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Student Notification and Emergency Communication
The university considers the student the contact for university communication and does not have a notification system for family members. Please review the ways which information will be communicated to your student and have a conversation with your student regarding how you hope they will share that with your family. You can learn more about these resources at: usf.edu/emergencymanagement
Active students, faculty, staff, and eligible campus tenants in the USF community can participate in AlertUSF, which allows participants to receive emergency notifications through text messages. At this time, this tool is not available to family members.
USF Website
The most thorough, accurate, and up-todate information during an emergency will be posted on the USF homepage at usf.edu, which is available to students, families and the USF community. USF Safe App
The USF Safe App is available as a free download. Smartphone users now have the ability to make emergency calls and other helpful functions to help improve their personal safety and security. USF Safe can trigger Mobile BlueLight to alert Police. An interactive map helps students and others navigate on campus and the toolkit contains a flashlight, alarm and more.
Campus Safety Emergency Hotline
During extended emergencies affecting the Tampa campus, recorded information and updates may be available by calling the Campus Safety Emergency Hotline at 1-800-992-4231.
Parent & Family Engagement
The Office of Parent & Family Engagement does not send emergency notification emails to family members. When available and appropriate, we will share community bulletins and alerts through the Parent & Family BULLetin. Make sure to join our contact list at usf.campusesp.com/signup.
Family Conversation Starters:
• “How often and how will we communicate?
When will I know to be concerned about your safety?”
• Ask your student what experiences they consider to be an emergency to them.
• Share your expectations for when and how your student would communicate to you about an emergency on campus that impacts them. Share that your expectation comes from a place of love and concern for their safety.