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Academic Advising
The College of Arts and Sciences
Students in the College have a strong network of academic advisors available to assist them throughout their undergraduate careers. Pre-major advisors help firstand second-year students navigate their entrance into academic and intellectual life in the College beginning with the issues of incoming first-years and continuing through the student’s exploration of a potential major. After declaring a major, students are assigned a major advisor affiliated with the program. All students are welcome and encouraged to speak with assistant deans for advising in the College Office. These advisors can help students explore the many options and opportunities available to College students, and they are available by appointment or on a drop-in basis throughout the year.
Л (215) 898-6341 ƍ college@sas.upenn.edu î college.upenn.edu/advising-resources
School of Engineering and Applied Science
All students in Penn Engineering are assigned to a faculty advisor and a peer advisor in their major. Students who are curriculum deferred are assigned professional advisors experienced in working with students who may still be deciding. Each undergraduate major or program has an assigned coordinator who can help students with most issues pertaining to their major. In addition, students can meet with professional advisors to discuss non-major related academic issues such as dual degrees, minors, study abroad, and accelerated master’s degrees, as well as to ask for help accessing academic and student support resources.
Л (215) 898-7246 ƍ ras@seas.upenn.edu î ugrad.seas.upenn.edu
School of Nursing
All students in the School of Nursing are assigned a faculty advisor and a peer advisor. Students also have access to professional staff advisors in the Office of Academic Affairs. Faculty advisors provide students with mentoring related to their career goals and serve as a resource for students to discuss the current issues, science, and practices of the nursing profession. The Office of Academic Affairs partners with the faculty advisors to provide information on registration, degree requirements, dual degrees, minors, study abroad, sub-matriculation, and University resources. Peer advisors help ease the firstyear transition into college and are available to answer their advisees’ questions about student life at Penn. Students remain in touch with their advisors throughout their undergraduate career.
Л (215) 898-6687 ƍ advisor@nursing.upenn.edu î nursing.upenn.edu/students
The Wharton School
All Wharton students are assigned to a professional academic advisor in the Undergraduate Division who can help them: z Explore intellectual interests z Develop suitable educational plans and goals z Select appropriate courses and other educational experiences z Understand institutional and degree requirements z Connect with resources z Work through any academic challenges
Advisors are available Monday through Friday by appointment and for drop-in advising during Advance Registration and other peak advising times. Peer advisors are also available for drop-in advising weekdays during the fall and spring semesters.
Л (215) 898-7608 ƍ undergradinfo@wharton.upenn.edu î undergrad-inside.wharton.upenn.edu