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Financial Aid & Scholarships
Financial aid counselors assist students and parents in applying for and securing financial assistance when family resources are insufficient to meet educational expenses.
Financial Aid counselors answer questions about financial aid, scholarships, grants, loans, and work study (need-based campus employment), including questions about any part of the financial aid process. Counselors offer the best funding options available to students depending upon the timing of application for aid, students’ level of financial need, and the availability of funding.
Financial Aid
Financial aid includes scholarships, grants, loans, and work study. Financial aid funds may come from federal, state, institutional, and private sources.
Two basic types of financial aid:
1. Gift funds: Money that does not need to be repaid. 2. Self-help funds: Money that is borrowed and must be repaid or earned by working while the student is enrolled.
Yearly Deadline
Each year, students must reapply by March 2 using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or California Dream Act Application. Check the Financial Aid & Scholarships website for specific annual deadlines.
fas.ucsd.edu | finaid@ucsd.edu | Phone: (858) 534-4480 | Fax: (858) 534-5459