Style Guide Cheat Sheet

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Collegiate’s Colors Primary Colors

Secondary Colors

WARM COLLEGIATE GOLD PANTONE 116 C C:0, M:16, Y:100, K:0 R:254, G:204, B:7 HEX #FECC07

MELON C:0, M:75, Y:69, K:0 R:242, G:102, B:82 HEX #F26652

BRIGHT COLLEGIATE GOLD PANTONE 109 C C:2, M:9, Y:100, K:0 R:255, G:221, B:0 HEX #FFDD00

ORANGE PANTONE 108 C 2 C:0, M:47, Y:95, K:0 R:248, G:153, B:40 HEX #F89932

COLLEGIATE GREEN PANTONE 349 C C:100, M:0, Y:91, K:42 R:0, G:112, B:60 HEX #006633

LIGHT BLUE PANTONE 2985 U C:59, M:0, Y:6, K:0 R:80, G:200, B:232 HEX #50C8E8

LIGHT COLLEGIATE GREEN PANTONE 349 C at 60% OPACITY C:100, M:0, Y:91, K:42 R:0, G:112, B:60 HEX #66A98A

YELLOW GREEN C:30, M:0, Y:100, K:0 R:191, G:215, B:48 HEX #BFD730

Collegiate’s Fonts

Trade Gothic and New Century Schoolbook are Collegiate’s official fonts online and for print design.

Arial and Georgia

are acceptible replacements if you do not own these fonts. support fonts:

New Century Schoolbook or Georgia Italic (For use in headlines, in pull quotes, etc.)

Style Guide Quick Reference Questions? Please call: Stacy Adams x1733 Erin Egan x1707 Jimmy Dickinson x1218 Deb Totten x1736

Details Matter!

Collegiate’s Copy Style

Collegiate’s Copy Style

For external communication, with parents and/or the public, Collegiate School follows the AP Style guide. To ensure that copy is consistent across School communications, please follow these guidelines in all written materials and correspondence:

Spell out Kindergarten (plural spelled Kindergartners)

Use a.m. not am

Use JK for Junior Kindergarten

Use 3-5 p.m. not 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.

Use numerals for other grades and upper case “Grade” (e.g., 1st-8th Grade, Grades 9-12)

Do not use serial commas: no comma before “and” in a series (e.g., red, white and blue)

First reference should always be Collegiate School; for second reference and additional references capitalize School (e.g., the School)

Single space (not double) between sentences

Hyphenate drop-off, sign-up, after-school, school-wide when used as adjectives or nouns (e.g., early drop-off)

Spell out day of the week (e.g.,Thursday, not Thurs.)

When a month is used with a specific date, abbreviate the month (e.g., Oct. 8, 2017) — except for March, April, May, June and July, which are never abbreviated

Do not hyphenate kickoff or pickup when used as adjectives or nouns

Do not hyphenate drop off, sign up, pick up and kick off when used as verbs (e.g., to drop off)

When a specific date is not included, always spell out the month (e.g., she was born in October 2001)

Use number only for day of month (e.g., 5, not 5th)

Quotation marks always go outside the punctuation (e.g.,“the School.”)

Use correct pronoun agreement — “their” is not an adequate substitute for “his or her” when the subject is singular

Use email, not e-mail; internet is lower case

Italicize titles (e.g., Red Badge of Courage)

Collegiate’s Logos

Our logos should always be used in high resolution. Logos may be downloaded on the Communications Resource Board on the PawNet. Other guidelines to follow are stipulated there, but the following are a few examples of how to use and how NOT to use the logo.

Correct Formats

r Inco

rect Format


•Please see Resource Board on

PawNet for more examples •DO NOT italicize •DO NOT insert a JPEG on darker background

•The seal is not a logo and should not be used in lieu of a logo (use seal primarily on official documents)

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