstorm more ways to connect Butler academics and enrollment. Smurdon said she and Scheuermann have been able to directly converse with Danko on matters relating to enrollment and recruitment as well since Weede’s departure. “Normal status updates (in the past), we would update Tom, and Tom would have a regular meeting with the president,” Smurdon said. “But now we have regular meetings with the president, and Matt and Kate are usually included in that.” Smurdon and Morris said much of the work needed to help yield the fall 2014 class and recruit members to the fall 2015 class was done prior to Weede’s move. Email campaigning will take place this spring with the goal of yielding the fall 2014 class. Smurdon said the campaign is a series of four or five emails, one of which used to be called “Myths and Facts.”

to support that team,” Markle said. “This might mean going to a classroom on the days following an event, meeting with groups of students involved in the crisis, having extra staff available for walk-in appointments, or extend the hours we are available for students immediately following a crisis.” Markle said psychological

MELISSA SMURDON FINANCIAL AID DIRECTOR “It is some of the more frequently asked questions, things that people hear that might not be on target with what we want them to know,” Smurdon said. Mindrum plays an important role in supporting the campaign’s creation and distribution, Smurdon said. A final idea the team is working on pertains more to current faculty members who want to be involved in recruitment. An email will be sent out to faculty inviting them to participate in one or more focus groups, depending on the response, to talk about faculty involvement in the recruitment process. Morris said the email could result in many different ideas for faculty interaction with prospective students. “We just have to wrap our arms around that a little bit to find out where faculty interests lie and match those faculty interests with opportunities,” Morris said. Although Butler lost an enrollment management leader in Weede, Smurdon said a valuable opportunity arrived with his departure. “This change, especially with a lot more communication from Kate, with (the Office of) Admission, with Matt, really is just a great opportunity to search for improvement,” Smurdon said. “What has been working has worked well, but we are always continuously looking for ways to improve.” ON THE WEB Visit to get the latest news on happenings at Butler.

impacts can occur to students who have witnessed a shooting. “In general, it’s expected that experiencing a shooting could lead to heightened fear, anger, shock and even guilt,” Markle said. Ryan suggests that all students watch the video “Shots Fired” to better prepare themselves. The video can be found on BUPD’s website.

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BUPD and IMPD responded to the imminent threat of a gunman on campus during Parents’ Weekend in the fall of 2012.



An on-campus group asks:

What do you know about prescription drugs? MARAIS JACON-DUFFY MJACONDU@BUTLER.EDU NEWS EDITOR

Butler’s campus has seen an increased interest regarding the prevention of prescription drug abuse. One year ago, the awareness group Generation Rx had about six members working toward the goal of spreading awareness and stopping prescription drug abuse on campus. According to Generation Rx campaign coordinator Miranda Arthur, the group has now added about 40 more members. “This is an issue that isn’t really talked about,” Arthur said. “We’re trying to bring this issue home to Butler, because it does happen here.” Ten percent of Butler students admitted to abusing prescription drugs at some point, in data collected

for the most recent National Survey on Drug Use and Health. “On a campus of 4,000, 10 percent would be 400 students,” Arthur said. “So with those numbers, we could fill up Jordan Hall two or three times with all of the students who abuse prescription drugs on campus.” The most commonly used prescription drug son Butler’s campus is Adderall, a medicine meant to treat Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Arthur said. Other drugs found on campus include painkillers such as Vicodin and sedatives such as Valium. Through this Friday, Generation Rx is celebrating Drug Facts Week, a national awareness week sponsored by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. This is the first time Generation Rx has done

Students participated in awareness activities such as this “medication matching game” during drug facts week’s Starbucks tables on Monday afternoon.

Photo from Wikimedia Commons

programming for Drug Facts Week. “We’ve seen what success weeks like Fat Talk Free Week have had on Butler’s campus with different programming, so we wanted to try for ourselves,” Arthur said. Last school year Generation Rx hosted a “take-back day,” where students could bring unwanted prescription drugs to Butler University Police Department where they would be disposed properly. In September 2012 during the week before the take-back day, BUPD Assistant Police Chief Andy Ryan said he wanted to create two drop-off stations on Butler’s campus for the proper disposal of prescription drugs. At this time, no station has been created. Butler P3 pharmacy student Rachel Barenie has been a member of Generation Rx since the group’s creation in the fall of 2012. She said this cause relates closely to her studies and future career. “After attending a substance abuse conference at the University of Utah, I realized that drug dependencies really do affect a group of students on Butler’s campus,” Barenie said. Arthur, also a pharmacy major, said the majority of Generation Rx consists of students in the pharmacy, physician’s assistant or health sciences fields. The last day of Drug Facts Week is geared toward health professionals

Photos by Marais Jacon-Duffy

Generation Rx’s poster displayed in Starbucks challenges students to think about their knowledge of prescription drug abuse. with a speaker from the Pharmacist Recovery Network. The talk will take place at 7 p.m. in PB150. Tomorrow’s event, a showing of the documentary “Out of Reach,” is not geared just toward health professionals specifically and will take place in PB150 at 7 p.m. The teen-made documentary shows interviews of high school students regarding prescription drug abuse and the filmmaker’s own personal

connection to drug abuse. For more information about Generation Rx or Drug Facts Week, follow @BU_GenRx on Twitter or like ButlerUGenerationRx on Facebook. Barenie said the group is always accepting new members. “We’re open to anyone in any program who has a passion for spreading awareness about prescription drug abuse,” she said.

Hours Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 10:30 am - 1:00 am Thursday 10:30 am - 3:00 am Friday & Saturday 10:30 am - 4:00 am Sunday 10:30 am - 12:00 am




Cancer survivor speaks, group raises funds RHYAN HENSON RHENSON@BUTLER.EDU


Last Saturday was Stay Positive Day at the Butler men’s basketball game. Although the team lost the game, the day was a win for junior Eric Day and his Stay Positive organization. Day spoke in front of a sold-out Hinkle Fieldhouse, educating the crowd about his story of beating cancer twice and why it is important to “stay positive.” “It was pretty neat that I was able to speak in front of 10,000 people and raise $6,000,” Day said. “It was awesome to see little Allison, that seven-year-old who was fighting cancer with me at Jill’s House, to come and for her to get some applause. But it is nice that she realizes that everyone is with her and supporting her.” “The basketball game was significant because it moved our message outside of students and into the Butler community,” said Deb Lecklider, College of Education associate dean and the group’s faculty sponsor. “When you have a sell-out crowd and Eric received a standing ovation, it spoke volumes about how incredible the Butler community is.” Day started Stay Positive as an on- campus


with that,” Johnson said, “as long as with the academic mission of the institution.” Kate Siegfried, a senior media, rhetoric and culture and gender, women and sexuality studies double major, and Colleen Quilty, a senior gender, women and sexuality studies major, said they heard about the Speaker’s Corner through word of mouth. “It’s important not to encourage restriction of any idea or thought to a place,” Quilty said. Although there are no formal guidelines, students interested in demonstrating can clear their event with Johnson, a dean or someone from the PuLSE Office, Johnson said. “(The Speaker’s Corner section) is vague,” Siegfried said. “Vague policies are the ones that can be the scariest. It’s really wishy-washy territory.” The policy will undergo changes as it goes through various campus organizations like the Student Affairs Committee of Faculty Senate and Student Government Association, Johnson said. “The thought is to work with faculty, staff and students to create something that we can all agree with, something that articulates

student organization a year ago. Today, the organization spans 41 states, and its message has reached thousands of people. The organization started when Day and Erik Fromm, a senior forward on the Butler men’s basketball team whose father died from cancer last year, spoke last April in the Reilly Room to students about their experiences with cancer. After the speech in the Reilly Room, many students approached Day asking how they could get involved. Shortly after that, Day decided to create a student group. Although it is a student group, Day gets some help from Lecklider. “She is always supportive, extremely helpful and is a huge part of the success of the organization,” Day said. Lecklider encourages everyone to pay it forward. She said everyone who purchases a Stay Positive wristband should buy an extra one. She said people should give away the band to someone else and, while giving it away, they should tell the story and meaning behind Stay Positive. see STAY POSITIVE page 5

the guidelines when it comes to gathering and organizing in a collegiate environment,” Johnson said. “We want to give students and others a road map of how to express themselves without them having to check off a list.” Whatever is established will need to be privy to majority and minority opinions, Johnson said. “Seeing any type of policy on free speech is alarming to me because that means there is going to be some kind of regulation or restriction of it,” Siegfried said. “Free speech should inherently exist in our country.” Quilty and Siegfried said they were concerned about what the ramifications of the Speaker’s Corner could have on campus. “(Students) should not have to worry about speaking in a certain place,” Quilty said. The university aims for an understanding of the speaker’s corner that everyone can agree on and clearly articulates the main points, Johnson said. “(We want to make sure) that it’s fair and amiable for all types of parties,” Johnson said. “It will have to be dished out in an equitable type of manner.” “It is more of a best practice than an anomaly,” Johnson said. The main goal is to avoid situations that go wrong, Johnson said. “We have been very fortunate where it has not been the case,” Johnson said. “We want to keep it that way.”

Photo by Marko Tomich

Junior Eric Day addresses the Hinkle Fieldhouse crowd during the Butler men’s basketball game against St. John’s Saturday. Day spoke to bring awareness to the Stay Positive campaign and organization.

Butler University student handbook: Rights and Responsibilities Section XV: Speaker’s Corner

To provide a convenient and visible location for spontaneous student activism and civic engagement activities/programs on campus, Norris Plaza is designated as the “Speaker’s Corner” for individual students and student groups. Typical activities might include: Displaying a sign board which allows students to write their opinions, student speeches or handouts on a current issue, a memorial vigil, etc. These activities do not require registration when they do not involve persons outside the University, are not amplified, or cause a safety hazard.

Indiana universities with designations similar to the Speaker’s Corner Indiana University Student Organization handbook: Policy on Free Speech

At any time, an organization or student may exercise his/her right to free speech in Dunn Meadow. No reservation forms are necessary. Dunn Meadow is the only space on campus designated by the IU Board of Trustees as a spontaneous free speech area.

Purdue University Office of the Dean of Students: Speech and Expression on Campus

The area south of the flagpole on Purdue Memorial Mall has been designated as a public forum due to it being a highly visible area, easily accessible, and the place least likely to disrupt or obstruct University activities and functions.

Ball State University Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities: Use of Property for Expressive Activities Policy: Demonstrations

If a demonstration is expected to involve 50 or more people: The demonstration must be scheduled with the Student Center Reservation Office (SCRO) at least three business days prior to the demonstration ...The demonstration must be held in either the Quad area or LaFollette Field.

I don’t like chocolate or peanut butter. I interviewed a Colts cheerleader on my high school’s radio program. I did a coin toss at a Colts game when I was five years old. I am unhealthily obsessed with the Chicago Cubs. I am a freshman journalism and Spanish double major from Danville, Ind., and



—Matthew VanTryon Assistant Sports Editor

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Holcomb Observatory. “We are able to use computers here to control telescopes far away,” said Xianming Han, department head of physics and astronomy. This telescope is currently being upgraded, funded by a donation from Frank Levinson, a Butler physics graduate. Music instruction and

A quick look at the new majors: Sports media: The production, marketing and reporting of sports. The major will be taught within the College of Communication. Interactive media: Digital media studies with an emphasis on web design, social media and mobile apps. The major will be taught within the College of Communication.

performance will be a major that combines music education and music performance. This major will be within the Jordan College of the Arts and will incorporate classes from the College of Education. For more information on the music instruction and performance major, read “New major combines music education and performance” by Vanessa Staublin on page nine of this issue of The Collegian. Edgerton said last year, Danko asked the different colleges if there were any new, innovative kinds of programs people would be interested in. Adding new majors is one of the many steps involved in Danko’s plan to improve Butler by 2020.

Music instruction and performance: The study of teaching and performing music. The major will be taught within the Jordan College of the Arts. Astrophysics: A branch of astronomy that deals with physics and the universe. It is currently a minor in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences that will become a major with usage of the Holcomb Observatory and Telescope.





Big ‘fresh’man on campus The Rhode Island native is seeing increased minutes and a bigger role JOE HASENSTAB


The 2013-2014 Butler men’s basketball season has had its fair share of ups and downs. A 1-7 mark in Big East play so far would imply there have been more of the latter recently. However, some positives that have come from this season include sophomore guard Kellen Dunham’s team-leading 18 points per game, junior forward Kameron Woods being among the league leaders in rebounding, and the emergence of freshman forward Andrew Chrabascz. The 6-7 Chrabascz is averaging 15 minutes of playing time per contest. He has cracked 20 minutes three times in eight conference games. In that time, he averaged five points and three rebounds per game. But what the stats do not show is how effective Chrabascz can be on defense. This is something assistant coach Chris Holtmann said he and the rest of the team have taken notice of. “Obviously he has scored the ball with more force, but he has also been a defensive presence for us, defending the post,” Holtmann said. “Certainly there are some areas that he needs to

improve on defensively, but he has really been a guy that in terms of his post defense, has been a real asset.” Chrabascz, a member of former coach Brad Stevens’ final recruiting class, came to Indianapolis from Cushing Academy in Rhode Island. The team went 66-19 in his three years as a varsity starter and earned a state championship last year. Chrabascz averaged more than 13 points and 11 rebounds in his senior season and totaled more than 2,200 points in his high school career. At the beginning of his first collegiate season, Chrabascz said he was not sure how much playing time he would be getting, so he did the only thing he could: work harder than ever. “I was just going to practices every day with the right mindset and working hard every day, so I was hoping to earn what I was putting in,” the freshman said. “I’m happy with what I’m getting now, as long as it’s hopefully contributing to whatever we’re doing.” Chrabascz said hard work is important when a team is trying to improve, as well as the relationship the teammates have with each other. “We’re very, very close (as a team). That’s important, especially with how we’re doing right now—we have to make sure that we stay together,” Chrabascz said. “We’re each others’ best friends, we’re each

others’ brothers, and we’ve got to make sure we stay that way.” “How we’re doing right now” refers to the team’s first eight conference games. After the team’s most recent loss to St. John’s, one article in the Indianapolis Star bore the headline “Butler’s Big East Nightmare Continues,” a title that Chrabascz said he understands but does not agree with. “We have plenty of time to still turn this around,” he said. “We’re possessions away from winning games. We should be fine. I understand the title, but it’s not a nightmare yet.” To prevent the season from getting to the point where it is unsalvageable, Chrabascz said the players will need to work with the coaching staff to make sure the team keeps moving in the right direction. Chrabascz added that this will not be hard to do because of the quality coaches at Butler. “They do an amazing job,” Chrabascz said. “They do all the little things that go unnoticed, but it’s huge for our team that they’re there and contribute every day.” Holtmann said Chrabascz is what the coaches call “an everyday guy,” meaning he shows up to practice every day ready to work. “He’s self-motivated, he’s really tough, he is a high achiever, and you usually see those guys be pretty successful,” Holtmann said.

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Freshman Andrew Chrabascz has made an impact on the Bulldogs in his first season. Chrabascz is shooting nearly 59 percent from the field and 80 percent from the free throw line.



New team, new challenge for men’s assistant coach MATTHEW VANTRYON MVANTRYO@BUTLER.EDU ASST. SPORTS EDITOR Chris Holtmann joined Butler men’s basketball coach Brandon Miller’s staff as an assistant coach in July. It is the latest stop in a winding journey for the basketball lifer. Holtmann grew up in Lexington, Ky., and was raised a University of Kentucky basketball fan. That was the beginning of his love affair with the sport. Holtmann said he has loved the sport of basketball for as long as he can remember. “I loved playing and I loved competing. I loved all sports, but I grew up in Lexington. If you grow up in Lexington, there’s really one sport that you love the most.” Holtmann attended Taylor University in Upland, Ind. It was there where he met the man who has had the biggest influence on his career—his coach. Holtmann had nothing but praise for Paul Patterson, who coached at Taylor for 34 years and retired at the end of last season. “Coach Patterson was the reason I went to Taylor University, and he is the reason that I am coaching today,” Holtmann said in an interview with Taylor’s athletics website. “As a Division I coach, there is not a decision I make that is not in some way influenced by



playing and working for coach Patterson.” Holtmann said Patterson’s desire for winning fueled his own competitiveness as a coach. “He shaped a lot of the way I thought and went about things,” Holtmann said. “He was demanding, he was a perfectionist, he was really tough minded and really competent in every area. He was a great influence.” Holtmann took over a struggling Gardner-Webb squad in 2009 that had won 13 games the previous season and finished fifth in the Big South Conference. It took some time to build as a coach, and Holtmann experienced some growing pains. His team won just eight games during the 2009-2010 season and 11 games the following year. However, Holtmann did not quit and kept his nose to the grindstone. The results showed up last season, as he led the Runnin’ Bulldogs to a school-best 21 victories as a Division I team. The team won 10 of its final 11 games, and finished one game shy of winning the conference. Holtmann received numerous accolades for his success, including Big South Conference Coach of the Year and NABC District Three Coach of the Year. Marc Rabb, Gardner-Webb’s assistant athletic director and


Photo by Marko Tomich

Assistant coach Chris Holtmann (left) gives senior forward Erik Fromm instruction during a timeout in Saturday’s loss to St. John’s. director of media relations, said Holtmann’s success was a result of his diligence. “He just kept plugging away. He and his staff kept preaching that to the kids, and they eventually caught some breaks and had a very fun, entertaining season,” Rabb said. When Rabb thinks of Holtmann,

he said he is reminded of some of the same qualities Patterson instilled in Holtmann during the latter’s college days—hard work and determination. Rabb said those qualities were evident in the progress of GardnerWebb with Holtmann at the helm, see HOLTMANN page 7

To date, the organization has made around $18,000 according to Day. With all of the money and awareness already created, the group has no plans on slowing down now. Alongside selling many wristbands on Saturday the group sold nearly sixteen boxes of T-shirts. Although the idea is still in the planning stages the group is looking to have another fundraiser in April. The group plans on having an auction and already has the support of professional athletes according to Ellie Gabriel, director of programing. “It will be a fun evening,” said Addison Schaar, Stay Positive executive. “We are looking to get it catered, there will be tables set up and a stage where Eric can speak.“ “He will never stop,” Lecklider said. “Eric is trying to make it where everyone looks on the bright side.” It is just reaching out to people,” Day said. “Everybody has a daily problem. We are just trying to reach out to help anybody who needs that daily reminder to stay positive.”

Eric is trying to make it where everyone looks on the bright side. DEB LECKLIDER FACULTY ADVISOR








No events scheduled

Track and field Indiana Relays Track and field UW Invitational Men’s tennis at Dayton 2 p.m.

Men’s tennis Valparaiso 2 p.m. Swimming at Monmouth 1 p.m. Women’s basketball at Xavier 5 p.m.

Women’s tennis Detriot 10 a.m.

No events scheduled

Men’s baskeetball at Marquette 9 p.m.

Women’s basketball St. John’s 7 p.m.






Bulldogs struggle, home and away MITCH RIPORTELLA MRIPORTE@BUTLER.EDU


The Butler men’s tennis team dropped its season opener 7-0 at Ohio State. The No. 5 ranked Buckeyes were coming off a 35-3 record last season and picked up where they left off, winning every match in straight sets. Butler junior Pulok Bhattacharya lost 6-2, 6-1 in the No. 1 singles spot against Ohio State’s No. 31 ranked Peter Kobelt. Butler junior Sam O’Neill fell short, 6-2, 6-0 in the No. 2 spot. Junior Austin Woldmoe said he thought the Bulldogs played well despite the defeat. “I don’t think a lot of the scores reflected how competitive the matches actually were,” Woldmoe said. “I don’t think they

reflected how good we know we are.” The Bulldogs got back on track Friday with a 5-2 win over Youngstown State in Butler’s home opener. Butler went 4-2 in singles play and was also able to chalk up a point in doubles. “I was impressed with how we were able to bounce back after (the loss to Ohio State),” Woldmoe said. “Especially after getting beat up a little.” Picking up wins for the Bulldogs were O’Neill with a 6-2, 6-5 win in the No. 2 spot, and Woldmoe in the No. 3 spot. Also chipping in were sophomore Brandon Woods and freshman Alex Woldmoe, who both picked up wins in straight sets. The Bulldogs will next hit the courts Friday against Dayton. The Flyers are 0-2

McLoughlin is 1-2 in singles play this year. As a team, Butler lost 7-0 in both weekend matchups.

Butler off to a strong start JOE HASENSTAB JHASENST@BUTLER.EDU


Photos by Marko Tomich

Senior Stephanie McLoughlin (left) congratulates freshman Kailey Eaton against Robert Morris. The pair is 1-2 on the year in doubles matches. coming off a loss to SIU Edwardsville last Friday. “We kind of need to have a never-satisfied kind of philosophy,” Woldmoe said. “We need to play with a chip on our shoulder, and we will win a heck of a lot of matches.” The Butler women’s team dropped to 1-2 over the weekend following losses to Eastern and Western Michigan. The 3-1 Eastern Michigan Eagles handed Butler its first loss of the season on Friday, sweeping the Bulldogs 7-0, with all six singles wins coming in straight sets. Butler continued to struggle Saturday, suffering another 7-0 defeat at the hands of Western Michigan. The Broncos rolled past the Bulldogs, also winning every singles match in straight sets. The 3-1 Broncos also came out on top in all three doubles competitions. Senior Stephanie McLoughlin said the team, which is playing five

freshmen right now, didn’t get the result she said it wanted. However, she was still happy with how the Bulldogs played. “(We) showed a lot of improvement from our first game,” McLoughlin said.“To see that much improvement from such a young team in such a short amount of time is really exciting.” McLoughlin said the team’s main focus is getting better, and the wins will come. “These girls have to go out there with a lot of expectations, and jumping to the college level is a big transition to make,” McLoughlin said. “It’s all about improving from day to day.” Butler’s next match will be Sunday, when the Bulldogs face off against 1-2 Detroit. “We’re actually really excited about this game,” McLoughlin said. “Detroit is a good test and a chance to build on our progress.”

The track and field team continued its indoor season this weekend, with the team splitting time at Indiana University—Purdue University Fort Wayne and Indiana University. Among the six Butler athletes running at Bloomington was junior Mara Olson. She won the 3,000-meter run with a time of 9:08.83, breaking her school record from last year by about three seconds. This time was good enough to move her into the top spot in the NCAA for the women’s 3000-meter race. Olson’s teammate, sophomore Erik Peterson, attributes Olson’s success to her work ethic. “She is so good because of her hard work,” Peterson said. “I would say she is probably the hardest worker on the team.” In that same event, freshman Lauren Wood finished second, posting a time of 9:20.98. She entered the invitational as unattached, meaning she ran independently from the Butler team, because she is redshirting for the spring season to prepare for the USA Cross Country Championships. Coach Matt Roe was impressed by Wood’s performance, saying she is one of the elite runners in the nation for her age group. “She’s a freshman, and that time is probably the fastest time in the United States for

OLSON: Set a new school record in the 3,000-meter run. someone under the age of 20, at least at this point in the season,” Roe said. “So we’re talking about somebody leading the NCAA and somebody who has the fastest under-20 time in the country. That’s a big deal.” The Bulldogs are heading into another weekend with two meets. One is at the University of Washington, which will be a national level invitational. Butler will send four of its top runners—Peterson, senior Tom Anderson, Mara Olson and junior Katie Good—to the meet. All will be running in the 5-Kilometer race. Peterson said that he and Anderson have a time in mind they wish to finish in. “The course is set to be around a 13:50, so we’ll be aiming for that and just try to run our hardest,” Peterson said. The other meet held over the weekend will be the Indiana Relays at Bloomington, which is where a majority of the Butler track and field team will compete.




Freshmen create new watersports team A LOOK AT A WATER POLO ‘COURT’ Below is an illustration of a typical water polo ‘court’. The orbs represent players, and the boxes at either end of the pool represent nets. The numbers on the orbs below translate to the following positions: 1) Driver—Field player who constantly rotates to find scoring opportunities. 2) Hole-set—An offensive player who positions himself directly in front of the opponent’s net to run his team’s offense. 3) Hole guard—A defensive player who guards the hole-set. 4) Goaltender—Defends either net.

Photo provided by Liam Hansen

Freshman Liam Hansen fights for the ball in a high school water polo game.

Seven-meter line

Four-meter line

Two-meter line

2 3


10-20 meters

Goal line

1 Four-meter line

Butler is well on its way to adding another club sports team. Co-ed water polo will likely be the latest club opportunity for Butler students to take part in. Freshman Liam Hansen is the club’s president and founder. The club has written a constitution, and Hansen said he anticipates it becoming a Butler-recognized club by early-February. Hansen has played water polo most of his life and said his brother has been motivating him to start a club team in college. “I played throughout high school, and when I found out that Butler didn’t have a club, my brother was starting one at his school, and that got me interested,” Hansen said. “It’s one of the sports that I can’t live without.” The club consists of a four-person executive team. Right now, they are the only official members. Freshman Molly McConnell serves as the club’s vice president. She said the club has not figured out how the tryout process will work, but added that she is confident there will be interest. “There are a couple girls in my sorority that want to join, and there are people on campus that have expressed interest to me,” McConnell said. Water polo is typically played with seven players in the pool at one time—six field players and one goaltender. McConnell said the club will pair up with Ball State’s club team for a tournament on

“It’s not really that intense,” McConnell said. “It’s really more of just a fun way to relieve some of your stress and have fun while meeting new people.”

Seven-meter line

Feb. 8 as the Butler squad grows its membership. Team secretary Adam Bilski said the club is looking for experienced players but will accept anyone who is interested. “If we can get experienced water polo players, that would be awesome, and it would make the club that much better,” Bilski said. “But we’re not going to be too picky because we know not many people pick that as their sport growing up.” Bilski said he was a swimmer in high school and only played water polo recreationally. He said the club is another way to stay active and in the water. Instead of having separate women and men’s teams, Hansen said he decided on a co-ed group because he found the co-ed environment more enjoyable in the past. “When I played in high school we would always scrimmage with the girls, and it was a lot more fun,” Hansen said. “This way girls don’t just have to play against girls, they can play on guys if they prefer a rougher style of play.” Hansen said the biggest hurdle the club faces this semester is getting the team off the ground, but team members have their eyes set on the future. “Five years down the line, hopefully it keeps growing and people keep making the club better while branching out and making more connections with different universities,” Hansen said. McConnell said the club hopes to be competitive, but having fun is the most important part.

Re-entry area



20-30 meters Graphic re-creation and regulations from



The Butler women’s basketball team (9-11, 4-5) defeated the Providence Friars (6-14, 1-8) in a Big East Conference matchup by a score of 72-69 on Tuesday night in a nail-biter. Junior guard Taylor Schippers knocked down a 3-pointer with 12 seconds left in the game to win it for the Bulldogs. The Friars kept the game close throughout. The game was decided late when Butler held a 3432 advantage at halftime. Senior forward Mandy McDivitt played a game-high 40 minutes and recorded a team-high 17 points and added 11 rebounds. McDivitt


and it turned the program from a cellar-dweller to a contender. “It’s nothing magic. It takes hard work to get to where you’re successful in any business, particularly in the coaching business,” Rabb said. “He’s a hard worker, tough guy and a smart basketball coach.” Holtmann said his team at Gardner-Webb opened his eyes to the work it takes to rebuild a program successfully. “My biggest takeaway is how hard it is to rebuild a program,” Holtmann said. “It was a daily grind. You had to attack every day with great optimism and positivity. It was a grind to get it turned around.” Holtmann said the decision to leave was a tough one because he had a talented team returning the following year. But in the end, the mystique and opportunities Butler presented were too good to pass

also shot 5-12 behind the arc. Sophomore guard Lexus Murry started in place of senior forward Daress McClung for the third straight game. In those games, Murry has recorded 32 points. McClung was not on the bench for long, as she played 31 minutes and went 5-of-16 from the field and 5-of-6 from the free-throw line to record 15 points. The Bulldogs had 25 points off the bench while the Friars only had six. The Friars did win the battle of 3-point percentage in the game, as they hit 41 percent of their 3-point attempts . The Bulldogs hit 32 percent. Providence’s leading 3-point shooters were junior guard Tori Rule and freshman guard

up. “Butler is Butler. It’s a special place with special people, and it was now playing in one of the best conferences in college basketball,” Holtmann said. “That made it attractive, quite honestly more attractive, than if Butler was in the Horizon League.” Holtmann said his main responsibilities on Miller’s staff are focusing on position groups, recruiting and scouting. He said recruiting is especially crucial, as it is a yearround process that becomes all the more important with the move to the Big East. “If you’re not spending every day on recruiting, then it’s easy to get behind in that area,” Holtmann said. Freshman forward Andrew Chrabascz said that, despite not being in the spotlight, Holtmann and the other assistant coaches do the little things to help the team day in and day out. “They do a lot of stuff that goes unnoticed,” Chrabascz said. “They do a lot of stuff behind the scenes, and they don’t mind that. They don’t

Sarah Beal. They made a combined six 3’s in the game. Butler’s next game will be at Xavier on Saturday. The game will be nationally televised on Fox Sports 2, marking the first time the Bulldogs will be seen nationally on television this season. Butler will have to contend with Xavier’s leading scorer, senior guard Shatyra Hawkes. Hawkes is averaging 14 points per game for the Musketeers. Xavier as a team is averaging 63 points per game. As Couture has mentioned before, Butler will have to be consistent in its offensive game especially beyond the arc. The game tips at 5 p.m.

want to be applauded for what they do.” The tasks vary, but the mission for Holtmann is always the same—improvement every day. “He always goes the extra mile to help out players,” Chrabascz said. “After practice, he’ll pull people aside to put extra shots up. He just wants to keep improving the team.” Holtmann acknowledged that the struggles Butler has experienced to start conference play this season have been frustrating. However, he said the goal remains the same— progressing day in and day out. “At the end of the day, our goal is, ‘Can we be better in February than we were in January, and can we be better in March than we were in February?’” Holtmann said. “It comes down to winning each day, putting a deposit in each day. Out of that deposit comes growth, and out of growth comes results.” Regardless of how Butler fares the rest of this season, one of its newest assistants seems poised and waiting to help lead the Bulldogs to greater heights.

Photo by Amy Street

Junior Taylor Schippers (right) looks to make a pass against Providence Tuesday night.



The Butler swim team hosted the fifth annual Butler Invitational and placed fourth of eight squads. Sunday’s meet was senior night for Butler seniors Kaitie Ring and Hayden Engstrom. “This was Kaitie and Hayden’s last home meet, (and) we wanted to make it as special and great as we could,” sophomore Milly Sauber said. “I think there was a lot more passion from the team at this meet, like we wanted to swim for the girls who have carried us on their back.” Illinois State won the invitaional with 955.5 points. Xavier placed second with 584.5 points. Butler sophomore Amanda Wagner placed third in the 100yard breastroke. Freshman Mary Cerajewski also finished in the top 10 for the event. A unique happening occurred in the 100 and 200 butterfly events, as two Butler athletes tied in their respective events.

Sophomore Allie Dvorchak split points with Xavier’s Heidi Turner in the 200 butterfly, with both swimmers clocking in at 2:18.24. Dvorchak said that while a tie is rare, it is not unheard of. “Swimming comes down to the hundredths of a second,” Dvorchak said. “While it is quite remarkable to tie with a competitor down to the last hundredth, it is not entirely rare. At any big meet, it is common to see two people tie. It takes competition and racing to a whole new level.” Sophomore Emma Green tied Illinois State’s Rachel Root in the 100-yard backstroke with a time of 1:01.11. Freshman Audrey Gosnell earned two top-five finishes, earning fifth in the 100 yard Butterfly and fourth in the 50 Freestyle. Butler will make its next splash Saturday at Western Illinois. The meet will be the last for the Bulldogs before they dive into their first Big East Conference tournament, for which they will travel to Sewell N.J., on Feb. 19.




Faux, NOT

colored contacts


hair extensions

Opinion editor and fashion contributor Taylor Powell confronts stigmas associated with faux fashion.

Photos by Taylor Powell

Above: freshman Dena Phillips uses hair extensions to protect her natural hair from heat. Eyes: freshman Cristina McNeiley wears colored contacts to change things up from time to time. TAYLOR POWELL TJPOWELL@BUTLER.EDU


We now live in a world where consumers can buy their bodies in bulk. Eyelash and hair extensions, colored contacts and other faux fashion accessories allow fashion experimenters and risktakers to alter their physical appearance without high costs or a recover time. This faux fashion trend is constantly growing because of how easy it is for shoppers to access these aforementioned accessories. Websites like AliExpress. com allow people to purchase hair extensions, fake eyeglasses and even fake tattoos at wholesale, inexpensive prices. Malls are catching on to the growing popularity of alternative fashion as well. Kiosks that may normally market eyebrow threading can now perform the intricate art of eyelash extensions. Accessory stores sell clear frames that appear to be genuine eyeglasses. Some people may think using these accessories is unauthentic. However, this trend is just another way that fashion fans can express themselves

through the clothes and accessories they wear. Freshman Morgan Gast uses clip-in hair extensions because they are highly versatile. Gast started using clip-ins in eighth grade because she wanted her hair to be longer. Soon, they became just another accessory as part of her style. The well-known prescription contact brand Acuvue now sells colored lenses with or without vision correction. This allows users to intensify their look or match their eye color with their mood. “I just like switching things up,” freshman Cristina McNeiley said. “I love how my eyes look naturally, but colored contacts kind of add an extra effect.” I experiment with my fashion daily. Sometimes, people may not love it. Other days, they like it more than I do. But taking risks with my fashion allows me to express who I am. Wearing faux fashions does not make a person fake. It also does not mean a person does not like the features he or she was born with. Using faux fashion could simply mean the consumer wants to try something new. Or, it could mean the person

may not want to commit to a permanent change and is instead using these accessories to experiment for a short period of time. For freshman Dena Phillips, the use of faux fashion is to protect her natural hair. She uses hair extensions that lessen the amount of heat she puts on her own hair. They are temporary. This faux fashion trend is no different than coloring one’s hair, filling in eyebrows, or wearing acrylic nails. These newly popular accessories may not be for everyone. However, do not judge someone for using them. “People wear fake purses and we don’t say anything about that,” Phillips said. “I think that if you want to try something that is ‘unauthentic’ then you should.” Hair extensions, colored contacts and any other one of these styles are a great way to take your outfit or day-to-day style to the next level in an inexpensive, noncommittal way. In the end, whether you bought your hair and nails or were born with them, paying for these accessories makes them completely and utterly your own.


Freshman Morgan Gast shows off her hair extensions, which she has been using since eighth grade.


faux eyeglasses

Taylor Powell has been wearing clothes for 19 years, and is a selfproclaimed lover of all things fashion. Email her at tjpowell@butler. edu with your unique take on fashion. Your style may end up featured in The Collegian!



New major combines music education and performance VANESSA STAUBLIN VSTAUBLI@BUTLER.EDU STAFF REPORTER

Beginning next fall, Butler University will offer a music degree combining music performance and music education. Music performance majors will have the opportunity to strengthen their degree once they graduate from Butler. This degree was approved at a Faculty Senate meeting last week. Coordinator of Music Education Penny Dimmick said she believes this new degree will have many benefits for students. “Instead of having students complete two different music degrees, this degree blends them in a pedagogically sound way,” Dimmick said. “And in doing so, both areas are stronger.” This new degree is structured similarly to other Bachelor of Music degrees in many ways. The only key difference between this music degree and others is a requirement of 160 credit hours and five years of commitment, versus 128 and four. Dimmick said the new degree helps students enhance their performance skills, among other benefits. “It gives students the opportunity to earn both the performance and the music education degree in a logical and well structured program,” Dimmick said. “It also gives them the extra year to develop their performance skills.” The new degree will also go toward a new campaign, Music and More, which markets the flexibility of a Butler degree. “Many prospective students request degrees of this type,”

Dimmick said. Sophomore voice major Ana Rollins said she believes the new dual degree will bring many new opportunities to students in the Jordan College of the Arts. “Though I’m going for a degree in music education, I think it’s great that Butler has created this dual degree because, as a music educator, a big part of your job is being able to perform the skills you’re trying to teach,” Rollins said. “I know a lot of music education students love to perform as well, so this gives them the opportunity to professionally improve their craft.” Dimmick said having both options offered through this new dual degree is beneficial. “To continue as a performance major while completing a music education degree is a great option for these students,” Dimmick said. “Perhaps they will perform for several years. It is still nice to have that degree for when they want to change their career—remaining in music and making a difference in the lives of so many students.” Although this new dual degree will focus more on incoming students next semester, current students have already felt lasting effects on their music degrees, and Rollins said the degree will make the program that much better. “Butler’s music program is phenomenal because the professors really care about us and spend a great deal of time making sure we receive the best direction possible and even spend extra time outside of class if we are ever struggling,” Rollins said. “Honestly, I think Butler was the best choice for me, and I’m really thankful I have the opportunity to study music here.”

Photo courtesy of The Indianapolis Children’s Museum

For the Adult Swim event, the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis brings in a number of entertainment options for adults to enjoy.

Adults invade Indy children’s museum BRITTANY GARRETT BGARRETT@BUTLER.EDU


The line between children and grown-ups will be blurred and crossed for one night at the Indianapolis Children’s Museum next month. Kids will be left at home so those 21 and older can go out and play at the world’s largest children museum on Feb. 22, from 8 p.m. to midnight. The museum will transform into an adult playground and host the second annual Adult Swim event. This event promises games, disc jockeys, food and more in a casual party atmosphere. Money raised from Adult Swim will go to innovative arts and educational programs that serve children and schools across Indiana, said Katie Garwood, Indianapolis Children’s Museum information coordinator. Tickets for the event will sell out quickly, Garwood said. “We sold out last year, which was our first year, so we are anticipating another great turnout,” Garwood said. Although there is no actual pool for this adult swim, all five floors of the building will be open. Along with dancing and treats, participants will

be able to stargaze in the planetarium, enjoy a carousel ride and compete in a variety of activities and games. Adult Swim is co-produced by the Children’s Museum and The Sapphire Theatre Company. This is the second year the two companies have worked together on this project to raise money at the museum. Garwood said the companies came up with the plan together and have been working collaboratively on the project. “It’s really great that we have the venue and then they bring in a lot of super cool entertainment,” Garwood said. The staff at the museum does not pull off this event by itself. “Volunteers come in and help everything run smoothly,” Garwood said. “Some groups bring people with them as part of their sponsorships, but every help possible can be used.” Anyone wishing to volunteer his or her time can do so by helping with food and beverages, merchandising, ticketing or safety. To sign up, contact Debbie Young at If this event sounds appealing but the age requirement poses a problem, donations to the cause are accepted through the Adult Swim website.

Struggles and perseverance pay off BREANNA MANLEY


Butler University presented ‘An Evening with Lee Daniels’ as part of the Celebration of Diversity Distinguished Lecture Series at Clowes Memorial Hall Wednesday night. Daniels recently directed and produced the film “Lee Daniels’ The Butler,” which played in movie theaters across America. It grossed more than $200 million and is based on the life of Eugene Allen, an African American butler who served eight U.S. presidents across three decades. Allen, who is portrayed by Forest Whitaker under the name Cecil Gaines in the film, witnessed widespread cultural changes and social reforms during his 34 years of service. “It’s the story of an American,” Daniels said. “It’s a father-son story more importantly, and I think that transcends race. I think we can all relate to that fatherson tension and the backdrop was the civil rights movement.” During the hour-long speech, Daniels shared his experiences as an openly gay, African American film director. “He’s got a very remarkable story to tell, and it’s one of determination, one of perseverance, believing in yourself and never losing sight of your goals and your dream—to reach that pinnacle of success,” said Valerie Davidson, Efroymson Diversity Center and diversity programs director. Daniels chose to leave college and joined a private nursing agency administration. Eventually he broke off and started his own nursing agency in Los Angeles. He later sold the agency and began work as a casting assistant for Warner Bros. Entertainment. “I traveled the United States doing what I loved and watching what I loved,” Daniels said. The road to success was a constant battle in the film industry, Daniels said, and it was not an easy one for him to travel. “There weren’t many people of color that were directors that I could look up to,” Daniels said. “Not many I could identify with.” Daniel’s discussion is the first speaker in the series this semester. Davidson said the lecture series is meant to inform the community and Butler students and lead conversation on various issues of diversity. “In order for us to live, to interact, work and thrive in a global environment like the one we live in, we

We’re all just trying to find the truth, everybody. LEE DANIELS DIRECTOR AND PRODUCER have to have respect for the diversity that’s inherent in that global society,” Davidson said. “We have to be aware of it, we have to respect it and we have to celebrate it.” Junior Amy Wright attended the speech and said she was grateful for the experience. “He had a really deep message while keeping it light-hearted and enjoyable, even though he was speaking about harsh realities in the film industry and life,” Wright said. Daniels said his inspiration comes from real and honest life experiences and added that he invests a lot of faith in God. “We’re all just trying to find the truth, everybody,” Daniels said. Daniels said his next prospective project is a television show. “Directing and acting is like making love without touching anybody,” Daniels said. “A good director is in sync with his actors.”

Photos by Kevin Vogel Daniels talked about his experiences in the film industry and the hardships he had to overcome.

Film director Lee Daniels met with reporters and students before his lecture last Wednesday.




Teachers’ sensitivity to book costs needs improvement

A LITTLE AUD by Audrey Meyer | Collegian cartoonist |


Speaker’s Corner limits free speech Butler University’s newly discovered Speaker’s Corner is not what it seems to be The 2013-2014 Butler University student handbook has provided students a “convenient and visible” place to spontaneously protest on campus— Norris Plaza. Named the Speaker’s Corner, Norris Plaza is a place where students can exercise their right to free speech on campus without being punished. The student handbook contains a small blurb about the Speaker’s Corner, which includes what it is and its purpose: “To provide a convenient and visible location for spontaneous student activism and civic engagement activities/programs on campus, Norris Plaza is designated as the ‘Speaker’s Corner’ for individual students and student groups,” according to the handbook. “Typical activities might include: Displaying a sign board which allows students to write their opinions, student speeches or handouts on a current issue, a memorial vigil, etc. These activities do not require registration when they do not involve persons outside the University, are not amplified, or cause a safety hazard.” The first issue that arises is the location of Norris Plaza. Very few, if any, Butler students would be able to tell you where it was by name. The location of Norris Plaza is in the middle of Jordan and Lily Halls and the Pharmacy and Health Sciences Building. It is the little brick walk with a tiny fountain and benches. “I don’t really like that the free speech zone is isolated on campus,” sophomore Aliye Kidwell said. “It kind of takes away the whole making people hear you thing, which is pretty important for a protest.” Another issue that arises is that the zone is designated for activities such as displaying sign boards, speeches and memorials. If it truly was this free speech zone like the university claims, there would not be these examples

Butler University professors need to put students first when deciding what books they will use in class. Professors should evaluate their students’ financial burden when deciding what books will be used. Professors should also think twice before assigning a book with their name on it. Professors who peddle their own books can be found across campus in various academic disciplines. Forcing students to buy a professor’s book ensures that the book will be sold, while ignoring much of the other scholarly thought about the given subject. Butler students should be exposed to as much academic thought as possible, and a professor should be encouraged to consider more than his or her

Contact columnist Morgan Legel at

Signing for off-campus housing too soon can backfire and is not truly necessary Attention sophomores: It is not imperative that you sign away a year of your freedom, opportunities and money almost two years in advance. I am talking about off-campus housing, otherwise referred to as “senior housing,” by some. I do understand the pressure to find the perfect house to live in with your best friends before, supposedly, all the good ones are gone. Rumors spread about roughly how many houses are left, how many “good” houses are left and things like, “All of a sorority’s sophomore pledge class has signed for houses. We’re so behind.” But here’s a bit of advice through The sparklingly clear lens of hindsight: the houses are not gone, nor are they even close to being gone. I have received emails with the subject line “Last house available for 2014-2015” from multiple landlords for the last ten months. There are houses left, and there will always be houses left until you are personally ready to sign a lease. It’s a travesty that any adult

MARAIS JACONDUFFY “businessperson” would play on the fears of 19-year-old kids to wrestle them into signing a binding contract, but it absolutely happens. My future landlord and her husband reluctantly broke their “no signing until junior year” rule last year when an enormous amount of sophomores began looking at houses very seriously. Because other landlords were allowing sophomores to sign, my landlord followed suit. Personally, I think any selfrespecting but also realistic and practical landlord would realize that asking a college student to sign a contract two years in advance that binds them to live somewhere for an entire year is not only insane, but also terrifying for the student. As students, it can be assumed that we’ll all be on campus for the entirety of our senior year, correct? Well, no, not exactly. I signed for my house with my three best friends, all of whom I had lived with previously, in March of my sophomore year.

Collegian file photo

Underclassmen should not be signing leases for off-campus housing as early as they do.

the butler

COLLEGIAN The Butler watchdog and voice for BU students

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considerately and responsibly. Professors should not tell students to pick three books from a list of six when they only intend to discuss a certain three in class or assign expensive books when more cost-effective options exist. We do not mean to suggest that Butler professors knowingly cause such problems, but they may have subconsciously done so. Professors should clearly inform students about what texts they intend to use and for what purposes, or else to what end. If Butler students must pay several hundred dollars for books, we should hope that they would serve as more than very expensive coasters on Friday nights. Butler professors should stop judging books by their covers and start looking at their price tag and utility.

Younger students should reconsider early signing


intended to play down any effect a “protest” might have on campus. “Being a student in a liberal arts university,” Kidwell said, “I feel like I should be able to say whatever I want, whenever I want, given that it doesn’t directly harm anybody.” The handbook also states that, as long as everyone participating is part of the campus, the “protest” is not amplified, and there is no safety hazard, one does not have to register. These rules are limiting the amount of free speech allowed in this supposed free speech zone. A protest should be open to anyone willing to support the cause, part of the university or not. As long as it is peaceful, a protest should be allowed to have as much “amplification” as it needs to get the point across. Whether this amplification comes from a lot of people, a multitude of signs, or anything else campus officials might describe as amplification, it should be permitted. Allowing anyone to participate creates a bigger protest. If a protest has to be registered, it is no longer spontaneous, and defeats the purpose of a protest. A protest, by definition, is an expression or declaration of objection, disapproval, or dissent, often in opposition to something a person is powerless to prevent or avoid. For that reason, the Speaker’s Corner is not at all what it seems. By enforcing all these rules, the university is using the Speaker’s Corner as a cover. Free speech is not supposed to be limited like it is within this area. Worst of all, Butler is advertising the corner as if it is a gift to the students.

viewpoint. Other professors seem to assign books because they feel compelled to do so, not because they have any intention of using them in class or for class purposes. Some professors assign books they do not use in class, books they later decide against using or books that have not been published yet. In any case, Butler students have little chance to recover the cost of their books. The Butler bookstore’s return policy makes it difficult for students to return the books if the professor waits more than a week to tell the students they will not need a specific text. Reselling a text can be even more complicated if a newer edition has supplanted the one a student owns. Teachers must act more

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Two weeks later, I found out that I could easily graduate a semester early. Instead of looking at the endless possibilities that I will have once graduating from college, I’m stuck with only what jobs I can get in Indianapolis, preferably close to campus. While I have enjoyed my time here, it’s daunting to know that my options are fairly constrained, all because I signed a lease so early. Likewise, a group of girls in my sorority signed a lease about a month before I did. Four months later, one girl from the group decided to run for president of our sorority for the 2014 year. She won, but that meant she would have to live in our sorority house for her entire term, and she was stuck scrambling to find someone to fill her space and pay her rent in the off-campus house for only a semester. Other possible issues conflicting with premature lease signings are endless. Should an opportunity to study or intern out-of-state or abroad arise, a student must turn it down. Or, if the unthinkable happen, and a student fails or drops out of school, the contract may still be binding. I plead this: Sophomores, do not feel pressured to sign a lease. There are still plenty of houses available and there will be houses available for a long time. Also, should a landlord get his or her hands on this column, please think about what pressure these 19-year-old kids are under and what an incredibly unreasonable prediction you are asking them to make. Also, consider developing a standard across the board which permits only juniors to sign leases. If anything, you will only be ensuring a more stable group of tenants who respect you greatly for your patience. Contact News editor Marais Jacon-Duffy at

The Butler Collegian is published weekly on Wednesdays with a controlled circulation of 1,600. The Collegian editorial staff determines the editorial policies; the opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of The Collegian or Butler University, but of the writers clearly labeled. As outlined in The Collegian’s staff manual, the student staff of The Collegian shall be allowed the widest degree of latitude for the free discussion and will determine the content

and format of its publication without censorship or advance approval. A copy of these policies is on file in The Collegian office. The Collegian accepts advertising from a variety of campus organizations and local businesses and agencies. All advertising decisions are based on the discretion of the ad manager and editor in chief. For subscriptions to The Collegian, please send a check to the main address to the left. Subscriptions are $45 per academic year.



Photo courtesy of Cristina McNeiley

Hinkle funds poorly allocated The money meant to renovate Hinkle could also improve other campus buildings Hinkle Fieldhouse is an important part of Butler University’s heritage and reputation. However, the university could put $17.2 million to more productive use. Butler’s Campaign for Hinkle Fieldhouse aimed to raise $16 million to preserve the building’s historic structure and improve its facilities for student-athletes and spectators. Historical reservation is important. Hinkle, affectionately known as Butler’s “Grand Old Barn,” has a rich history. It was the largest basketball arena in the United States upon its completion in 1928, according to the


Butler athletics Hinkle Fieldhouse webpage. The building boasts a history of famous visitors, significant sporting events and, of course, the set of the movie Hoosiers. It has been a National Historic Landmark since 1987. Hinkle Fieldhouse has impacted Butler’s history, Indiana’s history and the United States’ history. These are no minor feats and deserve due recognition and celebration. Equally important, however, are Butler’s academics and current students.

U.S. News and World Report did not name Butler as the second best Midwestern college because of Hinkle Fieldhouse. Athletics do raise Butler’s national prominence. However, Butler’s reputation as a quality university is a result of intelligent and hardworking students. The Campaign for Hinkle Fieldhouse benefits some studentathletes, but it does not drastically improve any other student’s collegiate experience. Hinkle already underwent a major renovation in 1989. The facility received a new training area and locker rooms, a VIP lounge, a new PA system and interior painting, according to Butler’s Hinkle Fieldhouse webpage. This renovation cost $1.5 million at the time, which is roughly $2.7 million now after adjusting for inflation, according to a 1989 article in the Los Angeles Times.

This round of renovations will cost around $35 million, said Ken LaRose, associate athletic director of development, in an interview for “Campaign earns university more than $17 million,” on page two. Thirty-five million dollars should vastly improve Hinkle’s facilities, considering this is nearly 13 times the cost of the last renovation. The Bulldog Club, Butler’s annual athletic fund, will finance whatever cost donations cannot cover, according to LaRose. The Bulldog Club will have to finance about half of the expenses as of right now. The athletic fund is meant to finance projects such as these. The donations, however, could potentially be put to better use. Butler should try to excite alumni about a campaign to improve Ross or Schwitzer Hall. The freshmen dormitories could always use improvement.

Air conditioning could be a great place to start rallying support for a fundraiser. The campaign’s success had to do with the prestige and history of Hinkle Fieldhouse, but part of the success is due to the successful marketing and promotion of the campaign. Butler should consider putting that much effort into asking for donations to improve other aspects of campus. Athletics are an important part of college life. Hinkle Fieldhouse is an undeniably significant part of this campus. The $17.2 million in donations will improve the facility, but this benefits a disproportionate amount of Butler students. I hope the “Campaign to Improve Freshman Dorms” is coming next. Contact copy chief Maggie Monson at

Is Butler’s education worth the hefty tuition? Debt seems to be the biggest gift students recieve upon their college graduation According to a U.S. News and World Report profile on Butler University, the 2012 graduating class had an average total indebtedness of $35,210. Butler University’s students’ average total indebtedness is similar to the national average. “As of quarter one in 2012, the average student loan balance for all age groups is $24,301. About one-quarter of borrowers owe more than $28,000, 10 percent of borrowers owe more than $54,000, 3 percent owe more than $100,000, and less than 1 percent, or 167,000 people, owe more than $200,000,” according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Even with student loan debt, a college-educated person will earn more throughout their lifetime than someone who has no college education at all. “When we look at lifetime earnings—the sum of earnings over a career—the total premium is $570,000 for a bachelor’s degree,” a report by the Brookings Institution said. The question for Butler students is not a “college or no college” decision. The issue is whether or not a Butler degree is ultimately more valuable compared to that of another institution. In response to rising costs of higher education, Butler has attempted to address the financial concerns by offering various amounts of financial aid. Eighty-four percent of undergraduate students during the 2011-2012 school year received


an average of $17,331 from government grants or scholarship aid. More than half of students received federal student loans during this time. Butler students should expect to have debt in a range of $25,000$35,000 at graduation. When asked if the average student loan debt for Butler students was “too much,” professor of economics Thomas Litkowski said that “(the average debt) doesn’t sound like a lot to (him) for a college-educated person whose lifetime earnings will probably surpass that.” Of course, some students’ debt may be higher than the average. The studies above recognize that detail. However, most students will not have student loan debt higher than the average. Litkowski is of the opinion that Butler’s high value includes its small class sizes, commitment by professors and administration, and the intelligent blend of students. “Both my daughters went to good (private) schools. Both very highly rated schools,” Litkowski said. “I would say that they got a good education. But I would say that they probably could’ve gotten a better education at Butler.” Economics professor Josh Owens said she believes that Butler’s overall curriculum, particularly the College of Business, gives students the opportunity to excel in and out of the classroom.

“I think the brand of Butler is that ‘these are students who have had a lot of internship experience,” Owens said. “These are students who have had a lot of learning with the book stuff, but they’ve also had to use that knowledge in the work place already. “That’s something that is ahead of the curve in comparison to a lot of universities.” Butler ranks 47th as an undergraduate business program, according to Bloomberg BusinessWeek. The program requires students to participate in “real business experience” and attain two internships before graduation. The university appears committed to students’ success long after graduation. The alumni core helps future students build upon established connections. But what will life be like for a recent graduate of the university? Owens noted that after graduating, the average student will owe monthly payments on student loans, making life less enjoyable to some degree. It is a real world concern. But what is given up in the short-term can be made up in the long-term with future earnings, job flexibility and a competitive portfolio. The rising cost of admission into the university must be questioned. Students should not remain idle. However, Butler has shown through example that higher education can be innovative and worth the overall investment. Owens offered anecdotal evidence to this claim. “When I was living in (Washington) D.C., and I told people I was coming back to Indianapolis to teach at Butler, I

Statistics courtesy of Graphic by Julian Wyllie

was impressed by the number of people who were very familiar with Butler,” Owens said. “I would put some of this on the athletic decisions. Being in the Big East Conference will probably give students more opportunities in the Northeast corridor. It’s the exposure of the athletics. It’s very valuable. Every student will benefit from that.” Butler’s value comes from its perception of having a high-quality program. Employers, faculty, alumni, students and the general public recognize the prestige of the name “Butler.” Butler may not be Harvard, but students at Butler are just as prepared for the changing job market. The cost of higher education is an issue for most students anywhere in the country. Most students do not receive 100 percent of the financial aid they need. But if Butler prepares students for the future better than most institutions, it is worth the short-


With the Purdue shooting happening recently, how safe and comfortable do you feel at Butler?

Mallory Russikof Junior Elementary education

Contact columnist Julian Wyllie at

Do you agree? Did we miss the point? Have a story idea?

by Erin Marsh | Photographer |

“In all honesty, I am still paranoid. I always carry my pepper spray and I never go anywhere alone regardless if there was a shooting or not.”

term costs. Students must be willing to use all of the resources and connections at their disposable to fully recoup the high cost of admission. The opportunities are there for the taking. As Owens said, students must “take that degree, network and connections and get the most out of it.” I would suggest certain changes to the Butler’s financial aid system. Financial aid should incentivize students to become well-rounded. GPA and test scores are not enough. Scholarships should be based on promoting student excellence in and out of the classroom. In short, the value of the Butler degree is ultimately in the hands of students, faculty, alumni and administration. Butler will continue thrive so long as each individual participates in building the reputation of the university and further promoting its excellence.

“I still feel very comforable and safe at Butler. Everyone responds very quickly when something happens.”

“I still feel safe. I have trust in our community.”

Katie Gordon Sixth-year pharmacy

John Harris Senior Music composition


Letters to the Editor Policy The Collegian accepts letters to the editor no later than noon on the Sunday before publication. Letters to the editor must be emailed to and contain a phone number at which you can be reached. Letters can also be mailed to the Collegian office. The Collegian reserves the right to edit letters for spelling, style, clarity and length. Letters must be kept to a length of 450 words. Contact The Collegian for questions. Exceptions to these policies may be made at the editorial board’s discretion.


Editorial undervalues Butler groundskeepers In the Jan. 22 edition of The Collegian, the staff editorial indicates that the university needs to do a better job of clearing the snow following major winter weather events, and that the effort following the polar vortex beginning on Sunday, Jan. 5, was inadequate. The editorial flatly states that “anyone who was on campus when the vortex came through reported little plowing and shoveling of the roads and sidewalks actually taking place.” I’d like to offer a very different first-hand account. I walked a mile and a half to campus early on the morning of Jan. 6, just a few hours after nearly a foot of snow was dumped on Indianapolis. Major roads in the ButlerTarkington neighborhood, such as Illinois, Capitol, and Boulevard, had several inches of snow still on them, a situation that wouldn’t change for the next several days. Side streets were snowedin and not passable. During my walk to campus I

encountered few motor vehicles on the road at all, as Mayor Ballard (of Indianapolis) had requested that only emergency vehicles be on the streets in the days following the severe weather event. When I arrived on campus, however, what I found was that nearly every sidewalk was cleared and that most of the roads through campus had been plowed, making it possible to drive—that is, if you could have gotten to campus through the city streets covered with snow. Campus roads and sidewalks were clear despite the fact that the university was closed on Monday, Jan. 6 (and Tuesday, Jan. 7, and opening was delayed on Wednesday, Jan. 8). To state that the “groundskeeping staff cannot keep up with the weather” is unfair to the people who arrive early and work in difficult conditions to ensure that the campus is accessible to those who study and work here. That they made certain that it was clear when the

university was closed for two days speaks to their dedication. There will always be piles of snow in parking lots when lots are cleared, just as there will always be slippery patches of sidewalk regardless of the snow clearing effort. However, the condition of roads and sidewalks on Butler’s campus this winter (and over the past dozen years, in my experience) has always been superior to that found elsewhere around this city. Under ideal conditions, the campus grounds crew does not receive enough credit for keeping the campus clean and attractive. The challenges that the weather has posed over the last couple of weeks, and the way they have responded, has given a reason to thank the grounds crew rather than criticize them.

At our Jan. 15 Staff Assembly general meeting, we recognized the outstanding efforts of our snow removal team. Seventy-one grounds and building services staff worked nearly 900 manhours during the snow and extreme cold between Jan. 5 and Jan. 10. Since early December, this team has worked well over 2,000 total manhours to remove snow and do everything within its means to keep campus safe. Unfortunately, the extreme cold has complicated the

process. The least Staff Assembly could do was thank each one of these staff members for their hard work and dedication. It’s these individuals that make Butler a great place to work and be. Students, faculty, staff and visitors owe them a great deal of gratitude for their work. I was very disappointed to read your editorial, “Butler’s reaction to winter weather must improve” in the Jan. 22 Collegian. Before you publish pieces like this, I challenge you to

make sure all your facts are accurate and you have a true understanding of the work being done, especially by our grounds and building services staff. These individuals made sacrifices during extreme conditions to ensure our great university was clear, maintained, and safe. I request that you consider a thank-you piece to recognize them. It’s the least you can do. Thank you.

Travis J. Ryan Chair and Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences

Josh Downing Chair, Staff Assembly

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