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Residential Living
The Office of Residential Life works with students in university-owned housing to build an inclusive and vibrant community that is dedicated to personal and academic excellence.
Assistant Directors and Community
Directors are experienced, masters-level professionals who manage the residence halls and apartment complexes. Their role is to create community, assist residents with problems, handle emergencies, encourage responsible behavior, and supervise the Resident Assistants. A professional staff member is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for emergency situations on campus.
Resident Assistants (RAs) are upper-level students who live in the residence halls, apartments, and townhouses. They initiate community-building activities, help students adjust to college life, address personal issues, and foster a respectful environment within the community. A few examples of the hundreds of programs sponsored by the Resident Assistants include going to D.C.-based political television shows, tours of the White House, an Art Expo, salsa night, and dinner with the Jesuits. The Faculty-in-Residence (FIR) program provides opportunities for interaction outside of the classroom setting. Our FIRs are dedicated to outreach through formal and informal programming in residence halls and the D.C. area. Facultyin-Residence participate by organizing post-lecture discussions following notable speakers, hosting dinner and movie events, working with the local embassies on in-hall programming opportunities, and attending a variety of late-night programs.
Residential Ministers, as part of the Office of Campus Ministry, are critical partners with Residential Living in the care and development of residential students. Residential Ministers live in University housing to accompany and support students of any or no faith tradition. The 25 trained pastoral ministers represent a variety of faith traditions, professional careers, and personal backgrounds. Together with the full-time Campus Ministry staff, Residential Ministers embody Georgetown’s commitment to cura personalis by caring deeply for the spiritual, emotional, and social needs of all students.
100 Harbin Hall (202) 687-4560 studentliving.georgetown.edu