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Disability reform consultation
A CONSULTATION process is underway to reform and modernise Western Australia’s disability legislation.
reduction to nine doesn’t mean we’d have nine sitting around the table,” he said. “We might say this is what we want, but the minister might say we should have even less. I speak against this.”
Chief executive officer Stuart Devenish said council could volunteer to accept a reduction or the minister could pass legislation which would set the number.
The amendment was lost, eight votes against and three for.
Crs Faries and Italiano then moved the original recommendation, to cut the numbers over two election cycles, and this was carried unanimously.
The recommendation will go to the Local Government Advisory Board and be forwarded to the minister. The minister has the power to set the number of councillors to what he thinks is appropriate.
The engagement process is the first step in the process to identify relevant concerns, solutions and ideas for reform.
A consultation paper has been developed as a general guide to the consultation, including the principles applicable to people with disability; appropriate safeguards for people with disability; the access and inclusion needs of people with disability; and ongoing service provision for specific cohorts.
The consultation is open until June 10 and can be accessed at the WA Government’s website (department-of-communities - have your say).
Feedback can be given online in writing to Department of Communities, Strategy & Partnerships (Office of Disability) Locked Bag 5000 Fremantle WA 6959