International Primary English Workbook 3

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5 Amazing journeys Reading

Student’s Book page 40

Read these ‘Contents’ pages and answer the questions.

A In the beginning

1 Which book is non-fiction? A or B?


2 What can you read about in the

How the World Began


other book?

Thunder and Lightning


The Shepherd Boy


The Wind and the Sun 15

4 What can you read on page 11 of Book A?

Contents 6

Our colourful world






The Sun


Floating and sinking


Machines that move








Our bodies



29 of Book B?

B This is Science Light

3 What can you read about on page

5 In which book and on which

page can you read a story about the Sun?

6 In which book and on which page

can you read facts about the Sun?


Student’s Book pages 41–43

Read The Journey of Humpback Whales again and then complete this life cycle diagram using the sentences in the box. The Life Cycle of Humpback Whales

Whales mate in Antarctica. Pregnant females swim to warmer seas off Tonga. Calves are born. Calves grow quickly. Calves and mothers swim back to Antarctica. Calves and mothers feed on krill. 23

Vocabulary and spelling

Student’s Book page 44

Read the clues, make new words and complete the crossword. 1








Across 1 the plural of ‘mouse’ 4 add the suffix –al to the verb ‘survive’ to get this noun 6 the plural of ‘tooth’ 7 add the suffix –ly to the word ‘rough’ to get this word 8 the plural of ‘knife’

Down 2 another word for baby whales 3 the plural of ‘loaf’ 4 add the suffix –ly to the word ‘sad’ to get this word 5 add the suffix –er to the word ‘warm’ to get this word


Vocabulary and spelling

Student’s Book page 45

Think about the text that you listened to about cuckoos. The words in bold print are from this text. Tick the best meaning for each word.

1 Cuckoos have a crafty breeding strategy. a building a nest b having a sleep c having young chicks (babies)

2 Instead of building their own nest, they use the nests of other birds. These birds are called hosts.

a a bird who looks after its own chicks b a bird who looks after the chicks of other birds c a bird who builds good nests

3 The cuckoos migrate south, across the Mediterranean Sea and the Sahara Desert to countries like Cameroon in Africa. a collect food in another place b fly to another place c sing as they fly


Reading and understanding

Student’s Book pages 48–50

Read the story Captain Scott: Journey to the South Pole again. Then choose the correct words to complete each sentence. Circle the letter of the ending you choose.

1 The dogs were sent back to base camp because …

a they were not used to the freezing weather. b there wasn’t enough food for them.

2 Scott and his men had to spend winter in the base camp because … a it was too dark and cold to walk to the South Pole in winter. b they were waiting for more supplies to be sent to them.

3 Scott and his men were disappointed when they got to the South Pole because …

a Roald Amundsen had got there first. b there was already a British flag there.

4 Scott and his men did not survive because … a they were exhausted and they did not have food or fuel to heat water and keep warm. b they were very tired and they just gave up.

5 Scott planned the trip badly because … a he didn’t arrive at the South Pole first. b he didn’t take enough food for the men or plan for the bad weather.



Student’s Book page 51

Find the verbs in these sentences and underline them. Then write the sentences in the past tense.

1 The whales play in the water with their calves.

2 The cuckoo pushes an egg out of the host nest.

3 The hippo lives in a river in Zambia.

4 Scott arrives at the South Pole after Amundsen.

5 The whales migrate from colder places to warmer places.

6 The humpbacks in the bay yesterday all look the same to me.



Student’s Book page 51

1 Use the information in

these notes and on the map to write two paragraphs about the journeys of green turtles in the Arabian Sea and the north-western Indian Ocean.

Many different turtles live off the coast of Oman: the green turtle, the loggerhead turtle, the hawksbill turtle, the Olive Ridley turtle and the leatherback turtle. All these turtles are endangered, but they are also protected. Rangers watch the turtles. The rangers tag the turtles so that they can follow them as they move. The green turtles migrate to Egypt, Kuwait and Pakistan.


Maldives 28

The journeys of green turtles from the Sultanate of Oman.

2 Now improve your writing. ●● Check

your punctuation. Names and words at the beginning of sentences need capital letters.

●● Check

your spelling. Make sure you have copied words correctly from the notes.

●● Use

commas when you make lists. 29

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