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Student Health Services
Ȱ 1700 North Broad Street, 4th Floor
Л (215) 204-7500
Student Health Services strives to promote a high standard of health among Temple University students through programs in preventive medicine and health education, in addition to diagnosis and treatment of injury and illness. SHS is part of Temple University’s Health and Well-Being Division. Students can be seen without additional charge or copay by a care provider. Care providers include doctors, nurse practitioners, and nurses. Services offered at the Main and Health Science campuses include basic medical care, an immunization/ allergy injection clinic, women's health, nutritional consultation, HIV testing, and a self-care center. Point-of-care testing and medication are available at a reduced fee. Please visit studenthealth.temple. edu for the latest information and any changes to our services.
How does my student make a routine or future appointment on main campus?
Students can call us to set up routine or future appointments. Examples of future or routine appointments include: ƍ studenthealth@temple.edu î studenthealth.temple.edu
• Medication refills
• Vaccinations
• Sexual Transmitted Infections
• Annual and initial gynecological exams
• Birth control starts and refills
• Follow-up appointments
• Nutrition consults
Additional services listed on website.
How does my student make an urgent or same day appointment?
There are multiple ways a student can schedule a same day appointment:
• Students can log on to Patient Health Portal by going to shs-portal.temple. edu/login.aspx and log in using their Accessnet username and password.
• Students can call (215) 204-7500 to make an appointment.