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Adult Programs

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Youth Programs

Youth Programs


Join us for a seasonal DIY craft open to teens and adults. Instructions and all materials are provided.

Terrarium/Fairy Garden

Ages: 13+ Day/Time: Sat., 12:00-1:30 p.m. Date: Sep. 11 Location: Colleyville Public Library, 2nd Floor Meeting Room B Registration Required: YES. Opens Sep. 7 and can be done in person or online at ColleyvilleLibrary.com. Contact: Adult Services 817.503.1155 or reference@colleyville.com

Fabric Decoupage Pumpkins

Ages: 13+ Day/Time: Sat., 12:00-1:30 p.m. Date: Oct. 2 Location: Colleyville Public Library, 2nd Floor Meeting Room B Registration Required: YES. Opens Sep. 7 and can be done in person or online at ColleyvilleLibrary.com. Contact: Adult Services 817.503.1155 or reference@colleyville.com

Mason Jar Lid Pumpkins

Ages: 13+ Day/Time: Sat., 12:00-1:30 p.m. Date: Nov. 13 Location: Colleyville Public Library, 2nd Floor Meeting Room B Registration Required: YES. Opens Sep. 7 online at ColleyvilleLibrary.com. Contact: Adult Services 817.503.1155 or reference@colleyville.com

Snow Scene Diorama

Ages: 13+ Day/Time: Sat., 12:00-1:30 p.m. Date: Dec. 4 Location: Colleyville Public Library, 2nd Floor Meeting Room B Registration Required: YES. Opens Sep. 7 online at ColleyvilleLibrary.com. Contact: Adult Services 817.503.1155 or reference@colleyville.com


Books ‘n’ Brunch meets for an informal book discussion focusing on new and

number of books are provided.

Ages: 18+ Day/Time: 2nd Thursday of the month, 11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Date: Sep. 9, Oct. 14, Nov. 4 (Alternate Date due to Veteran’s Day), Dec. 9 (Holiday Party) Location: Colleyville Public Library, 2nd Floor Meeting Room B Registration Required: NO. Contact: Adult Services 817.503.1155 or reference@colleyville.com


Share your thirst for knowledge with

Snacks and a limited number of books are provided. Please note that this group will not meet in November due to the Thanksgiving Holiday.

Ages: 18+ Day/Time: 4th Thursday of the month, 11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Dates: Sept. 23, Oct. 28, Dec. 9 (Holiday Party) Location: Colleyville Public Library, Colleyville Room (Holiday Party to be held in 2nd Floor Meeting Room B) Registration Required: NO. Contact: Adult Services 817.503.1155 or reference@colleyville.com


The library offers an evening book club for working adults and night owls.

Ages: 18+ Day/Time: 3rd Thursday of the month, 7:00–8:00 p.m. Dates: Sept. 16, Oct. 21, Nov. 18, Dec. 9 (Holiday Party) Location: Colleyville Public Library, Colleyville Room (Holiday Party to be held in 2nd Floor Meeting Room B at 6:30 p.m.) Registration Required: NO. Contact: Adult Services 817.503.1155 or reference@colleyville.com


Come to the library to discuss movies and documentaries. All opinions welcome. Snacks are provided.

Ages: 18+ Day/Time: Thu. 11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Dates: Sept. 16, Nov. 18, Dec. 9 (Holiday Party) Location: Colleyville Public Library, Colleyville Room (Holiday Party to be held in 2nd Floor Meeting Room B) Registration Required: NO. Contact: Adult Services 817.503.1155 or reference@colleyville.com


Go ‘Back to the Classics’ as we bring films of the past to the Library! Pick up some free popcorn and drinks, and enter a drawing for a gift card to a local business! Must be present to win gift card.

Ages: 18+ Day/Time: Fri. 1:30–3:30 p.m. Dates: Oct. 29, Dec. 17 Location: Colleyville Public Library, 2nd Floor Meeting Room B Registration Required: NO. Contact: 817.503.1160 or aross@colleyville.com

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