Election Coverage 2008
48 %
52 %
35 %
56 seats (+5)
64 %
40 seats 4 seats undecided
SENATE 152 seats
237 seats (+13) 46 seats undecided
wednesday november 5, 2008 blacksburg, va.
Virginia’s three most powerful Democratic politicians — Governor Tim Kaine, Senate-elect Mark Warner and Senator Jim Webb — grasp hands on stage after Warner clinched his Senate seat early Tuesday evening.
Around Blacksburg, a quiet storm at the polls
In Richmond, GOP takes its losses, vows return
Yes, they did: Dems celebrate big victories
At 6:41 p.m. last night, get-out-the-vote volunteers at Montgomery
RICHMOND, Va. — As the red ties and red blouses of Virginia’s 7th
MCLEAN, Va. — It was a good day to be a Democrat in the
County’s largest voting precinct, St. Michael’s Lutheran Church, were
district republican constituents drifted out of the Richmond Marriott
Commonwealth yesterday. Barack Obama defeated John McCain yester-
getting nervous. Merrimac Road — a tranquil two-lane sidestreet
West election night party in Salon A, they left behind empty red wine
day evening to become the 44th president of the United States and took
through farmland — was choked with cars from both directions,
glasses, wilted red balloons and their hope for another Republican in
Virginia for the first time since 1964.
trying to make it to the polls before they closed at 7 p.m. Virginia
the Oval Office.
Rock the Vote coordinator Amanda Eckerson ran up to a group of volunteers. Pointing toward the road, Eckerson had a simple command. “Tell them to run.” But as almost every moment of Election Day in Blacksburg, it was a moment of largely false drama. see BLACKSBURG, page three
—story by David Grant, Gabe McVey and Sara Mitchell
Democrat Mark Warner pummeled Republican Jim Gilmore for
Despite the results, Republican voices seemed undeterred and had
Virginia’s open Senate seat last night, giving control of both of Virginia’s
found solace in an unanticipated aspect of an arduous national cam-
seats to Democrats, a circumstance that hasn’t occurred since 1970. In an
paign: unity.
election that saw unprecedented amounts of money spent on both sides of
“We fought against incredible odds this year, absolutely incredible
the political spectrum, the Illinois senator ultimately bested his opponent
odds. We have never seen a campaign like this in Virginia, and it has by
by winning several key and traditionally Republican states. Gov. Tim
far not been a level playing field,” said Jeff Frederick, chairman of the see GOP, page three
Kaine provided a victory speech for the newly elected president see DEMOCRATS, page three
—story by T. Rees Shapiro, Gordon Block and Candace Sipos
—story by Caleb Fleming and Shannon Aud
Virginia county breakdown
Online election coverage
Election Day in photos
See how your county voted as well as find a detailed breakout of Montgomery county voting precincts, page 2 .
Check out our Web site for our election blog and a map detailing county voting breakdown at www.collegiatetimes.com
Photographers chronicled Election Day at the polls around Blacksburg. Check out their work from around town, page 2.
today’s weather SUNSHINE high 65, low 45
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