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calculate for each section which height bring the reinforcement to reach that value:


section according to t he shear force it has been calculated the minimum section needed for not shear reinforced. According to the Italian building code (NTC18) applied to the section. e are two different values that can determine the beam. , as the name suggests, is the minimum acceptable calculate for each section which height bring the reinforcement to reach that value: height possible for the section, by looking at the momentum of the beam. This calculus grasshopper for each section with its different value of momentum. It must be noted that s, flanges, have been calculated at each point but, as it happens in the field, a value of 30 all the sections to simplify the design and because it guarantees that the flanges, and under compressive stress.

Combinare la possiblità di usare le travi T con l’utilizzo delle leggi che permettono di dimensionare una trave height possible for the section, by looking at the momentum of the beam. This calculus grasshopper for each section with its different value of momentum. It must be noted that s, flanges, have been calculated at each point but, as it happens in the field, a value of 30 for all the sections to simplify the design and because it guarantees that the flanges, and under compressive stress. section which height bring the reinforcement to reach that value:

CALCOLO DELL’ALTEZZA DELLA SEZIONE - MOMENTO the section, by looking at the momentum of the beam. This calculus section with its different value of momentum. It must be noted that s, calculated at each point but, as it happens in the field, a value of 30 to simplify the design and because it guarantees that the flanges, and stress.

CALCOLO DELLO SPESSORE DELLA SEZIONE - TAGLIO stress isn’t any compressive stress so . To calculate the minimum acceptable b it is and = . In the equations b is isolated: shear force it has been calculated the minimum section needed for

According to the Italian building code (NTC18) e are two different values that can determine the name suggests, is the minimum acceptable section according to t he shear force it has been calculated the minimum section needed for shear reinforced. According to the Italian building code (NTC18) applied to the section. e are two different values that can determine the beam. , as the name suggests, is the minimum acceptable stress minimum was chosen to be the b used for the creation of the section noted that the factor k requires the height of the section to not be any lower than isn’t any compressive stress so . To calculate the minimum acceptable b it is and = . In the equations b is isolated: according to t he shear force it has been calculated the minimum section needed for shear reinforced. According to the Italian building code (NTC18) applied to the section. e are two different values that can determine the , as the name suggests, is the minimum acceptable stress any compressive stress so . To calculate the minimum acceptable b it is and = . In the equations b is isolated:

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