3 minute read

From the School Council Chair

The Presbyterian and Methodist Schools Association (PMSA) is the governing body of Brisbane Boys’ College, Clayfield College, Somerville House and Sunshine Coast Grammar School.

The BBC Council is a standing committee of the PMSA, which operates only by means of, and within, special powers delegated to it by the Association. Its primary objective is to ensure the successful operation, maintenance and development of BBC as a place that provides an outstanding teaching and learning environment for students and staff, built on the teachings and example of Jesus Christ, and consistent with the beliefs and ethos of the Presbyterian and Uniting Churches.


The current members of the College Council are: Mr Mark Gray (Chair) Mrs Colleen Clur Mr John Down Mr Con Graves Mr Vaughan Henry Dr Marion Tower

In addition, the Headmaster, Mr Paul Brown, is an ex officio nonvoting member of the Council.

Mr Graves and myself are also members of the PMSA Board, while Mrs Clur, Mr Down, Mr Henry and Dr Tower are Community Members of the Council.

There have been several changes to the membership of the Council during 2019. Long-serving Chairman, Mrs Jacqueline McPherson, retired at the end of 2018, and I was pleased to assume the role of Chair from the beginning of this year. Mrs McPherson has made a dedicated and selfless contribution to the leadership of the Council through some challenging times.

Mr Kevin Standish also retired during the year while Mrs Colleen Clur and Mr Con Graves joined the Council. The number of PMSA representatives was reduced from three to two in accordance with recommendations of the 2018 AICD Governance Review.

Over the years, the Council has played a quiet but steady guiding role in the background, governing the College and working with the Headmaster to shape its strategic direction. In this context, 2019 has been a period of change and renewal, with the Council supporting the educational, spiritual and pastoral goals embodied in the 2019-2021 Strategic Direction Plan. The Council has also continued to focus on the future development of the College, especially the buildings and other infrastructure required to ensure a high quality education for our students.

During the year, the College had a facelift in the form of repainting of the main building and associated maintenance work. There remains an ongoing need to upgrade and refresh aging facilities, and this will be a priority for the Council, as funding permits.

A review of the College’s Master Plan is underway to guide investment in new and upgraded facilities for the next 20 years and beyond. The College is working with leading architectural firm, ‘Cox Architects,’ in the development of the Master Plan.

During the year, it was my privilege to deliver addresses to the BBC Scholars’ Assembly, and the Leaders’ Induction Assembly on 31 January and 1 February respectively, and to lay a wreath at the ANZAC Day Commemoration Service.

At the end of the year, the College farewelled Reverend Graham Cole who provided sterling Christian service and stewardship over almost three decades. He will be sorely missed. The Council oversaw the recruitment of a new Chaplain, and is delighted to welcome Mr Stephen Ward to the role from the start of the 2020 school year.

During the year, the PMSA completed its implementation of most of the recommendations of the 2018 AICD Governance Review and updated and refreshed many of its policies and procedures, including the Board and School Council Charters. As well, the PMSA launched a new Strategic Plan 2019-2023 representing the next stage in its 100-year history as a leading independent Christian education institution. Rather than focussing on initiatives at a school level, the plan sets strategic expectations from an overarching group perspective, encompassing three horizons of (a) pursuing excellence; (b) global partnerships; and (c) extending presence.

With the changes that have been made in the last two years, the College is now well placed to make further strong progress in the period ahead.



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