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12/31/13 Response to the termination of Dallas Police Corporal Amy Wilburn Mothers Against Police Brutality is relieved to learn that Chief David Brown has fired Officer Amy Wilburn for the unjustified shooting of Kelvion Walker on December 9th and for violating Dallas Police Department’s Deadly Force Policy. We feel Chief Brown has made an important step but it’s only the beginning. This step shows the citizens of Dallas that he can investigate and fire officers that violate policies and procedures that cost mothers the lives of their children. Unfortunately, there are many Officer Amy Wilburns still employed as Dallas Police Officers. There have been numerous shootings by police officers of unarmed suspects, who didn’t survive to tell what really happened. There have been numerous shootings of unarmed suspects, where no videotape exists to show what actually happened. Mothers Against Police Brutality demands that Chief Brown change the way these crimes are investigated. Mothers Against Police Brutality demands that Chief Brown re-open the nine recent deadly force cases listed below, all of which resulted in Dallas mothers losing their children to unchecked and reckless behavior of some Dallas police officers. MAPB is confident that if Chief Brown handles these cases with the same due diligence as the Kelvion Walker case that the officers involved, some with extensive backgrounds of excessive force complaints, would not be employed today. We will MAPB will seek a meeting with Chief Brown to discuss the re-opening of these homicides. The blood of these young men cries

out from the ground for a new investigation: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Salvador Munoz, unarmed shot on 11/1/13 Geraldo Pinedo, unarmed shot on 7/19/13 Clinton Allen, unarmed shot on 3/10/13 James Harper, unarmed shot on 7/24/12 John Husband III, unarmed shot on 6/2/12 Kendrick McDaniel, unarmed shot on 6/24/2012 Cedric Stephens unarmed shot on 12/27/11 Tobias Mackey, unarmed shot on 10/29/10 Brandon Washington, unarmed shot on 3/22/07

Is it likely that each and every one of these shootings was fully justified? Is it plausible that not one of the officers involved was negligent or culpable? Is it reasonable that not one of these cases produced a grand jury indictment? MAPB will also seek a meeting with Dallas District Attorney Craig Watkins to urge him to revisit these police shootings. We feel that this should be the focus of his new civil rights investigative team. Related Articles Clinton Allen en-who-was-shot-and-killed-by-a-dallas-police-officer-sues-city.htm l/ John Husband, III on_man_shot_in_back.php James Harper icers-quell-angry-crowd-after-fatal-police-related-shooting-in-south -dallas.ece?ssimg=655846&action=reregister#ssStory655972 Cedric Stephens cer-sued-over-fatal-south-dallas-shooting-in-december-2011.html/

Salvador Munoz .html/ Geraldo Pinedo e_say_they_shot_a.php Kendrick McDaniel llas-police-say-video-backs-use-of-force-in-fatal-shooting.ece Tobias Mackey -11e1-a51e-0019bb30f31a.html

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