Collide Magazine Issue 2

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ollide Azusa Pacific University Student Magazine



A look at female leadership at APU

These local mamas reveal the sweet truth about running a family business.


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THE CANCEROUS CAMPAIGN Is it OK that sex and sacred life issues blur?

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Issue 2 | December 8, 2010 | | A Student Voice of Azusa Pacific University

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Dear Reader, !"#"$%"$&#"$&'&()*$#"+)(,"-$.()/"$,0"$1#.,$,(2"$%"$2",$()$3/,45"#6$78&-$,4$.""$94+:;"$#",+#)"-6$ Planning for the second issue of Collide has been a whirlwind, to say the least. There have been more cups of coffee, more sources to be chased down and more inspiration sought. In effect, we have compiled and innovated some features I think will catch your eye. Some may even cause you ,4$'#&<<8"$%(,0$&$<&#,$4=$8(="$94+$0&;"):,$"><"#(")/"-*$4#$.(2<89$"),"#,&()$94+$4)$&$,#488"9$#(-"$,4$ west campus. Above all, we give you the Collide impact we promised. And just in time too. ?(,0$1)&8.$%""@$&<<#4&/0()'*$%"$4=="#"-$4+#$5".,$,(<.$,4$0"8<()'$94+$5&,,8"$,04."$&/&-"2(/$%&#.$ &0"&-6$A0"/@$4+,$4+#$="&,+#"$.,4#9$4)$B3;"#/42()'$C/&-"2(/$C<&,09D$,0&,$<#4;(-".$"><"#,$&-;(/"$ ,4$5"()'$&/&-"2(/&889$.+//"..=+8*$.,&#,()'$%(,0$1)-()'$&$<+#<4."$&)-$<(/@()'$+<$'44-$.,+-9$0&5(,.6$C=,"#$,0&,*$,0"#"$&#"$.42"$,(<.$,4$.,&9()'$0"&8,09$5"=4#"$">&2.6$?":;"$'4,$.42"$4,0"#.$="&,+#".$ woven in, covering women leadership on campus, threats to phone security and a student looking to (2<&/,$0"#$/4+),#9$,0#4+'0$2"-(/&8$%4#@6$E(-$F$2"),(4)$,0"#":.$&8.4$&$/+</&@"$.,4#9$4)$,%4$84/&8$5&@ers? Thought so. We hope this issue gives you reprieve from the stress of wrapping up a semester. Not to mention, 8",$94+$.""$.42"$(2<&/,$5"()'$2&-"$()$4+#$/422+)(,9$&)-$4)$/&2<+.6$F=$94+:#"$844@()'$=4#$&$'44-$ -(.,#&/,(4)*$/0"/@$4+,$.42"$4)8()"$">/8+.(;".$&,$%%%6,0"/8&+."64#'G/488(-"6$H0"#":.$";")$&$A0#(.,2&.$ gift guide, for those of you that missed Black Friday escapades. H0&)@$94+$=4#$&88$94+#$.+<<4#,$%(,0$4+#$1#.,$(..+"6$I8"..()'.$,4$94+6 Much love

Kaitlin Schluter Editor-in-Chief



where ideas & stories impact

Collide Student Magazine, December 8 2010, Issue 2 Whats Something Sassy? Editor-in-Chief | Kaitlin Schluter > Business Manager | Ben Logan > Print Design Manager | Troy Estes > Photo Editor | Jeff Schlotzhauer > Advisor | Karen Sorensen-Lang >

Contributing Photographers | Shawna Barnett, Allie Choco, Elizabeth Cirelli, Jon Dickson, Brandon Hook, Julie Imhoff, Rick Riedy, Regina Robles, Mary Rockey, Preston Steele Contributing Writers | Darren Bonaparte, Kirstina Bolton, Lauren Bugg, Travis Davis, Brittany Hersh, Dominic Martino, Erica Redmond, Sammi Sheppard, Zachariah Weaver

!"##$%&'$(')'*+,#$-).$"/'"0'12&'!#)+(&3')'4+#.$54&%$)'(.+%&/.'6"$-&'"0'+/%&787)%+).&'9:+()';)-$<-'=/$6&7($.>?''@+7'(."7$&('(&&A'."' bring people together on our pages where ideas collide and stories impact readers. We provide narratives, inquiries and dialogue in a Christian academic setting that values individual’s stories as well as community concerns. Our writers are student­journalists interested in crafting articles that connect with readers and challenge them to grow as people and reporters.

Like Our Magazine? Want to put your advertisement in our pages? Please Contact: Business Manager | Ben Logan >

Contents Issue 2 |


Q. & A. Rhoman Goyenechea


Protecting Your Phone


Gaining Foreign Aid


Overcoming Academic Apathy

We use them everyday and we rely on their function. But what happens when America’s electronic sidekick threatens our safety?

International athletes share their journey of playing for APU sports, from culture shock to new experiences.


How-To Stay Healthy For Finals


Baking With The Cake Mamas


Called to Serve

B&.C('0)-&'$.3'8&..$/8'($-A',&0"7&'</)#('D&&A'4)A&('%&)%'D&&A'0&&#'&6&/' deader. Follow these tips to keep healthy in prep for exams.

As if being a mom isn’t hard enough, these local mamas spill the recipe for their sweet business launch.

Award winner Kathryn Rodrigues shares her dream of serving her -"+/.7>3'"/'.2&',)..#&<&#%')/%'$/'.2&'2"(*$.)#?


When Women Lead

A look at female leadership at APU

Cover Story:


The Cancerous Campaign


Entire World, One Cross

Is it OK that sex and sacred life issues blur?

Church leaders from around the globe met together in Cape Town to work toward global evangelization.

Can’t get enough Collide? Yeah, we can’t either. Head to our

website, to read more articles by our fantastic team of reporters. The Prayer Revolution

Dining on the Curbside

The Undeclared Major


History of Facial Hair

Christmas Gift Guide



Finding the motivation to handle academics is no easy task, but you don’t have to battle apathy alone.


Rhoman Goyenechea By Lauren Bugg

Taking to the streets of 9+5"*:%/023%-&;%"*.<#.3% )#$3%5.'5(3+%2#%3+'=2#>% the children of Tiny Hands International. In Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, there are children living on the streets, girls being sold into .">+&8$.8&;"#9*$&)-$-&(89$=&,&8(,(".$ 4//+##()'$-+"$,4$">,#"2"$<4;erty and the effects of HIV. These conditions are the oppressive realities of many Nepalese peo<8"6$J4#$K042&)$749")"/0"&*$ life after graduating from APU has taken him into direct contact with this kind of destitution. As one 4=$H()9$!&)-.$F),"#)&,(4)&8:.$1#.,$ 84)'L,"#2$;48+),""#.*$K042&):.$ life has been dedicated to the service and development of the Nepalese people.

Q: A:

What is your role in Tiny Hands Interna­ tional? “Tiny Hands is actually new at having long­term volunteers. My role has been getting more in­depth with understanding why we do the things we do. [Volunteering] starts out like that, [with understand­ ing] why you are on the <&#%')/%'D2).C('8"$/8'"/' through being someone who has a heart for this and wants to help as much as I can without hindering the Nepalese. I’m more behind the scenes. I don’t ever want to per­ sonally interfere with our Nepali staff, who know things I can’t know because I’m a Westerner. They have a lot of knowledge to offer, )('E'%"3'("'D&'2)6&'."'</%' that balance, that common ground. We work through the churches, and our goal is to get the churches involved as much as possible because we want them to rise up. We can be a helping hand.”

Can you talk about a (*&-$<-'($.+).$"/'D2&7&' you saw real change in the life of a child at one of the homes?

What would you hope Americans, or APU stu­ dents, could understand about the work that you are apart of in Nepal?

“One of our children, he came and was very timid. His situ­ ation in the past was very trau­ matic. But in this past year, it’s been night and day. Now he’s laughing and coming up to me. When we have guests, he wants that attention, loving that attention…he is safe. F2&/'2&'<7(.'-)4&'2&'D)(' fresh, in the sense that he had never been in this kind of situation. Most of the children that come from a traumatic past, such as civil unrest, political unrest, parents being drunk or addicts, don’t know such a thing as love. Children see physical abuse and physical torture, in so many different ways, from such a young age. You start to see the walls come down, the guard come down. That’s when you know that the work that we do is so rewarding. It’s just such a joy because you see that transfor­ mation in that child. Also, the other children [that have been there longer] are phenomenal with the love that they give. The older kinds are so respon­ sive to giving that love.

“I almost feel like it’s manda­ tory to go, and experience it, whether you’re a Christian or not, because it will change your perspective. Hear and be challenged to learn about issues that are going on. Not just hearing and letting it go, but to know about [global issues], whether or not you feel you can do anything about it at the moment. I don’t want to guilt anyone into doing something, but just give the reality of what’s happening and let God work in them. A Nepali pastor, who worked with addicts, told us, ‘I cannot take that addiction away from them. I can only bless them with the world of God and ask God to heal them and take the addiction from them and become clean.’ We need to give the truth, give the reality of what’s going on, and let God change people’s hearts to step forward. I want APU students to know. I want them to come. Essentially I just say, ‘come, see it, and be changed by that.’” | 4


We use them everyday, we rely on their function and we even keep them in our <4/@",.6$I+,$%0&,$0&<<").$%0")$C2"#(/&:.$ electronic sidekick threatens our safety? With the rise in cell phone usage, mobile phones are becoming more and more like miniature computers. You can browse the Internet, send emails and even video chat. Some people even feel lost without their phones. It’s become a part of who they are. The CIA World Factbook states about 270 million people in the United States use a mobile cell phone device. This makes the U.S. the third highest country for cell phone usage behind China and India. That’s 87 percent of a population last estimated to be 310 million people. That identity, however, might be susceptible to being compromised. Cell phones may not be as secure as people may think. Information stored on phones, with or without your knowledge, could be in danger of falling into the wrong hands. The convenience of cashing a check by scanning it with an iPhone might be putting your credit, identity or bank account information at risk. But that’s not the only thing threatening the security of your phone. A mobile forensic expert gives tips for keeping your cellular and you safe.

What information is being stored?

Cell phones, especially smart phones with applications, have the ability to store information you tell them to record. They also are able to store information you may not want. “I got an iPhone because of all the cool features and the apps and it does everything a phone could possibly do,” said Shannon Righetti, sophomore communication studies major and iPhone 4 user. “I don’t think it has any sensitive information on it except my email.” G$)H"7&/($-(3')'(*&-$)#$:&%'-"4*+.&7')/%'4",$#&'0"7&/($-('<743' tests mobile applications to see what information is stored on a mobile device. They also check how vulnerable that information is. “When developers, who are traditionally used to writing programs for computers and browsers, get into the mobile world, they’re not really familiar with all the nuances of how the data is stored, how long the data lasts and things of that sort,” said Andrew Hoog, viaForensics chief $/6&(.$8).$6&'"0<-&7?'I12&>')**#>')'#".'"0'.2&'.&-2/$J+&('.2&>C6&'%"/&' in their past programming to the mobile phone and it ends up causing issues.” Hoog has found that sometimes systems will mark information as deleted when it’s actually not. Some of the more serious things viaForen­ sics uncovered were usernames and passwords that were stored on the device without any sort of encryption. “We also found that a lot of applications will end up storing infor­ mation about you on your phone,” Hoog said. “Like a list of all your banking accounts, a list of all your transactions, account numbers and routing numbers.”

How safe is that information?

Lookout Mobile Security, the leading provider of cloud­based smart phone security software, released a study with shocking facts on the likelihood of owning an unsafe application. They found users have on average 31 applications on their phones that have access to their identity information. Users also have an average "0'KL')**#$-).$"/('.2).'-)/')--&(('.2&$7'#"-).$"/')/%'<6&')**#$-).$"/('.2).' can access their SMS messages, like a regular text message, and MMS messages, text messages with multimedia imbedded in them.

5 | A488(-"$M$3/,45"#

“I had no clue that applications had access to my information,” said Tara Donavanik, senior liberal studies major, who has a Motorola Cliq, the smart phone for T­Mobile. “It’s crazy how accessible that informa­ tion can be.” AppWatchdog also tested several banking applications and pub­ lished the results for people to see on their website. They want people to know if the app they use leaves the user vulnerable or not. “I don’t want to use a mobile banking app just because you never know where that information could go,” Donavanik said. “I wouldn’t want anyone to see that information but me.” While the techniques for getting information stored on phones may not be the easiest according to Hoog, more exploits are being discov­ ered. Recently, an exploit, or technology vulnerability, for the Android was found that allowed someone access to the web browser and all the information it stored. “As the different exploit issues pop up, people who have crimi­ nal intentions use that to get as much information as they can to steal people’s identity, steal their money, or whatever,” Hoog said. According to Hoog, people have found ways to grab information off phones by downloading “invisible” applications onto unsuspecting users’ smart phones to spy on their activities. The less encrypted, or protected, the information, the easier the intruder is able to get what they want. “The big message we’re trying to get out to the public is that bank­ ing applications­­or any application that stores sensitive information­ ­need to be careful about what they store because there will be security holes and vulnerabilities in these mobile platforms,” Hoog said. “It’s

inevitable. It’s unstoppable.” Updates for applications don’t necessarily mean all the information stored is now protected. People may still be able to access your sensitive $/0"74).$"/3'&6&/'.2"+82'.2&'+*%).&'4)>'2)6&'<M&%'.2&')**C('(&-+7$.>' issues. Hoog believes that companies are more concerned with getting their products out the fastest to be better than their competitors than with security issues. IH"7'.2&',$8'.$4&'-"4*)/$&(3'$.C('4"7&'*7"<.),#&'0"7'.2&4'."'8&.'.2&' next feature out and then deal with any fallout on a security issue than 0"7'.2&4'."')-.+)##>'8"',)-A')/%'%"'(+0<-$&/.'.&(.$/8'."'.7>'."'&#$4$/).&' .2&'(&-+7$.>'N)D3O'P""8'()$%?' Apple and Verizon had not responded to attempts to contact them at the time of this publication.

How can you keep your information safe?

Since sensitive information is being stored on phones, people need to know how to protect that information from harm. “If it falls in the wrong hands, it could lead into a bad situation,” Donavanik said. One way to make sure your phone is not storing any valuable information on it is to wipe it clean, setting the phone back to its default setting. Since phones sometimes say something is deleted when it really isn’t, you may have to reset your phone to its original factory setting to ensure no information was left behind. This is only necessary if you fear the information on your phone is at risk to being stolen. If you wipe your phone, you want to make sure you back up any information you want to keep, like pictures or contacts, since they will no longer exist. All the applications you once had will now be gone. Most smart phones have the ability to remotely wipe the phone if it is lost or stolen. This clears all your personal information on the phone so no one can steal your identity or access your bank accounts. IE'D"+#%'%&</$.&#>'$/6&(.'$/'("4&.2$/8'.2).'-"+#%'A&&*'4>'$/0"74)­ tion safe because then other people wouldn’t be able to take advantage of me,” Donavanik said. “I could stop it before it costs me money.” The Norton Mobile Security offers protection to Android users by providing services that keep information sealed. Through the applica­ tion, users can remotely disable devices as well as block annoying and unwanted calls and text messages. The service also automatically locks a mobile phone if its SIM card is removed and allows the user to delete personal information remotely. The iPhone has more restrictions as to what applications can be used with it, but MobileMe users can locate a lost or stolen iPhone through the Find My iPhone application. This app allows the user to send a message to the phone as well as lock and wipe the phone remotely. Hoog urges people to be mindful of where and how they are using the app if they choose not to wipe their phones. “If you’re going to be checking very sensitive information, it’s probably best to do it in a place where you know it’s a safe environ­ ment,” Hoog said. Righetti knows not to send sensitive information over the phone, like account numbers or social security numbers.

“I don’t ask for or send information through text messages that is important,” Righetti said. “Nothing I wouldn’t want someone else to know.” If information is taken through an app on someone’s mobile device, the user is the one to deal with the consequences, not the application producer. “Right now the scales are not tipped in the favor of the users and ultimately those are the people who pay the price,” Hoog said. “If your identity is compromised, if people are able to get money out of your bank, you’re the one left holding that issue. It’s something where we have to try to turn the tables on that trend.”

Tips to keeping your information safe: 1 Be Aware of Your Whereabouts: People can get your .

credit card by listening to a phone conversation or watch­ ing you punch it in to your phone. The Department of Q+(.$-&'-)##('.2$('I(2"+#%&7'(+7</8?O'R)A&'(+7&'>"+')7&' aware of your whereabouts when checking sensitive information.

2 Zip the Lips: Many smart phones have a lock option .

to keep unwanted visitors accessing your phone. Put a lock into place. Don’t tell others your code and change it every couple of months.

3 Don’t Text Important Information: Some people will .

look in a phone for key names like “Mom” or “Dad” and will text that person to try to get information from them. If someone texts you asking for your social security number or credit card number, call them to make sure you know who they really are and why they need your infor­ mation.

4 Use Wi­Fi Wisely: Free wireless can be helpful, but it .

is also more vulnerable. Don’t access sensitive informa­ tion on open wireless systems you wouldn’t want some­ one else to stumble across.

5 Turn Off the Bluetooth: Information can be accessed .

via Bluetooth so turn it off when you’re not using it. | 6



By Dominic Martino


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F,:.$,0"$,%"),9L"('0,0$2()+,"$()$,0"$4<")()'$#4+)-$4=$,0"$ 748-")$Q,&,"$C,08",(/$A4)="#")/"$T7QCAU$2"):.$.4//"#$<4.,."&.4)$<8&94==.6$H0"$CV+.&$O&/(1/$W)(;"#.(,9$A4+'&#.$1)-$,0"2."8;".$ down a man. The sun is blistering down, an abnormally hot day for November. A foul by the other team places the ball 28 yards out. Two Cougars line up over the ball, preparing to send the soccer 0+#8()'$,0#4+'0$,0"$&(#6$H0"$1#.,$A4+'&#$#+).$+<$&)-$.,4<.$X+.,$.04#,$ of the ball. Promptly, the second Cougar winds up his right leg. He sends a gorgeous dipping ball over the wall and underneath the outstretched hands of the keeper. Just like that, the Cougars

7 | A488(-"$M$3/,45"#

lead 1-0. Welcome to the world of junior sociology major Vinicius Dantas. The lone Brazilian player on the soccer team found out about the Cougars through word of mouth. At 17, Dantas was recruited to play for a professional team 84/&,"-$()$A8";"8&)-*$30(46$ B3)"$4=$,0"(#$<8&9"#.*$E"#"@$O4,,"('"#*$,48-$2"*$YF$.04+8-):,$.(')$ a professional contract. I should go play college and get my aca-"2(/.$<&(-$=4#$%(,0$./048&#.0(<.*:D$E&),&.$.&(-6$BH0&,$.&2"$'+9$ @)"%$,0"$0"&-$/4&/0*$O0(8$?48=*$&)-$0"$,48-$O0(8$&54+,$2"6D The rest, as they say, is history. Dantas chose APU and led the 7QCA$,0(.$."&.4)$%(,0$Z[$'4&8.6 Despite his success, Dantas still felt he had to change his strategy. Compared to Brazil, he was forced to adjust to an entirely different style of play. “In Brazil there are more skillful players, which makes the tac,(/.$-(=="#"),6$F)$C2"#(/&*$<8&9"#.$#+)$&$84,$&)-$(,:.$&$#"&889$<09.(/&8$ '&2"*D$E&),&.$.&(-6$BF)$I#&V(8*$(,:.$)4,$<09.(/&8$&,$&886$F,:.$,&/,(/&86$ H"/0)(\+"$,&@".$/&#"$4=$";"#9,0()'6D$ Homesickness is another aspect of being an international student that Dantas deals with. Although he has no family in the U.S.,

his team quickly became his family. BH0"$.4//"#$,"&2$X+.,$,44@$2"$&)-$,0"9$&#"$29$=&2(89*D$E&),&.$ .&(-6$BR9$#4422&,".:$<&#"),.$&/,$8(@"$29$<&#"),.$&)-$F$/&)$'4$,4$ 0(.$04+."$&)-$0&)'4+,$%(,0$0(.$=&2(896$F,:.$X+.,$&$5#4,0"#044-$,0&,:.$ #"&889$&%".42"6D$ But does he regret leaving his home country to come to a small Christian school on the west coast? BN4*$)4,$&,$&88*D$.&(-$E&),&.*$%04$0&-$4,0"#$4<<4#,+)(,(".$,4$ play at NCAA Division 1 schools. “I felt like APU was the right thing ,4$-46$F$-4):,$#"'#",$/044.()'$,4$/42"$,4$COW6D


The weather is partially cloudy. The runners standing near the blocks are getting ready for the start. They lower themselves into ,0"(#$.,&)/"*$&%&(,()'$,0"$1#"$4=$,0"$'+)6$O3O]$H0"$#&/"#.$"><84-"$ 4+,$4=$,0"$584/@.$-4%)$,0"$,#&/@*$1#()'$&)-$<+2<()'$,0"(#$8"'.$ with as much force as possible. A baton is handed off to a teammate. The process is completed two more times. As the last runner /#4..".$,0"$1)(.0$8()"*$,0"$,(2"$^&.0".$4)$,0"$./4#"54&#-6$H0"$#+))"#.$0&;"$X+.,$.",$,0"$=&.,".,$_$>$Z``$2","#$#"8&9$()$./0448$0(.,4#9$ .()/"$Zaa[6 That blur running by was junior sports psychology major Alyssa Shury. Shury, from Surrey, British Columbia, found out about APU through her mother. BR9$242$&/,+&889$=4+)-$(,$4)$,0"$F),"#)",*D$Q0+#9$.&(-6$B?"$ were in California for a track meet and she just looked up private ./0448.$()$A&8(=4#)(&6D$$ After trying out for the coaches, Shury decided this was the #('0,$./0448$=4#$0"#6$Q()/"$,0")$.0"$0&.$5"")$&$<#42()"),$1'+#"$4)$ the APU track team. Despite not having her family here, Shury has made a family of her own through this team. BI"()'$&$<&#,$4=$,0"$,#&/@$,"&2$0"#"$0&.$2&-"$29$"><"#(")/"$ %&9$5",,"#$,0&)$(,$";"#$/4+8-$0&;"$5"")*D$.&(-$Q0+#9*$%0")$#"/&88()'$ the transition from Canada to southern California. “It was hard moving away from home but being a part of that team made it a whole 84,$"&.("#6D$


Tucked away on west campus, she is practicing returning forehands and sending backhands. Wearing a red top with white bottoms, she pushes herself to get better on the court and not settle =4#$8&.,$9"&#:.$=&),&.,(/$1)(.0$&.$,0"$)+25"#$b$#&)@"-$,"&2$()$,0"$)&,(4)6$C,$042"*$()$N"<&8*$.0"$%4+8-$0&;"$5"")$4)"$4=$,0"$/4+),#(".:$ 5".,6$!"#"*$.0"$(.$1'0,()'$=4#$,0"$.(>,0$.<4,6 Meet sophomore graphic design major Sarita Adhikary. Adhikary, whose parents are missionaries in Nepal, heard about APU from two pastor kids at a supporting church. “I was already looking for a smaller Christian school that had my 2&X4#$&)-$&$'44-$,"))(.$,"&2*D$C-0(@&#9$.&(-6 The Nepal native lights up when remembering her visit and .&(-*$BF$/&2"$0"#"$&)-$844@"-$&,$(,6$F$84;"-$(,$().,&),89$&)-$-(-):,$ ";")$844@$&,$&)9$4,0"#$./0448.6D

But coming such a long way from home to play a sport in a foreign country can have many challenges. The athletes and any student who transfers from another country have the potential to "><"#(")/"$/+8,+#"$.04/@6$C,08",".$&8.4$0&;"$,0"$&--"-$<#"..+#"$ of adapting. In another county, playing a sport can look completely different either tactically, or competition-wise. BH0"#"$(.$&$84,$24#"$/42<",(,(4)$0"#"6$3;"#$,0"#"$F:2$)+25"#$ 4)"$=4#$%42"):.$&)-$X+)(4#.*$&)-$0"#"*$F:2$,#9()'$,4$2&@"$(,$,4$,0"$ ,4<$.(>*D$.&(-$C-0(@&#9*$,0"$N"<&8($,"))(.$<8&9"#6$BF$84;"$,0"$/42<",(,(4)$0"#"6$F,:.$2&-"$2"$.+/0$&$5",,"#$<8&9"#6D Not only did she have to adjust to the competition, but also the playing surface. BC824.,$&88$,0"$/4+#,.$&#"$/8&9*D$C-0(@&#9$.&(-6$BcF,d$%&.$&$5('$ &-X+.,2"),$,#9()'$,4$<8&9$4)$0&#-$/4+#,$0"#"6D Coming from Nepal, Adhikary also noticed a major difference in the culture of America. BE"1)(,"89$5('$.04/@*$04%$)"&,$";"#9,0()'$(.*$04%$4#'&)(V"-$(,$ (.*D$.&(-$C-0(@&#9*$%04."$=&;4#(,"$C2"#(/&)$.,4#"$(.$?&8LR&#,6$


H0"$/#4..L/4+),#9$,"&2$(.$,+)()'$+<$=4#$,0"(#$8&,".,$2"",6$3)$ ,4-&9:.$%4#@4+,$./0"-+8"*$,0"#":.$&)$f@$#+)$&#4+)-$,0"$/(,9$4=$CV+sa. They begin by running down this street, up the hill, and around ,0(.$/4#)"#6$3)"$#+))"#$5"'().$,4$."<&#&,"$=#42$0(.$,"&22&,".*$X+.,$ like he does in his races. He begins with the pack of runners but by ,0"$")-$4=$,0"$f@*$0"$(.$&88$&84)"$/#4..()'$,0"$1)(.0$8()"$1#.,6$!":.$ won another meet. Meet junior accounting major and 3-time All-American athlete Abednego Magut. Magut, who is originally from Kenya, is a transfer from Simpson College in Indianola, Iowa. Magut can thank his brother for helping him land at APU. BR9$5#4,0"#$/4))"/,"-$2"$c,4$Q(2<.4)$A488"'"d$&)-$F$ .,&#,"-$,&8@()'$c,4$&-2()(.,#&,4#.d$,0#4+'0$,0"$F),"#)",*D$R&'+,$ .&(-6$BF$=4+)-$,%4$=#(")-.$4;"#$0"#"$c%04$#&)$,#&/@d$&)-$%"),$,4$ ./0448$0"#"6$F,$%&.$&8.4$&$A0#(.,(&)$./04486D Although Magut found familiarity on campus with his faith, he faced the challenge of running on a different surface. Last year at nationals, it was only the third time Magut has ever run on a track. “Running on the track was fun for me because it is something )"%$&)-$#+))()'$4)$,0"$-(#,$(.$,4+'0*D$R&'+,$.&(-6$BK+))()'$4)$,0"$ 5&#"$'#4+)-$c(.$0&#-$4)$,0"$="",d6D H0&,:.$)4,$,0"$4)89$1#.,$0":.$"><"#(")/"-6$R&'+,$0&-$0(.$1#.,$ Reese Peanut Butter Cup this last summer. Magut loved it, so much that he claimed it was the reason he came to America. Coming from a small village in Kenya, Magut, also noticed a difference in culture. BF$0&-$&$84,$4=$.04/@*D$R&'+,$.&(-6$$BF)$g")9&*$%"$&#"$8(@"$ /422+)(,9L5&."-*$%0"#"$0"#"$(,:.$()-(;(-+&8(.,(/$&)-$/&<(,&8(.,(/6D Despite the many changes, Magut understands that something 5(''"#$(.$&,$<8&9$0"#"6$H0"#":.$.42",0()'$5"94)-$,0"$#&/",#&/@6 “I never had any plan to study abroad or to do stuff like that, 5+,$F$-4):,$#"'#",$(,*D$R&'+,$.&(-6$BF$,0()@$(,$%&.$74-:.$(),"),(4).$=4#$ !(2$,4$2&@"$2"$/42"$,4$./0448$0"#"6D | 8

Overcoming Academic Apathy Finding the motivation to handle academics is no easy task, but you don’t have to battle apathy alone. By Kaitlin Schluter


4+:;"$5"")$,0"#"$5"=4#"6$ F,:.$,0"$)('0,$5"=4#"$ that ten-page paper is -+"6$F,:.$&8#"&-9$)"&#()'$2(-)('0,6$h4+:#"$4)$94+#$ second cup of coffee and all 94+:;"$,9<"-$(.$94+#$)&2"6$h4+$ begin to write when that little ;4(/"$<4<.$()$94+#$0"&-6$B74$ 4)$J&/"544@*D$(,$.&9.6$B74$'",$ E4)+,$R&)*D$(,$/4),()+".6$Bh4+$ can skip class tomorrow, even ,04+'0$94+$2(.."-$8&.,$%""@*D$ it teases. “Who cares about 042"%4#@$&)9%&9iD$F,$'#4%.$ louder. H0(.$;4(/"$(.$%0&,$"><"#,.$ /&88$Y&/&-"2(/$&<&,09*:$&)$+)#+89$ behavior characterized by a lack of enthusiasm, lethargy and indifference in the class#442$.",,()'6$F,:.$%0&,$@""<.$ us from being successful and staying on top of the workload. J4#$,04."$%04$/&):,$2&.,"#$(,*$ the consequences are severe: failure, academic probation and eventually dismissal. ?(,0$1)&8.$%""@$&<<#4&/0ing, getting back on track academically is possible. It starts with saying no to the voice and yes to sleep, better study habits and a planner. These "><"#,.$%"('0$()$4)$,0"(#$,(<.$,4$ overcoming academic apathy, 5"=4#"$(,:.$,44$8&,"6


Kantis Simmons, motivational speaker and author of BO8&9()'$h4+#$CL7&2"*D$(.$)4$ stranger to academic apathy.

9 | A488(-"$M$3/,45"#

Although he held the highest 2&8"$7OC$()$0(.$.")(4#$9"&#$4=$ 0('0$./0448*$0"$&824.,$-(-):,$ graduate. He nearly failed an advanced placement English course, letting apathy set in. He became complacent and lacked motivation. “I had to stop, get it together, and discipline myself to '",$5&/@$4)$,#&/@*D$Q(224).$ said. “My mom came up to me &)-$.&(-*$YE+-"*$94+$5&.(/&889$ )""-$,4$'",$(,$,4'",0"#6:D Simmons eventually got it together in time for graduation 5+,$(,$%&.):,$"&.96$!"$)4%$,4+#.$ the nation, encouraging high school and college students to get back on track with their .,+-(".6$H0"$1#.,$.,"<*$.&(-$Q(224).*$(.$1)-()'$94+#$<+#<4."6 B?0&,$.,+-"),.$-4):,$#"&8ize is whatever door you want to get through in life, whatever door you want to access with 94+#$/&#""#*$94+:#"$'4()'$,4$ )""-$&$/"#,&()$@"9*D$.&(-$Q(2mons. “In most cases, that key (.$&$/"#,(1/&,"*$&$-(<842&$4#$&$ degree. By understanding the keys you need in life, that helps you (-"),(=9$,0"$<+#<4."6D Simmons advised students to look down the road and keep asking why, questioning their actions. It also helps to treat school as a full-time job. Students should plan their schedule accordingly, working throughout the day. He suggests working two hours outside the classroom for every

one hour in the classroom. Being academically successful also means picking up good study habits, starting with study location. Doing homework where you sleep is like bathing in the kitchen sink, according to Q(224).6$F,:.$)4,$&$.2&#,$24;"6 BF=$(,:.$4)"$<8&/"$()$,0"$ library that you go to all the time to study, the only thing you do ()$,0"$<8&/"$(.$.,+-9*D$Q(224).$ said. “Just like the bathroom is made for bathroom things, the kitchen is for kitchen things. De1)"$,0&,$.,+-9$84/&,(4)$&)-$,0"$ only thing you do in that location (.$.,+-96D Simmons also encouraged taking a nap as soon as 94+#$B%4#@$-&9D$")-.6$Q,+-"),.$

Medford, Massachusetts, he pursued an economics major &)-$="8,$0"$/4+8-):,$/0&)'"6$ Although having a structured schedule helped him keep on top of classes, he wish he had more passion for his studies. Svagdis encourages students feeling unmotivated to take a second look at their passions. “I would sit down a do a 8(,,8"$."8=L#"^"/,(4)*D$Q;&'-(.$ said. “As a Christian, I would <#&9$&)-$&.@$74-$%0"#"$&#"$ you directing me in my life? If I -4):,$@)4%$%0&,$F:2$<&..(4)ate about at this point I need to pray, what have you gifted me ()iD Svagdis also encourages

“There’s no substitute for adequate planning and taking responsibility for your degree and degree completion.” should take a little rest and then continue studying, keeping in mind when their energy level is high during the day.


Paul Svagdis, head coach =4#$,0"$CV+.&$O&/(1/$W)(;"#.(,9$ 5&."5&88$,"&2*$(.$&$1#2$5"8(";"#$ 4=$B'#()-()'$(,$4+,6D$H0&,:.$5&."ball terminology for practicing .42",0()'$94+$-4):,$8(@"$,4$-4$ in order to get better at it. He sees this both on the 1"8-$&)-$()$,0"$/8&..#4426$H0"$ National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics requires athletes ,4$2&(),&()$&$b6`$7OC$&)-$&,$ least 12 units per semester. When athletes are on the brink of failing these requirements, Q;&'-(.:$#48"$.0(=,.$=#42$/4&/0$ to advisor. He encourages his athletes to look at their major and ask why they are pursuing it. When he attended Tufts University in

.,+-"),.$,4$@)4%$,0&,$B.8+2<.D$ &#"$,9<(/&8$()$8(="6$C$B.8+2<*D$()$ baseball lingo, is a period of time where the player is not playing well or up to their initial "><"/,&,(4).6 BQ42",(2".$94+:#"$()$&$ ."&.4)$4=$8(="$&)-$94+:#"$()$&$ little bit of a slump right now academically, but I would encourage you that life is about 4;"#/42()'$.8+2<.*D$Q;&'-(.$ said.


F=$,0"#":.$&)9,0()'$E#6$j"&nette Wong wants students to @)4%*$(,:.$,0&,$,0"9$/&)$0&;"$&$ second chance. Wong is the director and professor of academic advising at APU. She and her 4=1/"$/488"&'+".$-"&8$4)"L4)L one with a majority of students on academic probation. When students fail to 2"",$&$/+2+8&,(;"$b6`$7OC*$ COW:.$<48(/9$<8&/".$,0"2$4)$&$


semester of academic probation. Students are then required to meet monthly with an advisor, like Wong, who keep them accountable to their studies. “The reason for doing this is ,4$<+,$&$=&/"$,4$COW:.$#".4+#/".$ for these students, so that they -4):,$=""8$,0"9$0&;"$,4$2&@"$,0"$ journey out of academic proba,(4)$&84)"*D$?4)'$.&(-6$ Those on academic probation not only receive counseling and resources, but they are also &58"$,4$"><84#"$%0&,$(.$/&+.()'$-(=1/+8,(".6$H0(.$()/8+-".$,0"$ possibility of apathy as a cause. Finances and family issues can also spur a lack of motivation. If students can overcome their .,#+''8".$&)-$'",$&$b6`$7OC*$ they are taken off of academic probation. Those that fail to meet the requirements beyond

that are dismissed. Students can then petition to come back (22"-(&,"89$&=,"#$&$1#.,$-(.missal. After a second dismissal, the student needs to spend two semesters at another institution being considered for re-admittance. Wong said a goal for academically apathetic students (.$,4$1)-$."8=L24,(;&,(4)*$&8.4$ called intrinsic motivation. “Every person is at a dif="#"),$<4(),$()$,0"(#$8(="*D$?4)'$ said. “Everybody comes to a point in their life when they make a shift in that they start doing things like studying for classes, brushing your teeth, %0&,";"#*$=4#$,0"2."8;".6D$ Dr. Nina Ashur, director for the Learning Enrichment Center, &'#"".6$C8,04+'0$0"#$4=1/"$ provides many resources and

tips to help students, it is up to the student to take responsibility and seek those opportunities. 3)"$4=$,0"."$.,"<.$(.$ realizing the pace of a college education and taking action to handle it. “In high school you meet daily and so a lot of work that is usually done at home is done in the classroom and also high school assumes they are teaching you how to learn but .,+-"),.$-4):,$'",$(,*D$C.0+#$ said. “When you have class two times a week, they will not do the learning for you. Students need to make an effort to read material beforehand, especially when entering study groups. Ashur suggests breaking studying into smaller parts. Students should try to study earlier in the day and use waiting lines in the Cougar Den to review notes. Ashur, who has pulled an all-nighter before, advised students to also schedule in other priorities like sleeping, recreation, ">"#/(."$&)-$"&,()'6$C54;"$&88*$ C.0+#$5"8(";".$(,:.$(2<4#,&),$,4$ start taking school and purpose seriously. BH0"#":.$)4$.+5.,(,+,"$=4#$ adequate planning and taking responsibility for your degree and -"'#""$/42<8",(4)*D$C.0+#$.&(-6

“Try and identify what your important long term goals are and what classes or professors are going to help you get to where you want to go.”

Emily Nash is busy, to say the least. After all, being a junior business administration major, an athlete for Track and Field, an Alpha Coordinator and an intern with the Scholarship Business Association (.$)4$"&.9$,&.@6$I+,$.0":.$=4+)-$&$ way to overcome it and reach her goals: schedule ahead. ?0(8"$.0"$^(<<"-$,0#4+'0$ her planner, bits of color peeked 4+,6$Q0"$"><8&()"-$#"-$.,&)-.$=4#$ deadlines and hard tasks; blue for mediocre assignments, stars and heart symbols for important events and green for things she loves. 7#"")$(.$0"#$=&;4#(,"$/484#*$&=,"#$&886$ But getting to this point of 4#'&)(V&,(4)$%&.):,$"&.96$Q0":.$ had her fair share of late-nighters spent guzzling energy drinks in Marshburn library. In response, she usually collects all her syllabi and plans out her homework schedule for the whole semester at the beginning of the term. This semester, she was delayed and felt the consequences. BR&95"$F$-(-):,$)"/"..&#(89$ do as poorly in my classes, but 29$.4+8$%&.$X+.,$)4,$0&<<9*D$N&.0$ .&(-6$BF:-$'4$,4$/8&..".$&)-$)4,$ know what was happening and I 0&,"$,0&,$=""8()'6D Instead, Nash encourages students to plan way ahead of time. That, and get sleep. Her freshman year, it was easier to stay up late as she balanced easy classes. Now as a junior, her internal clock hits at a certain time telling her to go to sleep. For Nash, apathy comes more in the form of distractions. Q0":.$5425&#-"-$59$2&)9$,&.@.$ but all involving activities she loves. She thinks students should chart long-term goals and keep it small. BH#9$&)-$(-"),(=9$%0&,$94+:#"$ important long term goals are and what classes or professors are going to help you get to where you want to go. I know a lot of time 94+$-4):,$@)4%$&,$1#.,*$5+,$.""@$ 4+,$<"4<8"$,0&,$/&)$0"8<$94+$1)-$ ,0&,*D$N&.0$.&(-6$B?0")";"#$<4.sible, narrow it down so that you /&)$();".,$,(2"$()$24#"$.<"/(1/$ things I would tell myself that if I /4+8-$'4$5&/@6D | 10

How To:

Stay Healthy Before Finals Week B&.C('0)-&'$.3'8&..$/8'($-A',&0"7&'</)#('D&&A'4)A&('%&)%'D&&A'0&&#' even deader. Follow these tips to keep healthy in prep for exams. By Kirstina Bolton F$.2'</)#('-7&&*$/8')7"+/%'.2&'-"7/&7')/%' hours of study time and sleep depravation to be conquered, it is important to know that our bodies need to be taken care of. Even after the N+5(2".(3'.2&7&')7&'(.$##'4)/>'D)>('."'8&.'($-A' ,&0"7&'</)#(3')/%'2&7&')7&'("4&'.$*('."')6"$%'$.?' F8%G"#2/2H+, The Student Health Center 2)('(&&/')'/+4,&7'"0'-)(&('S+(.',&0"7&'</)#(3' ranging from the common cold to more serious illnesses. Because of the likelihood of catching )'($-A/&(('$/'(.7&((0+#'($.+).$"/(3'.2&$7'"0<-&' has prepackaged brown paper health bags <##&%'D$.2'7&4&%$&('0"7'$##/&((&('#$A&'.2&'-"#%' )/%'N+?'12&(&'*)-A)8&('$/-#+%&'-"+82'%7"*(3' packets of over­the­counter medication like ibuprofen, and tiny, one­time­use thermometer strips. P"D&6&73')--"7%$/8'."'F""%3'.2&'<7(.' and most important step students can take to prevent illnesses is to make sure they wash their hands and sanitize the areas they are working on. “Germs are on all surfaces so if they’re careful and carry hand sanitizer, just doing that on desktops, that’s the most important thing,” Wood said. Wood also encourages the simple act of washing your hands. “The single most effective way of avoid­

11 | A488(-"$M$3/,45"#

ing germs and getting sick is hand washing,” said Gidget Wood, director of the Student Health Center. “Frequent hand washing, not just when they go to the bathroom.” I8%J+/%A(.'%#./'2+#/3, Nursing profes­ sor Catherine Heinlein teaches nutrition to her students. “There’s no magic bullet to delay getting

“The more variety on the menu or food choices, the better, “ Heinlein said. “Go with the least problematic menu items like baked chicken, and then go with whole grain breads and fresh fruit.” Heinlein emphasized an importance to also stay hydrated. “Keep hydrated, and that doesn’t include coffee,” Heinlein said. “If they’re going to drink coffee, it is good to chase it with water.” Another overlooked aspect of healthy livin is drinking alcohol out of moderation. “Alcohol will absolutely impair your sleep pat­ tern,” Heinlein said. “It is not a nutrient, it is a ."M$/3')/%'$.'D$##'%&</$.&#>'$4*&%&'>"+7'(.+%>' habits.” K8%G*++5, According to senior biology 4)S"7')/%'.2&'(.)7.$/8'4$%<&#%&7'0"7'.2&'9;=' Men’s Soccer team, Ashkon Banihashemi, sleep is the most important thing to stay on top of your 8)4&'0"7'</)#(?' “I get around 7­8 hours of sleep,” Bani­ hashemi said. “Health­wise, I feel like sleep is the most important thing because you are so much more susceptible to illness and stuff. Although you want to do your homework and study for your tests, sleep is massive.” Banihashemi also knows the importance of (#&&*',&0"7&'2$('</)#(')/%'("--&7'8)4&(?' “I know that for me, if I sleep 6 hours one night, my body knows it and it’s almost like a bank

“Keep hydrated, and that doesn’t include coffee” sic because if you’re under stress, that may create an opportunity for illness,” Heilein said. “That’s why eating healthy is important, not junk foods.” She focuses on eating nutrient­dense foods over calorie­dense foods. She also encourages students to avoid mindless eating. “When students overeat as a result of stress and a kind of mindless eating, you wonder if that’s going to affect their sleep pattern,” Hein­ lein said. With the campus eateries, it is suggested that one should pick a lot of variety and simple menu items.

account, where if I take money out, I got to put it back in,” Banihashemi said. P&$/#&$/'(+88&(.('8&..$/8').'#&)(.'<6&'2"+7(' of sleep during a hectic schedule, but more is always better. As a graduate student, she knows .2&'</&'#$/&',&.D&&/'/&&%$/8'(#&&*')/%'/&&%$/8' to study. “Personally speaking, I will tend to be re­ ally hard on myself as a lot of students will, but I ()-7$<-&%'4>'87)%&'."'.)A&'(#&&*3O'P&$/#&$/'()$%?' It doesn’t matter how you prioritize these (.&*(?'Q+(.'A/"D'.2).'D2&/'</)#('-"4&(')7"+/%3' it is important to also take care of yourself as well as your class work.

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BAKING WITH THE CAKE MAMAS As if being a mom wasn’t hard enough, these local ma­ mas spill the recipe for their sweet business launch. By Sammi Sheppard

13 | A488(-"$M$3/,45"#

The Cake Mamas, a local bakery in Glendora, Calif., may be a family­owned business, but they’re not typical. For one, the owners are two women who share more than a passion for baking. They share kids. Fabiola Gomez (lictured right) has two daughters with her ex­husband, Eddie Copeland. Her business partner, Janelle Copeland (pictured left), has one daughter with her husband, Eddie Copeland. Yes, the same Eddie Copeland. “It’s much more awkward for everyone else than it is for us,” said Janelle, one half of The Cake Mamas business, located on the northeast corner of Barranca and Route 66. It all began with a crazy dream Janelle had one night that she and Fabiola owned a bakery together. She told their daughters, Jasmyn, 9, Kaylah, 7, and Jordan,5, the next morning half­heartedly. She didn’t put much thought into it after. When Fabiola came to pick the girls up, they put Janelle on the spot and made her confess her dream. A

little embarrassed to have dreamt about her husband’s ex­wife, Janelle told Fabiola. She soon discovered Fa­ biola had always wanted to her own bakery but didn’t have the business background. “It didn’t sound crazy to me,” Fabiola said. “I didn’t think it was outrageous. I know it sounded weird to everyone else, but it wasn’t weird in my head. I just <8+7&%'$.'D)('("4&.2$/8'D&'-"+#%'%"?O 12&'-"/<%&/.'%+"'D)/.&%'.2&$7'"*&/$/8'D&&A&/%' to be a success, but also wanted to give back to the community. “We started out just saying, ‘How can we give back?’” Janelle said. “That’s really what the foundation of this company is based on.” Janelle came up with the idea to sell 2,500 cup­ cakes with the help of the community. In exchange, The Cake Mamas would donate $2,500 to the local school districts. People lined up outside by 7:45 a.m. on opening day. The last customer wasn’t served until 11:00 p.m. “That helped kind of catapult us into the commu­ nity and I think they really appreciated it,” Janelle said. Janelle had previously gained business experience by working for Best Buy and Circuit City. Together, the two could let their creativity bounce off each other. What might have started out laughable sparked an unusual partnership. “We’re a very unlikely pair, but who cares?” Janelle said. “We could both bring something to the table. I think in the back of our heads we were both thinking how cool it would be to do something that would involve all of our kids and really bring our fam­ ily closer. And that’s what it’s done.” The three daughters came up with the name for the business because Janelle and Fabiola were their mamas and quite simply, they would be baking cakes. I9.'<7(.'E'D)('S+(.'A$/%'"0'#$A&3'T7&)##>UCO'()$%'V%­ die, Janelle’s husband who is also known as the “Cake Daddy.” “It took about three or four days for it to soak in.” Janelle, on the other hand, didn’t waste any time. Before a week had passed after the crazy idea sparked, ,+($/&(('-)7%('D&7&'4)%&')/%'(2&'2)%'<8+7&%'"+.'2"D' to design a website. The Cake Mamas was no longer just a dream. Making their dream into a reality has forced the 0)4$#>'."'4)A&'("4&'()-7$<-&(?'W".2'D"4&/'D&7&'*7&­ viously laid off so they were able to pick up their kids from school and spend time with them. Now, they’re at the shop most of the time. “We’re still working on the balance,” said Eddie, who is also the club manager at 24 Hour Fitness in Glendora, Calif. “It’s still very new so it’s natural for us ."'2)6&')'*&7$"%'"0'.7)/($.$"/'D2&7&'D&'.7>'."'<8+7&'"+.' how to balance the work, but I think it is going balance "+.?'12&'*+7*"(&'"0'X</%$/8'.2).',)#)/-&Y'$('("'D&'-)/' be closer to the kids and so the girls won’t have all three parents gone for 10 hours in the day.”

12&'*)$7')#("'2)%'."'4)A&'</)/-$)#'()-7$<-&(?'12&'!)A&' Mamas retail shop opened on Oct. 1, taking every penny the co­owners had to get started. “We drained all of our savings accounts, but we wouldn’t have done that without knowing that it would be successful,” said Janelle, who ran the numbers for the business “a million times” before launching it. Social networking has also helped the company grow. News of how the cupcakes taste has spread through Facebook and Twitter. “If we don’t like it, we don’t sell it,” Janelle said. The Cake Mamas use high quality ingredients and make their frosting out of whip cream mousses, instead of the typical buttercream. To make their cakes stand apart from competition, .2&>'(.)7.&%'&M*&7$4&/.$/8'$/'.2&$7'"D/'2"4&('D$.2'/&D'N)6"7(? IF&'<7(.'(.)7.&%'.&(.$/8'7&-$*&('"/'"+7'"D/3O'H),$"#)'()$%?' “We started testing stuff that we liked and we incorporated that into cakes and then the cakes were easily transferrable into cupcakes.” Z"D3'12&'!)A&'R)4)('.7>'."'-7&).&')'/&D'N)6"7'&)-2' month. They take suggestions from the employees and their -+(."4&7(?'["4&'"0'.2&$7'N)6"7('$/-#+%&'W)/)/)'Z+.&##)3'\+#-&' De Leche, Red Velvet and Raspberry Lemonade, with their lat­ &(.'N)6"7]'9+.+4/'9**#&? “I got hooked on German chocolate cake (a mixture of co­ conut, chocolate, caramel and pecans) thanks to my mom,” said Emeli Warren, junior English creative writing major. “I think it would make an amazing cupcake. I’m sure Cake Mamas would )%%'.2&$7'"D/'N)$7')/%'4)A&'$.'&6&/',&..&7?O' The price of the cupcakes is also appealing to their custom­ ers since each cupcake costs $2.50. “I would stand in line for their cupcakes because they taste so good but unlike other places known for their cupcakes, like Sprinkles, you don’t have to walk away broke,” said Gaby Gutierrez, sophomore liberal studies major. The owners show their creative sides through the cake decorations, even if they get some odd requests. They once had a woman ask for a graduation cake for her daughter who likes grilled cheese sandwiches and penguins. “She said, ‘I don’t care what the design looks like, here’s what she likes,’” Janelle said. The idea sounded awful to Janelle, but the cake turned out to be one of the funniest and most popular pastry the two have made. “I think the best thing is just to see anyone’s reaction,” Janelle said. “We’ve had some criers,” added Fabiola with a smile. The business is continuing to grow. What started as an odd dream, has blossomed into a popular business and a unique friendship. “When people make comments like ‘that’s so weird,’ they’re not being ignorant, they just don’t know that you can do it,” Janelle said. “You don’t have to be best friends, but get along for your kids. They didn’t ask for it. Move on with your lives and be the best parents that you can together, not sepa­ rate.” 12&'!)A&'R)4)(')7&'%&</$.&#>'.)A$/8'.2&$7'"D/')%6$-&3' together.



Do the research: Know what your competition !"#$%&'$(')*+,$-'!.-$/'$011,02$/'$0.3$$$4-)+,$')/$ what questions you need to ask. “You have to research the research that you’re researching,” Janelle said.


Use social media: The Cake Mamas use both Facebook and Twitter to advertise their business. “You make someone happy and they want to go on Facebook or Twitter to say something great about you. Then, a hundred of their friends go on and follow you now,” Janelle said.


Give back to the community: Businesses often debut with offers or discounts to attract customers. The Cake Mamas found a need in their community and by showing they cared, the community cared too.


Experiment with new ideas: Keeping your products new and fresh will keep your customers interested, as well as asking for their input. “Since we’ve opened, we’ve tried to play with new 506'+"$,6,+($7'./&#8$"0!3$90:!'20#$%&'$%0./"$ /'$,;1,+!7,./$%!/&$0$:,,+<506'+,3$=)1=0>,?$ “We take suggestions from everybody here and people who come in.” | 14

O#418"S By Lauren Bugg

Called To Serve

Award winner Kathryn Rodrigues shares her dream of serving 2&7'-"+/.7>3'"/'.2&',)..#&<&#%')/%'$/'.2&'2"(*$.)#? For junior applied health major Kathryn Rodrigues, the call to serve her country comes often and early. All of the six a.m. wakeup calls, dedica­ .$"/')/%'(&#N&(('(&76$-&'(&&4&%'D"7.2'.2&'()-7$<-&' for Rodrigues when on October 1, 2010, she was na­ tionally recognized as the recipient of the Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Award Corporation (HENAAC) Cadet Role Model Award. This award is meant to honor Hispanic stu­ dents who excel in the areas of science, engineering, technology and math. The nominees are evalu­ ated by a HENAAC committee accompanied by *7"0&(($"/)#('$/'.2&'<&#%('"0',+($/&((3')-)%&4$-(' )/%'8"6&7/4&/.?'12&$7'J+)#$<-).$"/(')7&',)(&%'"/' scholarship and merit. Rodrigues was nominated by her superiors, )/%'/".$<&%'"/#>')'D&&A',&0"7&'N>$/8'"00'."'H#"7$%)' to receive the award. “I thought it was a joke,” Rodrigues said. “I was like ‘Are you kidding me?’ I guess I was just short changing myself.” Major Mark Goeller, the assistant professor of military science leadership and APU’s Army ROTC cadet leader, has known Rodrigues since she was in high school. “[Rodrigues is] positive, optimistic…and brings up a group. She’s a team player,” Goeller said. “It’s a great recognition of the caliber of our cadets that she can stand out nationwide.” Rodrigues was among six other cadets who were presented with the HENAAC award at a luncheon in front of a reported crowd of 300 people. Representatives from all branches of the military, as well as CEOs from businesses such as AT&T, attended the event. “It was a pretty big deal,” Rodrigues said. ”Ev­ eryone kept coming up to me and saying congratula­ tions. It was also a pretty big deal because I was the

only girl.” Rodrigues also had the privilege of meeting 4)/>'2$8257)/A$/8'4$#$.)7>'"0<-$)#(?'@/&'(+-2' person she got to meet was the man who won Drill Sergeant of the Year. “You have to stand a certain way when you are talking to a drill sergeant, but he said, ‘Oh no, relax, I’m going to be saluting you here pretty soon,’” Rodrigues said. “It was super surreal.” Receiving the HENAAC Award has further moti­ 6).&%')/%')0<74&%'^"%7$8+&(C')#7&)%>'&/.2+($)(.$-' involvement in ROTC. IE.'2)('%&</$.&#>'&/-"+7)8&%'4&'."'%"',&..&7' and set my goals higher in everything,” Rodrigues said. After three years, Rodrigues still eagerly dis­ cusses her involvement in the ROTC program. “It has taught me a lot of stuff about myself and pushed me in ways I’ve never thought I’d ever be challenged,” Rodrigues said. “Being able to get up at 5 in the morning, put on a huge rock backpack and march up Garcia trail. I’ve even repelled down 100­foot tower, and shot M­16s. I never would have been able to do that if I hadn’t done this program.” While at times she doubts her somewhat unconventional college path, Rodrigues considers the achievements and friendships made to be worth )/>'()-7$<-&('(2&'2)('2)%'."'4)A&?' Motivations for joining ROTC can be as di­ verse as the cadets that make up APU’s battalion of soldiers; however, Rodrigues’ particular drive comes from an inner desire to succeed. “I like it because I’ve always liked competing against boys and beating them.” Rodrigues said. “I also like encouraging other girls to do that too. It’s like having a family.” Volunteer work has been an area of interest for Rodrigues. Along with volunteering for Invisible

Children and Multiple Sclerosis aid organizations, Rodrigues has spent time working in a hospital set­ ting. Rodrigues says every time she volunteers, it is an experience. “In the ER, you never know what’s going to come through that door. I love learning and being busy,” Rodrigues said. Rodrigues volunteers four hours per week at the Foothill Presbyterian General hospital where she gets to experience the different sectors of hospital activities. “I’ve done the ER, and right now I’m on labor )/%'%&#$6&7>?'E'S+(.'()D'4>'<7(.'#$6&'%&#$6&7>'.2$(' week. It was insane!” Rodrigues maintains a 3.54 GPA and is fully committed to her future as a Physician’s Assistant. She hopes to maximize her commitment to serving her country during her time in active duty through working in the Medical Corps. IE'%&</$.&#>'D)/.'."'8"'"6&7(&&('D$.2'.2&')74>' and be able to do that because there is a huge short­ age of doctors, so a lot more people are going to start seeing Physicians Assistants,” Rodrigues said. “It’s a little more hands on, and that’s what I like the best, that’s why I like volunteer. You get that contact with people.” Rodrigues is in the middle of what she would 7&8)7%')('.2&'4"(.'%$0<-+#.'>&)7'"0'2&7'^@1!'.7)$/­ ing. When considering the issue of time manage­ ment, Rodrigues is the typical overworked student. “That’s like the hardest thing for me, especially as a science major,” Rodrigues said. “I’ve had a lot of sleepless nights, trying to do homework and then get up early to go do things for ROTC.” Looking back at her time in the program, Rodrigues said ROTC has been the foundation of her experience at APU. 9..&/%$/8'9;='D)('2&7'%7&)43',+.'($/-&'<­ nances were a struggle Rodrigues had to explore her options. Once she heard about ROTC she decided that the program would suit her personality and would be something she would enjoy. Rodrigues’ decision was her own and she 7&4)$/&%'-"/<%&/.'$/'$.3'7&8)7%#&(('"0'.2&'7&)-.$"/(' from those closest to her. By dedicating herself to ("4&.2$/8'(2&',&#$&6&%3'^"%7$8+&('2)('0"+/%'0+#<##­ ment and proved she made the right choice. “When (my parents) saw that I was having fun and that it suited me so well, they came around and were understanding,” Rodrigues said. “They were really proud of me, my mom was crying when I received the award. I was getting calls from all kinds of family members saying congratulations.” When students question Rodrigues about the ROTC program, they always get a positive re­ sponse. She encourages them to join in a Wednesday night workout and see what it’s about. “If I can do it, anyone can do it. It’s not really a physical thing. It’s a mental thing,” Rodrigues said. “If someone doesn’t want to be there, they’re going ."',&'4$(&7),#&?'_"+'4$82.',&'*2>($-)##>'<.3',+.'>"+' won’t be able to endure because you don’t want to do it. I have the heart to do it.” | 16


By Zachariah Weaver

A look at female leadership at APU In the ‘about APU’ page on the school’s website, Mary A. Hill 7&-&$6&('7&-"8/$.$"/'0"7',&$/8'.2&'<7(.'*7&($%&/.'"0'9:+()';)-$<-'=/$­ versity in 1900. Afterward, the achievements of later presidents, starting with Cornelius P. Haggard in 1939, are mentioned, leaving almost forty >&)7('"0'2$(."7>'+/7&-"8/$:&%?'12&'<7(.'0"+7'*7&($%&/.('D2"'#&%'.2&' ,&8$//$/8'%&-)%&'0"7'.2&'<7(.'W$,#&'-"##&8&'"/'.2&'D&(.'-")(.3'D&7&')##' women—Mary Hill, Anna Draper, Bertha P. Dixon, Matilda Atkinson. This was an amazing accomplishment for a woman to do at that time. But what happened throughout those years? Who were these lead­ ers and why are they not mentioned like later presidents are? 9##$("/'@(.&73'.2&'*+,#$-'7&#).$"/('4)/)8&7'$/'.2&'@0<-&'"0'=/$6&7­

RD in Bowles Walkabout Coordinator Assistant Director of Residence Life Associate Director of Residence Life Director of Communiversity Interim Director of Multi Ethnic Programs

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Shino Simons

sity Relations, realizes the importance of including historical information in every aspect. “The APU history page is supposed to provide an ‘at a glance’ overview, covering highlights of the university’s history and giving a little more attention to recent milestones,” Oster said. “Unfortunately, not every aspect of our history can be included, but it certainly isn’t excluded for any other reason than that.” \"'D"4&/'/&&%'."'2)6&'.2&'.)8'"0',&$/8'I.2&'<7(.'D"4)/O')**#$&%').' each breakthrough, or does highlighting this play a role in perpetuating an unequal tradition between genders? Should female success just be a given? Women have experienced progress, but there is still work to be done. Today there are eight women in the President’s Council and thirteen 4&/?'1D"'"0'.2"(&'D"4&/')7&'*)7.'"0')'</)#'%&-$($"/'4)A$/8'.&)4'-)##&%' .2&'@0<-&'"0'.2&';7&($%&/.?'12&7&')7&'(&6&/'4&/'$/'.2).'()4&'"0<-&3'$/­ cluding the current president Jon Wallace and two male vice presidents. On the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences committee, there are two women in chair positions (including the acting chair) and thirteen men. 12&'".2&7'<6&'(-2""#('$/-#+%$/8'W+($/&((')/%'R)/)8&4&/.3'W&2)6$"7)#' Sciences, Theology, Nursing and Music, include nine female and ten male chairs out of nineteen total. Cliff Hamlow, the vice president of University Projects in the Alumni "0<-&3'2)(',&&/').'9;='($/-&'.2&'KL`a(?' I12&7&'$('/".')'#".'"0'$/0"74).$"/'"/'.2&'&)7#>'*7&($%&/.('0"7'.2&'<7(.' forty years but women have always been involved with teaching, ministry, support services and leadership throughout APU’s history,” Hamlow said. Hamlow’s wife, June, was the Associated Student Body president from 1957­58. Female Leadership, Present Day There are documented chapters of this unmentioned history, however, and they come in Ken Otto’s Campus History Series on APU. The narrated photo­documentary gives year­by­year highlights from 1899 to 1939 and on. This historical book can be checked out at the Darling library on west campus and can be purchased at Glendora’s Barnes and Noble. \&)/)';"7.&7<&#%3'(&/$"7'6$-&'*7&($%&/.'0"7';&"*#&')/%'@78)/$:)­ tional Development on the President’s Council, acknowledges there could be more gender diversity within the members who make major decisions for the university. “I think, compared to what I’m aware of in other Christian universi­ .$&(3'D&'2)6&')'#".'"0'D"4&/'7&*7&(&/.&%3O';"7.&7<&#%'()$%?'I!"+#%'.2&7&' be more women represented or a woman in a higher position like a presi­ dent or a vice president? Absolutely.” ;"7.&7<&#%'0&&#(')'/&&%'."'%$6&7($0>'.2&'-+77&/.'($.+).$"/(',&.D&&/' genders. “To make the best decisions for an institution and to have the best *&7(*&-.$6&3'>"+'2)6&'."'2)6&')'%$6&7($<&%'-),$/&.')/%'#&)%&7(2$*'.&)43O'

;"7.&7<&#%'()$%?'I1"'4&3'.2).C('/".'$/'S+(.'8&/­ der, it’s in ethnic diversity as well.” Throughout America, there are more women taking important leadership roles. In baac3'\7?'\7&D'd$#*$/'H)+(.',&-)4&'.2&'<7(.' woman president of Harvard University. A Feb­ ruary 2010 presentation, found online at www., given at the University of Washing­ ton, St. Louis, says it best. The speech, titled IF"4&/'$/'.2&'9-)%&4>]'^&N&-.$"/('"/'W&(.' Practices for Survival and Successes,” was given by President of Syracuse University in New York Nancy Cantor. Can­ tor said women are attaining leadership roles in a gradual process. She said that women are the majority and earn 60 percent of the college degrees awarded each year. She also noted that in the past 20 years, the proportion of female presi­ dents at colleges and universi­ ties has more than doubled. Many times, as exempli­ <&%',>'.2&(&'D"4&/3'(+--&((' is used as a leeway to chang­ ing the system. As it is said in the movie Elizabethtown, “Success, is the only god the entire world worships.” Shino Simons, the as­ sociate dean of students who directs the Women’s Resource Center, realizes the purpose of dealing with women’s issues. “We do focus on women’s issues, but we believe that those issues become everyone else’s,” Simons said. “That’s why we want to make sure it’s a holistic thing. The issues women face impact both genders.” The Women’s Resource Center is not only a place that deals with issues attached to women, but also the issues attached to males. IF&'D)/.'."'4)A&'(+7&'.2&'"0<-&'0&&#(' open for men to come forward as well,” Simons said. “These issues, ranging from domestic violence to celebrating the gifts and talents given by God, are not discriminating to genders.

“I think often times, when women are in leadership, not just at APU but in general, they are an assistant to a male leader or a partner to another leader,” Howe said. “I would love to see female leadership become equal. That’s not to say I don’t want men to be out of leadership roles. I just want to see it become equal.” Brittany Morton, a junior sociology major and Resident Advisor, wants to see an equal 7&*7&(&/.).$"/'D$.2"+.'.2&'/&&%'."'%&</&'.2).' it is a male leader or a female leader, a male pastor or a female pastor. “Whose voice is really being heard when in a group of leaders when the ratio is so unequal?” Morton said. “These are human issues and whether you’re the victim or the victimizer, the issue still affects the entire com­ munity. With an equal rep­ resentation of females in leadership, more holistic views of the campus needs will be met.” Senior sociology major, Brittan Salisbury, wants to see a need for change in the student body itself and not just within the administration. “Women, especially Christian women, often have the idea that when a man is present they need to defer or ‘honor’ his leadership simply because he is a man,” Salisbury said. “In our classrooms and leadership groups I D)/.'."'(&&'.2&'0&4)#&'(.+%&/.',"%>'%&</$/8' themselves as leaders.” These three women all feel a power of male dominance surrounding the student culture; however, some men also evaluate the situation in reverence to the entire community. This includes a community with a majority female population. Jordan Gettinger, a junior psychology ma­ S"73'</%('.2).'&J+)#$.>'$('.2&'+#.$4).&'8")#')/%' that everyone can contribute to the betterment of the school. “Diversity is the lifeblood of change. I’d #$A&'."'(&&')'J+)#$<&%'X9;=Y'D"4)/'*7&($%&/.' in the future because a new perspective would be enriching to the university,” Gettinger said.

“We do focus on women’s issues, but we believe that those issues become everyone else’s issues.”

The Future of Female Leadership Mackenzie Howe, a senior global stud­ ies major, describes her observations about women’s issues from her four years at APU.

A Gendered God Some Christian denominations hold the ,&#$&0'.2).'d"%'$(')'(*&-$<-'8&/%&73'4)#&?'12$('$(' shown by many Christian beliefs, including the Scottish Episcopal Church, prior to this year. In an article titled “God Goes Gender Neutral” on, editor Alex DiBranco wrote about the ‘not so big organization’ that made a claim in September 2010 to call God gender neutral. This adjustment was made after female priests, who became ordained in 1994, asked why they still had to use a patriarchal language $/'.2&$7'(&74"/(?'12&>'4)%&'4"%$<-).$"/(' in response, changing ‘Father, Son and Holy d2"(.C'."'T!7&)."73'^&%&&4&7')/%'[)/-.$<&7?C' They also replaced ‘mankind’ with ‘world.’ Bethany Grigsby, a biblical studies gradu­ ate from APU, would like to see APU one day rework its ideas about God. “I know APU has a strong history of wom­ en in leadership but I still feel like the univer­ sity’s culture views God as a man, and genders God,” Grigsby said. “I think there is a lot of things we can learn about God when we realize that God is bigger than a gender category.” Dealing With The Issues On November 17, 2010, members from an interdisciplinary committee connected to the Women’s Development Committee held an in­ formational with students to discuss the subject of creating a women’s studies minor at APU. If the proposal is approved, students would be able to take courses studying biblical perspectives on women, women’s history and contributions, and theories about women and gender issues. The committee hopes to create a space on campus for students to grapple with gender issues and be encouraged in their leadership and advocacy on behalf of women. There are, however, various leaders on cam­ pus now who embody gender diversity in leader­ ship. Senior journalism major Laura Jane Kenny is the student government association president for the 2010­2011 school year. She feels that seeing women in a higher position helps other women see themselves as able to pursue the same achievement. During Kenny’s years here, there have been no female presidents in APU’s student government. “We’re at a point that women in leadership is still a surprise,” said Kenny with a weight saturating her last word. “If we are still surprised, then we have room to grow.” | 18

THE CANCEROUS CAMPAIGN Is it OK that sex and sacred life issues blur? Kaitlin Schluter

H7&(24)/'</)/-&'4)S"7'\)//>'W&-AD$.2'#"6&(',"",$&(?' But really, he does. It says so on the bracelet he’s worn since this summer. He vows to never take it off, unless it breaks. So, why the passion about this issue? Beckwith laughed, blushing slightly as he exposed the ,#+&')/%'D2$.&',7)-&#&.'07"4'+/%&7'2$('(#&&6&?'P&'N$**&%'"6&7' the plastic to reveal some faded words printed on the back: “Keep A Breast Foundation.” That’s why. The Keep A Breast Foundation is a campaign that uses edgy mottos, like “I Love Boobies,” to promote breast cancer awareness. They’re not the only ones. Other campaigns have sprouted up, jumping on the laugh­out­loud bandwagon with mantras like “Walkers for Knockers,” “Taking Care of Your ‘Girls’” and “Save 2nd Base.” These operations seek to replace the fear of battling breast cancer with a touch of humor. But at what costs? Opponents say the sexy slogans are too risky, devaluing the seriousness of the disease and using sensation to sell. The implications of each message have spurred both positive and negative responses.

For supporters, like Beckwith, it comes down to the intention of the wearer. IF2&/'E'<7(.'()D'$.3'E'D)('#$A&3'TEC4'/".'8"$/8'."'D&)7' it,’” said Beckwith, a recent graduate from Maranatha High School in Pasadena, Calif. “There was one kid at our school who wore it and it wasn’t until one of the teachers asked him about it that he explained it all and it really made sense. I didn’t realize it had the inside of it that says the website and all that stuff.” Beckwith purchased the bracelet to support the cause, shortly after a couple friends had family members get diag­ nosed with breast cancer. He wears it for them and for others battling the life­threatening disease. He still gets odd looks, especially from his grandparents’ friends, but he said people are less hostile once he explains. Starla Anderson, assistant professor in the commu­ nication studies department, isn’t that understanding. Her 11­year­old son approached her last week asking to wear an “I love boobies” bracelet. He’s in middle school. Anderson is not a stranger to the disease. Her sister had breast cancer, undergoing radiation and several reconstruc­ tion surgeries. She even had a double mastectomy where both breasts were removed. Although her son wanted to wear the bracelet for his aunt, he also said everyone at his school wore them. “Our concern was not his heart on the issue. Our con­ cern was that many kids would be looking at his bracelet and they would draw conclusions from what they read as to what kind of boy he is,” Anderson said. “I told him if he wants to (+**"7.',7&)(.'-)/-&73'D&'D$##'</%')'D)>'."'8$6&'2$4'4"/&>' [for] that cause and to support it in a way that won’t under­ mine his witness as a Christian to non­Christians.” 9/%&7("/'D)('/".'),#&'."'</%')/>'*7"%+-.('D$.2"+.'.2&' “I Love Boobies” slogan on their website. She argued that the term “boobies” was derogatory towards women. Her sister frowns upon the slogan too, even though her 19­year­old daughter has the bracelet. “Even though their hearts might be right, they’re still pushing the envelope on the way that they’re communicating it,” Anderson said. REPLACING FEAR WITH FUN Kimmy McAtee, spokesperson for Keep A Breast Foun­ dation, sees pushing the envelope as a good thing. “We wanted to wear something that could cause a conversation,” McAtee said. “Wearing a pink ribbon can get a smile from an older woman, but people barely get to engage in conversation with group peers and all walks of life, male

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and female, young and old.” Keep A Breast Foundation, which caters to a young, hipster audience, typically sells bracelets at concerts or surf and skateboard competitions. They want to reach a demo­ graphic not frequently targeted by other breast cancer campaigns. These include young adults interested in music and art. In order to do so, they had to speak on the same level. “Boobies is a word that anyone uses and you hear it from when you’re a baby,” McAtee said. “We’re not trying to be vulgar. We’re talk­ ing in the people’s own language.” The organization has been around for nearly a decade, but the company came up D$.2'.2&'(#"8)/'<6&'>&)7(')8"3'&6"#6$/8'07"4' a T­shirt design that simply stated “Boobies.” Before that, Keep A Breast Foundation made papier­mâche casts of women’s torsos that were painted by local artists. These works were then exhibited to portray the emotional struggle for breast cancer combatants. The project called Treasured Chest program continues today. Unlike most breast cancer campaigns, Keep A Breast focuses their attention on spreading awareness for environmental causes. They also perform educational programs. This includes a breast pillow instruction that allows the individual to recognize tumors or “lumps.” By October 2001, they plan to launch a com­ munity center for recently diagnosed women. Although some high schools have banned the bracelets, according to McAtee, she encour­ ages people to ask ‘why’ the person wears it. I_"+C7&'4"(.'"0.&/'8"$/8'."'</%')/')4):­ ing story behind the wearer,” McAtee said. Employees at The Village Eatery in Glen­ dora, Calif. have supported one member’s story by wearing “Save the Tatas” T­shirts during Breast Cancer Awareness month in October. Owner Don Nolan does not see a problem with the social campaign, whose products have also received critique from the community. They have supported the cause for the last two years although some customers complain. “We do occasionally get some people that make comments saying they don’t need to see that when they’re eating,” Nolan said. “But for the most part, it’s been pretty positive.” One of the members on his staff has a mother who overcame breast cancer. A portion of the tips received in October went back to the organization. The company currently supports two researchers and offers scholarships to col­ #&8&'(.+%&/.('<82.$/8',7&)(.'-)/-&7? Opponents to Save the Tatas criticize their risky slogans and products. They sell products like “Boob Lube Soothing Body Lotion” and T­ shirts with the message “My Tatas Have Fallen and They Can’t Get Up!” Julia Fiske, founder of Save the Tatas, said they’re just trying to have fun. “There’s not a lot of humor in breast cancer slogans out there so I basically thought

that’s really scary to me when you think about it,” Fiske said. “When I see a gigantic pink rib­ bon, there’s some guilt addressed to it.” Fiske started implementing the “Tatas” terminology in response. She eventually was asked to put the pink ribbon on her products. 9('0"7'.2&$7'8""%(3'.2&'</&'#$/&'"0'0+/'$(' narrow. Although Fiske said the campaign does not market to those under 18­years­old, chil­ dren’s clothing is still sold. A “kids” section is advertised, two tabs over on the website from the “Boob Lube” body lotion webpage. The product encourages women to check their breasts routinely for lumps. The video advertisement, though, has some sexual innu­ endos and suggests women don’t have to exam themselves alone. The commercial shows a man’s hands grabbing some of the lotion while in the shower with a woman. “The goal of that video is to turn the breast check around from being scary and have fun,” said Fiske, adding that her husband’s uncle originally discovered the cancerous tumor on his aunt. Fiske emphasized a need to build healthy habits. She realizes her products are not for everyone, including those not ready to laugh. THE AFFECTED RESPOND For students who have experienced breast -)/-&7'<7(.52)/%3'.2&'*&7-&*.$"/('"0'.2&(&' campaigns vary. Freshman undeclared major Breeanna Rolison was only eight when her mom died from breast cancer. Her mom was diagnosed in 1998 and died two years later. She doesn’t re­ member much about that time, but recalled her mother’s boldness. Even when her hair began to fall out, she refused to wear a hat when go­ ing into stores. When Breeanna’s mom passed away, life became harder. By the time she entered high school, she started to recognize students wearing the “I B"6&'W"",$&(O',7)-&#&.(?'9.'<7(.3'(2&'D)('"0­ fended. “It made me kind of judge the person wearing it,” Rolison said. “Like, OK, that’s how you feel about girls?” Once Rolison understood the message, she appreciated their support although she still perceived the message as inappropriate. She feels the organization needs to make their message clearer and is wary of those wearing the bracelets for the wrong intentions. As for Rolison, she’s not looking to purchase one anytime soon. “If that was a last resort, but I don’t have to,” Rolison said. Senior marketing major Brandon Wood saw a lot of his friends getting the bracelets for those negative reasons. He wears the bracelet instead to support those dealing with all types of cancer. Both Wood and his mother have experienced skin cancer.

“I wear it for a purpose. I don’t wear it just to be funny,” Wood said, although people will mainly approach him for the humor factor. Wood said he has never been confronted by anyone who was offended. People are rather eager to hear his explanation. Junior liberal studies major Megan Bur­ khalter’s little brother also wears the bracelet. Her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009. After chemotherapy and radiation, the cancer disappeared. Since then, her mother has supported a lot of campaigns to spread awareness for breast cancer. She also participates in an online com­ munity called ‘Caring Bridge’ that connects women struggling with the same types of cancer. Burkhalter supports the Save the Tatas campaign with her mother, seeing these types of campaigns as having positive and negative effects. Although she sees some of these as offen­ sive, she feels the cause is still important. “You can’t judge people’s motives for why they’re wearing them because they could know someone who has breast cancer,” Bur­ khalter said. “But it is unfortunate that that can be taken out of context. The best thing, at least, is it is for a good cause. If they’re wearing it, whether it’s for good reasons or not, it’s still promoting awareness.”

C$Ak3QeK$k33g$CH$ BREAST CANCER Breast cancer starts with a malignant (fatal) tumor that grows in the cells of the breast. The cancer cells found in the tumor will spread to tissues and other areas of the body. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer among American women but they’re not the only ones at risk. Men can get breast cancer too, although the odds are 1 in 1,000. According to the American Cancer Society, about 207,090 women and 1,970 men will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer this year. Roughly 54,010 women will be diagnosed this year with carcinoma, a non­invasive form of breast cancer. Also, around 39,840 women and 390 men are predicted to die from breast cancer this year. | 20

ENTIRE WORLD, ONE CROSS Church leaders from around the globe met in Cape Town to work toward global evangelization. By Erica Redmond The third Lausanne Congress brought over 4,000 people from 198 countries together from October 16­25 to discuss God’s mission for the church on a global spectrum. The focus? The whole church relaying the gospel to the world. According to Dean of Haggard School of Theology Scott Daniels, Ph.D., the board organizing the 2010 Lausanne Congress worked hard to have high representation from each nation. Although the setting easily could 2)6&',&&/'<##&%'D$.2'.&/($"/'%+&'."'%$()87&&4&/.(')/%'-"4*)7$("/(3' Lausanne III was a united congregation of evangelists with one goal in mind: Spreading the Word of God. IF2&/'D&',&-"4&'4$(($"/)#'."8&.2&73'D&'</%')'87&).'%&)#'"0' unity,” Daniels said. Junior communication studies major Omari McNeil had the privi­ lege to travel with his parents to Cape Town, South Africa for the third Lausanne Congress. “The powerful part was that you were literally in a room worship­ ing, listening, interacting and talking with people that are from all over the world,” McNeil said. -%N"**%4(%;#2/+%-**%9"/2(#3 The Lausanne Congress began with Rev. Billy Graham, a promi­ nent preacher who began his work in the 1940s. According to the Laus­ anne Congress website, Graham had a passion to “unite all evangelicals in the common task of the total evangelization of the world.” After organizing smaller conferences in the 1960s, Graham saw the need for a larger, more diverse gathering of Christian leaders. In July 1974, about 2,700 participants gathered in Lausanne, Swit­ zerland in order to reframe the Christian mission of evangelization. For 10 days, the attendees discussed, fellowshipped, worshiped and prayed. 1$4&'4)8):$/&'-)##&%'.2&'<7(.'B)+()//&'!"/87&(('I)'0"74$%),#&'0"7+43' possibly the widest­ranging meeting of Christians ever held.” The second Lausanne Congress was held in Manila, Philippines in 1989. There was much division among those present at the congress because of three major issues: Denominational differences, the role of women in the church and the relationship between evangelizing and dealing with social issues. Over the last 21 years, the evangelical church has changed sig­

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/$<-)/.#>3')--"7%$/8'."'\)/$&#(?'90.&7'.2&'(&-"/%'B)+()//&'!"/87&((3' many believed there would never be another gathering due to the tension caused by disagreement. The effect globalization has had on the church is part of the reason why this year’s congress was called to order. “People were looking for that kind of leadership from the church that could be very inclusive and could bring voices together,” said Dr. Andrea McAleenan, APU’s Special Advisor to the President and attendee of the third Lausanne on behalf of APU. “They thought getting the whole world together again would bring energy, clarity, vision and get us all moving in the same direction.” McAleenan and Daniels agreed that much could be taken from this unique gathering of people at a period of time where the church is evalu­ ating how to deal with various social issues. “There isn’t a split between social aspects of the gospel and leading people into a relationship with Christ,” Daniels said. “The congress re­ )##>')0<74&%'.2"(&'.D"'.2$/8('8"'."8&.2&7?'F&'-)/C.'%"'"/&'D$.2"+.'.2&' other.” Daniels also said evangelism and social issues go together like two parts of a scissor. If one is part is used without the other, neither part works. McAleenan appreciated the diverse group present because she believes Americans do not have all the answers. She looks forward to keeping in contact with the leaders she met in South Africa. “To have equal representation from all the regions in the world and trying to talk together was really very valuable,” McAleenan said. “That’s what we want to keep going, keep this very diverse group talk­ ing.” McNeil agreed and valued the opportunity to be with other cultures. “When I was there, I was distinctly different than a lot of different cultures,” McNeil said. “So often, I’m only aware of what my American, black male, middle class college student perspective is and not really understand the broad spectrum of perspective. It doesn’t always have to be our way. You can all learn from these different perspectives.” The Lausanne Congress Today Six main issues were covered at the Lausanne Congress 2010: The challenge of atheism, the impact of hedonism (the pursuit of pleasure), the reality of Islam, the globalized world, the brokenness of our world


and the shifts in global Christianity. “We’re here to evangelize to the world,” Daniels said. “Largely, tension has been lost. It felt like we were able to talk about the role of the church in addressing these social issues as a part of what it means to evangelize the world.” Because of the effect of globalization, there have been some major changes in evangelization. In 1989, globalization looked like the western nations taking the gospel to the rest of the world. According to Daniels, every nation is now taking the gospel everywhere. In some ways, the southern and eastern nations are bringing the good news to the west. Missional communities associate pastor for Rock Harbor Church in Costa Mesa, Calif. Andrew Richards also attended Lausanne. He said the reality is that God’s family is a global family, and globalization helps further our awareness of what is happening around the world. “I would say that if you’ve put your trust and life in Jesus, then you’ve been invited into participating in God’s kingdom – and that’s on a global scale,” Richards said. “What things has God placed on your heart as an issue to address? What do you look at, or hear about, and say, ‘That has to end. That’s unacceptable.” Richards said it is important to be aware of what is going on in the D"7#%3')/%')'87&).'*#)-&'."'</%'.2).'$/0"74).$"/'$('.27"+82'.2&'B)+()//&' movement at There are informational videos on a number of topics including religious freedom, reconciliation, sexu­ ality, unreached people groups, urban mission, world faith, and much more. With this information available, Daniels said the global evangelism <&#%'$('#&6&#$/8'"+.? “I think the generation after me sees the world very differently – the 8#",&'$('7&)##>'N).'$/'("4&'D)>(3O'\)/$&#('()$%?'IF&'7&)##>')7&',&8$//$/8' to think globally as a church, and not just the west reaching other places, but how those places reach back to us.” McNeil also said there is a lot to learn from people from different areas of the world. “We need to really be intentional about learning from people who are distinctly different, and not just to say it’s cool because of how global I am, but really just to understand there is so much broader of a spectrum,” McNeil said. “[The U.S.] just has such a grandiose mindset. We are literally where we dictate what the thought is and that’s where it ends. It’s great and humbling and confusing and scary to know that is not the case at all.” \)/$&#(')/%'^$-2)7%(')87&&%'.2&'B)+()//&'8).2&7$/8'&M&4*#$<&%' God­honoring diversity. “The times of worship were a picture of future reality. It was moving to be surrounded by 4500 people from 197 different nations all worshipping together… to have the world represented and singing to­ gether, that was an impacting experience,” Richards said. Daniels mentioned singing the verse in All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name [check AP style]: “Let every kindred every tribe on this terrestrial ball, to Him all maj­ esty ascribe, and crown Him Lord of all.” “I lost it every time,” Daniels said. “It was just so moving to sing having all those people with you in the room. It was just amazing.” Bringing the World Home In light of Lausanne III, Richards recognized the importance of establishing partnerships and combining resources to continue the movement Jesus started. It is important to build bridges with other countries to further God’s work. “[Rock Harbor] desires to offer the unique resources God has given our

community in a way that can bridge with and join God at work in the countries we have relationships in,” Richards said. This includes America. Daniels mentioned the danger of becoming globally aware, but locally ignorant. According to Daniels, there is often a tendency to know what is going on in the world, but not even know the names of our neighbors. The resolution lies in the mindset of a person. “I think the more missional we are generally, the more missional we become locally. I don’t think we have a choice to choose one or the other. I think the more missionally minded we become, the more ac­ tive we are locally and the more aware we are of the needs around us,” Daniels said. In addition to becoming more missional, McNeil said he thinks the church should be willing to learn from and adapt to new ideas from dif­ ferent cultures and younger generations. “I think our local church has to not only just be serving the role that it is but also being willing to see where change needs to be made,” McNeil said. “I think a lot of times the church is slow to change due to fear of the unknown, so people latch onto other things and kind of adapt with that.” From an APU point of view, McAleenan said we should be trying to connect with our sister schools and local churches. She mentioned learn­ ing the importance of keeping people together and making an effort to do certain things in Christian unity. McAleenan thinks we need to be better about making connections with fellow believers. “That’s one of our weak, weak links in the church: We don’t have &/"+82'*)7./&7(2$*(?'["4&'"0'.2&'907$-)/'#&)%&7('2)('6&7>'%&</$.&'6$&D(' on that that they can be teaching us,” McAleenan said. Over the next months – and even years – McAleenan is going to be trying to reconnect APU with local missions in an effort to bridge the gap between the local and global church. “It’s a matter of us all being much more informed about what’s going on in each of those areas,” McAleenan said. “This is big – if we started doing it right. I think there’s a huge disconnect [between the local and global church].” Richards said he hopes Lausanne does more for the world than gather Christian leaders together to discuss issues. “I hope Lausanne reminds people that it is possible to live in the

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