1 minute read
Hear ear!
comes a bigger problem when you find out that hubby’s drops are for his ears. Send money!
irony, but showed restraint in not uttering the words which came to mind – send money!
Scientists got together study the effects of alcohol on a person's walk, and the result was staggering.
Irony is an amusingly pressed shirt. ■■■
It's not easy to make a dog from wood bark.
We’ve been sworn to secrecy so no names will be used to describe a woman we heard about this week. Said woman has had eye surgery and has been given drops to put into her eyes. Unfortunately, her husband also has drops and we are reliably informed that, despite her improved vision, the said woman somehow managed to use hubby’s drops. That would be a problem in itself, but it be-
Another local with hearing problems automatically grabbed the phone when it rang early this week, and soon realised she hadn’t put her hearing aids in. Asked the caller to hold while she did so, and then asked the nature of the call. It was an organisation raising funds to support the deaf. She laughed, remarked on the
Visitors dominate
Visitors dominated the golf club’s big Riverside event last weekend, and there’s a good reason for it: they easily out-numbered the local players.
In a healthy sign for the club, more than 75 percent of the 150 or so players were out-of-towners.