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Financial Aid and Billing
Student Financial Services Bursar’s Office
Ȱ Ground Floor, Carnell Hall Ȱ 115 Carnell Hall Л (215) 204-2244 Л (215) 204-7269 ƍ sfs@temple.edu ƍ bursar@temple.edu î sfs.temple.edu î bursar.temple.edu Please join our virtual line to select a telephone or video call appointment with a financial aid representative, sfs.temple.edu/about/appointments.
The Office of Student Financial Services (SFS) assists students and their families with the financial aid process, financial counseling, and planning. Temple University’s Bursar’s Office assists students with tuition and fees information, billing, and payments.
Financial Aid
Financial Aid offers are available to review in the Student Financial Services (SFS) channel in the Costs and Aid tab on TUportal. Students must review and complete all financial aid requirements shown in the SFS channel. Parents should review the Financial Aid Resource for Incoming Students & Their Families handbook available in the Forms section of the SFS website for helpful information, including loan borrowing options.
Scholarship Search
Students can review the scholarship search tool through iGrad, Temple’s Financial Literacy tool. iGrad is a free online resource available to students in the Bursar channel in the Costs and Aid tab on TUportal.
Tuition Calculator
Temple University’s tuition rates vary by school or college, student level, residency, etc. Use the student tuition calculator to estimate your tuition, fees, housing, and meal plan (if applicable) at bursar.temple.edu/tuition-andfees/tuition-rates. You can also enter payment methods to help determine how to finance your student’s education.
TUpay: Authorized Payers
TUpay is Temple’s online student account and payment system. An Authorized Payer is someone the student grants access to TUpay on their behalf to view the student account as well as make online payments. Authorized Payers also receive balance due notification emails when they are issued. Your student must set you up as an Authorized Payer via the Student Tools tab in the TuPortal.
The Authorized Payer will receive an email with the URL to access TUpay and instructions for creating a password. You can visit bursar.temple.edu/how-to-videos to watch a video on how to access TUpay and how your student can create Authorized Payers.
Student Refunds: Direct Deposit
Students are strongly encouraged to sign up for direct deposit for their student refunds. With direct deposit, refunds are available sooner and safely deposited directly into the student’s bank account rather than waiting for checks to arrive in the mail. To sign up for direct deposit, select TUpay with the Costs and Aid tab on TUportal. In TUpay, select Student Choice Refunds and then follow the prompts.